* DigitalOcean introduced Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) support
to match other clouds and enhance the prior "private networking"
feature. Before, droplet's belonging to different clusters (but
residing in the same region) could reach one another (although
Typhoon firewall rules prohibit this). Now, droplets in a VPC
reside in their own network
* https://www.digitalocean.com/docs/networking/vpc/
* Create droplet instances in a VPC per cluster. This matches the
design of Typhoon AWS, Azure, and GCP.
* Require `terraform-provider-digitalocean` v1.16.0+ (action required)
* Output `vpc_id` for use with an attached DigitalOcean
* Build Kubelet container images internally and publish
to Quay and Dockerhub (new) as an alternative in case of
registry outage or breach
* Use our infra to provide single and multi-arch (default)
Kublet images for possible future use
* Docs: Show how to use alternative Kubelet images via
snippets and a systemd dropin (builds on #737)
* Update docs with changes to Kubelet image building
* If you prefer to trust images built by Quay/Dockerhub,
automated image builds are still available with unique
tags (albeit with some limitations):
* Quay automated builds are tagged `build-{short_sha}`
(limit: only amd64)
* Dockerhub automated builts are tagged `build-{tag}`
and `build-master` (limit: only amd64, no shas)
* Kubelet: https://github.com/poseidon/kubelet
* Docs: https://typhoon.psdn.io/topics/security/#container-images
* Registries:
* quay.io/poseidon/kubelet
* docker.io/psdn/kubelet
* Promote DigitalOcean from alpha to beta for Fedora
CoreOS and Flatcar Linux
* Upgrade mkdocs-material and PyPI packages for docs
* Replace docs mentions of Container Linux with Flatcar
Linux and move docs/cl to docs/flatcar-linux
* Deprecate CoreOS Container Linux support. Its still
usable for some time, but start removing docs
* Enable bootstrap token authentication on kube-apiserver
* Generate the bootstrap.kubernetes.io/token Secret that
may be used as a bootstrap token
* Generate a bootstrap kubeconfig (with a bootstrap token)
to be securely distributed to nodes. Each Kubelet will use
the bootstrap kubeconfig to authenticate to kube-apiserver
as `system:bootstrappers` and send a node-unique CSR for
kube-controller-manager to automatically approve to issue
a Kubelet certificate and kubeconfig (expires in 72 hours)
* Add ClusterRoleBinding for bootstrap token subjects
(`system:bootstrappers`) to have the `system:node-bootstrapper`
* Add ClusterRoleBinding for bootstrap token subjects
(`system:bootstrappers`) to have the csr nodeclient ClusterRole
* Add ClusterRoleBinding for bootstrap token subjects
(`system:bootstrappers`) to have the csr selfnodeclient ClusterRole
* Enable NodeRestriction admission controller to limit the
scope of Node or Pod objects a Kubelet can modify to those of
the node itself
* Ability for a Kubelet to delete its Node object is retained
as preemptible nodes or those in auto-scaling instance groups
need to be able to remove themselves on shutdown. This need
continues to have precedence over any risk of a node deleting
itself maliciously
Security notes:
1. Issued Kubelet certificates authenticate as user `system:node:NAME`
and group `system:nodes` and are limited in their authorization
to perform API operations by Node authorization and NodeRestriction
admission. Previously, a Kubelet's authorization was broader. This
is the primary security motivation.
2. The bootstrap kubeconfig credential has the same sensitivity
as the previous generated TLS client-certificate kubeconfig.
It must be distributed securely to nodes. Its compromise still
allows an attacker to obtain a Kubelet kubeconfig
3. Bootstrapping Kubelet kubeconfig's with a limited lifetime offers
a slight security improvement.
* An attacker who obtains the kubeconfig can likely obtain the
bootstrap kubeconfig as well, to obtain the ability to renew
their access
* A compromised bootstrap kubeconfig could plausibly be handled
by replacing the bootstrap token Secret, distributing the token
to new nodes, and expiration. Whereas a compromised TLS-client
certificate kubeconfig can't be revoked (no CRL). However,
replacing a bootstrap token can be impractical in real cluster
environments, so the limited lifetime is mostly a theoretical
* Cluster CSR objects are visible via kubectl which is nice
4. Bootstrapping node-unique Kubelet kubeconfigs means Kubelet
clients have more identity information, which can improve the
utility of audits and future features
Rel: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/kubelet-tls-bootstrapping/
Rel: https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootstrap/pull/185
* Initial support for Flatcar Linux on Azure used the Flatcar
Linux Azure Marketplace images (e.g. `flatcar-stable`) in
* Flatcar Linux Azure Marketplace images have some unresolved
items https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/issues/703
* Until the Marketplace items are resolved, revert to requiring
Flatcar Linux's images be manually uploaded (like GCP and
* No change to Fedora CoreOS modules
* For Container Linx AWS and Azure, change the `os_image` default
from coreos-stable to flatcar-stable
* For Container Linux GCP and DigitalOcean, change `os_image` to
be required since users should upload a Flatcar Linux image and
set the variable
* For Container Linux bare-metal, recommend users change the
`os_channel` to Flatcar Linux. No actual module change.
* Problem: Fedora CoreOS images are manually uploaded to GCP. When a
cluster is created with a stale image, Zincati immediately checks
for the latest stable image, fetches, and reboots. In practice,
this can unfortunately occur exactly during the initial cluster
bootstrap phase.
* Recommended: Upload the latest Fedora CoreOS image regularly
* Mitigation: Allow a failed bootstrap.service run (which won't touch
the done ConditionalPathExists) to be re-run by running `terraforma apply`
again. Add a known issue to CHANGES
* Update docs to show the current Fedora CoreOS stable version to
reduce likelihood users see this issue
Longer term ideas:
* Ideal: Fedora CoreOS publishes a stable channel. Instances will always
boot with the latest image in a channel. The problem disappears since
it works the same way AWS does
* Timer: Consider some timer-based approach to have zincati delay any
system reboots for the first ~30 min of a machine's life. Possibly just
configured on the controller node https://github.com/coreos/zincati/pull/251
* External coordination: For Container Linux, locksmith filled a similar
role and was disabled to allow CLUO to coordinate reboots. By running
atop Kubernetes, it was not possible for the reboot to occur before
cluster bootstrap
* Rely on https://github.com/coreos/zincati/issues/115 to delay the
reboot since bootstrap involves an SSH session
* Use path-based activation of zincati on controllers and set that
path at the end of the bootstrap process
Rel: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/239
* Remove docs for the `asset_dir` variable and deprecate
it in CHANGES. It will be removed in an upcoming release
* Typhoon v1.17.0 introduced a new mechanism for managing
and distributing generated assets that stopped relying on
writing out to disk. `asset_dir` became optional and
defaulted to being unset / off (recommended)
* Kubernetes plans to stop releasing the hyperkube container image
* Upstream will continue to publish `kube-apiserver`, `kube-controller-manager`,
`kube-scheduler`, and `kube-proxy` container images to `k8s.gcr.io`
* Upstream will publish Kubelet only as a binary for distros to package,
either as a DEB/RPM on traditional distros or a container image on
container-optimized operating systems
* Typhoon will package the upstream Kubelet (checksummed) and its
dependencies as a container image for use on CoreOS Container Linux,
Flatcar Linux, and Fedora CoreOS
* Update the Typhoon container image security policy to list
`quay.io/poseidon/kubelet`as an official distributed artifact
Hyperkube: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/88676
Kubelet Container Image: https://github.com/poseidon/kubelet
Kubelet Quay Repo: https://quay.io/repository/poseidon/kubelet
* Stop providing example manifests for the Container Linux
Update Operator (CLUO)
* CLUO requires patches to support Kubernetes v1.16+, but the
project and push access is rather unowned
* CLUO hasn't been in active use in our clusters and won't be
relevant beyond Container Linux. Not to say folks can't patch
it and run it on their own. Examples just aren't provided here
Related: https://github.com/coreos/container-linux-update-operator/pull/197
* Accept `os_image` "flatcar-stable" and "flatcar-beta" to
use Kinvolk's Flatcar Linux images from the Azure Marketplace
Note: Flatcar Linux Azure Marketplace images require terms be
accepted before use
* Add `worker_node_labels` map from node name to a list of initial
node label strings
* Add `worker_node_taints` map from node name to a list of initial
node taint strings
* Unlike cloud platforms, bare-metal node labels and taints
are defined via a map from node name to list of labels/taints.
Bare-metal clusters may have heterogeneous hardware so per node
labels and taints are accepted
* Only worker node names are allowed. Workloads are not scheduled
on controller nodes so altering their labels/taints isn't suitable
module "mercury" {
worker_node_labels = {
"node2" = ["role=special"]
worker_node_taints = {
"node2" = ["role=special:NoSchedule"]
Related: https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/issues/429
* Add support for `terraform-provider-azurerm` v2.0+. Require
`terraform-provider-azurerm` v2.0+ and drop v1.x support since
the Azure provider major release is not backwards compatible
* Use Azure's new Linux VM and Linux VM Scale Set resources
* Change controller's Azure disk caching to None
* Associate subnets (in addition to NICs) with security groups
* If set, change `worker_priority` from `Low` to `Spot` (action required)
* https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/azurerm/guides/2.0-upgrade-guide.html
* Allow users to extend the route table using a data reference
and adding route resources (e.g. unusual peering setups)
* Note: Internally connecting AWS clusters can reduce cross-cloud
flexibility and inhibits blue-green cluster patterns. It is not
* Add docs on manually uploading a Flatcar Linux DigitalOcean
bin image as a custom image and using a data reference
* Set status of Flatcar Linux on DigitalOcean to alpha
* IPv6 is not supported for DigitalOcean custom images
* Add docs on manually uploading a Flatcar Linux GCE/GCP gzipped
tarball image as a Compute Engine image for use with the Typhoon
container-linux module
* Set status of Flatcar Linux on Google Cloud to alpha
* Add Typhoon Fedora CoreOS on Google Cloud as alpha
* Add docs on uploading the Fedora CoreOS GCP gzipped tarball to
Google Cloud storage to create a boot disk image
* Use Fedora CoreOS production download streams (change)
* Use live PXE kernel and initramfs images
* https://getfedora.org/coreos/download/
* Update docs example to use public images (cache is still
recommended at large scale) and stable stream
* Original instructions were to watch install to disk by SSH'ing
via port 2222 following Typhoon v1.10.1. Restore that message,
since the version number in the instruction was incorrectly bumped
on each release
* Typhoon Google Cloud is compatible with `terraform-provider-google`
v3.x releases
* No v3.x specific features are used, so v2.19+ provider versions are
still allowed, to ease migrations
* Update recommended Terraform and provider plugin versions
* Update the rough count of resources created per cluster
since its not been refreshed in a while (will vary based
on cluster options)
* Original tutorials favored including the platform (e.g.
google-cloud) in modules (e.g. google-cloud-yavin). Prefer
naming conventions where each module / cluster has a simple
name (e.g. yavin) since the platform is usually redundant
* Retain the example cluster naming themes per platform
* Change `networking` default from flannel to calico on
Azure and DigitalOcean
* AWS, bare-metal, and Google Cloud continue to default
to Calico (as they have since v1.7.5)
* Typhoon now defaults to using Calico and supporting
NetworkPolicy on all platforms
* Define bare-metal `controllers` and `workers` as a complex type
list(object{name=string, mac=string, domain=string}) to allow
clusters with many machines to be defined more cleanly
* Remove `controller_names` list variable
* Remove `controller_macs` list variable
* Remove `controller_domains` list variable
* Remove `worker_names` list variable
* Remove `worker_macs` list variable
* Remove `worker_domains` list variable
* Detect the most recent Fedora CoreOS AMI to allow usage
of Fedora CoreOS in supported regions (previously just
* Unpin the Fedora CoreOS AMI image which was pinned to
images that had been checked. This does mean if Fedora
publishes a broken image, it will be selected
* Filter out "dev" images which have similar naming
* Review variables available in bare-metal kubernetes modules
for Container Linux and Fedora CoreOS
* Deprecate cluster_domain_suffix variable
* Remove deprecated container_linux_oem variable
* Review variables available in DigitalOcean kubernetes
module and sync with documentation
* Promote Calico for DigitalOcean and Azure beyond experimental
(its the primary mode I've used since it was introduced)
* Review variables available in Azure kubernetes and workers
modules and sync with documentation
* Fix internal workers module default type to Standard_DS1_v2
* Review variables available in AWS kubernetes and workers
modules and documentation
* Switching between spot and on-demand has worked since
Terraform v0.12
* Generally, there are too many knobs. Less useful ones
should be de-emphasized or removed
* Remove `cluster_domain_suffix` documentation
* Document worker pools `node_labels` variable to set the
initial node labels for a homogeneous set of workers
* Document `worker_node_labels` convenience variable to
set the initial node labels for default worker nodes
* Drop `node-role.kubernetes.io/master` and
`node-role.kubernetes.io/node` node labels
* Kubelet (v1.16) now rejects the node labels used
in the kubectl get nodes ROLES output
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/75457
* Rename render module from bootkube to bootstrap. Avoid
confusion with the kubernetes-incubator/bootkube tool since
it is no longer used
* Use the poseidon/terraform-render-bootstrap Terraform module
(formerly poseidon/terraform-render-bootkube)
* https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootkube/pull/149
* Run a kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, and kube-controller-manager
static pod on each controller node. Previously, kube-apiserver was
self-hosted as a DaemonSet across controllers and kube-scheduler
and kube-controller-manager were a Deployment (with 2 or
controller_count many replicas).
* Remove bootkube bootstrap and pivot to self-hosted
* Remove pod-checkpointer manifests (no longer needed)
* Run a kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, and kube-controller-manager
static pod on each controller node. Previously, kube-apiserver was
self-hosted as a DaemonSet across controllers and kube-scheduler
and kube-controller-manager were a Deployment (with 2 or
controller_count many replicas).
* Remove bootkube bootstrap and pivot to self-hosted
* Remove pod-checkpointer manifests (no longer needed)
* Run a kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, and kube-controller-manager
static pod on each controller node. Previously, kube-apiserver was
self-hosted as a DaemonSet across controllers and kube-scheduler
and kube-controller-manager were a Deployment (with 2 or
controller_count many replicas).
* Remove bootkube bootstrap and pivot to self-hosted
* Remove pod-checkpointer manifests (no longer needed)
* Run a kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, and kube-controller-manager
static pod on each controller node. Previously, kube-apiserver was
self-hosted as a DaemonSet across controllers and kube-scheduler
and kube-controller-manager were a Deployment (with 2 or
controller_count many replicas).
* Remove bootkube bootstrap and pivot to self-hosted
* Remove pod-checkpointer manifests (no longer needed)
* Run a kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, and kube-controller-manager
static pod on each controller node. Previously, kube-apiserver was
self-hosted as a DaemonSet across controllers and kube-scheduler
and kube-controller-manager were a Deployment (with 2 or
controller_count many replicas).
* Remove bootkube bootstrap and pivot to self-hosted
* Remove pod-checkpointer manifests (no longer needed)
* Describe kube-apiserver load balancing on each platform
* Describe HTTP/S Ingress load balancing on each platform
* Describe TCP/UDP load balancing apps on each platform
(some clouds don't support UDP)
* Describe firewall customization (e.g. for TCP/UDP apps)
* Update IPv6 status for each platform