Commit Graph

339 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Dalton Hubble 619a0370dc Update Grafana from v6.0.1 to v6.0.2
2019-03-21 23:41:25 -07:00
Dalton Hubble 1feefbe9c6 Update Calico from v3.5.2 to v3.6.0
* Add calico-ipam CRDs and RBAC permissions
* Switch IPAM from host-local to calico-ipam
  * `calico-ipam` subnets `ippools` (defaults to pod CIDR) into
`ipamblocks` (defaults to /26, but set to /24 in Typhoon)
  * `host-local` subnets the pod CIDR based on the node PodCIDR
field (set via kube-controller-manager as /24's)
* Create a custom default IPv4 IPPool to ensure the block size
is kept at /24 to allow 110 pods per node (Kubernetes default)
* Retaining host-local was slightly preferred, but Calico v3.6
is migrating all usage to calico-ipam. The codepath that skipped
calico-ipam for KDD was removed
2019-03-19 22:49:56 -07:00
Dalton Hubble aa630003a4 Refresh Prometheus rules and Grafana dashboards
* Refresh rules and dashboards from upstreams
* Organize dashboards and stay below the ConfigMap size
2019-03-17 13:23:04 -07:00
Dalton Hubble bf97a45b9d Remove heapster manifests from addons
* Heapster addon powers `kubectl top`
* In early Kubernetes, people legitimately used and expected
`kubectl top` to work, so the optional addon was provided
* Today the standards are different. Many better monitoring
tools exist, that are also less coupled to Kubernetes "kubectl
top" reliance on a non-core extensions means its not in-scope
for minimal Kubernetes clusters. No more exceptionalism
* Finally, Heapster isn't that useful anymore. Its manifests
have no need for Typhoon-specific modification
* Look to prior releases if you still wish to apply heapster
2019-03-17 12:41:59 -07:00
Dalton Hubble 3d6a6d4adb Re-add Kubelet metadata service dependency on DigitalOcean
* Restore the original special-casing of DigitalOcean Kubelets
* Fix node metadata InternalIP being set to the IP of the default
gateway on DigitalOcean nodes (regressed in v1.12.3)
* Reverts the "pretty" node names on DigitalOcean (worker-2 vs IP)
* Closes #424 (full details)
2019-03-17 12:39:25 -07:00
Dalton Hubble e0bee2e417 Update Prometheus from v2.7.2 to v2.8.0
2019-03-13 22:11:38 -07:00
Dalton Hubble 9493ed3b1d Change default iPXE kernel/initrd download from HTTP to HTTPS
* Require an iPXE-enabled network boot environment with support for
TLS downloads. PXE clients must chainload to iPXE firmware compiled
with `DOWNLOAD_PROTO_HTTPS` enabled ([crypto](
* iPXE's pre-compiled firmware binaries do _not_ enable HTTPS. Admins
should build iPXE from source with support enabled
* Affects the Container Linux and Flatcar Linux install profiles that
pull from public downloads. No effect when cached_install=true
or using Fedora Atomic, as those download from Matchbox
* Add `download_protocol` variable. Recognizing boot firmware TLS
support is difficult in some environments, set the protocol to "http"
for the old behavior (discouraged)
2019-03-09 23:23:40 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 4201eb1efa Update Grafana from v6.0.0 to v6.0.1
2019-03-09 12:44:18 -08:00
Dalton Hubble fe96da27d7 Add support for terraform-provider-aws v2.0+
* Allow terraform-provider-aws >= v1.13, but < 3.0. No change
to the minimum version, but allow using v2.x.y releases
* Verify compatability with terraform-provider-aws v2.1.0
2019-03-09 12:06:44 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 4d9a692424 Update Prometheus from v2.7.1 to v2.7.2
2019-03-04 23:08:12 -08:00
Dalton Hubble deec512c14 Resolve and zones with CoreDNS kubernetes plugin
* Resolve and DNS PTR requests for Kubernetes
service IPs and pod IPs
* Previously, CoreDNS was configured to resolve PTR
records for service IPs (but not pod IPs)
2019-03-04 23:03:00 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 5066a25d89 Add links and clarifications in CHANGES for release 2019-03-02 11:26:12 -08:00
Dalton Hubble a08adc92b5 Update nginx-ingress from v0.22.0 to v0.23.0
2019-03-01 01:18:54 -08:00
Dalton Hubble f598307998 Update Kubernetes from v1.13.3 to v1.13.4
2019-02-28 22:47:43 -08:00
Dalton Hubble daee5a9d60 Update Grafana from v6.0.0-beta3 to v6.0.0
2019-02-25 21:43:43 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 73ae5d5649 Update Calico from v3.5.1 to v3.5.2
2019-02-25 21:23:13 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 42d7222f3d Add a readiness probe to CoreDNS
2019-02-23 13:25:23 -08:00
Dalton Hubble d10c2b4cb9 Update Grafana from v6.0.0-beta2 to v6.0.0-beta3
* Update Grafana dashboards
2019-02-23 13:03:25 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 7f8572030d Upgrade to support terraform-provider-google v2.0+
* Support terraform-provider-google v1.19.0, v1.19.1, v1.20.0
and v2.0+ (and allow for future 2.x.y releases)
* Require terraform-provider-google v1.19.0 or newer. v1.19.0
introduced `network_interface` fields `network_ip` and `nat_ip`
to deprecate `address` and `assigned_nat_ip`. Those deprecated
fields are removed in terraform-provider-google v2.0
2019-02-20 02:33:32 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 4294bd0292 Assign Pod Priority classes to critical cluster and node components
* Assign pod priorityClassNames to critical cluster and node
components (higher is higher priority) to inform node out-of-resource
eviction order and scheduler preemption and scheduling order
* Priority Admission Controller has been enabled since Typhoon
2019-02-19 22:21:39 -08:00
Dalton Hubble ba4c5de052 Set the Google Cloud minimum CPU platform to Intel Haswell
* Intel Haswell or better is available in every zone around the world
* Neither Kubernetes nor Typhoon have a particular minimum processor
family. However, a few Google Cloud zones still default to Sandy/Ivy
bridge (scheduled to shift April 2019). Price is only based on machine
type so it is beneficial to opt for the next processor family
* Intel Haswell is a suitable minimum since it still allows plenty of
liberty in choosing any region or machine type
* Likely a slight increase to preemption probability in a few zones,
but any lower probability on Sandy/Ivy bridge is due to lower
desirability as they're phased out
2019-02-18 12:55:04 -08:00
Dalton Hubble e483c81ce9 Improve Prometheus rules and alerts and Grafana dashboards
* Collate upstream rules, alerts, and dashboards and tune for use
in Typhoon
* Previously, a well-chosen (but older) set of rules, alerts, and
dashboards were maintained to reflect metric name changes
2019-02-18 12:19:23 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 6fa3b8a13f Upgrade Grafana to v6.0.0-beta2 and enable Explore UI
* Upgrade Grafana from v5.4.3 to v6.0.0-beta2
* Enable Grafana Explore UI while still using only the Viewer
role (inspect/edit without saving)
2019-02-17 13:26:42 -08:00
Dalton Hubble d988822741 Document and recommend terraform-provider-matchbox v0.2.3
2019-02-16 15:07:49 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 170ef74eea Remove Nginx Ingress default backend
* nginx-ingress no longer requires a configured default-backend,
it will respond with its own 404 page starting in v0.21.0
2019-02-16 14:18:15 -08:00
Dalton Hubble b13a651cfe Drop metrics that are unset, high cardinality, or extraneous
2019-02-10 23:56:11 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 9c59f393a5 Add Kubernetes pod name to metrics discovered from service endpoints
* Prometheus queries from some upstreams use joins of node-exporter
and kube-state-metrics metrics by (namespace,pod). Add the Kubernetes
pod name to service endpoint metrics
* Rename the kubernetes_namespace field to namespace
* Honor labels since kube-state-metrics already include a `pod` field
that should not be overridden
2019-02-10 23:54:30 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 3e4b3bfb04 Raise nginx-ingress liveness/readiness timeout
* Under heavy load, avoid timeouts causing nginx-ingress
2019-02-09 12:53:09 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 584088397c Update etcd from v3.3.11 to v3.3.12
2019-02-09 11:54:54 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 0200058e0e Update Calico from v3.5.0 to v3.5.1
* Fix in confd
2019-02-09 11:49:31 -08:00
Dalton Hubble d5537405e1 Add CHANGES note about reducing the pod eviciton timeout 2019-02-02 14:54:18 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 949ce21fb2 Update Prometheus from v2.7.0 to v2.7.1
2019-02-02 00:13:24 -08:00
Dalton Hubble ccd96c37da Update Kubernetes from v1.13.2 to v1.13.3
2019-02-01 23:26:13 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 244a1a601a Switch CoreDNS to use the forward plugin instead of proxy
* Use the forward plugin to forward to upstream resolvers, instead
of the proxy plugin. The forward plugin is reported to be a faster
alternative since it can re-use open sockets
2019-01-30 22:25:23 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 130daeac26 Update Prometheus from v2.6.1 to v2.7.0 2019-01-29 22:31:20 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 1ab06f69d7 Update flannel from v0.10.0 to v0.11.0
2019-01-29 21:51:25 -08:00
Dalton Hubble eb08593eae Fix azure provider warning, rename a public_ip field
* azurerm_public_ip (used internally) added a field `allocation_method`
to replace the field `public_ip_address_allocation` (deprecated)
* Require terraform-provider-azurerm v1.21+
2019-01-27 17:52:35 -08:00
Dalton Hubble e9659a8539 Update Calico from v3.4.0 to v3.5.0
2019-01-27 16:34:30 -08:00
Dalton Hubble f5ff003d0e Update node-exporter from v0.15.2 to v0.17.0
* node-exporter renamed multiple metrics that are reflected
in changes to Prometheus rules and Grafana dashboard expressions
2019-01-22 01:14:00 -08:00
Dalton Hubble d697dd46dc Allow kube-state-metrics PodDisruptionBudget metrics
* Update kube-state-metrics ClusterRole to allow collecting
poddisruptionbudget metrics (exported as kube_poddisruptionbudget_*)
* Bump addon-resizer from v1.7 to v1.8.4
2019-01-22 01:12:32 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 2f3097ebea Update nginx-ingress from v0.21.0 to v0.22.0
2019-01-16 23:01:22 -08:00
Dalton Hubble f4d3508578 Update CoreDNS from v1.3.0 to v1.3.1
2019-01-15 22:50:25 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 67fb9602e7 Update Prometheus from v2.6.0 to v2.6.1
2019-01-15 21:13:40 -08:00
Dalton Hubble c8a85fabe1 Update Grafana from v5.4.2 to v5.4.3
2019-01-15 21:13:16 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 7eafa59d8f Fix instance shutdown automatic worker deletion on clouds
* Fix a regression caused by lowering the Kubelet TLS client
certificate to system:nodes group (#100) since dropping
cluster-admin dropped the Kubelet's ability to delete nodes.
* On clouds where workers can scale down (manual terraform apply,
AWS spot termination, Azure low priority deletion), worker shutdown
runs the delete-node.service to remove a node to prevent NotReady
nodes from accumulating
* Allow Kubelets to delete cluster nodes via system:nodes group. Kubelets
acting with system:node and kubelet-delete ClusterRoles is still an
improvement over acting as cluster-admin
2019-01-14 23:27:48 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 679079b242 Add AWS ingress_zone_id output with NLB DNS name's Route53 zone id
* DNS zones served by AWS Route53 may use AWS's special alias records
(other DNS providers would use a CNAME) to resolve the ingress NLB.
Alias records require the NLB DNS name's DNS zone id (not the cluster
2019-01-13 16:45:52 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 1d27dc6528 Update kube-state-metrics exporter from v1.4.0 to v1.5.0
2019-01-12 14:24:57 -08:00
Dalton Hubble b74cc8afd2 Update etcd from v3.3.10 to v3.3.11
2019-01-12 14:17:25 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 1d66ad33f7 Change AWS worker modules' default type from t2.small to t3.small
* Worker instance types weren't updated in #365
2019-01-12 00:07:48 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 4d32b79c6f Update Kubernetes from v1.13.1 to v1.13.2
2019-01-12 00:00:53 -08:00
Dalton Hubble df4c0ba05d Use HTTPS liveness probes for kube-scheduler and kube-controller-manager
* Disable kube-scheduler and kube-controller-manager HTTP ports
2019-01-09 20:56:50 -08:00
Dalton Hubble bfe0c74793 Enable the API to issue cluster certificates
* System components that require certificates signed by the cluster
CA can submit a CSR to the apiserver, have an administrator inspect
and approve it, and be issued a certificate
* Configure kube-controller-manager to sign Approved CSR's using the
cluster CA private key
* Admins are responsible for approving or denying CSRs, otherwise,
no certificate is issued. Read the Kubernetes docs carefully and
verify the entity making the request and the authorization level
2019-01-06 17:33:37 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 6795a753ea Update CoreDNS from v1.2.6 to v1.3.0
2019-01-05 13:35:03 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 812a1adb49 Use a lower-privilege Kubelet kubeconfig in system:nodes
* Kubelets can use a lower-privilege TLS client certificate with
Org system:nodes and a binding to the system:node ClusterRole
* Admin kubeconfig's continue to belong to Org system:masters to
provide cluster-admin (available in assets/auth/kubeconfig or as
a Terraform output kubeconfig-admin)
* Remove bare-metal output variable kubeconfig
2019-01-05 13:08:56 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 66e1365cc4 Add ServiceAccounts for kube-apiserver and kube-scheduler
* Add ServiceAccounts and ClusterRoleBindings for kube-apiserver
and kube-scheduler
* Remove the ClusterRoleBinding for the kube-system default ServiceAccount
* Rename the CA certificate CommonName for consistency with upstream
2019-01-01 20:16:14 -08:00
Dalton Hubble ea8b0d1c84 Update Prometheus addon from v2.5.0 to v2.6.0
2018-12-27 07:35:12 -08:00
Dalton Hubble f2f4deb8bb Change AWS default type from t2.small to t3.small
* T3 is the next generation general purpose burstable
instance type. Compared with t2.small, the t3.small is
cheaper, has 2 vCPU (instead of 1) and provides 5 Gbps
of pod-to-pod bandwidth (instead of 1 Gbps)
2018-12-18 12:38:35 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 4d2f33aee6 Update changelog for v1.13.1 release 2018-12-17 14:28:27 -08:00
Dalton Hubble d42f47c49e Update terraform-provider-ct plugin from v0.2.1 to v0.3.0
* Provide migration instructions for upgrading terraform-provider-ct
in-place for v1.12.2+ clusters
* Require switching from ~/.terraformrc to the Terraform third-party
plugins directory ~/.terraform.d/plugins/
* Require Container Linux 1688.5.3 or newer
2018-12-17 14:13:50 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 479d498024 Update Calico from v3.3.2 to v3.4.0
2018-12-15 18:05:16 -08:00
Dalton Hubble e0c032be94 Increase GCP TCP proxy apiserver backend timeout to 5 minutes
* On GCP, kubectl port-forward connections to pods are closed
after a timeout (unlike AWS NLB's or Azure load balancers)
* Increase the GCP apiserver backend service timeout from 1 minute
to 5 minutes to be more similar to AWS/Azure LB behavior
2018-12-15 17:34:18 -08:00
Dalton Hubble b74bf11772 Update Grafana from v5.4.0 to v5.4.2
2018-12-15 12:39:03 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 018c5edc25 Update Kubernetes from v1.13.0 to v1.13.1
2018-12-15 11:44:57 -08:00
Dalton Hubble ff6ab571f3 Update Calico from v3.3.1 to v3.3.2
2018-12-06 22:56:55 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 991fb44c37 Update Grafana from v5.3.4 to v5.4.0
2018-12-06 01:33:50 -08:00
Dalton Hubble d31f444fcd Update Kubernetes from v1.12.3 to v1.13.0 2018-12-03 20:44:32 -08:00
Dalton Hubble b6016d0a26 Disable Grafana login form, admin user can't be disabled
* Example manifests aim to provide a read-only dashboard visible
to any users with network access (i.e. kubectl port-forward, LAN)
* Problem: Grafana always has an admin user, even with the user
management system disabled
* Disable the login form to prevent admin login
2018-11-28 22:04:08 -08:00
Dalton Hubble eec314b52f Update CHANGES changelog for release 2018-11-28 09:23:13 -08:00
yokhahn bcce02a9ce Add Kubelet /etc/iscsi and iscsiadm mounts on bare-metal
* Allow using iSCSI with Container Linux bare-metal clusters
* Warning, iSCSI isn't part of Kubernetes conformance and isn't
regularly evaluated
2018-11-28 00:28:46 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 42c523e6a2 Recommend switch from ~/.terraformrc to 3rd-party plugin dir
* Switch tutorials from using ~/.terraformrc to using the 3rd-party
plugin directory so 3rd-party plugins can be pinned
* Continue to show using terraform-provider-ct v0.2.2. Updating to
a newer version is only safe once all managed clusters are v1.12.2
or higher
2018-11-28 00:03:15 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 872b11b948 Update ngninx-ingress from v0.20.0 to v0.21.0
2018-11-26 21:57:34 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 5b27d8d889 Update Kubernetes from v1.12.2 to v1.12.3
2018-11-26 21:06:09 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 840b73f9ba Update pod-checkpointer image to query Kubelet secure API
* Updates pod-checkpointer to prefer the Kubelet secure
API (before falling back to the Kubelet read-only API that
is disabled on Typhoon clusters since
* Previously, pod-checkpointer checkpointed an initial set
of pods during bootstrapping so recovery from power cycling
clusters was unaffected, but logs were noisy
2018-11-26 20:24:32 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 915af3c6cc Fix Calico Felix reporting usage data, require opt-in
* Calico Felix has been reporting anonymous usage data about the
version and cluster size, which violates Typhoon's privacy policy
where analytics should be opt-in only
* Add a variable enable_reporting (default: false) to allow opting
in to reporting usage data to Calico (or future components)
2018-11-20 01:03:00 -08:00
Dalton Hubble c6586b69fd Use eviction policy Delete for Low priority VMSS workers
* Fix issue where Azure defaults to Deallocate eviction policy,
which required manually restarting deallocated workers
* Require terraform-provider-azurerm v1.19+ to support setting
the eviction_policy
2018-11-18 21:04:50 -08:00
Dalton Hubble ea3fc6d2a7 Update CoreDNS from v1.2.4 to v1.2.6
2018-11-18 16:45:53 -08:00
Dalton Hubble c8c43f3991 Update Grafana from v5.3.2 to v5.3.4
2018-11-18 16:42:50 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 7f8e781ae4 Measure DigitalOcean network performance
* Measuring pod-to-pod bandwidth in a few regions (NYC3, FRA1,
SFO1) shows DigitalOcean has made some improvements
2018-11-11 21:08:10 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 56e9a82984 Add flannel resource request and mount only /run/flannel 2018-11-11 20:35:21 -08:00
Dalton Hubble e95b856a22 Enable CoreDNS loop and loadbalance plugins
* loop sends an initial query to detect infinite forwarding
loops in configured upstream DNS servers and fast exit with
an error (its a fatal misconfiguration on the network that
will otherwise cause resolvers to consume memory/CPU until
crashing, masking the problem)
* loadbalance randomizes the ordering of A, AAAA, and MX records
in responses to provide round-robin load balancing (as usual,
clients may still cache responses though)
2018-11-10 17:36:56 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 31f48a81a8 Update docs to show flannel DaemonSet instead of kube-flannel
* No functional change, the rename is just for consistency
2018-11-10 15:16:06 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 2b3f61d1bb Update Calico from v3.3.0 to v3.3.1
* Structure Calico and flannel manifests
* Rename kube-flannel mentions to just flannel
2018-11-10 13:37:12 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 8fd2978c31 Update bootkube image version from v0.13.0 to v0.14.0
2018-11-06 23:35:11 -08:00
Dalton Hubble be9f7b87d6 Update Prometheus from v2.4.3 to v2.5.0
2018-11-06 22:16:12 -08:00
Dalton Hubble 721c847943 Set kube-apiserver kubelet preferred address types
* Prefer InternalIP and ExternalIP over the node's hostname,
to match upstream behavior and kubeadm
* Previously, hostname-override was used to set node names
to internal IP's to work around some cloud providers not
resolving hostnames for instances (e.g. DO droplets)
2018-11-03 22:31:55 -07:00
Dalton Hubble 884c8b39dc Update Grafana from v5.3.1 to v5.3.2
2018-10-28 19:44:22 -07:00
Dalton Hubble 0e71f7e565 Ignore controller user_data changes to allow plugin updates
* Updating the `terraform-provider-ct` plugin is known to produce
a `user_data` diff in all pre-existing clusters. Applying the
diff to pre-existing cluster destroys controller nodes
* Ignore changes to controller `user_data`. Once all managed
clusters use a release containing this change, it is possible
to update the `terraform-provider-ct` plugin (worker `user_data`
will still be modified)
* Changing the module `ref` for an existing cluster and
re-applying is still NOT supported (although this PR
would protect controllers from being destroyed)
2018-10-28 16:48:12 -07:00
Dalton Hubble 5be5b261e2 Add an IPv6 address and forwarding rules on Google Cloud
* Allowing serving IPv6 applications via Kubernetes Ingress
on Typhoon Google Cloud clusters
* Add `ingress_static_ipv6` output variable for use in AAAA
DNS records
2018-10-28 14:30:58 -07:00
Dalton Hubble f034ef90ae Add DigitalOcean AAAA DNS records resolving to workers
* Improve the workers "round-robin" DNS FQDN that is created
with each cluster by adding AAAA records
* CNAME's resolving to the DigitalOcean `workers_dns` output
can be followed to find a droplet's IPv4 or IPv6 address
* The CNI portmap plugin doesn't support IPv6. Hosting IPv6
apps is possible, but requires editing the nginx-ingress
addon with `hostNetwork: true`
2018-10-27 23:09:24 -07:00
Dalton Hubble 3bba1ba0dc Use new azurerm_network_interface_backend_address_pool_association
* Require terraform-provider-azurerm v1.17+
* Inline load_balancer_backend_address_pools_ids is deprecated
and scheduled for removal in the v2.0 provider
2018-10-27 22:55:05 -07:00
Dalton Hubble dbe7604b67 Add primary field to ip_configuration required by Azure
* Required by terraform-provider-azurerm v1.17+
2018-10-27 16:44:44 -07:00
Dalton Hubble f1da0731d8 Update Kubernetes from v1.12.1 to v1.12.2
* Update CoreDNS from v1.2.2 to v1.2.4
2018-10-27 15:47:57 -07:00
Dalton Hubble d641a058fe Update Calico from v3.2.3 to v3.3.0
2018-10-23 20:30:30 -07:00
Dalton Hubble 99a6d5478b Disable Kubelet read-only port 10255
* We can finally disable the Kubelet read-only port 10255!
* Journey:
2018-10-18 21:14:14 -07:00
Dalton Hubble bc750aec33 Configure Heapster to source metrics from Kubelet authenticated API
* Heapster can now get nodes (i.e. kubelets) from the apiserver and
source metrics from the Kubelet authenticated API (10250) instead of
the Kubelet HTTP read-only API (10255)
* Use the heapster service account token via Kubelet bearer token
* Permit Heapster to skip CA verification. The CA cert does not contain
IP SANs and cannot since nodes get random IPs that aren't known upfront.
Heapster obtains the node list from the apiserver, so the risk of
spoofing a node is limited. For the same reason, Prometheus scrapes
must skip CA verification for scraping Kubelet's provided by the apiserver.
* Create a heapster ClusterRole to work around the default Kubernetes
`system:heapster` ClusterRole lacking the proper GET `nodes/stats`
access. See
2018-10-18 21:03:01 -07:00
Dalton Hubble d55bfd5589 Fix CoreDNS AntiAffinity spec to prefer spreading replicas
* Pods were still being scheduled at random due to a typo
2018-10-17 22:19:57 -07:00
Robert Fairburn 0be4673e44 Add disk_iops variable for AWS
* Setting disk_iops is required for disk_type io1
2018-10-17 22:18:54 -07:00
Dalton Hubble 3b44972d78 Add links to header to CHANGES 2018-10-17 09:08:58 -07:00
Dalton Hubble 0127ee82c1 Update nginx-ingress from v0.19.0 to v0.20.0 2018-10-16 21:35:29 -07:00
Dalton Hubble a10d6977b8 Update Prometheus from v2.4.2 to v2.4.3
2018-10-16 21:29:41 -07:00