Commit Graph

106 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
f4a7366aad feat(storage): rpc driver client pooling and memory-constrained cache

2023-11-29 11:10:29 +01:00
02c74b6f8d feat(client): add loader for apps menu 2023.10.25-stable.1927.02c74b6 2023-10-25 21:27:41 +02:00
8889694125 feat(cli): add basic bundle info command 2023.10.24-stable.2052.8889694 2023-10-24 22:52:51 +02:00
6a99409a15 feat(blobstore): add cache driver 2023-10-24 22:52:33 +02:00
2fc590d708 feat(storage): retry sqlite failed transaction when database is busy 2023.10.22-stable.2118.2fc590d 2023-10-22 23:18:02 +02:00
6e4bf2f025 feat(storage): remap rpc errors 2023.10.22-stable.2104.6e4bf2f 2023-10-22 23:04:56 +02:00
22a3326be9 feat(lifecycle): execute onInit func asynchronously 2023.10.22-stable.847.22a3326 2023-10-22 10:47:44 +02:00
0cfb132b65 feat(lifecycle-module): add debug message for onInit() execution 2023.10.21-stable.1946.0cfb132 2023-10-21 21:46:51 +02:00
de4ab0d02c fix(bus): prevent double close in event dispatcher 2023.10.21-stable.1938.de4ab0d 2023-10-21 21:38:34 +02:00
d1458bab4a ci: use go 1.21.2 2023.10.20-stable.901.d1458ba 2023-10-20 11:01:32 +02:00
a5c67c29d0 feat(bundle): add zim format support 2023-10-19 22:20:52 +02:00
1544212ab5 feat: capture logged exceptions and integrate storage-server with sentry 2023-10-19 21:47:09 +02:00
efb8ba8b99 feat(app): pass context to start process 2023-10-19 20:05:59 +02:00
4d064de164 feat(filter): add basic json parsing test case 2023.10.11-stable.943.4d064de 2023-10-11 11:43:17 +02:00
8a5a1cd482 chore: watch .env file in dev mode 2023.10.3-stable.1725.8a5a1cd 2023-10-03 11:25:14 -06:00
3fd25988cf feat(storage-server): fix typo in openrc init script 2023-10-03 11:24:59 -06:00
ebe3e77879 feat(storage-server): remove /var/log/storage-server directory for apk packager 2023-10-03 11:24:35 -06:00
3078ea7d21 feat(storage-server): add check-token command 2023-10-03 11:24:03 -06:00
4c6e979bb6 fix(ci): inject current branch name in release tasks 2023.10.3-stable.325.4c6e979 2023-10-02 21:25:36 -06:00
0fded0170a feat(storage-server): fix service 2023.10.3-head.256.0fded01 2023-10-02 20:56:53 -06:00
6ddd831025 fix(ci): update sdk test app version correctly 2023.10.2-head.2211.6ddd831 2023-10-02 16:11:46 -06:00
4fe68e335a fix(ci): add missing task dependency 2023-10-02 15:18:23 -06:00
599ff749d3 Merge pull request 'feat(storage): rpc based implementation' () from rpc-store into master
2023-10-02 23:14:21 +02:00
9f89c89fb9 feat(storage-server): add packaging services 2023-10-02 15:05:18 -06:00
d2472623f2 feat(storage-server): jwt based authentication 2023-10-01 19:56:38 -06:00
c63af872ea feat: goreleaser packaging 2023.9.28-rpcstore.2226.c63af87 2023-09-28 14:26:46 -06:00
8e574c299b feat(storage): rpc based implementation 2023.9.28-rpcstore.2036.8e574c2 2023-09-28 12:36:30 -06:00
c3535a4a9b feat(http): allow passing middlewares via options v2023.9.20-c3535a4 2023-09-20 09:23:53 -06:00
7e58551f6a docs(context): remove reference to obsolete attribute v2023.9.20-7e58551 2023-09-20 09:02:27 -06:00
41d5db6321 docs(auth): add informations about anonymous users
2023-09-20 09:01:36 -06:00
8eb441daee feat(auth): automatically generate anonymous user session
2023-09-20 08:55:49 -06:00
17808d14c9 fix: prevent bus congestion by flushing out messages v2023.4.26-17808d1 2023-04-26 15:53:23 +02:00
ba9ae6e391 fix(app): use event loop runtime for every operations v2023.4.24-ba9ae6e 2023-04-24 12:16:30 +02:00
abc60b9ae3 fix(module,app): use whole remote address if splitting fail v2023.4.21-abc60b9 2023-04-21 20:01:43 +02:00
f99b1ac6ac feat(module,share): cross-app resource sharing module v2023.4.21-f99b1ac 2023-04-21 12:40:09 +02:00
1606ff5937 chore: use go 1.20.2 v2023.4.20-1606ff5 2023-04-20 19:27:05 +02:00
90020d6ea6 feat(module,cast): enhance casting device discovery speed 2023-04-20 19:20:52 +02:00
7b6e39088d feat(cli,run): use as default host value if empty v2023.4.20-7b6e390 2023-04-20 14:17:03 +02:00
9944a37670 chore: cache modd tool v2023.4.20-9944a37 2023-04-20 13:57:46 +02:00
78307b6850 feat(cli,app): filter out ipv6 adresses for url resolving 2023-04-20 13:57:46 +02:00
2543386e5c Mise à jour de 'doc/apps/client-api/' v2023.4.20-2543386 2023-04-20 13:14:12 +02:00
20c4189599 feat(sdk,client): minify generated script v2023.4.20-20c4189 2023-04-20 10:41:03 +02:00
c7b639b643 feat(cli,app): compress http responses v2023.4.20-c7b639b 2023-04-20 10:36:20 +02:00
b5b4042cc7 feat(sdk,client): add menu to help navigation between apps v2023.4.20-b5b4042 2023-04-20 10:17:37 +02:00
9e3fc427bb feat(sdk,client): target es2015 for old chromecast compatibility v2023.4.14-9e3fc42 2023-04-14 16:24:34 +02:00
d0b57ab15f fix(client,sdk): accept empty token from parent frame v2023.4.13-d0b57ab 2023-04-13 13:41:35 +02:00
dc93c585eb fix(sdk,client): add listener to current frame window v2023.4.13-dc93c58 2023-04-13 12:07:52 +02:00
de330c0042 fix(sdk,client): use origin as postmessage target v2023.4.13-de330c0 2023-04-13 11:35:31 +02:00
310dac296f feat(storage,sqlite): begin tx with context v2023.4.13-310dac2 2023-04-13 11:23:34 +02:00
4db7576b12 feat(client,sdk): retrieve auth token from parent frame + better resize detection v2023.4.13-4db7576 2023-04-13 11:02:24 +02:00