separate baseoption and option
This commit is contained in:
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ class SubConfig(object):
if isinstance(child, OptionDescription) or isinstance(child, SynDynOptionDescription):
raise TypeError(_("can't assign to an OptionDescription")) # pragma: optional cover
elif isinstance(child, SymLinkOption) and \
elif child._is_symlinkoption() and \
not isinstance(child, DynSymLinkOption): # pragma: no dynoptiondescription cover
path = context.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ class SubConfig(object):
elif isinstance(option, SymLinkOption): # pragma: no dynoptiondescription cover
elif option._is_symlinkoption(): # pragma: no dynoptiondescription cover
path = context.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(
cfg = context.getattr(path, validate=validate,
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
from .masterslave import MasterSlaves
from .optiondescription import OptionDescription, DynOptionDescription, \
from .baseoption import Option, SymLinkOption, DynSymLinkOption, submulti
from .baseoption import SymLinkOption, DynSymLinkOption, submulti
from .option import Option
from .choiceoption import ChoiceOption
from .booloption import BoolOption
from .intoption import IntOption
@ -20,14 +20,11 @@
# ____________________________________________________________
import re
from types import FunctionType
import warnings
import sys
from ..i18n import _
from ..setting import log, undefined, debug
from ..autolib import carry_out_calculation
from ..error import (ConfigError, ValueWarning, PropertiesOptionError,
from ..setting import undefined
from ..error import ConfigError
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # pragma: no cover
from inspect import signature
@ -36,16 +33,12 @@ else:
STATIC_TUPLE = tuple()
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # pragma: no cover
xrange = range
submulti = 2
NAME_REGEXP = re.compile(r'^[a-z][a-zA-Z\d_]*$')
FORBIDDEN_NAMES = frozenset(['iter_all', 'iter_group', 'find', 'find_first',
'make_dict', 'unwrap_from_path', 'read_only',
'read_write', 'getowner', 'set_contexts'])
ALLOWED_CONST_LIST = ['_cons_not_equal']
def valid_name(name):
@ -64,10 +57,11 @@ def validate_callback(callback, callback_params, type_, callbackoption):
def _validate_option(option):
#validate option
if isinstance(option, SymLinkOption):
cur_opt = option._impl_getopt()
elif isinstance(option, Option):
cur_opt = option
if hasattr(option, '_is_symlinkoption'):
if option._is_symlinkoption():
cur_opt = option._impl_getopt()
cur_opt = option
raise ValueError(_('{}_params must have an option'
' not a {} for first argument'
@ -205,7 +199,7 @@ class Base(object):
return validator_params
def _set_has_dependency(self):
if not isinstance(self, SymLinkOption):
if not self._is_symlinkoption():
self._has_dependency = True
def impl_has_dependency(self):
@ -399,633 +393,14 @@ class BaseOption(Base):
def _is_symlinkoption(self):
return False
class OnlyOption(BaseOption):
__slots__ = tuple()
class Option(OnlyOption):
Abstract base class for configuration option's.
Reminder: an Option object is **not** a container for the value.
__slots__ = ('_extra',
_empty = ''
def __init__(self, name, doc, default=None, default_multi=None,
requires=None, multi=False, unique=undefined, callback=None,
callback_params=None, validator=None, validator_params=None,
properties=None, warnings_only=False, extra=None,
_setattr = object.__setattr__
if not multi and default_multi is not None:
raise ValueError(_("default_multi is set whereas multi is False"
" in option: {0}").format(name))
if multi is True:
is_multi = True
_multi = 0
elif multi is False:
is_multi = False
_multi = 1
elif multi is submulti:
is_multi = True
_multi = submulti
raise ValueError(_('invalid multi value'))
if _multi != 1:
_setattr(self, '_multi', _multi)
if multi is not False and default is None:
default = []
if validator is not None:
if multi: # and validator_params is None:
validator_params = self._build_validator_params(validator, validator_params)
validate_callback(validator, validator_params, 'validator', self)
if validator_params is None:
val_call = (validator,)
val_call = (validator, validator_params)
self._val_call = (val_call, None)
if extra is not None:
_setattr(self, '_extra', extra)
if unique != undefined and not isinstance(unique, bool):
raise ValueError(_('unique must be a boolean'))
if not is_multi and unique is True:
raise ValueError(_('unique must be set only with multi value'))
if warnings_only is True:
_setattr(self, '_warnings_only', warnings_only)
if allow_empty_list is not undefined:
_setattr(self, '_allow_empty_list', allow_empty_list)
super(Option, self).__init__(name, doc, requires=requires,
properties=properties, is_multi=is_multi)
if is_multi and default_multi is not None:
err = self._validate(default_multi)
if err:
raise ValueError(_("invalid default_multi value {0} "
"for option {1}: {2}").format(
self.impl_getname(), str(err)))
_setattr(self, '_default_multi', default_multi)
if unique is not undefined:
_setattr(self, '_unique', unique)
err = self.impl_validate(default, is_multi=is_multi)
if err:
raise err
if (is_multi and default != []) or \
(not is_multi and default is not None):
if is_multi:
default = tuple(default)
_setattr(self, '_default', default)
self.impl_set_callback(callback, callback_params, _init=True)
def impl_is_multi(self):
return getattr(self, '_multi', 1) != 1
def _add_dependencies(self, option):
options = set(getattr(self, '_dependencies', tuple()))
self._dependencies = tuple(options)
def _launch_consistency(self, current_opt, func, option, value, context,
index, submulti_index, opts, warnings_only,
"""Launch consistency now
:param func: function name, this name should start with _cons_
:type func: `str`
:param option: option that value is changing
:type option: `tiramisu.option.Option`
:param value: new value of this option
:param context: Config's context, if None, check default value instead
:type context: `tiramisu.config.Config`
:param index: only for multi option, consistency should be launch for
specified index
:type index: `int`
:param opts: all options concerne by this consistency
:type opts: `list` of `tiramisu.option.Option`
:param warnings_only: specific raise error for warning
:type warnings_only: `boolean`
:param transitive: propertyerror is transitive
:type transitive: `boolean`
if context is not undefined:
descr = context.cfgimpl_get_description()
all_cons_vals = []
all_cons_opts = []
val_consistencies = True
for opt in opts:
if (isinstance(opt, DynSymLinkOption) and option._dyn == opt._dyn) or \
option == opt:
# option is current option
# we have already value, so use it
#if context, calculate value, otherwise get default value
path = None
is_multi = opt.impl_is_multi() and not opt.impl_is_master_slaves()
if context is not undefined:
if isinstance(opt, DynSymLinkOption):
path = opt.impl_getpath(context)
path = descr.impl_get_path_by_opt(opt)
if is_multi:
_index = None
_index = index
opt_value = context.getattr(path, validate=False,
if isinstance(opt_value, Exception):
if isinstance(opt_value, PropertiesOptionError):
if debug: # pragma: no cover
log.debug('propertyerror in _launch_consistency: {0}'.format(opt_value))
if transitive:
return opt_value
opt_value = None
else: # pragma: no cover
return opt_value
elif index is None:
opt_value = opt.impl_getdefault()
opt_value = opt.impl_getdefault()[index]
if self.impl_is_multi() and index is None:
# only check propertyerror for master/slaves is transitive
val_consistencies = False
if is_multi and isinstance(opt_value, list):
for len_ in xrange(len(opt_value)):
if val_consistencies:
err = getattr(self, func)(current_opt, all_cons_opts, all_cons_vals, warnings_only)
if err:
if warnings_only:
msg = _('attention, "{0}" could be an invalid {1} for "{2}", {3}').format(
value, self._display_name, current_opt.impl_get_display_name(), err)
warnings.warn_explicit(ValueWarning(msg, self),
self.__class__.__name__, 0)
return err
def impl_is_unique(self):
return getattr(self, '_unique', False)
def impl_get_validator(self):
val = getattr(self, '_val_call', (None,))[0]
if val is None:
ret_val = (None, {})
elif len(val) == 1:
ret_val = (val[0], {})
ret_val = val
return ret_val
def impl_validate(self, value, context=undefined, validate=True,
force_index=None, force_submulti_index=None,
current_opt=undefined, is_multi=None,
display_error=True, display_warnings=True, multi=None,
:param value: the option's value
:param context: Config's context
:type context: :class:`tiramisu.config.Config`
:param validate: if true enables ``self._validator`` validation
:type validate: boolean
:param force_index: if multi, value has to be a list
not if force_index is not None
:type force_index: integer
:param force_submulti_index: if submulti, value has to be a list
not if force_submulti_index is not None
:type force_submulti_index: integer
if not validate:
if current_opt is undefined:
current_opt = self
if display_warnings and setting_properties is undefined and context is not undefined:
setting_properties = context.cfgimpl_get_settings()._getproperties(read_write=False)
display_warnings = display_warnings and (setting_properties is undefined or 'warnings' in setting_properties)
def _is_not_unique(value):
if display_error and self.impl_is_unique() and len(set(value)) != len(value):
for idx, val in enumerate(value):
if val in value[idx+1:]:
return ValueError(_('invalid value "{}", this value is already in "{}"').format(
val, self.impl_get_display_name()))
def calculation_validator(val, _index):
validator, validator_params = self.impl_get_validator()
if validator is not None:
if validator_params != {}:
validator_params_ = {}
for val_param, values in validator_params.items():
validator_params_[val_param] = values
#inject value in calculation
if '' in validator_params_:
lst = list(validator_params_[''])
lst.insert(0, val)
validator_params_[''] = tuple(lst)
validator_params_[''] = (val,)
validator_params_ = {'': (val,)}
# Raise ValueError if not valid
value = carry_out_calculation(current_opt, context=context,
if isinstance(value, Exception):
return value
def do_validation(_value, _index, submulti_index):
if _value is None:
error = warning = None
if display_error:
# option validation
err = self._validate(_value, context, current_opt)
if err:
if debug: # pragma: no cover
log.debug('do_validation: value: {0}, index: {1}, '
'submulti_index: {2}'.format(_value, _index,
err_msg = '{0}'.format(err)
if err_msg:
msg = _('"{0}" is an invalid {1} for "{2}", {3}'
'').format(_value, self._display_name,
self.impl_get_display_name(), err_msg)
msg = _('"{0}" is an invalid {1} for "{2}"'
'').format(_value, self._display_name,
return ValueError(msg)
error = None
is_warnings_only = getattr(self, '_warnings_only', False)
if ((display_error and not is_warnings_only) or
(display_warnings and is_warnings_only)):
error = calculation_validator(_value, _index)
if not error:
error = self._second_level_validation(_value, is_warnings_only)
if error:
if debug: # pragma: no cover
log.debug(_('do_validation for {0}: error in value').format(
self.impl_getname()), exc_info=True)
if is_warnings_only:
msg = _('attention, "{0}" could be an invalid {1} for "{2}", {3}').format(
_value, self._display_name, self.impl_get_display_name(), error)
warnings.warn_explicit(ValueWarning(msg, self),
self.__class__.__name__, 0)
error = None
if error is None:
# if context launch consistency validation
#if context is not undefined:
ret = self._valid_consistency(current_opt, _value, context,
_index, submulti_index, display_warnings,
if isinstance(ret, ValueError):
error = ret
elif ret:
return ret
if error:
err_msg = '{0}'.format(error)
if err_msg:
msg = _('"{0}" is an invalid {1} for "{2}", {3}'
'').format(_value, self._display_name,
self.impl_get_display_name(), err_msg)
msg = _('"{0}" is an invalid {1} for "{2}"'
'').format(_value, self._display_name,
return ValueError(msg)
if is_multi is None:
is_multi = self.impl_is_multi()
if not is_multi:
return do_validation(value, None, None)
elif force_index is not None:
if self.impl_is_submulti() and force_submulti_index is None:
err = _is_not_unique(value)
if err:
return err
if not isinstance(value, list):
return ValueError(_('invalid value "{0}" for "{1}" which'
' must be a list').format(
value, self.impl_get_display_name()))
for idx, val in enumerate(value):
if isinstance(val, list): # pragma: no cover
return ValueError(_('invalid value "{}" for "{}" '
'which must not be a list').format(val,
err = do_validation(val, force_index, idx)
if err:
return err
if multi is not None and self.impl_is_unique() and value in multi:
if not self.impl_is_submulti() and len(multi) - 1 >= force_index:
lst = list(multi)
lst = multi
if value in lst:
return ValueError(_('invalid value "{}", this value is already'
' in "{}"').format(value,
return do_validation(value, force_index, force_submulti_index)
elif not isinstance(value, list):
return ValueError(_('invalid value "{0}" for "{1}" which '
'must be a list').format(value,
elif self.impl_is_submulti() and force_submulti_index is None:
for idx, val in enumerate(value):
err = _is_not_unique(val)
if err:
return err
if not isinstance(val, list):
return ValueError(_('invalid value "{0}" for "{1}" '
'which must be a list of list'
for slave_idx, slave_val in enumerate(val):
err = do_validation(slave_val, idx, slave_idx)
if err:
return err
err = _is_not_unique(value)
if err:
return err
for idx, val in enumerate(value):
err = do_validation(val, idx, force_submulti_index)
if err:
return err
return self._valid_consistency(current_opt, None, context,
None, None, display_warnings, display_error)
def impl_is_dynsymlinkoption(self):
return False
def impl_is_master_slaves(self, type_='both'):
master_slaves = self.impl_get_master_slaves()
if master_slaves is not None:
if type_ in ('both', 'master') and \
return True
if type_ in ('both', 'slave') and \
not master_slaves.is_master(self):
return True
return False
def impl_get_master_slaves(self):
return getattr(self, '_master_slaves', None)
def impl_getdoc(self):
"accesses the Option's doc"
return self.impl_get_information('doc')
def _valid_consistencies(self, other_opts, init=True, func=None):
if self._is_subdyn():
dynod = self._subdyn
dynod = None
if self.impl_is_submulti():
raise ConfigError(_('cannot add consistency with submulti option'))
is_multi = self.impl_is_multi()
for opt in other_opts:
if opt.impl_is_submulti():
raise ConfigError(_('cannot add consistency with submulti option'))
if not isinstance(opt, Option):
raise ConfigError(_('consistency must be set with an option'))
if opt._is_subdyn():
if dynod is None:
raise ConfigError(_('almost one option in consistency is '
'in a dynoptiondescription but not all'))
if dynod != opt._subdyn:
raise ConfigError(_('option in consistency must be in same'
' dynoptiondescription'))
dynod = opt._subdyn
elif dynod is not None:
raise ConfigError(_('almost one option in consistency is in a '
'dynoptiondescription but not all'))
if self is opt:
raise ConfigError(_('cannot add consistency with itself'))
if is_multi != opt.impl_is_multi():
raise ConfigError(_('every options in consistency must be '
'multi or none'))
if init:
if func != 'not_equal':
def impl_add_consistency(self, func, *other_opts, **params):
"""Add consistency means that value will be validate with other_opts
option's values.
:param func: function's name
:type func: `str`
:param other_opts: options used to validate value
:type other_opts: `list` of `tiramisu.option.Option`
:param params: extra params (warnings_only and transitive are allowed)
if self.impl_is_readonly():
raise AttributeError(_("'{0}' ({1}) cannot add consistency, option is"
" read-only").format(
self._valid_consistencies(other_opts, func=func)
func = '_cons_{0}'.format(func)
if func not in dir(self):
raise ConfigError(_('consistency {0} not available for this option').format(func))
all_cons_opts = tuple([self] + list(other_opts))
unknown_params = set(params.keys()) - set(['warnings_only', 'transitive'])
if unknown_params != set():
raise ValueError(_('unknow parameter {0} in consistency').format(unknown_params))
self._add_consistency(func, all_cons_opts, params)
#validate default value when add consistency
err = self.impl_validate(self.impl_getdefault())
if err:
raise err
for opt in all_cons_opts:
if getattr(opt, '_unique', undefined) == undefined:
opt._unique = True
if func != '_cons_not_equal':
#consistency could generate warnings or errors
def _valid_consistency(self, option, value, context, index, submulti_idx,
display_warnings, display_error):
if context is not undefined:
descr = context.cfgimpl_get_description()
if descr._cache_consistencies is None:
#consistencies is something like [('_cons_not_equal', (opt1, opt2))]
if isinstance(option, DynSymLinkOption):
consistencies = descr._cache_consistencies.get(option._impl_getopt())
consistencies = descr._cache_consistencies.get(option)
consistencies = option._get_consistencies()
if consistencies is not None:
for func, all_cons_opts, params in consistencies:
warnings_only = params.get('warnings_only', False)
if (warnings_only and display_warnings) or (not warnings_only and display_error):
transitive = params.get('transitive', True)
#all_cons_opts[0] is the option where func is set
if isinstance(option, DynSymLinkOption):
subpath = '.'.join(option._dyn.split('.')[:-1])
namelen = len(option._impl_getopt().impl_getname())
suffix = option.impl_getname()[namelen:]
opts = []
for opt in all_cons_opts:
name = opt.impl_getname() + suffix
path = subpath + '.' + name
opts.append(opt._impl_to_dyn(name, path))
opts = all_cons_opts
err = opts[0]._launch_consistency(self, func, option, value,
context, index, submulti_idx,
opts, warnings_only,
if err:
return err
def _cons_not_equal(self, current_opt, opts, vals, warnings_only):
equal = set()
is_current = False
for idx_inf, val_inf in enumerate(vals):
for idx_sup, val_sup in enumerate(vals[idx_inf + 1:]):
if val_inf == val_sup is not None:
for opt_ in [opts[idx_inf], opts[idx_inf + idx_sup + 1]]:
if opt_ == current_opt:
is_current = True
if equal:
if debug: # pragma: no cover
log.debug(_('_cons_not_equal: {} are not different').format(display_list(list(equal))))
if is_current:
if warnings_only:
msg = _('should be different from the value of {}')
msg = _('must be different from the value of {}')
if warnings_only:
msg = _('value for {} should be different')
msg = _('value for {} must be different')
equal_name = []
for opt in equal:
return ValueError(msg.format(display_list(list(equal_name))))
def _second_level_validation(self, value, warnings_only):
def _impl_to_dyn(self, name, path):
return DynSymLinkOption(name, self, dyn=path)
def impl_getdefault_multi(self):
"accessing the default value for a multi"
return getattr(self, '_default_multi', None)
def _validate_callback(self, callback, callback_params):
* None
* {'': ((option, permissive),), 'ip': ((None,), (option, permissive))
if callback is None:
default_multi = self.impl_getdefault_multi()
is_multi = self.impl_is_multi()
default = self.impl_getdefault()
if (not is_multi and (default is not None or default_multi is not None)) or \
(is_multi and (default != [] or default_multi is not None)):
raise ValueError(_("default value not allowed if option: {0} "
"is calculated").format(self.impl_getname()))
def impl_getdefault(self):
"accessing the default value"
is_multi = self.impl_is_multi()
default = getattr(self, '_default', undefined)
if default is undefined:
if is_multi:
default = []
default = None
if is_multi:
default = list(default)
return default
def _get_extra(self, key):
extra = self._extra
if isinstance(extra, tuple):
return extra[1][extra[0].index(key)]
return extra[key]
def impl_is_submulti(self):
return getattr(self, '_multi', 1) == 2
def impl_allow_empty_list(self):
return getattr(self, '_allow_empty_list', undefined)
# consistency
def _add_consistency(self, func, all_cons_opts, params):
cons = (func, all_cons_opts, params)
consistencies = getattr(self, '_consistencies', None)
if consistencies is None:
self._consistencies = [cons]
def _del_consistency(self):
def _get_consistencies(self):
return getattr(self, '_consistencies', STATIC_TUPLE)
def _has_consistencies(self):
return hasattr(self, '_consistencies')
def validate_requires_arg(new_option, multi, requires, name):
"""check malformed requirements
and tranform dict to internal tuple
@ -1045,7 +420,7 @@ def validate_requires_arg(new_option, multi, requires, name):
def get_option(require):
option = require['option']
if not isinstance(option, Option):
if not hasattr(option, '_is_symlinkoption'):
raise ValueError(_('malformed requirements '
'must be an option in option {0}').format(name))
if not multi and option.impl_is_multi():
@ -1178,7 +553,8 @@ def validate_requires_arg(new_option, multi, requires, name):
class SymLinkOption(OnlyOption):
def __init__(self, name, opt):
if not isinstance(opt, Option):
if not isinstance(opt, OnlyOption) or \
raise ValueError(_('malformed symlinkoption '
'must be an option '
'for symlink {0}').format(name))
@ -1187,6 +563,9 @@ class SymLinkOption(OnlyOption):
_setattr(self, '_opt', opt)
def _is_symlinkoption(self):
return True
def __getattr__(self, name, context=undefined):
return getattr(self._impl_getopt(), name)
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
from ..setting import undefined
from ..i18n import _
from .baseoption import Option
from .option import Option
class BoolOption(Option):
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from IPy import IP
from ..error import ConfigError
from ..setting import undefined
from ..i18n import _
from .baseoption import Option
from .option import Option
class BroadcastOption(Option):
@ -22,9 +22,10 @@ from types import FunctionType
from ..setting import undefined
from ..i18n import _
from .baseoption import Option, validate_callback, display_list
from .baseoption import validate_callback
from .option import Option
from ..autolib import carry_out_calculation
from ..error import ConfigError
from ..error import ConfigError, display_list
class ChoiceOption(Option):
@ -18,12 +18,11 @@
# the rough pypy's guys:
# the whole pypy projet is under MIT licence
# ____________________________________________________________
import re
from datetime import datetime
from ..setting import undefined
from ..i18n import _
from .baseoption import Option
from .option import Option
class DateOption(Option):
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from IPy import IP
from ..setting import undefined
from ..i18n import _
from .baseoption import Option
from .option import Option
class DomainnameOption(Option):
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
from ..setting import undefined
from ..i18n import _
from .baseoption import Option
from .option import Option
class FloatOption(Option):
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
from ..setting import undefined
from ..i18n import _
from .baseoption import Option
from .option import Option
class IntOption(Option):
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from IPy import IP
from ..error import ConfigError
from ..setting import undefined
from ..i18n import _
from .baseoption import Option
from .option import Option
class IPOption(Option):
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from IPy import IP
from ..error import ConfigError
from ..setting import undefined
from ..i18n import _
from .baseoption import Option
from .option import Option
class NetmaskOption(Option):
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from IPy import IP
from ..setting import undefined
from ..i18n import _
from .baseoption import Option
from .option import Option
class NetworkOption(Option):
@ -19,9 +19,642 @@
# the rough pypy's guys:
# the whole pypy projet is under MIT licence
# ____________________________________________________________
from ..setting import undefined
import warnings
import sys
from .baseoption import Option
from .baseoption import OnlyOption, submulti, DynSymLinkOption, validate_callback, STATIC_TUPLE
from ..i18n import _
from ..setting import log, undefined, debug
from ..autolib import carry_out_calculation
from ..error import (ConfigError, ValueWarning, PropertiesOptionError,
ALLOWED_CONST_LIST = ['_cons_not_equal']
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # pragma: no cover
xrange = range
class Option(OnlyOption):
Abstract base class for configuration option's.
Reminder: an Option object is **not** a container for the value.
__slots__ = ('_extra',
_empty = ''
def __init__(self, name, doc, default=None, default_multi=None,
requires=None, multi=False, unique=undefined, callback=None,
callback_params=None, validator=None, validator_params=None,
properties=None, warnings_only=False, extra=None,
_setattr = object.__setattr__
if not multi and default_multi is not None:
raise ValueError(_("default_multi is set whereas multi is False"
" in option: {0}").format(name))
if multi is True:
is_multi = True
_multi = 0
elif multi is False:
is_multi = False
_multi = 1
elif multi is submulti:
is_multi = True
_multi = submulti
raise ValueError(_('invalid multi value'))
if _multi != 1:
_setattr(self, '_multi', _multi)
if multi is not False and default is None:
default = []
if validator is not None:
if multi: # and validator_params is None:
validator_params = self._build_validator_params(validator, validator_params)
validate_callback(validator, validator_params, 'validator', self)
if validator_params is None:
val_call = (validator,)
val_call = (validator, validator_params)
self._val_call = (val_call, None)
if extra is not None:
_setattr(self, '_extra', extra)
if unique != undefined and not isinstance(unique, bool):
raise ValueError(_('unique must be a boolean'))
if not is_multi and unique is True:
raise ValueError(_('unique must be set only with multi value'))
if warnings_only is True:
_setattr(self, '_warnings_only', warnings_only)
if allow_empty_list is not undefined:
_setattr(self, '_allow_empty_list', allow_empty_list)
super(Option, self).__init__(name, doc, requires=requires,
properties=properties, is_multi=is_multi)
if is_multi and default_multi is not None:
err = self._validate(default_multi)
if err:
raise ValueError(_("invalid default_multi value {0} "
"for option {1}: {2}").format(
self.impl_getname(), str(err)))
_setattr(self, '_default_multi', default_multi)
if unique is not undefined:
_setattr(self, '_unique', unique)
err = self.impl_validate(default, is_multi=is_multi)
if err:
raise err
if (is_multi and default != []) or \
(not is_multi and default is not None):
if is_multi:
default = tuple(default)
_setattr(self, '_default', default)
self.impl_set_callback(callback, callback_params, _init=True)
def impl_is_multi(self):
return getattr(self, '_multi', 1) != 1
def _add_dependencies(self, option):
options = set(getattr(self, '_dependencies', tuple()))
self._dependencies = tuple(options)
def _launch_consistency(self, current_opt, func, option, value, context,
index, submulti_index, opts, warnings_only,
"""Launch consistency now
:param func: function name, this name should start with _cons_
:type func: `str`
:param option: option that value is changing
:type option: `tiramisu.option.Option`
:param value: new value of this option
:param context: Config's context, if None, check default value instead
:type context: `tiramisu.config.Config`
:param index: only for multi option, consistency should be launch for
specified index
:type index: `int`
:param opts: all options concerne by this consistency
:type opts: `list` of `tiramisu.option.Option`
:param warnings_only: specific raise error for warning
:type warnings_only: `boolean`
:param transitive: propertyerror is transitive
:type transitive: `boolean`
if context is not undefined:
descr = context.cfgimpl_get_description()
all_cons_vals = []
all_cons_opts = []
val_consistencies = True
for opt in opts:
if (isinstance(opt, DynSymLinkOption) and option._dyn == opt._dyn) or \
option == opt:
# option is current option
# we have already value, so use it
#if context, calculate value, otherwise get default value
path = None
is_multi = opt.impl_is_multi() and not opt.impl_is_master_slaves()
if context is not undefined:
if isinstance(opt, DynSymLinkOption):
path = opt.impl_getpath(context)
path = descr.impl_get_path_by_opt(opt)
if is_multi:
_index = None
_index = index
opt_value = context.getattr(path, validate=False,
if isinstance(opt_value, Exception):
if isinstance(opt_value, PropertiesOptionError):
if debug: # pragma: no cover
log.debug('propertyerror in _launch_consistency: {0}'.format(opt_value))
if transitive:
return opt_value
opt_value = None
else: # pragma: no cover
return opt_value
elif index is None:
opt_value = opt.impl_getdefault()
opt_value = opt.impl_getdefault()[index]
if self.impl_is_multi() and index is None:
# only check propertyerror for master/slaves is transitive
val_consistencies = False
if is_multi and isinstance(opt_value, list):
for len_ in xrange(len(opt_value)):
if val_consistencies:
err = getattr(self, func)(current_opt, all_cons_opts, all_cons_vals, warnings_only)
if err:
if warnings_only:
msg = _('attention, "{0}" could be an invalid {1} for "{2}", {3}').format(
value, self._display_name, current_opt.impl_get_display_name(), err)
warnings.warn_explicit(ValueWarning(msg, self),
self.__class__.__name__, 0)
return err
def impl_is_unique(self):
return getattr(self, '_unique', False)
def impl_get_validator(self):
val = getattr(self, '_val_call', (None,))[0]
if val is None:
ret_val = (None, {})
elif len(val) == 1:
ret_val = (val[0], {})
ret_val = val
return ret_val
def impl_validate(self, value, context=undefined, validate=True,
force_index=None, force_submulti_index=None,
current_opt=undefined, is_multi=None,
display_error=True, display_warnings=True, multi=None,
:param value: the option's value
:param context: Config's context
:type context: :class:`tiramisu.config.Config`
:param validate: if true enables ``self._validator`` validation
:type validate: boolean
:param force_index: if multi, value has to be a list
not if force_index is not None
:type force_index: integer
:param force_submulti_index: if submulti, value has to be a list
not if force_submulti_index is not None
:type force_submulti_index: integer
if not validate:
if current_opt is undefined:
current_opt = self
if display_warnings and setting_properties is undefined and context is not undefined:
setting_properties = context.cfgimpl_get_settings()._getproperties(read_write=False)
display_warnings = display_warnings and (setting_properties is undefined or 'warnings' in setting_properties)
def _is_not_unique(value):
if display_error and self.impl_is_unique() and len(set(value)) != len(value):
for idx, val in enumerate(value):
if val in value[idx+1:]:
return ValueError(_('invalid value "{}", this value is already in "{}"').format(
val, self.impl_get_display_name()))
def calculation_validator(val, _index):
validator, validator_params = self.impl_get_validator()
if validator is not None:
if validator_params != {}:
validator_params_ = {}
for val_param, values in validator_params.items():
validator_params_[val_param] = values
#inject value in calculation
if '' in validator_params_:
lst = list(validator_params_[''])
lst.insert(0, val)
validator_params_[''] = tuple(lst)
validator_params_[''] = (val,)
validator_params_ = {'': (val,)}
# Raise ValueError if not valid
value = carry_out_calculation(current_opt, context=context,
if isinstance(value, Exception):
return value
def do_validation(_value, _index, submulti_index):
if _value is None:
error = warning = None
if display_error:
# option validation
err = self._validate(_value, context, current_opt)
if err:
if debug: # pragma: no cover
log.debug('do_validation: value: {0}, index: {1}, '
'submulti_index: {2}'.format(_value, _index,
err_msg = '{0}'.format(err)
if err_msg:
msg = _('"{0}" is an invalid {1} for "{2}", {3}'
'').format(_value, self._display_name,
self.impl_get_display_name(), err_msg)
msg = _('"{0}" is an invalid {1} for "{2}"'
'').format(_value, self._display_name,
return ValueError(msg)
error = None
is_warnings_only = getattr(self, '_warnings_only', False)
if ((display_error and not is_warnings_only) or
(display_warnings and is_warnings_only)):
error = calculation_validator(_value, _index)
if not error:
error = self._second_level_validation(_value, is_warnings_only)
if error:
if debug: # pragma: no cover
log.debug(_('do_validation for {0}: error in value').format(
self.impl_getname()), exc_info=True)
if is_warnings_only:
msg = _('attention, "{0}" could be an invalid {1} for "{2}", {3}').format(
_value, self._display_name, self.impl_get_display_name(), error)
warnings.warn_explicit(ValueWarning(msg, self),
self.__class__.__name__, 0)
error = None
if error is None:
# if context launch consistency validation
#if context is not undefined:
ret = self._valid_consistency(current_opt, _value, context,
_index, submulti_index, display_warnings,
if isinstance(ret, ValueError):
error = ret
elif ret:
return ret
if error:
err_msg = '{0}'.format(error)
if err_msg:
msg = _('"{0}" is an invalid {1} for "{2}", {3}'
'').format(_value, self._display_name,
self.impl_get_display_name(), err_msg)
msg = _('"{0}" is an invalid {1} for "{2}"'
'').format(_value, self._display_name,
return ValueError(msg)
if is_multi is None:
is_multi = self.impl_is_multi()
if not is_multi:
return do_validation(value, None, None)
elif force_index is not None:
if self.impl_is_submulti() and force_submulti_index is None:
err = _is_not_unique(value)
if err:
return err
if not isinstance(value, list):
return ValueError(_('invalid value "{0}" for "{1}" which'
' must be a list').format(
value, self.impl_get_display_name()))
for idx, val in enumerate(value):
if isinstance(val, list): # pragma: no cover
return ValueError(_('invalid value "{}" for "{}" '
'which must not be a list').format(val,
err = do_validation(val, force_index, idx)
if err:
return err
if multi is not None and self.impl_is_unique() and value in multi:
if not self.impl_is_submulti() and len(multi) - 1 >= force_index:
lst = list(multi)
lst = multi
if value in lst:
return ValueError(_('invalid value "{}", this value is already'
' in "{}"').format(value,
return do_validation(value, force_index, force_submulti_index)
elif not isinstance(value, list):
return ValueError(_('invalid value "{0}" for "{1}" which '
'must be a list').format(value,
elif self.impl_is_submulti() and force_submulti_index is None:
for idx, val in enumerate(value):
err = _is_not_unique(val)
if err:
return err
if not isinstance(val, list):
return ValueError(_('invalid value "{0}" for "{1}" '
'which must be a list of list'
for slave_idx, slave_val in enumerate(val):
err = do_validation(slave_val, idx, slave_idx)
if err:
return err
err = _is_not_unique(value)
if err:
return err
for idx, val in enumerate(value):
err = do_validation(val, idx, force_submulti_index)
if err:
return err
return self._valid_consistency(current_opt, None, context,
None, None, display_warnings, display_error)
def impl_is_dynsymlinkoption(self):
return False
def impl_is_master_slaves(self, type_='both'):
master_slaves = self.impl_get_master_slaves()
if master_slaves is not None:
if type_ in ('both', 'master') and \
return True
if type_ in ('both', 'slave') and \
not master_slaves.is_master(self):
return True
return False
def impl_get_master_slaves(self):
return getattr(self, '_master_slaves', None)
def impl_getdoc(self):
"accesses the Option's doc"
return self.impl_get_information('doc')
def _valid_consistencies(self, other_opts, init=True, func=None):
if self._is_subdyn():
dynod = self._subdyn
dynod = None
if self.impl_is_submulti():
raise ConfigError(_('cannot add consistency with submulti option'))
is_multi = self.impl_is_multi()
for opt in other_opts:
if opt.impl_is_submulti():
raise ConfigError(_('cannot add consistency with submulti option'))
if not isinstance(opt, Option):
raise ConfigError(_('consistency must be set with an option'))
if opt._is_subdyn():
if dynod is None:
raise ConfigError(_('almost one option in consistency is '
'in a dynoptiondescription but not all'))
if dynod != opt._subdyn:
raise ConfigError(_('option in consistency must be in same'
' dynoptiondescription'))
dynod = opt._subdyn
elif dynod is not None:
raise ConfigError(_('almost one option in consistency is in a '
'dynoptiondescription but not all'))
if self is opt:
raise ConfigError(_('cannot add consistency with itself'))
if is_multi != opt.impl_is_multi():
raise ConfigError(_('every options in consistency must be '
'multi or none'))
if init:
if func != 'not_equal':
def impl_add_consistency(self, func, *other_opts, **params):
"""Add consistency means that value will be validate with other_opts
option's values.
:param func: function's name
:type func: `str`
:param other_opts: options used to validate value
:type other_opts: `list` of `tiramisu.option.Option`
:param params: extra params (warnings_only and transitive are allowed)
if self.impl_is_readonly():
raise AttributeError(_("'{0}' ({1}) cannot add consistency, option is"
" read-only").format(
self._valid_consistencies(other_opts, func=func)
func = '_cons_{0}'.format(func)
if func not in dir(self):
raise ConfigError(_('consistency {0} not available for this option').format(func))
all_cons_opts = tuple([self] + list(other_opts))
unknown_params = set(params.keys()) - set(['warnings_only', 'transitive'])
if unknown_params != set():
raise ValueError(_('unknow parameter {0} in consistency').format(unknown_params))
self._add_consistency(func, all_cons_opts, params)
#validate default value when add consistency
err = self.impl_validate(self.impl_getdefault())
if err:
raise err
for opt in all_cons_opts:
if getattr(opt, '_unique', undefined) == undefined:
opt._unique = True
if func != '_cons_not_equal':
#consistency could generate warnings or errors
def _valid_consistency(self, option, value, context, index, submulti_idx,
display_warnings, display_error):
if context is not undefined:
descr = context.cfgimpl_get_description()
if descr._cache_consistencies is None:
#consistencies is something like [('_cons_not_equal', (opt1, opt2))]
if isinstance(option, DynSymLinkOption):
consistencies = descr._cache_consistencies.get(option._impl_getopt())
consistencies = descr._cache_consistencies.get(option)
consistencies = option._get_consistencies()
if consistencies is not None:
for func, all_cons_opts, params in consistencies:
warnings_only = params.get('warnings_only', False)
if (warnings_only and display_warnings) or (not warnings_only and display_error):
transitive = params.get('transitive', True)
#all_cons_opts[0] is the option where func is set
if isinstance(option, DynSymLinkOption):
subpath = '.'.join(option._dyn.split('.')[:-1])
namelen = len(option._impl_getopt().impl_getname())
suffix = option.impl_getname()[namelen:]
opts = []
for opt in all_cons_opts:
name = opt.impl_getname() + suffix
path = subpath + '.' + name
opts.append(opt._impl_to_dyn(name, path))
opts = all_cons_opts
err = opts[0]._launch_consistency(self, func, option, value,
context, index, submulti_idx,
opts, warnings_only,
if err:
return err
def _cons_not_equal(self, current_opt, opts, vals, warnings_only):
equal = set()
is_current = False
for idx_inf, val_inf in enumerate(vals):
for idx_sup, val_sup in enumerate(vals[idx_inf + 1:]):
if val_inf == val_sup is not None:
for opt_ in [opts[idx_inf], opts[idx_inf + idx_sup + 1]]:
if opt_ == current_opt:
is_current = True
if equal:
if debug: # pragma: no cover
log.debug(_('_cons_not_equal: {} are not different').format(display_list(list(equal))))
if is_current:
if warnings_only:
msg = _('should be different from the value of {}')
msg = _('must be different from the value of {}')
if warnings_only:
msg = _('value for {} should be different')
msg = _('value for {} must be different')
equal_name = []
for opt in equal:
return ValueError(msg.format(display_list(list(equal_name))))
def _second_level_validation(self, value, warnings_only):
def _impl_to_dyn(self, name, path):
return DynSymLinkOption(name, self, dyn=path)
def impl_getdefault_multi(self):
"accessing the default value for a multi"
return getattr(self, '_default_multi', None)
def _validate_callback(self, callback, callback_params):
* None
* {'': ((option, permissive),), 'ip': ((None,), (option, permissive))
if callback is None:
default_multi = self.impl_getdefault_multi()
is_multi = self.impl_is_multi()
default = self.impl_getdefault()
if (not is_multi and (default is not None or default_multi is not None)) or \
(is_multi and (default != [] or default_multi is not None)):
raise ValueError(_("default value not allowed if option: {0} "
"is calculated").format(self.impl_getname()))
def impl_getdefault(self):
"accessing the default value"
is_multi = self.impl_is_multi()
default = getattr(self, '_default', undefined)
if default is undefined:
if is_multi:
default = []
default = None
if is_multi:
default = list(default)
return default
def _get_extra(self, key):
extra = self._extra
if isinstance(extra, tuple):
return extra[1][extra[0].index(key)]
return extra[key]
def impl_is_submulti(self):
return getattr(self, '_multi', 1) == 2
def impl_allow_empty_list(self):
return getattr(self, '_allow_empty_list', undefined)
# consistency
def _add_consistency(self, func, all_cons_opts, params):
cons = (func, all_cons_opts, params)
consistencies = getattr(self, '_consistencies', None)
if consistencies is None:
self._consistencies = [cons]
def _del_consistency(self):
def _get_consistencies(self):
return getattr(self, '_consistencies', STATIC_TUPLE)
def _has_consistencies(self):
return hasattr(self, '_consistencies')
class _RegexpOption(Option):
@ -24,13 +24,14 @@ import re
from ..i18n import _
from ..setting import groups, undefined, owners # , log
from .baseoption import BaseOption, SymLinkOption, Option, ALLOWED_CONST_LIST
from .baseoption import BaseOption
from .option import Option, ALLOWED_CONST_LIST
from . import MasterSlaves
from ..error import ConfigError, ConflictError
from ..autolib import carry_out_calculation
name_regexp = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z\d\-_]*$')
NAME_REGEXP = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z\d\-_]*$')
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # pragma: no cover
@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ class CacheOptionDescription(BaseOption):
option._dependencies = tuple(options)
is_multi = option.impl_is_multi()
if not isinstance(option, SymLinkOption) and 'force_store_value' in option.impl_getproperties():
if not option._is_symlinkoption() and 'force_store_value' in option.impl_getproperties():
force_store_values.append((subpath, option))
for func, all_cons_opts, params in option._get_consistencies():
option._valid_consistencies(all_cons_opts[1:], init=False)
@ -458,7 +459,7 @@ class OptionDescription(OptionDescriptionWalk):
if isinstance(group_type, groups.MasterGroupType):
children = self.impl_getchildren()
for child in children:
if isinstance(child, SymLinkOption): # pragma: optional cover
if child._is_symlinkoption(): # pragma: optional cover
raise ValueError(_("master group {0} shall not have "
"a symlinkoption").format(self.impl_getname()))
if not isinstance(child, Option): # pragma: optional cover
@ -490,7 +491,7 @@ class OptionDescription(OptionDescriptionWalk):
if len(values) > len(set(values)):
raise ConfigError(_('DynOptionDescription callback return not unique value'))
for val in values:
if not isinstance(val, str) or re.match(name_regexp, val) is None:
if not isinstance(val, str) or re.match(NAME_REGEXP, val) is None:
raise ValueError(_("invalid suffix: {0} for option").format(val))
return values
@ -507,7 +508,7 @@ class DynOptionDescription(OptionDescription):
for chld in child._impl_getchildren():
if isinstance(child, SymLinkOption):
if child._is_symlinkoption():
raise ConfigError(_('cannot set symlinkoption in a '
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
from ..setting import undefined
from ..i18n import _
from .baseoption import Option
from .option import Option
class PasswordOption(Option):
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import sys
from ..setting import undefined
from ..i18n import _
from .baseoption import Option
from .option import Option
class PortOption(Option):
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import sys
from ..setting import undefined
from ..i18n import _
from .baseoption import Option
from .option import Option
class StrOption(Option):
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import re
from ..setting import undefined
from ..i18n import _
from .baseoption import Option
from .option import Option
from .domainnameoption import DomainnameOption
@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ from .error import ConfigError, SlaveError, PropertiesOptionError
from .setting import owners, expires_time, undefined
from .autolib import carry_out_calculation
from .i18n import _
from .option import SymLinkOption, DynSymLinkOption, Option
i_i = 0
from .option import DynSymLinkOption, Option
class Values(object):
@ -497,7 +496,7 @@ class Values(object):
was present
:returns: a `setting.owners.Owner` object
if isinstance(opt, SymLinkOption) and \
if opt._is_symlinkoption() and \
not isinstance(opt, DynSymLinkOption):
opt = opt._impl_getopt()
path = opt.impl_getpath(self._getcontext())
@ -647,7 +646,7 @@ class Values(object):
for path in _mandatory_warnings(opt, currpath + [name]):
yield path
if isinstance(opt, SymLinkOption) and \
if opt._is_symlinkoption() and \
not isinstance(opt, DynSymLinkOption):
self_properties = settings._getproperties(opt, path,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user