653 lines
26 KiB
653 lines
26 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Team tiramisu (see AUTHORS for all contributors)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# The original `Config` design model is unproudly borrowed from
# the rough pypy's guys: http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/config/
# the whole pypy projet is under MIT licence
# ____________________________________________________________
import re
from types import FunctionType
import sys
from ..i18n import _
from ..setting import undefined
from ..error import ConfigError
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # pragma: no cover
from inspect import signature
from inspect import getargspec
STATIC_TUPLE = tuple()
submulti = 2
NAME_REGEXP = re.compile(r'^[a-z][a-zA-Z\d_]*$')
FORBIDDEN_NAMES = frozenset(['iter_all', 'iter_group', 'find', 'find_first',
'make_dict', 'unwrap_from_path', 'read_only',
'read_write', 'getowner', 'set_contexts'])
def valid_name(name):
"""an option's name is a str and does not start with 'impl' or 'cfgimpl'
and name is not a function name"""
if not isinstance(name, str):
return False
return re.match(NAME_REGEXP, name) is not None and \
name not in FORBIDDEN_NAMES and \
not name.startswith('impl_') and \
not name.startswith('cfgimpl_')
def validate_callback(callback, callback_params, type_, callbackoption):
"""validate function and parameter set for callback, validation, ...
def _validate_option(option):
#validate option
if hasattr(option, '_is_symlinkoption'):
if option._is_symlinkoption():
cur_opt = option._impl_getopt()
cur_opt = option
raise ValueError(_('{}_params must have an option'
' not a {} for first argument'
).format(type_, type(option)))
if cur_opt != callbackoption:
def _validate_force_permissive(force_permissive):
#validate force_permissive
if not isinstance(force_permissive, bool):
raise ValueError(_('{}_params must have a boolean'
' not a {} for second argument'
).format(type_, type(
def _validate_callback(callbk):
if isinstance(callbk, tuple):
if len(callbk) == 1:
if callbk not in ((None,), ('index',)):
raise ValueError(_('{0}_params with length of '
'tuple as 1 must only have '
'None as first value').format(type_))
elif len(callbk) != 2:
raise ValueError(_('{0}_params must only have 1 or 2 '
'as length').format(type_))
option, force_permissive = callbk
if not isinstance(callback, FunctionType):
raise ValueError(_('{0} must be a function').format(type_))
if callback_params is not None:
if not isinstance(callback_params, dict):
raise ValueError(_('{0}_params must be a dict').format(type_))
for key, callbacks in callback_params.items():
if key != '' and len(callbacks) != 1:
raise ValueError(_("{0}_params with key {1} mustn't have "
"length different to 1").format(type_,
if not isinstance(callbacks, tuple):
raise ValueError(_('{0}_params must be tuple for key "{1}"'
).format(type_, key))
for callbk in callbacks:
class Base(object):
"""Base use by all *Option* classes (Option, OptionDescription, SymLinkOption, ...)
__slots__ = ('_name',
def __init__(self, name, doc, requires=None, properties=None, is_multi=False):
if not valid_name(name):
raise ValueError(_("invalid name: {0} for option").format(name))
if requires is not None:
calc_properties, requires = validate_requires_arg(self, is_multi,
requires, name)
calc_properties = frozenset()
requires = undefined
if properties is None:
properties = tuple()
if not isinstance(properties, tuple):
raise TypeError(_('invalid properties type {0} for {1},'
' must be a tuple').format(
if calc_properties != frozenset([]) and properties is not tuple():
set_forbidden_properties = calc_properties & set(properties)
if set_forbidden_properties != frozenset():
raise ValueError('conflict: properties already set in '
'requirement {0}'.format(
_setattr = object.__setattr__
_setattr(self, '_name', name)
if sys.version_info[0] < 3 and isinstance(doc, str):
doc = doc.decode('utf8')
_setattr(self, '_informations', {'doc': doc})
if calc_properties is not undefined:
_setattr(self, '_calc_properties', calc_properties)
if requires is not undefined:
_setattr(self, '_requires', requires)
if properties is not undefined:
_setattr(self, '_properties', properties)
def _build_validator_params(self, validator, validator_params):
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
func_args = getargspec(validator)
defaults = func_args.defaults
if defaults is None:
defaults = []
args = func_args.args[0:len(func_args.args)-len(defaults)]
else: # pragma: no cover
func_params = signature(validator).parameters
args = [f.name for f in func_params.values() if f.default is f.empty]
if validator_params is not None:
kwargs = list(validator_params.keys())
if '' in kwargs:
for kwarg in kwargs:
if kwarg in args:
args = args[0:args.index(kwarg)]
len_args = len(validator_params.get('', []))
if len_args != 0 and len(args) >= len_args:
args = args[0:len(args)-len_args]
if len(args) >= 2:
if validator_params is not None and '' in validator_params:
params = list(validator_params[''])
params.append((self, False))
validator_params[''] = tuple(params)
if validator_params is None:
validator_params = {}
validator_params[''] = ((self, False),)
if len(args) == 3 and args[2] not in validator_params:
params = list(validator_params[''])
validator_params[''] = tuple(params)
return validator_params
def _set_has_dependency(self):
if not self._is_symlinkoption():
self._has_dependency = True
def impl_has_dependency(self):
return getattr(self, '_has_dependency', False)
def impl_set_callback(self, callback, callback_params=None, _init=False):
if callback is None and callback_params is not None:
raise ValueError(_("params defined for a callback function but "
"no callback defined"
" yet for option {0}").format(
if not _init and self.impl_get_callback()[0] is not None:
raise ConfigError(_("a callback is already set for {0}, "
"cannot set another one's").format(self.impl_getname()))
self._validate_callback(callback, callback_params)
if callback is not None:
validate_callback(callback, callback_params, 'callback', self)
val = getattr(self, '_val_call', (None,))[0]
if callback_params is None or callback_params == {}:
val_call = (callback,)
val_call = tuple([callback, callback_params])
self._val_call = (val, val_call)
def impl_is_optiondescription(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ in ['OptionDescription',
def impl_is_dynoptiondescription(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ in ['DynOptionDescription',
def impl_getname(self):
return self._name
def impl_is_readonly(self):
return not isinstance(getattr(self, '_informations', dict()), dict)
def impl_getproperties(self):
return self._properties
def _set_readonly(self, has_extra):
if not self.impl_is_readonly():
_setattr = object.__setattr__
dico = self._informations
keys = tuple(dico.keys())
if len(keys) == 1:
dico = dico['doc']
dico = tuple([keys, tuple(dico.values())])
_setattr(self, '_informations', dico)
if has_extra:
extra = getattr(self, '_extra', None)
if extra is not None:
_setattr(self, '_extra', tuple([tuple(extra.keys()), tuple(extra.values())]))
def _impl_setsubdyn(self, subdyn):
self._subdyn = subdyn
def impl_getrequires(self):
return getattr(self, '_requires', STATIC_TUPLE)
def impl_get_callback(self):
call = getattr(self, '_val_call', (None, None))[1]
if call is None:
ret_call = (None, {})
elif len(call) == 1:
ret_call = (call[0], {})
ret_call = call
return ret_call
# ____________________________________________________________
# information
def impl_get_information(self, key, default=undefined):
"""retrieves one information's item
:param key: the item string (ex: "help")
def _is_string(infos):
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # pragma: no cover
return isinstance(infos, str)
return isinstance(infos, str) or isinstance(infos, unicode)
dico = self._informations
if isinstance(dico, tuple):
if key in dico[0]:
return dico[1][dico[0].index(key)]
elif _is_string(dico):
if key == 'doc':
return dico
elif isinstance(dico, dict):
if key in dico:
return dico[key]
if default is not undefined:
return default
raise ValueError(_("information's item not found: {0}").format(
def impl_set_information(self, key, value):
"""updates the information's attribute
(which is a dictionary)
:param key: information's key (ex: "help", "doc"
:param value: information's value (ex: "the help string")
if self.impl_is_readonly():
raise AttributeError(_("'{0}' ({1}) object attribute '{2}' is"
" read-only").format(
self._informations[key] = value
class BaseOption(Base):
"""This abstract base class stands for attribute access
in options that have to be set only once, it is of course done in the
__setattr__ method
__slots__ = tuple()
def __getstate__(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
"""set once and only once some attributes in the option,
like `_name`. `_name` cannot be changed one the option and
pushed in the :class:`tiramisu.option.OptionDescription`.
if the attribute `_readonly` is set to `True`, the option is
"frozen" (which has noting to do with the high level "freeze"
propertie or "read_only" property)
if name != '_option' and \
not isinstance(value, tuple):
is_readonly = False
# never change _name dans _opt
if name == '_name':
if self.impl_getname() is not None:
#so _name is already set
is_readonly = True
elif name != '_readonly':
is_readonly = self.impl_is_readonly()
if is_readonly:
raise AttributeError(_("'{0}' ({1}) object attribute '{2}' is"
" read-only").format(
super(BaseOption, self).__setattr__(name, value)
def impl_getpath(self, context):
return context.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(self)
def impl_has_callback(self):
"to know if a callback has been defined or not"
return self.impl_get_callback()[0] is not None
def _is_subdyn(self):
return getattr(self, '_subdyn', None) is not None
def _impl_valid_unicode(self, value):
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # pragma: no cover
if not isinstance(value, str):
return ValueError(_('invalid string'))
if not isinstance(value, unicode) and not isinstance(value, str):
return ValueError(_('invalid unicode or string'))
def impl_get_display_name(self, dyn_name=None):
name = self.impl_getdoc()
if name is None or name == '':
if dyn_name is not None:
name = dyn_name
name = self.impl_getname()
if sys.version_info[0] < 3 and isinstance(name, unicode):
name = name.encode('utf8')
return name
def reset_cache(self, opt, obj, type_):
context = obj._getcontext()
path = self.impl_getpath(context)
def _is_symlinkoption(self):
return False
class OnlyOption(BaseOption):
__slots__ = tuple()
def validate_requires_arg(new_option, multi, requires, name):
"""check malformed requirements
and tranform dict to internal tuple
:param requires: have a look at the
:meth:`tiramisu.setting.Settings.apply_requires` method to
know more about
the description of the requires dictionary
def set_dependency(option):
if not getattr(option, '_dependencies', None):
options = set()
options = set(option._dependencies)
option._dependencies = tuple(options)
def get_option(require):
option = require['option']
if not hasattr(option, '_is_symlinkoption'):
raise ValueError(_('malformed requirements '
'must be an option in option {0}').format(name))
if not multi and option.impl_is_multi():
raise ValueError(_('malformed requirements '
'multi option must not set '
'as requires of non multi option {0}').format(name))
return option
def _set_expected(action, inverse, transitive, same_action, option, expected, operator):
if inverse not in ret_requires[action]:
ret_requires[action][inverse] = ([(option, [expected])], action, inverse, transitive, same_action, operator)
for exp in ret_requires[action][inverse][0]:
if exp[0] == option:
ret_requires[action][inverse][0].append((option, [expected]))
def set_expected(require, ret_requires):
expected = require['expected']
inverse = get_inverse(require)
transitive = get_transitive(require)
same_action = get_sameaction(require)
operator = get_operator(require)
if isinstance(expected, list):
for exp in expected:
if set(exp.keys()) != {'option', 'value'}:
raise ValueError(_('malformed requirements expected must have '
'option and value for option {0}').format(name))
option = exp['option']
if option is not None:
err = option._validate(exp['value'])
if err:
raise ValueError(_('malformed requirements expected value '
'must be valid for option {0}'
': {1}').format(name, err))
_set_expected(action, inverse, transitive, same_action, option, exp['value'], operator)
option = get_option(require)
if expected is not None:
err = option._validate(expected)
if err:
raise ValueError(_('malformed requirements expected value '
'must be valid for option {0}'
': {1}').format(name, err))
_set_expected(action, inverse, transitive, same_action, option, expected, operator)
def get_action(require):
action = require['action']
if action == 'force_store_value':
raise ValueError(_("malformed requirements for option: {0}"
" action cannot be force_store_value"
return action
def get_inverse(require):
inverse = require.get('inverse', False)
if inverse not in [True, False]:
raise ValueError(_('malformed requirements for option: {0}'
' inverse must be boolean'))
return inverse
def get_transitive(require):
transitive = require.get('transitive', True)
if transitive not in [True, False]:
raise ValueError(_('malformed requirements for option: {0}'
' transitive must be boolean'))
return transitive
def get_sameaction(require):
same_action = require.get('same_action', True)
if same_action not in [True, False]:
raise ValueError(_('malformed requirements for option: {0}'
' same_action must be boolean'))
return same_action
def get_operator(require):
operator = require.get('operator', 'or')
if operator not in ['and', 'or']:
raise ValueError(_('malformed requirements for option: "{0}"'
' operator must be "or" or "and"').format(operator))
return operator
ret_requires = {}
config_action = set()
# start parsing all requires given by user (has dict)
# transforme it to a tuple
for require in requires:
if not isinstance(require, dict):
raise ValueError(_("malformed requirements type for option:"
" {0}, must be a dict").format(name))
valid_keys = ('option', 'expected', 'action', 'inverse', 'transitive',
'same_action', 'operator')
unknown_keys = frozenset(require.keys()) - frozenset(valid_keys)
if unknown_keys != frozenset():
raise ValueError(_('malformed requirements for option: {0}'
' unknown keys {1}, must only '
# prepare all attributes
if not ('expected' in require and isinstance(require['expected'], list)) and \
not ('option' in require and 'expected' in require) or \
'action' not in require:
raise ValueError(_("malformed requirements for option: {0}"
" require must have option, expected and"
" action keys").format(name))
action = get_action(require)
if action not in ret_requires:
ret_requires[action] = {}
set_expected(require, ret_requires)
# transform dict to tuple
ret = []
for requires in ret_requires.values():
ret_action = []
for require in requires.values():
ret_action.append((tuple(require[0]), require[1],
require[2], require[3], require[4], require[5]))
return frozenset(config_action), tuple(ret)
class SymLinkOption(OnlyOption):
def __init__(self, name, opt):
if not isinstance(opt, OnlyOption) or \
raise ValueError(_('malformed symlinkoption '
'must be an option '
'for symlink {0}').format(name))
_setattr = object.__setattr__
_setattr(self, '_name', name)
_setattr(self, '_opt', opt)
def _is_symlinkoption(self):
return True
def __getattr__(self, name, context=undefined):
return getattr(self._impl_getopt(), name)
def _impl_getopt(self):
return self._opt
def impl_get_information(self, key, default=undefined):
return self._impl_getopt().impl_get_information(key, default)
def impl_is_readonly(self):
return True
def impl_getproperties(self):
return self._impl_getopt()._properties
def impl_get_callback(self):
return self._impl_getopt().impl_get_callback()
def impl_has_callback(self):
"to know if a callback has been defined or not"
return self._impl_getopt().impl_has_callback()
def impl_is_multi(self):
return self._impl_getopt().impl_is_multi()
def _is_subdyn(self):
return getattr(self._impl_getopt(), '_subdyn', None) is not None
def _get_consistencies(self):
return ()
def _has_consistencies(self):
return False
class DynSymLinkOption(object):
__slots__ = ('_dyn', '_opt', '_name')
def __init__(self, name, opt, dyn):
self._name = name
self._dyn = dyn
self._opt = opt
def __getattr__(self, name, context=undefined):
return getattr(self._impl_getopt(), name)
def impl_getname(self):
return self._name
def impl_get_display_name(self):
return self._impl_getopt().impl_get_display_name(dyn_name=self.impl_getname())
def _impl_getopt(self):
return self._opt
def impl_getsuffix(self):
return self._dyn.split('.')[-1][len(self._impl_getopt().impl_getname()):]
def impl_getpath(self, context):
path = self._impl_getopt().impl_getpath(context)
base_path = '.'.join(path.split('.')[:-2])
if self.impl_is_master_slaves() and base_path is not '':
base_path = base_path + self.impl_getsuffix()
if base_path == '':
return self._dyn
return base_path + '.' + self._dyn
def impl_validate(self, value, context=undefined, validate=True,
force_index=None, force_submulti_index=None, is_multi=None,
display_error=True, display_warnings=True, multi=None,
return self._impl_getopt().impl_validate(value, context, validate,
def impl_is_dynsymlinkoption(self):
return True