Empaquetage minimal de rougail
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# Makefile pour creole
# Début de zone à ne pas éditer
include eole.mk
include apps.mk
# Fin de zone à ne pas éditer
# Makefile rules dedicated to application
# if exists
ifneq (, $(strip $(wildcard $(SOURCE).mk)))
include $(SOURCE).mk
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
# Voir Makefile
# Application web envole #
ifneq (, $(filter oui web, $(PKGAPPS)))
# Sanity check
ifeq (, $(filter-out X.X, $(strip $(VERSION))))
$(error $$(VERSION) variable has incorrect value '$(VERSION)')
# Where to store web application files
WEB_PATH := $(DESTDIR)/var/www/html
# Envole
sharenvole_PROG_DIR := $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/envole/$(SOURCE)
src_plugins-$(VERSION)_REC_DIR := $(WEB_PATH)/$(SOURCE)/plugin
src_lang-$(VERSION)_REC_DIR := $(WEB_PATH)/$(SOURCE)/lang
# Application EOLE flask #
ifneq (, $(filter flask, $(PKGAPPS)))
# Sanity check
ifeq (, $(filter-out XXX, $(strip $(FLASK_MODULE))))
$(error $$(FLASK_MODULE) variable has incorrect value '$(FLASK_MODULE)')
ifeq (, $(strip $(wildcard src/$(FLASK_MODULE).conf)))
$(error missing eoleflask configuration file 'src/$(FLASK_MODULE).conf')
# Everything is related to mount point
APPS_MOUNT_POINT := $(shell sed -ne 's|^"MOUNT_POINT"[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*"/\([^"]*\)",|\1|p' \
ifeq (, $(strip $(APPS_MOUNT_POINT)))
$(error no "MOUNT_POINT" in eoleflask configuration file 'src/$(FLASK_MODULE).conf')
# eole-flask configuration
src_DATA_DIR := $(DESTDIR)/etc/eole/flask/available
# Where to store flask application files
# static files
src_$(FLASK_MODULE)_static_REC_DIR := $(FLASK_PATH)/static
src_$(FLASK_MODULE)_templates_REC_DIR := $(FLASK_PATH)/templates
src_$(FLASK_MODULE)_instance_REC_DIR := $(FLASK_PATH)/resources
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# creole specific rules
schedule_PROG_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/schedule
upgrade_REC_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/upgrade
bin_PROG_DIR := $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
sbin_PROG_DIR := $(DESTDIR)/usr/sbin
data_REC_DIR := $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/creole
fr.man8_DATA_DIR := $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/man/fr.UTF-8/man8
en.man8_DATA_DIR := $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/man/man8
motd_PROG_DIR := $(DESTDIR)/etc/update-motd.d
local_DATA_DIR := $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/eole/creole/dicos/local
# To inform user about coding changes
$(INSTALL_DATA) deprecated/FonctionsEoleNg $(eole_DIR)
@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
# Utiliser <appli>.mk à inclure à la fin de Makefile
# Sanity checks #
ifeq (, $(DESTDIR))
$(warning $$(DESTDIR) is empty, installation will be done in /)
ifeq (, $(filter-out XXX-XXX, $(strip $(SOURCE))))
$(error $$(SOURCE) variable has incorrect value '$(SOURCE)')
# Variables definitions #
INSTALL := install
INSTALL_DATA := install -m 644
INSTALL_PROGRAM := install -m 755
INSTALL_DIRECTORY := install -m 755 -d
INSTALL_RECURSIVE := cp -dr --no-preserve=ownership
# Base
eole_DIR := $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/eole
ifeq ($(strip $(EOLE_VERSION)), 2.3)
diagnose_PROG_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/diagnose/module
diagnose_PROG_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/diagnose/
# Creole
creole_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/creole
dicos_DATA_DIR := $(creole_DIR)/dicos
tmpl_DATA_DIR := $(creole_DIR)/distrib
pretemplate_PROG_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/pretemplate
posttemplate_PROG_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/posttemplate
postservice_PROG_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/postservice
firewall_DATA_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/firewall
bareos_restore_DATA_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/bareos/restore
bareos_fichier_DATA_DIR := $(DESTDIR)/etc/bareos/bareosfichiers.d
schedule_scripts_PROG_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/schedule/scripts
extra_REC_DIR := $(creole_DIR)/extra
# Zéphir
zephir_DATA_DIR := $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/zephir
zephir_configs_DATA_DIR := $(zephir_DATA_DIR)/monitor/configs
zephir_srv_DATA_DIR := $(zephir_configs_DATA_DIR)/services
sso_DATA_DIR := $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/sso
sso_filtres_DATA_DIR := $(sso_DATA_DIR)/app_filters
sso_user-info_DATA_DIR := $(sso_DATA_DIR)/user_infos
ead_DATA_DIR := $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/ead2/backend/config
ead_actions_DATA_DIR := $(ead_DATA_DIR)/actions
ead_perms_DATA_DIR := $(ead_DATA_DIR)/perms
ead_roles_DATA_DIR := $(ead_DATA_DIR)/roles
# Program libraries goes under /usr/lib/<PROGRAM>/
lib_$(SOURCE)_DATA_DIR := $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/$(SOURCE)
# Scripts Eole
scripts_PROG_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/sbin
lib_eole_DATA_DIR := $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/eole
ldap_passwords_DATA_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/annuaire/password_files
lxc_DATA_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/lxc
lxc_fstab_DATA_DIR := $(lxc_DATA_DIR)/fstab
lxc_hosts_DATA_DIR := $(lxc_DATA_DIR)/hosts
sql_DATA_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/mysql/$(SOURCE)
sql_gen_DATA_DIR := $(sql_DATA_DIR)/gen
sql_updates_DATA_DIR := $(sql_DATA_DIR)/updates
sql_conf_gen_DATA_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/applications/gen
sql_conf_passwords_DATA_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/applications/passwords
sql_conf_updates_DATA_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/applications/updates/$(SOURCE)
# Certifs
certs_DATA_DIR := $(eole_DIR)/certs
# Logrotate
logrotate_DATA_DIR := $(DESTDIR)/etc/logrotate.d
# Python modules
ifneq ($(DESTDIR),)
# Translation
TRANSLATION_SRC := translation
TRANSLATION_DEST := $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/locale
PO_FILES = $(wildcard $(TRANSLATION_SRC)/*/*.po)
MO_FOLDERS = $(addprefix $(TRANSLATION_DEST), $(addsuffix LC_MESSAGES,$(subst $(TRANSLATION_SRC),,$(dir $(PO_FILES)))))
# Common directories and files installation #
msgfmt -o $(TRANSLATION_DEST)$(subst $(TRANSLATION_SRC),,$(addsuffix LC_MESSAGES,$(dir $@)))/$(notdir $(@:.po=.mo)) $@
install-lang: $(PO_FILES)
install:: install-dirs install-files install-lang
# $1 = command to run
# $2 = source directory
# $3 = destination directory
define fc_install_file
if [ -d $2 ]; then \
for file in `ls -1 $2/`; do \
$1 $2/$$file $3 || true; \
done; \
## Directory creation
# use % to catch local name in $*
# data, program and recursive directory require a corresponding
# directory in local sources
test ! -d $(subst _,/,$*) || $(INSTALL_DIRECTORY) $($@)
# Create the directory referenced by the variable without a local one.
## Install files present directly under data, program and recursive directories
# $* : name of variable
# $($*): value of variable
$(call fc_install_file, $(INSTALL_DATA), $(subst _,/,$(subst _DATA_DIR,,$*)), $($*))
$(call fc_install_file, $(INSTALL_PROGRAM), $(subst _,/,$(subst _PROG_DIR,,$*)), $($*))
$(call fc_install_file, $(INSTALL_RECURSIVE), $(subst _,/,$(subst _REC_DIR,,$*)), $($*))
# Use second expansion as variables may be created in included
# Makefiles
# List of all directories
installdirs_LIST = $(foreach V, $(filter %_DIR, $(.VARIABLES)), \
$(if $(filter file, $(origin $(V))), \
# List of data directories
installdata_LIST = $(filter %_DATA_DIR, $(installdirs_LIST))
# List of program directories
installprog_LIST = $(filter %_PROG_DIR, $(installdirs_LIST))
# List of recursive directories
installrec_LIST = $(filter %_REC_DIR, $(installdirs_LIST))
# Expand directories to create as dependency
# Use double-colon to permit user to define additionnal install-dirs
install-dirs:: $$(installdirs_LIST)
# Expand files to install as dependency
# Use double-colon to permit user to define additionnal install-files
install-files:: install-data-files install-prog-files install-rec-dirs
install-data-files: $$(patsubst %,%-instdata,$$(installdata_LIST))
install-prog-files: $$(patsubst %,%-instprog,$$(installprog_LIST))
install-rec-dirs: $$(patsubst %,%-instrec,$$(installrec_LIST))
# Installation of python modules
ifeq ($(shell test -f setup.py && echo 0), 0)
python3 setup.py install --no-compile --install-layout=deb $(PYTHON_OPTS)
.PHONY: install install-dirs install-files install-data-files install-prog-files install-rec-dirs
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
# Création du fichier .pot et mise à jour des fichiers .po à partir des informations du fichier po_list
if [[ -e po_list ]]; then
while read p; do
project=$(echo $p |awk '{print $1}')
files=$(echo $p |cut -f 1 -d " " --complement)
if [[ ! -d translation/fr ]]; then
mkdir -p translation/fr
if [[ ! -d translation/en ]]; then
mkdir -p translation/en
# Création des fichiers po minimum (fr et en) si nécessaire.
xgettext -L Python --keyword=_:1,2 --from-code=UTF-8 --force-po -F --copyright-holder="projet EOLE" --package-name=$project --msgid-bugs-address=eole@ac-dijon.fr --foreign-user -d $project -o translation/$project.pot $files
sed -i -e 's/\("Content-Type: text\/plain; charset=\).*\(\\n"\)/\1UTF-8\2/g' translation/$project.pot
# Mise à jour des fichiers po présents sous ./translation
for po_file in $(find translation -name $project.po); do
msgmerge -U $po_file translation/$project.pot
if [[ ! -e translation/fr/${project}.po ]]; then
msginit -i translation/${project}.pot -o translation/fr/${project}.po -l fr_FR
sed -i -e "s/\\(\"PO-Revision-Date: \\).*\\(\\\\n\"\\)/\\1$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%z')\\2/g" \
-e 's/\("Language-Team: \).*\(\\n"\)/\1Équipe EOLE <eole@ac-dijon.fr>\2/g' \
-e 's/\("Content-Type: text\/plain; charset=\).*\(\\n"\)/\1UTF-8\2/g' \
# Le fichier po "en" est écrasé.
msgen -o translation/en/$project.po translation/$project.pot
sed -i -e 's/\("Last-Translator: \).*\(\\n"\)/\1Équipe EOLE <eole@ac-dijon.fr>\2/g' \
-e "s/\\(\"PO-Revision-Date: \\).*\\(\\\\n\"\\)/\\1$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%z')\\2/g" \
-e 's/\("Language-Team: \).*\(\\n"\)/\1Équipe EOLE <eole@ac-dijon.fr>\2/g' \
-e 's/\("Language: \).*\(\\n"\)/\1en\2/g' \
-e 's/\("Content-Type: text\/plain; charset=\).*\(\\n"\)/\1UTF-8\2/g' \
-e 's/\("Plural-Forms: \).*/\1nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\\n"/' \
-e '1,5 d' \
done < po_list
@ -1,24 +1,17 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from setuptools import setup
import os, glob
BASE_DIR = 'share/'
DOC_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'doc/creole')
# documentation
doc = [(DOC_DIR, glob.glob('doc/*.html') + glob.glob('doc/*.txt')),
(os.path.join(DOC_DIR, 'api'), glob.glob('doc/api/*.html') + glob.glob('doc/api/*.css')),
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
author='Équipe EOLE',
description='Eole configuration tools',
packages=['creole', 'creole.lint', 'creole.valid'],
description='Configuration templating engine',
package_dir={"": "src"},
package_data={"": ["data/*.dtd"]}
@ -1,2083 +0,0 @@
# This file is put in the public domain.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: creole\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: eole@ac-dijon.fr\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-11 10:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:66 creole/reconfigure.py:185
msgid "! Abandoning configuration !"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:67 creole/reconfigure.py:186
msgid ""
"System may be in an incoherent state.\n"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:75
msgid "Manage EOLE server automatic update"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:81 bin/Maj-Release:35
msgid "show this help message and exit"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:84
msgid "run in dry-run mode (force to True when using Query-Auto)."
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:87
msgid "bypass Zephir authorizations."
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:90
msgid "update your server without any confirmation."
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:94
msgid "ask apt-get to simulate packages installation"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:101
msgid "use testing packages."
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:105
msgid "use development packages."
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:113
msgid "run reconfigure on successful upgrade."
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:117
msgid ""
"run reconfigure on successful upgrade and reboot if necessary (implies -r)."
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:119
msgid "only download packages in cache."
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:122
msgid "EOLE repository server."
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:124
msgid "Ubuntu repository server."
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:126
msgid "Envole repository server."
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:128
msgid "use CDROM as source."
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:132
msgid "specific output for EAD."
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:135
msgid "ignore local configuration if creoled not responding."
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:182
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Update at {0}"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:234
msgid "Unknown release number"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:247
msgid "Update is locked, please contact Zéphir administrator"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:248 creole/reconfigure.py:313
msgid "Use -f option if you want to force execution"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:280
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:282
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:284
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:287
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} - Raising update level may prevent lowering back to stable version."
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:290
msgid "Do you wish to proceed?"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:295
msgid "Cancelling!"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:330 bin/Maj-Auto:374
msgid "Update successful."
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:331
msgid "Nothing to install."
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:339
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} new,"
msgid_plural "{0} news,"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:340
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} upgrade,"
msgid_plural "{0} upgrades,"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:341
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} delete"
msgid_plural "{0} deletes"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:383
msgid "Upgrade post Maj-Release, please wait"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:389
msgid "error in post maj release"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:402
msgid ""
"At least one packages has been updated, use command [reconfigure] to apply "
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Auto:415
msgid ""
". If restarting creoled service does not help, try {} command with '-i' "
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Release:28 bin/Maj-Release:50
msgid "This script will upgrade to a new release of this distribution"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Release:37
msgid "Target release number"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Release:40
msgid "Do not ask confirmation"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Release:56
msgid "No stable new release available"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Release:68
msgid "q|quit: abort"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Release:73
msgid ""
"Upgrade aborted by user"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Release:87
msgid "Voluntary stay of proceedings"
msgstr ""
#: bin/Maj-Release:90 bin/Maj-Release:97
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid response: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:255 creole/var_loader.py:519
msgid "Bridge IP address"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:260 creole/var_loader.py:521
msgid "Bridge IP subnet mask"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:274 creole/var_loader.py:525
msgid "Bridge broadcast IP address"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:372
msgid "{} family already exists"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:378 creole/var_loader.py:582
msgid "Containers informations"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:417
msgid "the container \"{}\" does not exist"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:419
msgid "mandatory attribute \"id\" missing for container \"{}\""
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:423
msgid ""
"attribute \"id\" must be unique, but \"{}\" is used for containers \"{}\" "
"and \"{}\""
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:437 creole/var_loader.py:549 creole/var_loader.py:568
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Path of container {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:453 creole/var_loader.py:559
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Group name of container {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:620
msgid "attribute {} already exists for {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:625
msgid "attribute node_name or name_type already exists for {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:788
msgid "only one action allow for {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:826
msgid "No configuration variables available in the configuration set"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:837
msgid "valid_enum sets for unknown variables {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:910
msgid "the variable {} in a group must be multi"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:917
msgid "cannot found a master {} nor a slave {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1048
msgid "master/slaves {} could not be auto_save"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1052
msgid "master/slaves {} could not be auto_freeze"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1101
msgid "cannot set valid enum for variable with type {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1111 creole/annotator.py:1133
msgid "empty valid enum is not allowed for variable {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1130
msgid ""
"value \"{}\" of variable \"{}\" is not in list of all expected values ({})"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1198
msgid "An auto or fill already exists for the target: {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1218
msgid "variable with auto value cannot be auto_freeze"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1221
msgid "variable with auto value cannot be auto_save"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1246
msgid "{} already has a separator"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1256 creole/annotator.py:1414
msgid "All '{}' variables shall be set in order to calculate {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1260
msgid "The function {} is unknown"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1262
msgid "Function {} shall return a list"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1282
msgid "cannot use {} type as a param in check for {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1344
msgid "cannot load checkval value for variable {}: {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1349
msgid "cannot set more than one param for valid_enum for variable {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1357
msgid "cannot load value for variable {}: {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1365
msgid "valid_enum already set for {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1409
msgid "cannot use {} type as a param in a fill/auto"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1448
msgid "cannot found family {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1581
msgid "cannot use {} type as a param in a condition"
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:57
msgid "! Error while generating entropy file !"
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:94
#, python-brace-format
msgid "! Error while generating ssl key in {0} !"
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:107 creole/cert.py:114 creole/cert.py:121 creole/cert.py:128
#: creole/cert.py:135 creole/cert.py:142
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"! Rights on {0} can't be modified"
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:201
msgid "Certificate chain incomplete."
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:231
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error: file {0} does not exist"
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:307 creole/cert.py:358
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"Certificate configuration template can not be found:\n"
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:309
msgid "Generating CA certificate"
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:315
msgid "Error while generating CA"
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:326
msgid "Generating certificate revocation list (CRL)"
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:330
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error while generating CRL ({0}/eole.crl)"
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:373 creole/cert.py:375
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Folder {0} does not exist."
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:390
#, python-brace-format
msgid "! Error while generating certificate request {0} !"
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:403
#, python-brace-format
msgid "! Error while signing certificate request {0} !"
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:404
#, python-brace-format
msgid "* Certificate {0} successfully generated"
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:543 creole/cert.py:571
msgid "cert or certfile must be None"
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:545 creole/cert.py:573
msgid "cert or certfile must be set"
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:554 creole/cert.py:582
#, python-brace-format
msgid "error in {0}: {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:557
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid certificate subject: {0} "
msgstr ""
#: creole/cert.py:585
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid certificate issuer: {0} "
msgstr ""
#: creole/client.py:287
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Connexion error '{0}', retry {1}/{2}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/client.py:292
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"HTTP error: {0}\n"
"Please check creoled's log (/var/log/rsyslog/local/creoled/creoled.info."
"and restart service with command 'service creoled start'"
msgstr ""
#: creole/client.py:294
#, python-brace-format
msgid "HTTP error: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/client.py:296
msgid "creoled service didn't respond in time"
msgstr ""
#: creole/client.py:323
#, python-brace-format
msgid "HTML content: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/client.py:324
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"HTML error {0}, please consult creoled events log (/var/log/rsyslog/local/"
"creoled/creoled.info.log) to have more informations"
msgstr ""
#: creole/client.py:334
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Creole error {0}: {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/client.py:356
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Path must not mix dotted and slash notation: '{0}'"
msgstr ""
#: creole/client.py:361
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Path must start with '/': '{0}'"
msgstr ""
#: creole/client.py:383
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Too many positional parameters {0}."
msgstr ""
#: creole/client.py:435 creole/eosfunc.py:58
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown variable {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/client.py:475
#, python-brace-format
msgid "No container found for group {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/client.py:477
msgid "No container found! Is that possible?"
msgstr ""
#: creole/client.py:498
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown container {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/client.py:667 creole/client.py:676
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown container components {0} for container {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/client.py:669
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown container components {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/client.py:838
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/containers.py:79
msgid "Invalid LXC lock files state: both are present."
msgstr ""
#: creole/containers.py:103
msgid "LXC is enabled but LXC commands not found in PATH."
msgstr ""
#: creole/containers.py:106
msgid ""
"Server already instantiated in no containers mode, attempt to activate "
"containers mode aborted."
msgstr ""
#: creole/containers.py:108
msgid ""
"Server already instantiated in containers mode, attempt to activate no "
"containers mode aborted."
msgstr ""
#: creole/containers.py:124
msgid ""
"cacher not available, please start check log in /var/log/apt-cacher-ng/ and "
"restart it with \"service apt-cacher-ng start\" command"
msgstr ""
#: creole/containers.py:129
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Managing container {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/containers.py:135
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"error during the process of container creation, more informations in {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/containers.py:140
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"eole-common-pkg not installed in container, something goes wrong, more "
"informations in {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/containers.py:174
msgid "Container has no name"
msgstr ""
#: creole/containers.py:177
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Container {0} has no IP"
msgstr ""
#: creole/dtd_parser.py:52
msgid "Do not write \"ChoiceOption\" in comments"
msgstr ""
#: creole/dtd_parser.py:56
msgid "Unvalid comment content: must match a valid attribute name"
msgstr ""
#: creole/dtd_parser.py:87
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Using name {0} is forbidden in attributes"
msgstr ""
#: creole/dtd_parser.py:93
msgid "Not a valid list"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:70
msgid "Wrong IP address format"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:77
msgid "An IP address is a sequence of four numbers separated by dots."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:80
msgid "Each number is in range [0, 255]."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:92
msgid "Two IP addresses are required."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:112
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Specified network does not match IP address {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:145
msgid "Subnet mask format invalid"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:157
msgid "You must answer 'O' or 'N'"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:166
msgid "Value must be uppercase."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:174
msgid "Value must be lowercase."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:188
msgid "Invalid potential values list"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:190
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Choose one of these options: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:193
msgid "Invalid syntax"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:210
msgid "A number is required."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:213
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Give an integer greater than {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:215
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Give an integer lesser than {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:228
msgid ""
"valid_len : a length must be given, either an exact length or a maximum or "
"minimum length."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:230
msgid ""
"valid_len : an exact length can not be used with a minimum or a maximum "
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:233
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The exact length of the given variable must be {0}."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:236
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The length of the given variable must be lesser than {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:238
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The length of the given variable must be greater than {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:243
msgid "Value must be either Yes or No."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:261
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Command {0} execution has failed"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:266
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Value must be different from {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:277
#, python-brace-format
msgid "\"{0}\" character is not allowed."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:293
msgid "Domain name is missing a top-level domain (TLD)."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:301
msgid "Aliases must start with a slash (\"/\")."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:307
msgid "Activating Apache is required in order to activate phpMyAdmin."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:313
msgid "SSO service must listen on an interface other than localhost."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:316
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"Local SSO service is in conflict with reverse proxy, use IP address {0} "
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:324
msgid "Value must be of type string."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:326
msgid "Value must be uppercase letters."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:340
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"Please activate \"Utilisation du service sso pour les applications de votre "
"serveur Scribe\" before activating {0}."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:348
msgid "This parameter is mandatory."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:388
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error running command {0} : {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:469 creole/eosfunc.py:992 creole/eosfunc.py:1000
#: creole/eosfunc.py:1012
#, python-brace-format
msgid "IP or subnet mask invalid ({0}, {1})"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:609
msgid "Operator must be either \"AND\" or \"OR\""
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:611
msgid "eval_match must be either \"True\" or \"False\""
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:613
msgid "eval_mismatch must be either \"True\" or \"False\""
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:634
msgid "Condition keys must start with \"condition\"."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:644
msgid "Conditions and parameters counts do not match in calc_multi_condition."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:715
#, python-brace-format
msgid "LDAP directory of {0}.{1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:720
#, python-brace-format
msgid "LDAP directory of {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:1300
msgid "Unknown job type"
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:1334
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Disknod '{0}' is not a directory or a device."
msgstr ""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:1433
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error loading custom functions in {0}."
msgstr ""
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:119
msgid "Updating Grub configuration"
msgstr ""
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:131
msgid "Initramfs missing, generating :"
msgstr ""
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:189
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Syslog logging is not working properly: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:190
msgid "You may need to start/restart systemd-journald"
msgstr ""
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:255
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Checking permissions on Zéphir for {0} impossible."
msgstr ""
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:256
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error message: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:261
msgid "Using stored parameters"
msgstr ""
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:276
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Updating {0} impossible (insufficient rights)."
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:84 creole/xmlreflector.py:33
msgid "no such DTD file: {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:132 creole/loader.py:358
msgid "unknown tag {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:169
msgid "unknown constraint {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:185 creole/loader.py:286
msgid "unknown hidden boolean {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:192
msgid "unknown param type {} in fill to {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:207
msgid "valid_enum cannot have more than one param for {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:218 creole/var_loader.py:933
msgid "valid_differ length should be 1"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:230 creole/var_loader.py:937
msgid "valid_networknetmask length should be 1"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:232 creole/var_loader.py:939
msgid "valid_networknetmask must have only eole variable"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:241 creole/var_loader.py:943
msgid "valid_ipnetmask length should be 1"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:243 creole/var_loader.py:945
msgid "valid_ipnetmask must have only eole variable"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:252 creole/var_loader.py:949
msgid "valid_broadcast length should be 2"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:254 creole/var_loader.py:957
msgid "valid_broadcast must have only eole variable"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:264 creole/var_loader.py:961
msgid "valid_in_network length should be 2"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:266 creole/var_loader.py:969
msgid "valid_in_network must have only eole variable"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:311
msgid "unknown condition type {} for {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:371
msgid "variable without family"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:417
msgid "path already loaded {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:446
msgid "there is no element for path {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:472 creole/loader.py:626
msgid "unknown value {} for {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:505
msgid "default value already set for {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:526 creole/loader.py:648
msgid "key already exists in information {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:581
msgid "cannot create option {}: {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:600
msgid "cannot load consistency for {}: {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:670
msgid "cannot create optiondescription {}: {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:715
msgid "Only creole namespace is supported"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:724 creole/loader1.py:408
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Configuration file unexistent : {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:728 creole/loader1.py:412
msgid "Unable to force_configeol with load_extra."
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:730 creole/loader1.py:414
msgid ""
"If force_dirs is defined, namespace must be set to creole and load_extra "
"must be set to False."
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:758 creole/loader1.py:433
msgid "Namespace {} for extra dictionary not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader1.py:74
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to find namespace: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader1.py:292
msgid "extra name {} not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader1.py:350 creole/loader1.py:376
msgid "Error when trying to upgrade config file: {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader1.py:358
#, python-brace-format
msgid "eol_version ({0}) is greater than current version ({1})"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader1.py:416
msgid "namespace is not creole, so load_extra is forbidden."
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader1.py:605
msgid "master's len is lower than the slave variable ({})"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader1.py:610
msgid "owner must be a string for {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader1.py:626
msgid "unable to load variable {} with value {}: {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader1.py:663 creole/loader1.py:741
msgid "config must have eol_file attribute"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader1.py:667
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Can not find file {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader1.py:695
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Mandatory variable '{0}' from family '{1}' is not set !"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader1.py:758
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error saving file: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:24
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error while parsing file {0}: {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:36
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error while parsing: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:60
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error, var {0} already exists in current dictionaries"
msgstr ""
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:73
msgid "Error: extra <files> tags in dictionaries."
msgstr ""
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:82
msgid "Error: extra <containers> tags in dictionaries."
msgstr ""
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:87
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Name '{0}' is not allowed in tag <container>."
msgstr ""
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:90
#, python-brace-format
msgid "There must be only one name '{0}' in a dictionary."
msgstr ""
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:101
msgid "Error: extra <all> tags in dictionaries."
msgstr ""
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:190 creole/lxml_parser.py:197
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Value {0} not in {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:261
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Family {0} is set several times."
msgstr ""
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:303
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Action Family {0} is set several times."
msgstr ""
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:310
msgid "Error: extra <action> tags in dictionaries."
msgstr ""
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:400
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown type {0} for condition target."
msgstr ""
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:406
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Impossible condition without source for {0}."
msgstr ""
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:432
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid help for variable {0}."
msgstr ""
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:439
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid help for family {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/maj.py:106
#, python-brace-format
msgid "An update is scheduled at {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/maj.py:145
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} the {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/objspace.py:167
msgid "{} is not True or False"
msgstr ""
#: creole/objspace.py:266
msgid "Already present in another XML file, {} cannot be re-created"
msgstr ""
#: creole/objspace.py:274
msgid "Redefined object: {} does not exist yet"
msgstr ""
#: creole/objspace.py:314
msgid "Creole object {} has a wrong type"
msgstr ""
#: creole/objspace.py:352
msgid "cannot redefine attribute {} for variable {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/objspace.py:359
msgid "value for {} must be True or False, not {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/objspace.py:397
msgid "Family {} is set several times"
msgstr ""
#: creole/objspace.py:572
msgid ""
"A family located in the {} namespace shall not be used in the {} namespace"
msgstr ""
#: creole/objspace.py:588
msgid "unknown family {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/objspace.py:620
msgid ""
"A variable located in the {} namespace shall not be used in the {} namespace"
msgstr ""
#: creole/objspace.py:638
msgid "Already defined master {} for variable {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/objspace.py:651
msgid "don't set full path variable in creole's namespace (set '{}' not '{}')"
msgstr ""
#: creole/objspace.py:653
msgid "unknown option {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:61
msgid ""
"For more informations, read section\n"
"'Mise en œuvre des modules EOLE' in module documentation or\n"
"common documentation."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:104
msgid "Applying EOLE configuration."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:108
msgid "leave process in interactive mode"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:110
msgid "override Zéphir lock"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:112
msgid "automatic reboot if necessary"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:229
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Running scripts {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:232
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:242
msgid ""
"Please check creoled's log (/var/log/rsyslog/local/creoled/creoled.info."
"and restart service with command 'service creoled start'"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:258
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Preparation for {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:261
msgid "Server is not configured."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:265
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Missing file {0}."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:270
msgid "Server must be instantiated before any reconfiguration can occur."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:276
msgid "Server already instantiated."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:278
msgid "To modify configuration parameter (e.g. IP address), use:"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:279
msgid "'gen_config'"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:280
msgid "then 'reconfigure' to apply changes."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:284
msgid "you have run gen_conteneurs, please use instance instead of reconfigure"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:287
msgid "You have to run gen_conteneurs before instance"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:294
msgid "First instantiate server."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:296
msgid "Proceeding with instantiation ?"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:308
msgid "This process is blocked, contact Zéphir administrator."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:309
msgid "Force execution?"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:325
msgid "Configuration validation problem, please check server configuration."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:391
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to start LXC container : {0}"
msgid_plural "Unable to start LXC containers : {0}"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:406
msgid "Container mode is disabled."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:411
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"container {0} does not already exist, please use gen_conteneurs to create "
"this container"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:415
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Setting up {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:423
msgid "Generating containers"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:457
msgid "Starting containers"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:473
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Can not read file {0}: {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:483
msgid "Removing old linux kernels and associate headers."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:490
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to remove some packages: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:492
msgid "These packages will be removed next 'reconfigure'"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:519
msgid "Checking Packages for container"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:533
msgid "Managing packages"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:534
msgid " Removing packages"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:535
msgid "Removing packages"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:537
msgid " Installing packages"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:538
msgid "Installing packages"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:545 creole/reconfigure.py:546
msgid "Generating configuration files"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:566
msgid "Stopping services"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:570
msgid "Starting services"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:583
msgid "Configuring services"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:585
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown service action: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:617
msgid "Managing system user accounts"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:625
msgid "No system user account management in non-interactive mode."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:633
msgid "'root' user unknown. This is abnormal."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:638
msgid "No new EOLE account with /home on NFS"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:641
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Create new administrator user account {0}?"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:645
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Creating unexistent user {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:653
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to create user {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:659
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to add '{0}' to group 'adm'."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:666
#, python-brace-format
msgid "No modification of password of administrator user account {0}."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:678
#, python-brace-format
msgid "# Modificating password for user account {0} #"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:685
msgid "New password"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:686
msgid "Confirming new password"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:690
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Password input errors for {0}. Abandon."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:700
msgid "Can not use default password."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:707
#, python-brace-format
msgid "User {0} password updated."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:711
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error changing password for {0}."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:717
msgid "Passwords mismatch."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:727
msgid "Managing certificates"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:738
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error while generating certificates: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:744
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Copying certificates in {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:753
msgid "Applying kernel parameters"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:766
msgid "Finalizing configuration"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:787 creole/reconfigure.py:792
#: creole/reconfigure.py:794
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Backup {0} in {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:790
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} was not modified"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:805
msgid "Managing update"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:807
msgid "Updating server"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:808
msgid ""
"An update is recommended.\n"
"Do you want to proceed with network update now ?"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:834
msgid "No updates available."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:844
msgid "Task scheduling"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:868
msgid ""
"Reboot is necessary.\n"
"Do you want to reboot now?"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:881
msgid "Reboot necessary"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:944
msgid "Beginning of configuration"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:959 creole/reconfigure.py:964
msgid "eth0 network interface does not have a valid IP address."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:960
msgid "Restarting networking service"
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:965
msgid "Unable to obtain IP address."
msgstr ""
#: creole/reconfigure.py:981
msgid "Reconfiguration OK"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:99
#, python-brace-format
msgid "File not accessible: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:103
#, python-brace-format
msgid "File with null size: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:146
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Reload config.eol due to {0} on {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:153
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Filtered inotify event for {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:170
msgid "Loading tiramisu configuration"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:192
msgid "Load creole configuration with errors"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:198
msgid "Unable to load creole configuration: "
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:232
msgid "Unable to load creole configuration from config.eol: "
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:244
msgid "Unable to load creole configuration from extra: "
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:272
msgid "All variables are not set, please configure your system:"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:277
msgid "variables are mandatories"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:288
msgid "variables must be in config file"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:350
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Mandatory variable {0} is not set."
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:429
msgid "No configuration"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:460
msgid "Base directory in which the server is launched (default: /tmp)"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:464
msgid "Configuration file of the server (default: /etc/eole/creoled.conf"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:467
msgid "Run the server as a daemon (default: false)"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:470
msgid "Listen on the specified IP:PORT (default:"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:473 creole/server.py:478
msgid "Base under which the application is mounted (default: /)"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:481
msgid "User of the running process (default: nobody)"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:484
msgid "Group of the running process (default: nogroup)"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:487
msgid "Umask of the running process (default: 0644)"
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:593
msgid "No configuration found: do not check for container mode."
msgstr ""
#: creole/server.py:608
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to listen for containers: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/service.py:8 creole/service.py:16 creole/service.py:28
#: creole/service.py:40
msgid "Use new API “manage_services()”"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:59
msgid "Group variables must be of type master.slave"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:239
msgid "length mismatch"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:302
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Patching template '{0}' with '{1}'"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:306
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"Error applying patch: '{0}'\n"
"To reproduce and fix this error {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:320
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Cleaning file '{0}'"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:325
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error removing comments '{0}': {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:340
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Template file not enabled: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:343
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Template file not set: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:347
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Template target not set: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:364
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Template {0} unexistent"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:367
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Copy template: '{0}' -> '{1}'"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:383
#, python-brace-format
msgid "File {0} does not exist."
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:388
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Folder {0} does not exist but is required by {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:410
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Cheetah processing: '{0}' -> '{1}'"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:429
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error: unknown variable used in template {0} : {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:432
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Encoding issue detected in template {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:435
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error while instantiating template {0}: {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:448
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to write in file '{0}': '{1}'"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:480 creole/template.py:485
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Changing properties: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:483 creole/template.py:488
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error changing properties {0}: {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:498
#, python-brace-format
msgid "File '{0}' unexistent."
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:517
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Removing file '{0}' from container '{1}'"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:523
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Instantiation of file '{0}' disabled"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:525
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Instantiating file '{0}' from '{1}'"
msgstr ""
#: creole/template.py:592
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Removing file '{0}'"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade.py:104
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Variable {0} has been copied in {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade.py:107 creole/upgrade24.py:239
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Variable {0} has been renamed to {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade.py:119
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Variable {0} has been removed"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade.py:133
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Source variable {0} invalid"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade.py:145 creole/upgrade24.py:155 creole/upgrade24.py:173
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Variable updated: {0} = {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade.py:167
msgid "config.eol upgrade started"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade.py:208
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown variable: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade.py:224 creole/upgrade.py:393 creole/upgrade24.py:287
#: creole/upgrade24.py:353 creole/upgrade24.py:392 creole/upgrade24.py:419
#: creole/upgrade24.py:457 creole/upgrade24.py:531 creole/upgrade24.py:583
#: creole/upgrade24.py:614
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Starting {0} to {1} upgrade"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade.py:554
msgid "Migrating SMTP parameters"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade.py:581
msgid "Mail configuration not recognised, not processed"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade24.py:78
msgid "get_noncalculated_value_for_auto: unknown variable {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade24.py:149
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Try to set value to unknown option: {0} = {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade24.py:167 creole/upgrade24.py:230
msgid "empty value"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade24.py:168 creole/upgrade24.py:175 creole/upgrade24.py:179
#: creole/upgrade24.py:231
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} for {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade24.py:186
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Try to delete an unknown option: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade24.py:190
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Variable {0} reinitialized"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade24.py:199
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Try to append a value to an unknown option: {0} += {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade24.py:213
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Try to modify last value of an unknown option: {0}[-1] = {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade24.py:306 creole/upgrade24.py:330
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid value : {0} in old variable {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/upgrade24.py:525
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Interface {0} name has not an 'ethX' format"
msgstr ""
#: creole/utils.py:149
msgid "Choose a number in the list"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:39
msgid "mac address"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:110
#, python-brace-format
msgid "option {0}'s value should be in {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:265
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} {1} redefined but unexistent."
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:267
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} {1} existent."
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:306
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Name ({0}) already used."
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:377
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown key {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:402
msgid "No requires for SymLinkOption"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:407
#, python-brace-format
msgid "SymLinkOption targetting unexistent variable: {0}."
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:485
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Two containers with the same id ({0})"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:487
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Multiple ids for the container {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:523
msgid "Bridge IP network_br0 address"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:554
#, python-brace-format
msgid "IP address of container {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:661
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Two variables with the same name ({0})"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:663
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Attempt to redefine unexistent variable: {0}."
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:700
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Redefining multi attribute is not allowed for variable {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:703
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Redefining type attribute is not allowed for variable {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:744 creole/var_loader.py:751
#, python-brace-format
msgid "help already set for {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:761
#, python-brace-format
msgid "More than one separator for {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:800
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown condition type for {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:806 creole/var_loader.py:1530
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown type {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:809
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown hidden {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:812
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown name {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:815
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown optional {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:851
#, python-brace-format
msgid "More than one function for target: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:856
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Can not set level to {0} for this kind of callback"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:869
msgid "Namespace different in param not allowed: {} - {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:885
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Type {0} not yet implemented for {1} for {2}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:901
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Computing function already defined for {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:1071
#, python-brace-format
msgid "File {0} does not exist"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:1086
msgid "Unable to run read_dir if Config already exists."
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:1112
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to populate {0}: {1}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:1215
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Condition using unexistent variable {0} as parameter."
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:1246
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Condition targetting unexistent variable {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:1250
#, python-brace-format
msgid "requires already set for this option preventing changing properties {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:1254
#, python-brace-format
msgid "requires already set for this option {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:1345
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Check using unexistent variable {0} as parameter."
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:1386
#, python-brace-format
msgid "unknown function {0} in eosfunc"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:1403 creole/var_loader.py:1416
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Variable computing function using unknown variable {0}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:1492
msgid "Slave value length can not be greater than 1."
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:1597 creole/var_loader.py:1605
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} is auto, so must not be auto_freeze or auto_save"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:1700
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown family {0} has requires"
msgstr ""
#: creole/xmlreflector.py:46
msgid "not a valid xml file: {}"
msgstr ""
@ -1,2138 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: creole\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: eole@ac-dijon.fr\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-11 10:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-11 10:20+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Équipe EOLE <eole@ac-dijon.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: Équipe EOLE <eole@ac-dijon.fr>\n"
"Language: en\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:66 creole/reconfigure.py:185
msgid "! Abandoning configuration !"
msgstr "! Abandoning configuration !"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:67 creole/reconfigure.py:186
msgid ""
"System may be in an incoherent state.\n"
msgstr ""
"System may be in an incoherent state.\n"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:75
msgid "Manage EOLE server automatic update"
msgstr "Manage EOLE server automatic update"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:81 bin/Maj-Release:35
msgid "show this help message and exit"
msgstr "show this help message and exit"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:84
msgid "run in dry-run mode (force to True when using Query-Auto)."
msgstr "run in dry-run mode (force to True when using Query-Auto)."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:87
msgid "bypass Zephir authorizations."
msgstr "bypass Zephir authorizations."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:90
msgid "update your server without any confirmation."
msgstr "update your server without any confirmation."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:94
msgid "ask apt-get to simulate packages installation"
msgstr "ask apt-get to simulate packages installation"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:101
msgid "use testing packages."
msgstr "use testing packages."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:105
msgid "use development packages."
msgstr "use development packages."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:113
msgid "run reconfigure on successful upgrade."
msgstr "run reconfigure on successful upgrade."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:117
msgid ""
"run reconfigure on successful upgrade and reboot if necessary (implies -r)."
msgstr ""
"run reconfigure on successful upgrade and reboot if necessary (implies -r)."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:119
msgid "only download packages in cache."
msgstr "only download packages in cache."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:122
msgid "EOLE repository server."
msgstr "EOLE repository server."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:124
msgid "Ubuntu repository server."
msgstr "Ubuntu repository server."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:126
msgid "Envole repository server."
msgstr "Envole repository server."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:128
msgid "use CDROM as source."
msgstr "use CDROM as source."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:132
msgid "specific output for EAD."
msgstr "specific output for EAD."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:135
msgid "ignore local configuration if creoled not responding."
msgstr "ignore local configuration if creoled not responding."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:182
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Update at {0}"
msgstr "Update at {0}"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:234
msgid "Unknown release number"
msgstr "Unknown release number"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:247
msgid "Update is locked, please contact Zéphir administrator"
msgstr "Update is locked, please contact Zéphir administrator"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:248 creole/reconfigure.py:313
msgid "Use -f option if you want to force execution"
msgstr "Use -f option if you want to force execution"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:280
#: bin/Maj-Auto:282
#: bin/Maj-Auto:284
#: bin/Maj-Auto:287
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} - Raising update level may prevent lowering back to stable version."
msgstr ""
"{0} - Raising update level may prevent lowering back to stable version."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:290
msgid "Do you wish to proceed?"
msgstr "Do you wish to proceed?"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:295
msgid "Cancelling!"
msgstr "Cancelling!"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:330 bin/Maj-Auto:374
msgid "Update successful."
msgstr "Update successful."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:331
msgid "Nothing to install."
msgstr "Nothing to install."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:339
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} new,"
msgid_plural "{0} news,"
msgstr[0] "{0} new,"
msgstr[1] "{0} news,"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:340
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} upgrade,"
msgid_plural "{0} upgrades,"
msgstr[0] "{0} upgrade,"
msgstr[1] "{0} upgrades,"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:341
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} delete"
msgid_plural "{0} deletes"
msgstr[0] "{0} delete"
msgstr[1] "{0} deletes"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:383
msgid "Upgrade post Maj-Release, please wait"
msgstr "Upgrade post Maj-Release, please wait"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:389
msgid "error in post maj release"
msgstr "error in post maj release"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:402
msgid ""
"At least one packages has been updated, use command [reconfigure] to apply "
msgstr ""
"At least one packages has been updated, use command [reconfigure] to apply "
#: bin/Maj-Auto:415
msgid ""
". If restarting creoled service does not help, try {} command with '-i' "
msgstr ""
". If restarting creoled service does not help, try {} command with '-i' "
#: bin/Maj-Release:28 bin/Maj-Release:50
msgid "This script will upgrade to a new release of this distribution"
msgstr "This script will upgrade to a new release of this distribution"
#: bin/Maj-Release:37
msgid "Target release number"
msgstr "Target release number"
#: bin/Maj-Release:40
msgid "Do not ask confirmation"
msgstr "Do not ask confirmation"
#: bin/Maj-Release:56
msgid "No stable new release available"
msgstr "No stable new release available"
#: bin/Maj-Release:68
msgid "q|quit: abort"
msgstr "q|quit: abort"
#: bin/Maj-Release:73
msgid ""
"Upgrade aborted by user"
msgstr ""
"Upgrade aborted by user"
#: bin/Maj-Release:87
msgid "Voluntary stay of proceedings"
msgstr "Voluntary stay of proceedings"
#: bin/Maj-Release:90 bin/Maj-Release:97
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid response: {0}"
msgstr "Invalid response: {0}"
#: creole/annotator.py:255 creole/var_loader.py:519
msgid "Bridge IP address"
msgstr "Bridge IP address"
#: creole/annotator.py:260 creole/var_loader.py:521
msgid "Bridge IP subnet mask"
msgstr "Bridge IP subnet mask"
#: creole/annotator.py:274 creole/var_loader.py:525
msgid "Bridge broadcast IP address"
msgstr "Bridge broadcast IP address"
#: creole/annotator.py:372
msgid "{} family already exists"
msgstr "{} family already exists"
#: creole/annotator.py:378 creole/var_loader.py:582
msgid "Containers informations"
msgstr "Containers informations"
#: creole/annotator.py:417
msgid "the container \"{}\" does not exist"
msgstr "the container \"{}\" does not exist"
#: creole/annotator.py:419
msgid "mandatory attribute \"id\" missing for container \"{}\""
msgstr "mandatory attribute \"id\" missing for container \"{}\""
#: creole/annotator.py:423
msgid ""
"attribute \"id\" must be unique, but \"{}\" is used for containers \"{}\" "
"and \"{}\""
msgstr ""
"attribute \"id\" must be unique, but \"{}\" is used for containers \"{}\" "
"and \"{}\""
#: creole/annotator.py:437 creole/var_loader.py:549 creole/var_loader.py:568
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Path of container {0}"
msgstr "Path of container {0}"
#: creole/annotator.py:453 creole/var_loader.py:559
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Group name of container {0}"
msgstr "Group name of container {0}"
#: creole/annotator.py:620
msgid "attribute {} already exists for {}"
msgstr "attribute {} already exists for {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:625
msgid "attribute node_name or name_type already exists for {}"
msgstr "attribute node_name or name_type already exists for {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:788
msgid "only one action allow for {}"
msgstr "only one action allow for {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:826
msgid "No configuration variables available in the configuration set"
msgstr "No configuration variables available in the configuration set"
#: creole/annotator.py:837
msgid "valid_enum sets for unknown variables {}"
msgstr "valid_enum sets for unknown variables {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:910
msgid "the variable {} in a group must be multi"
msgstr "the variable {} in a group must be multi"
#: creole/annotator.py:917
msgid "cannot found a master {} nor a slave {}"
msgstr "cannot found a master {} nor a slave {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1048
msgid "master/slaves {} could not be auto_save"
msgstr "master/slaves {} could not be auto_save"
#: creole/annotator.py:1052
msgid "master/slaves {} could not be auto_freeze"
msgstr "master/slaves {} could not be auto_freeze"
#: creole/annotator.py:1101
msgid "cannot set valid enum for variable with type {}"
msgstr "cannot set valid enum for variable with type {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1111 creole/annotator.py:1133
msgid "empty valid enum is not allowed for variable {}"
msgstr "empty valid enum is not allowed for variable {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1130
msgid ""
"value \"{}\" of variable \"{}\" is not in list of all expected values ({})"
msgstr ""
"value \"{}\" of variable \"{}\" is not in list of all expected values ({})"
#: creole/annotator.py:1198
msgid "An auto or fill already exists for the target: {}"
msgstr "An auto or fill already exists for the target: {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1218
msgid "variable with auto value cannot be auto_freeze"
msgstr "variable with auto value cannot be auto_freeze"
#: creole/annotator.py:1221
msgid "variable with auto value cannot be auto_save"
msgstr "variable with auto value cannot be auto_save"
#: creole/annotator.py:1246
msgid "{} already has a separator"
msgstr "{} already has a separator"
#: creole/annotator.py:1256 creole/annotator.py:1414
msgid "All '{}' variables shall be set in order to calculate {}"
msgstr "All '{}' variables shall be set in order to calculate {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1260
msgid "The function {} is unknown"
msgstr "The function {} is unknown"
#: creole/annotator.py:1262
msgid "Function {} shall return a list"
msgstr "Function {} shall return a list"
#: creole/annotator.py:1282
msgid "cannot use {} type as a param in check for {}"
msgstr "cannot use {} type as a param in check for {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1344
msgid "cannot load checkval value for variable {}: {}"
msgstr "cannot load checkval value for variable {}: {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1349
msgid "cannot set more than one param for valid_enum for variable {}"
msgstr "cannot set more than one param for valid_enum for variable {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1357
msgid "cannot load value for variable {}: {}"
msgstr "cannot load value for variable {}: {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1365
msgid "valid_enum already set for {}"
msgstr "valid_enum already set for {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1409
msgid "cannot use {} type as a param in a fill/auto"
msgstr "cannot use {} type as a param in a fill/auto"
#: creole/annotator.py:1448
msgid "cannot found family {}"
msgstr "cannot found family {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1581
msgid "cannot use {} type as a param in a condition"
msgstr "cannot use {} type as a param in a condition"
#: creole/cert.py:57
msgid "! Error while generating entropy file !"
msgstr "! Error while generating entropy file !"
#: creole/cert.py:94
#, python-brace-format
msgid "! Error while generating ssl key in {0} !"
msgstr "! Error while generating ssl key in {0} !"
#: creole/cert.py:107 creole/cert.py:114 creole/cert.py:121 creole/cert.py:128
#: creole/cert.py:135 creole/cert.py:142
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"! Rights on {0} can't be modified"
msgstr ""
"! Rights on {0} can't be modified"
#: creole/cert.py:201
msgid "Certificate chain incomplete."
msgstr "Certificate chain incomplete."
#: creole/cert.py:231
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error: file {0} does not exist"
msgstr "Error: file {0} does not exist"
#: creole/cert.py:307 creole/cert.py:358
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"Certificate configuration template can not be found:\n"
msgstr ""
"Certificate configuration template can not be found:\n"
#: creole/cert.py:309
msgid "Generating CA certificate"
msgstr "Generating CA certificate"
#: creole/cert.py:315
msgid "Error while generating CA"
msgstr "Error while generating CA"
#: creole/cert.py:326
msgid "Generating certificate revocation list (CRL)"
msgstr "Generating certificate revocation list (CRL)"
#: creole/cert.py:330
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error while generating CRL ({0}/eole.crl)"
msgstr "Error while generating CRL ({0}/eole.crl)"
#: creole/cert.py:373 creole/cert.py:375
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Folder {0} does not exist."
msgstr "Folder {0} does not exist."
#: creole/cert.py:390
#, python-brace-format
msgid "! Error while generating certificate request {0} !"
msgstr "! Error while generating certificate request {0} !"
#: creole/cert.py:403
#, python-brace-format
msgid "! Error while signing certificate request {0} !"
msgstr "! Error while signing certificate request {0} !"
#: creole/cert.py:404
#, python-brace-format
msgid "* Certificate {0} successfully generated"
msgstr "* Certificate {0} successfully generated"
#: creole/cert.py:543 creole/cert.py:571
msgid "cert or certfile must be None"
msgstr "cert or certfile must be None"
#: creole/cert.py:545 creole/cert.py:573
msgid "cert or certfile must be set"
msgstr "cert or certfile must be set"
#: creole/cert.py:554 creole/cert.py:582
#, python-brace-format
msgid "error in {0}: {1}"
msgstr "error in {0}: {1}"
#: creole/cert.py:557
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid certificate subject: {0} "
msgstr "Invalid certificate subject: {0} "
#: creole/cert.py:585
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid certificate issuer: {0} "
msgstr "Invalid certificate issuer: {0} "
#: creole/client.py:287
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Connexion error '{0}', retry {1}/{2}"
msgstr "Connexion error '{0}', retry {1}/{2}"
#: creole/client.py:292
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"HTTP error: {0}\n"
"Please check creoled's log (/var/log/rsyslog/local/creoled/creoled.info."
"and restart service with command 'service creoled start'"
msgstr ""
"HTTP error: {0}\n"
"Please check creoled's log (/var/log/rsyslog/local/creoled/creoled.info."
"and restart service with command 'service creoled start'"
#: creole/client.py:294
#, python-brace-format
msgid "HTTP error: {0}"
msgstr "HTTP error: {0}"
#: creole/client.py:296
msgid "creoled service didn't respond in time"
msgstr "creoled service didn't respond in time"
#: creole/client.py:323
#, python-brace-format
msgid "HTML content: {0}"
msgstr "HTML content: {0}"
#: creole/client.py:324
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"HTML error {0}, please consult creoled events log (/var/log/rsyslog/local/"
"creoled/creoled.info.log) to have more informations"
msgstr ""
"HTML error {0}, please consult creoled events log (/var/log/rsyslog/local/"
"creoled/creoled.info.log) to have more informations"
#: creole/client.py:334
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Creole error {0}: {1}"
msgstr "Creole error {0}: {1}"
#: creole/client.py:356
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Path must not mix dotted and slash notation: '{0}'"
msgstr "Path must not mix dotted and slash notation: '{0}'"
#: creole/client.py:361
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Path must start with '/': '{0}'"
msgstr "Path must start with '/': '{0}'"
#: creole/client.py:383
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Too many positional parameters {0}."
msgstr "Too many positional parameters {0}."
#: creole/client.py:435 creole/eosfunc.py:58
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown variable {0}"
msgstr "Unknown variable {0}"
#: creole/client.py:475
#, python-brace-format
msgid "No container found for group {0}"
msgstr "No container found for group {0}"
#: creole/client.py:477
msgid "No container found! Is that possible?"
msgstr "No container found! Is that possible?"
#: creole/client.py:498
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown container {0}"
msgstr "Unknown container {0}"
#: creole/client.py:667 creole/client.py:676
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown container components {0} for container {1}"
msgstr "Unknown container components {0} for container {1}"
#: creole/client.py:669
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown container components {0}"
msgstr "Unknown container components {0}"
#: creole/client.py:838
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error: {0}"
msgstr "Error: {0}"
#: creole/containers.py:79
msgid "Invalid LXC lock files state: both are present."
msgstr "Invalid LXC lock files state: both are present."
#: creole/containers.py:103
msgid "LXC is enabled but LXC commands not found in PATH."
msgstr "LXC is enabled but LXC commands not found in PATH."
#: creole/containers.py:106
msgid ""
"Server already instantiated in no containers mode, attempt to activate "
"containers mode aborted."
msgstr ""
"Server already instantiated in no containers mode, attempt to activate "
"containers mode aborted."
#: creole/containers.py:108
msgid ""
"Server already instantiated in containers mode, attempt to activate no "
"containers mode aborted."
msgstr ""
"Server already instantiated in containers mode, attempt to activate no "
"containers mode aborted."
#: creole/containers.py:124
msgid ""
"cacher not available, please start check log in /var/log/apt-cacher-ng/ and "
"restart it with \"service apt-cacher-ng start\" command"
msgstr ""
"cacher not available, please start check log in /var/log/apt-cacher-ng/ and "
"restart it with \"service apt-cacher-ng start\" command"
#: creole/containers.py:129
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Managing container {0}"
msgstr "Managing container {0}"
#: creole/containers.py:135
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"error during the process of container creation, more informations in {0}"
msgstr ""
"error during the process of container creation, more informations in {0}"
#: creole/containers.py:140
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"eole-common-pkg not installed in container, something goes wrong, more "
"informations in {0}"
msgstr ""
"eole-common-pkg not installed in container, something goes wrong, more "
"informations in {0}"
#: creole/containers.py:174
msgid "Container has no name"
msgstr "Container has no name"
#: creole/containers.py:177
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Container {0} has no IP"
msgstr "Container {0} has no IP"
#: creole/dtd_parser.py:52
msgid "Do not write \"ChoiceOption\" in comments"
msgstr "Do not write \"ChoiceOption\" in comments"
#: creole/dtd_parser.py:56
msgid "Unvalid comment content: must match a valid attribute name"
msgstr "Unvalid comment content: must match a valid attribute name"
#: creole/dtd_parser.py:87
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Using name {0} is forbidden in attributes"
msgstr "Using name {0} is forbidden in attributes"
#: creole/dtd_parser.py:93
msgid "Not a valid list"
msgstr "Not a valid list"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:70
msgid "Wrong IP address format"
msgstr "Wrong IP address format"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:77
msgid "An IP address is a sequence of four numbers separated by dots."
msgstr "An IP address is a sequence of four numbers separated by dots."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:80
msgid "Each number is in range [0, 255]."
msgstr "Each number is in range [0, 255]."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:92
msgid "Two IP addresses are required."
msgstr "Two IP addresses are required."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:112
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Specified network does not match IP address {0}"
msgstr "Specified network does not match IP address {0}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:145
msgid "Subnet mask format invalid"
msgstr "Subnet mask format invalid"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:157
msgid "You must answer 'O' or 'N'"
msgstr "You must answer 'O' or 'N'"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:166
msgid "Value must be uppercase."
msgstr "Value must be uppercase."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:174
msgid "Value must be lowercase."
msgstr "Value must be lowercase."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:188
msgid "Invalid potential values list"
msgstr "Invalid potential values list"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:190
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Choose one of these options: {0}"
msgstr "Choose one of these options: {0}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:193
msgid "Invalid syntax"
msgstr "Invalid syntax"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:210
msgid "A number is required."
msgstr "A number is required."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:213
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Give an integer greater than {0}"
msgstr "Give an integer greater than {0}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:215
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Give an integer lesser than {0}"
msgstr "Give an integer lesser than {0}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:228
msgid ""
"valid_len : a length must be given, either an exact length or a maximum or "
"minimum length."
msgstr ""
"valid_len : a length must be given, either an exact length or a maximum or "
"minimum length."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:230
msgid ""
"valid_len : an exact length can not be used with a minimum or a maximum "
msgstr ""
"valid_len : an exact length can not be used with a minimum or a maximum "
#: creole/eosfunc.py:233
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The exact length of the given variable must be {0}."
msgstr "The exact length of the given variable must be {0}."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:236
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The length of the given variable must be lesser than {0}"
msgstr "The length of the given variable must be lesser than {0}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:238
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The length of the given variable must be greater than {0}"
msgstr "The length of the given variable must be greater than {0}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:243
msgid "Value must be either Yes or No."
msgstr "Value must be either Yes or No."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:261
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Command {0} execution has failed"
msgstr "Command {0} execution has failed"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:266
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Value must be different from {0}"
msgstr "Value must be different from {0}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:277
#, python-brace-format
msgid "\"{0}\" character is not allowed."
msgstr "\"{0}\" character is not allowed."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:293
msgid "Domain name is missing a top-level domain (TLD)."
msgstr "Domain name is missing a top-level domain (TLD)."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:301
msgid "Aliases must start with a slash (\"/\")."
msgstr "Aliases must start with a slash (\"/\")."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:307
msgid "Activating Apache is required in order to activate phpMyAdmin."
msgstr "Activating Apache is required in order to activate phpMyAdmin."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:313
msgid "SSO service must listen on an interface other than localhost."
msgstr "SSO service must listen on an interface other than localhost."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:316
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"Local SSO service is in conflict with reverse proxy, use IP address {0} "
msgstr ""
"Local SSO service is in conflict with reverse proxy, use IP address {0} "
#: creole/eosfunc.py:324
msgid "Value must be of type string."
msgstr "Value must be of type string."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:326
msgid "Value must be uppercase letters."
msgstr "Value must be uppercase letters."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:340
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"Please activate \"Utilisation du service sso pour les applications de votre "
"serveur Scribe\" before activating {0}."
msgstr ""
"Please activate \"Utilisation du service sso pour les applications de votre "
"serveur Scribe\" before activating {0}."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:348
msgid "This parameter is mandatory."
msgstr "This parameter is mandatory."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:388
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error running command {0} : {1}"
msgstr "Error running command {0} : {1}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:469 creole/eosfunc.py:992 creole/eosfunc.py:1000
#: creole/eosfunc.py:1012
#, python-brace-format
msgid "IP or subnet mask invalid ({0}, {1})"
msgstr "IP or subnet mask invalid ({0}, {1})"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:609
msgid "Operator must be either \"AND\" or \"OR\""
msgstr "Operator must be either \"AND\" or \"OR\""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:611
msgid "eval_match must be either \"True\" or \"False\""
msgstr "eval_match must be either \"True\" or \"False\""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:613
msgid "eval_mismatch must be either \"True\" or \"False\""
msgstr "eval_mismatch must be either \"True\" or \"False\""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:634
msgid "Condition keys must start with \"condition\"."
msgstr "Condition keys must start with \"condition\"."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:644
msgid "Conditions and parameters counts do not match in calc_multi_condition."
msgstr "Conditions and parameters counts do not match in calc_multi_condition."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:715
#, python-brace-format
msgid "LDAP directory of {0}.{1}"
msgstr "LDAP directory of {0}.{1}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:720
#, python-brace-format
msgid "LDAP directory of {0}"
msgstr "LDAP directory of {0}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:1300
msgid "Unknown job type"
msgstr "Unknown job type"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:1334
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Disknod '{0}' is not a directory or a device."
msgstr "Disknod '{0}' is not a directory or a device."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:1433
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error loading custom functions in {0}."
msgstr "Error loading custom functions in {0}."
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:119
msgid "Updating Grub configuration"
msgstr "Updating Grub configuration"
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:131
msgid "Initramfs missing, generating :"
msgstr "Initramfs missing, generating :"
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:189
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Syslog logging is not working properly: {0}"
msgstr "Syslog logging is not working properly: {0}"
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:190
msgid "You may need to start/restart systemd-journald"
msgstr "You may need to start/restart systemd-journald"
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:255
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Checking permissions on Zéphir for {0} impossible."
msgstr "Checking permissions on Zéphir for {0} impossible."
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:256
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error message: {0}"
msgstr "Error message: {0}"
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:261
msgid "Using stored parameters"
msgstr "Using stored parameters"
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:276
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Updating {0} impossible (insufficient rights)."
msgstr "Updating {0} impossible (insufficient rights)."
#: creole/loader.py:84 creole/xmlreflector.py:33
msgid "no such DTD file: {}"
msgstr "no such DTD file: {}"
#: creole/loader.py:132 creole/loader.py:358
msgid "unknown tag {}"
msgstr "unknown tag {}"
#: creole/loader.py:169
msgid "unknown constraint {}"
msgstr "unknown constraint {}"
#: creole/loader.py:185 creole/loader.py:286
msgid "unknown hidden boolean {}"
msgstr "unknown hidden boolean {}"
#: creole/loader.py:192
msgid "unknown param type {} in fill to {}"
msgstr "unknown param type {} in fill to {}"
#: creole/loader.py:207
msgid "valid_enum cannot have more than one param for {}"
msgstr "valid_enum cannot have more than one param for {}"
#: creole/loader.py:218 creole/var_loader.py:933
msgid "valid_differ length should be 1"
msgstr "valid_differ length should be 1"
#: creole/loader.py:230 creole/var_loader.py:937
msgid "valid_networknetmask length should be 1"
msgstr "valid_networknetmask length should be 1"
#: creole/loader.py:232 creole/var_loader.py:939
msgid "valid_networknetmask must have only eole variable"
msgstr "valid_networknetmask must have only eole variable"
#: creole/loader.py:241 creole/var_loader.py:943
msgid "valid_ipnetmask length should be 1"
msgstr "valid_ipnetmask length should be 1"
#: creole/loader.py:243 creole/var_loader.py:945
msgid "valid_ipnetmask must have only eole variable"
msgstr "valid_ipnetmask must have only eole variable"
#: creole/loader.py:252 creole/var_loader.py:949
msgid "valid_broadcast length should be 2"
msgstr "valid_broadcast length should be 2"
#: creole/loader.py:254 creole/var_loader.py:957
msgid "valid_broadcast must have only eole variable"
msgstr "valid_broadcast must have only eole variable"
#: creole/loader.py:264 creole/var_loader.py:961
msgid "valid_in_network length should be 2"
msgstr "valid_in_network length should be 2"
#: creole/loader.py:266 creole/var_loader.py:969
msgid "valid_in_network must have only eole variable"
msgstr "valid_in_network must have only eole variable"
#: creole/loader.py:311
msgid "unknown condition type {} for {}"
msgstr "unknown condition type {} for {}"
#: creole/loader.py:371
msgid "variable without family"
msgstr "variable without family"
#: creole/loader.py:417
msgid "path already loaded {}"
msgstr "path already loaded {}"
#: creole/loader.py:446
msgid "there is no element for path {}"
msgstr "there is no element for path {}"
#: creole/loader.py:472 creole/loader.py:626
msgid "unknown value {} for {}"
msgstr "unknown value {} for {}"
#: creole/loader.py:505
msgid "default value already set for {}"
msgstr "default value already set for {}"
#: creole/loader.py:526 creole/loader.py:648
msgid "key already exists in information {}"
msgstr "key already exists in information {}"
#: creole/loader.py:581
msgid "cannot create option {}: {}"
msgstr "cannot create option {}: {}"
#: creole/loader.py:600
msgid "cannot load consistency for {}: {}"
msgstr "cannot load consistency for {}: {}"
#: creole/loader.py:670
msgid "cannot create optiondescription {}: {}"
msgstr "cannot create optiondescription {}: {}"
#: creole/loader.py:715
msgid "Only creole namespace is supported"
msgstr "Only creole namespace is supported"
#: creole/loader.py:724 creole/loader1.py:408
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Configuration file unexistent : {0}"
msgstr "Configuration file unexistent : {0}"
#: creole/loader.py:728 creole/loader1.py:412
msgid "Unable to force_configeol with load_extra."
msgstr "Unable to force_configeol with load_extra."
#: creole/loader.py:730 creole/loader1.py:414
msgid ""
"If force_dirs is defined, namespace must be set to creole and load_extra "
"must be set to False."
msgstr ""
"If force_dirs is defined, namespace must be set to creole and load_extra "
"must be set to False."
#: creole/loader.py:758 creole/loader1.py:433
msgid "Namespace {} for extra dictionary not allowed"
msgstr "Namespace {} for extra dictionary not allowed"
#: creole/loader1.py:74
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to find namespace: {0}"
msgstr "Unable to find namespace: {0}"
#: creole/loader1.py:292
msgid "extra name {} not allowed"
msgstr "extra name {} not allowed"
#: creole/loader1.py:350 creole/loader1.py:376
msgid "Error when trying to upgrade config file: {}"
msgstr "Error when trying to upgrade config file: {}"
#: creole/loader1.py:358
#, python-brace-format
msgid "eol_version ({0}) is greater than current version ({1})"
msgstr "eol_version ({0}) is greater than current version ({1})"
#: creole/loader1.py:416
msgid "namespace is not creole, so load_extra is forbidden."
msgstr "namespace is not creole, so load_extra is forbidden."
#: creole/loader1.py:605
msgid "master's len is lower than the slave variable ({})"
msgstr "master's len is lower than the slave variable ({})"
#: creole/loader1.py:610
msgid "owner must be a string for {}"
msgstr "owner must be a string for {}"
#: creole/loader1.py:626
msgid "unable to load variable {} with value {}: {}"
msgstr "unable to load variable {} with value {}: {}"
#: creole/loader1.py:663 creole/loader1.py:741
msgid "config must have eol_file attribute"
msgstr "config must have eol_file attribute"
#: creole/loader1.py:667
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Can not find file {0}"
msgstr "Can not find file {0}"
#: creole/loader1.py:695
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Mandatory variable '{0}' from family '{1}' is not set !"
msgstr "Mandatory variable '{0}' from family '{1}' is not set !"
#: creole/loader1.py:758
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error saving file: {0}"
msgstr "Error saving file: {0}"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:24
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error while parsing file {0}: {1}"
msgstr "Error while parsing file {0}: {1}"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:36
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error while parsing: {0}"
msgstr "Error while parsing: {0}"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:60
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error, var {0} already exists in current dictionaries"
msgstr "Error, var {0} already exists in current dictionaries"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:73
msgid "Error: extra <files> tags in dictionaries."
msgstr "Error: extra <files> tags in dictionaries."
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:82
msgid "Error: extra <containers> tags in dictionaries."
msgstr "Error: extra <containers> tags in dictionaries."
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:87
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Name '{0}' is not allowed in tag <container>."
msgstr "Name '{0}' is not allowed in tag <container>."
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:90
#, python-brace-format
msgid "There must be only one name '{0}' in a dictionary."
msgstr "There must be only one name '{0}' in a dictionary."
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:101
msgid "Error: extra <all> tags in dictionaries."
msgstr "Error: extra <all> tags in dictionaries."
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:190 creole/lxml_parser.py:197
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Value {0} not in {1}"
msgstr "Value {0} not in {1}"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:261
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Family {0} is set several times."
msgstr "Family {0} is set several times."
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:303
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Action Family {0} is set several times."
msgstr "Action Family {0} is set several times."
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:310
msgid "Error: extra <action> tags in dictionaries."
msgstr "Error: extra <action> tags in dictionaries."
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:400
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown type {0} for condition target."
msgstr "Unknown type {0} for condition target."
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:406
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Impossible condition without source for {0}."
msgstr "Impossible condition without source for {0}."
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:432
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid help for variable {0}."
msgstr "Invalid help for variable {0}."
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:439
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid help for family {0}"
msgstr "Invalid help for family {0}"
#: creole/maj.py:106
#, python-brace-format
msgid "An update is scheduled at {0}"
msgstr "An update is scheduled at {0}"
#: creole/maj.py:145
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} the {1}"
msgstr "{0} the {1}"
#: creole/objspace.py:167
msgid "{} is not True or False"
msgstr "{} is not True or False"
#: creole/objspace.py:266
msgid "Already present in another XML file, {} cannot be re-created"
msgstr "Already present in another XML file, {} cannot be re-created"
#: creole/objspace.py:274
msgid "Redefined object: {} does not exist yet"
msgstr "Redefined object: {} does not exist yet"
#: creole/objspace.py:314
msgid "Creole object {} has a wrong type"
msgstr "Creole object {} has a wrong type"
#: creole/objspace.py:352
msgid "cannot redefine attribute {} for variable {}"
msgstr "cannot redefine attribute {} for variable {}"
#: creole/objspace.py:359
msgid "value for {} must be True or False, not {}"
msgstr "value for {} must be True or False, not {}"
#: creole/objspace.py:397
msgid "Family {} is set several times"
msgstr "Family {} is set several times"
#: creole/objspace.py:572
msgid ""
"A family located in the {} namespace shall not be used in the {} namespace"
msgstr ""
"A family located in the {} namespace shall not be used in the {} namespace"
#: creole/objspace.py:588
msgid "unknown family {}"
msgstr "unknown family {}"
#: creole/objspace.py:620
msgid ""
"A variable located in the {} namespace shall not be used in the {} namespace"
msgstr ""
"A variable located in the {} namespace shall not be used in the {} namespace"
#: creole/objspace.py:638
msgid "Already defined master {} for variable {}"
msgstr "Already defined master {} for variable {}"
#: creole/objspace.py:651
msgid "don't set full path variable in creole's namespace (set '{}' not '{}')"
msgstr "don't set full path variable in creole's namespace (set '{}' not '{}')"
#: creole/objspace.py:653
msgid "unknown option {}"
msgstr "unknown option {}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:61
msgid ""
"For more informations, read section\n"
"'Mise en œuvre des modules EOLE' in module documentation or\n"
"common documentation."
msgstr ""
"For more informations, read section\n"
"'Mise en œuvre des modules EOLE' in module documentation or\n"
"common documentation."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:104
msgid "Applying EOLE configuration."
msgstr "Applying EOLE configuration."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:108
msgid "leave process in interactive mode"
msgstr "leave process in interactive mode"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:110
msgid "override Zéphir lock"
msgstr "override Zéphir lock"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:112
msgid "automatic reboot if necessary"
msgstr "automatic reboot if necessary"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:229
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Running scripts {0}"
msgstr "Running scripts {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:232
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error {0}"
msgstr "Error {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:242
msgid ""
"Please check creoled's log (/var/log/rsyslog/local/creoled/creoled.info."
"and restart service with command 'service creoled start'"
msgstr ""
"Please check creoled's log (/var/log/rsyslog/local/creoled/creoled.info."
"and restart service with command 'service creoled start'"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:258
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Preparation for {0}"
msgstr "Preparation for {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:261
msgid "Server is not configured."
msgstr "Server is not configured."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:265
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Missing file {0}."
msgstr "Missing file {0}."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:270
msgid "Server must be instantiated before any reconfiguration can occur."
msgstr "Server must be instantiated before any reconfiguration can occur."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:276
msgid "Server already instantiated."
msgstr "Server already instantiated."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:278
msgid "To modify configuration parameter (e.g. IP address), use:"
msgstr "To modify configuration parameter (e.g. IP address), use:"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:279
msgid "'gen_config'"
msgstr "'gen_config'"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:280
msgid "then 'reconfigure' to apply changes."
msgstr "then 'reconfigure' to apply changes."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:284
msgid "you have run gen_conteneurs, please use instance instead of reconfigure"
msgstr ""
"you have run gen_conteneurs, please use instance instead of reconfigure"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:287
msgid "You have to run gen_conteneurs before instance"
msgstr "You have to run gen_conteneurs before instance"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:294
msgid "First instantiate server."
msgstr "First instantiate server."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:296
msgid "Proceeding with instantiation ?"
msgstr "Proceeding with instantiation ?"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:308
msgid "This process is blocked, contact Zéphir administrator."
msgstr "This process is blocked, contact Zéphir administrator."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:309
msgid "Force execution?"
msgstr "Force execution?"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:325
msgid "Configuration validation problem, please check server configuration."
msgstr "Configuration validation problem, please check server configuration."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:391
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to start LXC container : {0}"
msgid_plural "Unable to start LXC containers : {0}"
msgstr[0] "Unable to start LXC container : {0}"
msgstr[1] "Unable to start LXC containers : {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:406
msgid "Container mode is disabled."
msgstr "Container mode is disabled."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:411
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"container {0} does not already exist, please use gen_conteneurs to create "
"this container"
msgstr ""
"container {0} does not already exist, please use gen_conteneurs to create "
"this container"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:415
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Setting up {0}"
msgstr "Setting up {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:423
msgid "Generating containers"
msgstr "Generating containers"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:457
msgid "Starting containers"
msgstr "Starting containers"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:473
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Can not read file {0}: {1}"
msgstr "Can not read file {0}: {1}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:483
msgid "Removing old linux kernels and associate headers."
msgstr "Removing old linux kernels and associate headers."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:490
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to remove some packages: {0}"
msgstr "Unable to remove some packages: {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:492
msgid "These packages will be removed next 'reconfigure'"
msgstr "These packages will be removed next 'reconfigure'"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:519
msgid "Checking Packages for container"
msgstr "Checking Packages for container"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:533
msgid "Managing packages"
msgstr "Managing packages"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:534
msgid " Removing packages"
msgstr " Removing packages"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:535
msgid "Removing packages"
msgstr "Removing packages"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:537
msgid " Installing packages"
msgstr " Installing packages"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:538
msgid "Installing packages"
msgstr "Installing packages"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:545 creole/reconfigure.py:546
msgid "Generating configuration files"
msgstr "Generating configuration files"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:566
msgid "Stopping services"
msgstr "Stopping services"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:570
msgid "Starting services"
msgstr "Starting services"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:583
msgid "Configuring services"
msgstr "Configuring services"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:585
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown service action: {0}"
msgstr "Unknown service action: {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:617
msgid "Managing system user accounts"
msgstr "Managing system user accounts"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:625
msgid "No system user account management in non-interactive mode."
msgstr "No system user account management in non-interactive mode."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:633
msgid "'root' user unknown. This is abnormal."
msgstr "'root' user unknown. This is abnormal."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:638
msgid "No new EOLE account with /home on NFS"
msgstr "No new EOLE account with /home on NFS"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:641
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Create new administrator user account {0}?"
msgstr "Create new administrator user account {0}?"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:645
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Creating unexistent user {0}"
msgstr "Creating unexistent user {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:653
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to create user {0}"
msgstr "Unable to create user {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:659
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to add '{0}' to group 'adm'."
msgstr "Unable to add '{0}' to group 'adm'."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:666
#, python-brace-format
msgid "No modification of password of administrator user account {0}."
msgstr "No modification of password of administrator user account {0}."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:678
#, python-brace-format
msgid "# Modificating password for user account {0} #"
msgstr "# Modificating password for user account {0} #"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:685
msgid "New password"
msgstr "New password"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:686
msgid "Confirming new password"
msgstr "Confirming new password"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:690
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Password input errors for {0}. Abandon."
msgstr "Password input errors for {0}. Abandon."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:700
msgid "Can not use default password."
msgstr "Can not use default password."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:707
#, python-brace-format
msgid "User {0} password updated."
msgstr "User {0} password updated."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:711
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error changing password for {0}."
msgstr "Error changing password for {0}."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:717
msgid "Passwords mismatch."
msgstr "Passwords mismatch."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:727
msgid "Managing certificates"
msgstr "Managing certificates"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:738
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error while generating certificates: {0}"
msgstr "Error while generating certificates: {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:744
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Copying certificates in {0}"
msgstr "Copying certificates in {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:753
msgid "Applying kernel parameters"
msgstr "Applying kernel parameters"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:766
msgid "Finalizing configuration"
msgstr "Finalizing configuration"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:787 creole/reconfigure.py:792
#: creole/reconfigure.py:794
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Backup {0} in {1}"
msgstr "Backup {0} in {1}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:790
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} was not modified"
msgstr "{0} was not modified"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:805
msgid "Managing update"
msgstr "Managing update"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:807
msgid "Updating server"
msgstr "Updating server"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:808
msgid ""
"An update is recommended.\n"
"Do you want to proceed with network update now ?"
msgstr ""
"An update is recommended.\n"
"Do you want to proceed with network update now ?"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:834
msgid "No updates available."
msgstr "No updates available."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:844
msgid "Task scheduling"
msgstr "Task scheduling"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:868
msgid ""
"Reboot is necessary.\n"
"Do you want to reboot now?"
msgstr ""
"Reboot is necessary.\n"
"Do you want to reboot now?"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:881
msgid "Reboot necessary"
msgstr "Reboot necessary"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:944
msgid "Beginning of configuration"
msgstr "Beginning of configuration"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:959 creole/reconfigure.py:964
msgid "eth0 network interface does not have a valid IP address."
msgstr "eth0 network interface does not have a valid IP address."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:960
msgid "Restarting networking service"
msgstr "Restarting networking service"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:965
msgid "Unable to obtain IP address."
msgstr "Unable to obtain IP address."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:981
msgid "Reconfiguration OK"
msgstr "Reconfiguration OK"
#: creole/server.py:99
#, python-brace-format
msgid "File not accessible: {0}"
msgstr "File not accessible: {0}"
#: creole/server.py:103
#, python-brace-format
msgid "File with null size: {0}"
msgstr "File with null size: {0}"
#: creole/server.py:146
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Reload config.eol due to {0} on {1}"
msgstr "Reload config.eol due to {0} on {1}"
#: creole/server.py:153
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Filtered inotify event for {0}"
msgstr "Filtered inotify event for {0}"
#: creole/server.py:170
msgid "Loading tiramisu configuration"
msgstr "Loading tiramisu configuration"
#: creole/server.py:192
msgid "Load creole configuration with errors"
msgstr "Load creole configuration with errors"
#: creole/server.py:198
msgid "Unable to load creole configuration: "
msgstr "Unable to load creole configuration: "
#: creole/server.py:232
msgid "Unable to load creole configuration from config.eol: "
msgstr "Unable to load creole configuration from config.eol: "
#: creole/server.py:244
msgid "Unable to load creole configuration from extra: "
msgstr "Unable to load creole configuration from extra: "
#: creole/server.py:272
msgid "All variables are not set, please configure your system:"
msgstr "All variables are not set, please configure your system:"
#: creole/server.py:277
msgid "variables are mandatories"
msgstr "variables are mandatories"
#: creole/server.py:288
msgid "variables must be in config file"
msgstr "variables must be in config file"
#: creole/server.py:350
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Mandatory variable {0} is not set."
msgstr "Mandatory variable {0} is not set."
#: creole/server.py:429
msgid "No configuration"
msgstr "No configuration"
#: creole/server.py:460
msgid "Base directory in which the server is launched (default: /tmp)"
msgstr "Base directory in which the server is launched (default: /tmp)"
#: creole/server.py:464
msgid "Configuration file of the server (default: /etc/eole/creoled.conf"
msgstr "Configuration file of the server (default: /etc/eole/creoled.conf"
#: creole/server.py:467
msgid "Run the server as a daemon (default: false)"
msgstr "Run the server as a daemon (default: false)"
#: creole/server.py:470
msgid "Listen on the specified IP:PORT (default:"
msgstr "Listen on the specified IP:PORT (default:"
#: creole/server.py:473 creole/server.py:478
msgid "Base under which the application is mounted (default: /)"
msgstr "Base under which the application is mounted (default: /)"
#: creole/server.py:481
msgid "User of the running process (default: nobody)"
msgstr "User of the running process (default: nobody)"
#: creole/server.py:484
msgid "Group of the running process (default: nogroup)"
msgstr "Group of the running process (default: nogroup)"
#: creole/server.py:487
msgid "Umask of the running process (default: 0644)"
msgstr "Umask of the running process (default: 0644)"
#: creole/server.py:593
msgid "No configuration found: do not check for container mode."
msgstr "No configuration found: do not check for container mode."
#: creole/server.py:608
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to listen for containers: {0}"
msgstr "Unable to listen for containers: {0}"
#: creole/service.py:8 creole/service.py:16 creole/service.py:28
#: creole/service.py:40
msgid "Use new API “manage_services()”"
msgstr "Use new API “manage_services()”"
#: creole/template.py:59
msgid "Group variables must be of type master.slave"
msgstr "Group variables must be of type master.slave"
#: creole/template.py:239
msgid "length mismatch"
msgstr "length mismatch"
#: creole/template.py:302
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Patching template '{0}' with '{1}'"
msgstr "Patching template '{0}' with '{1}'"
#: creole/template.py:306
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"Error applying patch: '{0}'\n"
"To reproduce and fix this error {1}"
msgstr ""
"Error applying patch: '{0}'\n"
"To reproduce and fix this error {1}"
#: creole/template.py:320
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Cleaning file '{0}'"
msgstr "Cleaning file '{0}'"
#: creole/template.py:325
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error removing comments '{0}': {1}"
msgstr "Error removing comments '{0}': {1}"
#: creole/template.py:340
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Template file not enabled: {0}"
msgstr "Template file not enabled: {0}"
#: creole/template.py:343
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Template file not set: {0}"
msgstr "Template file not set: {0}"
#: creole/template.py:347
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Template target not set: {0}"
msgstr "Template target not set: {0}"
#: creole/template.py:364
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Template {0} unexistent"
msgstr "Template {0} unexistent"
#: creole/template.py:367
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Copy template: '{0}' -> '{1}'"
msgstr "Copy template: '{0}' -> '{1}'"
#: creole/template.py:383
#, python-brace-format
msgid "File {0} does not exist."
msgstr "File {0} does not exist."
#: creole/template.py:388
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Folder {0} does not exist but is required by {1}"
msgstr "Folder {0} does not exist but is required by {1}"
#: creole/template.py:410
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Cheetah processing: '{0}' -> '{1}'"
msgstr "Cheetah processing: '{0}' -> '{1}'"
#: creole/template.py:429
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error: unknown variable used in template {0} : {1}"
msgstr "Error: unknown variable used in template {0} : {1}"
#: creole/template.py:432
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Encoding issue detected in template {0}"
msgstr "Encoding issue detected in template {0}"
#: creole/template.py:435
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error while instantiating template {0}: {1}"
msgstr "Error while instantiating template {0}: {1}"
#: creole/template.py:448
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to write in file '{0}': '{1}'"
msgstr "Unable to write in file '{0}': '{1}'"
#: creole/template.py:480 creole/template.py:485
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Changing properties: {0}"
msgstr "Changing properties: {0}"
#: creole/template.py:483 creole/template.py:488
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error changing properties {0}: {1}"
msgstr "Error changing properties {0}: {1}"
#: creole/template.py:498
#, python-brace-format
msgid "File '{0}' unexistent."
msgstr "File '{0}' unexistent."
#: creole/template.py:517
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Removing file '{0}' from container '{1}'"
msgstr "Removing file '{0}' from container '{1}'"
#: creole/template.py:523
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Instantiation of file '{0}' disabled"
msgstr "Instantiation of file '{0}' disabled"
#: creole/template.py:525
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Instantiating file '{0}' from '{1}'"
msgstr "Instantiating file '{0}' from '{1}'"
#: creole/template.py:592
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Removing file '{0}'"
msgstr "Removing file '{0}'"
#: creole/upgrade.py:104
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Variable {0} has been copied in {1}"
msgstr "Variable {0} has been copied in {1}"
#: creole/upgrade.py:107 creole/upgrade24.py:239
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Variable {0} has been renamed to {1}"
msgstr "Variable {0} has been renamed to {1}"
#: creole/upgrade.py:119
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Variable {0} has been removed"
msgstr "Variable {0} has been removed"
#: creole/upgrade.py:133
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Source variable {0} invalid"
msgstr "Source variable {0} invalid"
#: creole/upgrade.py:145 creole/upgrade24.py:155 creole/upgrade24.py:173
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Variable updated: {0} = {1}"
msgstr "Variable updated: {0} = {1}"
#: creole/upgrade.py:167
msgid "config.eol upgrade started"
msgstr "config.eol upgrade started"
#: creole/upgrade.py:208
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown variable: {0}"
msgstr "Unknown variable: {0}"
#: creole/upgrade.py:224 creole/upgrade.py:393 creole/upgrade24.py:287
#: creole/upgrade24.py:353 creole/upgrade24.py:392 creole/upgrade24.py:419
#: creole/upgrade24.py:457 creole/upgrade24.py:531 creole/upgrade24.py:583
#: creole/upgrade24.py:614
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Starting {0} to {1} upgrade"
msgstr "Starting {0} to {1} upgrade"
#: creole/upgrade.py:554
msgid "Migrating SMTP parameters"
msgstr "Migrating SMTP parameters"
#: creole/upgrade.py:581
msgid "Mail configuration not recognised, not processed"
msgstr "Mail configuration not recognised, not processed"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:78
msgid "get_noncalculated_value_for_auto: unknown variable {}"
msgstr "get_noncalculated_value_for_auto: unknown variable {}"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:149
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Try to set value to unknown option: {0} = {1}"
msgstr "Try to set value to unknown option: {0} = {1}"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:167 creole/upgrade24.py:230
msgid "empty value"
msgstr "empty value"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:168 creole/upgrade24.py:175 creole/upgrade24.py:179
#: creole/upgrade24.py:231
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} for {1}"
msgstr "{0} for {1}"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:186
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Try to delete an unknown option: {0}"
msgstr "Try to delete an unknown option: {0}"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:190
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Variable {0} reinitialized"
msgstr "Variable {0} reinitialized"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:199
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Try to append a value to an unknown option: {0} += {1}"
msgstr "Try to append a value to an unknown option: {0} += {1}"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:213
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Try to modify last value of an unknown option: {0}[-1] = {1}"
msgstr "Try to modify last value of an unknown option: {0}[-1] = {1}"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:306 creole/upgrade24.py:330
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid value : {0} in old variable {1}"
msgstr "Invalid value : {0} in old variable {1}"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:525
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Interface {0} name has not an 'ethX' format"
msgstr "Interface {0} name has not an 'ethX' format"
#: creole/utils.py:149
msgid "Choose a number in the list"
msgstr "Choose a number in the list"
#: creole/var_loader.py:39
msgid "mac address"
msgstr "mac address"
#: creole/var_loader.py:110
#, python-brace-format
msgid "option {0}'s value should be in {1}"
msgstr "option {0}'s value should be in {1}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:265
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} {1} redefined but unexistent."
msgstr "{0} {1} redefined but unexistent."
#: creole/var_loader.py:267
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} {1} existent."
msgstr "{0} {1} existent."
#: creole/var_loader.py:306
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Name ({0}) already used."
msgstr "Name ({0}) already used."
#: creole/var_loader.py:377
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown key {0}"
msgstr "Unknown key {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:402
msgid "No requires for SymLinkOption"
msgstr "No requires for SymLinkOption"
#: creole/var_loader.py:407
#, python-brace-format
msgid "SymLinkOption targetting unexistent variable: {0}."
msgstr "SymLinkOption targetting unexistent variable: {0}."
#: creole/var_loader.py:485
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Two containers with the same id ({0})"
msgstr "Two containers with the same id ({0})"
#: creole/var_loader.py:487
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Multiple ids for the container {0}"
msgstr "Multiple ids for the container {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:523
msgid "Bridge IP network_br0 address"
msgstr "Bridge IP network_br0 address"
#: creole/var_loader.py:554
#, python-brace-format
msgid "IP address of container {0}"
msgstr "IP address of container {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:661
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Two variables with the same name ({0})"
msgstr "Two variables with the same name ({0})"
#: creole/var_loader.py:663
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Attempt to redefine unexistent variable: {0}."
msgstr "Attempt to redefine unexistent variable: {0}."
#: creole/var_loader.py:700
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Redefining multi attribute is not allowed for variable {0}"
msgstr "Redefining multi attribute is not allowed for variable {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:703
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Redefining type attribute is not allowed for variable {0}"
msgstr "Redefining type attribute is not allowed for variable {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:744 creole/var_loader.py:751
#, python-brace-format
msgid "help already set for {0}"
msgstr "help already set for {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:761
#, python-brace-format
msgid "More than one separator for {0}"
msgstr "More than one separator for {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:800
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown condition type for {0}"
msgstr "Unknown condition type for {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:806 creole/var_loader.py:1530
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown type {0}"
msgstr "Unknown type {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:809
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown hidden {0}"
msgstr "Unknown hidden {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:812
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown name {0}"
msgstr "Unknown name {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:815
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown optional {0}"
msgstr "Unknown optional {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:851
#, python-brace-format
msgid "More than one function for target: {0}"
msgstr "More than one function for target: {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:856
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Can not set level to {0} for this kind of callback"
msgstr "Can not set level to {0} for this kind of callback"
#: creole/var_loader.py:869
msgid "Namespace different in param not allowed: {} - {}"
msgstr "Namespace different in param not allowed: {} - {}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:885
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Type {0} not yet implemented for {1} for {2}"
msgstr "Type {0} not yet implemented for {1} for {2}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:901
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Computing function already defined for {0}"
msgstr "Computing function already defined for {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:1071
#, python-brace-format
msgid "File {0} does not exist"
msgstr "File {0} does not exist"
#: creole/var_loader.py:1086
msgid "Unable to run read_dir if Config already exists."
msgstr "Unable to run read_dir if Config already exists."
#: creole/var_loader.py:1112
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to populate {0}: {1}"
msgstr "Unable to populate {0}: {1}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:1215
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Condition using unexistent variable {0} as parameter."
msgstr "Condition using unexistent variable {0} as parameter."
#: creole/var_loader.py:1246
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Condition targetting unexistent variable {0}"
msgstr "Condition targetting unexistent variable {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:1250
#, python-brace-format
msgid "requires already set for this option preventing changing properties {0}"
msgstr ""
"requires already set for this option preventing changing properties {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:1254
#, python-brace-format
msgid "requires already set for this option {0}"
msgstr "requires already set for this option {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:1345
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Check using unexistent variable {0} as parameter."
msgstr "Check using unexistent variable {0} as parameter."
#: creole/var_loader.py:1386
#, python-brace-format
msgid "unknown function {0} in eosfunc"
msgstr "unknown function {0} in eosfunc"
#: creole/var_loader.py:1403 creole/var_loader.py:1416
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Variable computing function using unknown variable {0}"
msgstr "Variable computing function using unknown variable {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:1492
msgid "Slave value length can not be greater than 1."
msgstr "Slave value length can not be greater than 1."
#: creole/var_loader.py:1597 creole/var_loader.py:1605
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} is auto, so must not be auto_freeze or auto_save"
msgstr "{0} is auto, so must not be auto_freeze or auto_save"
#: creole/var_loader.py:1700
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown family {0} has requires"
msgstr "Unknown family {0} has requires"
#: creole/xmlreflector.py:46
msgid "not a valid xml file: {}"
msgstr "not a valid xml file: {}"
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: eole-schedule\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: eole@ac-dijon.fr\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-11 10:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-11 10:20+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Équipe EOLE <eole@ac-dijon.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: Équipe EOLE <eole@ac-dijon.fr>\n"
"Language: en\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: schedule/schedule:69
msgid "Starting {}"
msgstr "Starting {}"
#: schedule/schedule:106
msgid "Error detected\n"
msgstr "Error detected\n"
#: schedule/schedule:107
msgid "{} exited with error return code"
msgstr "{} exited with error return code"
#: schedule/schedule:110
msgid "{} finished"
msgstr "{} finished"
#: schedule/schedule:126
msgid "Job already running, cancelling"
msgstr "Job already running, cancelling"
#: schedule/schedule:140
msgid "bareos is set for this day, cancelled"
msgstr "bareos is set for this day, cancelled"
#: schedule/schedule:156
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown job: {0}"
msgstr "Unknown job: {0}"
#: schedule/schedule:186
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Too many arguments: {0}"
msgstr "Too many arguments: {0}"
#: schedule/schedule:195
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Not enough arguments: {0}"
msgstr "Not enough arguments: {0}"
#: schedule/schedule:199
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Second argument must be pre or post: {0}"
msgstr "Second argument must be pre or post: {0}"
#: schedule/schedule:210
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Too many arguments for cron: {0}"
msgstr "Too many arguments for cron: {0}"
#: schedule/schedule:215
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown schedule type : {0}"
msgstr "Unknown schedule type : {0}"
@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: update-manager\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: eole@ac-dijon.fr\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-11 10:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-11 10:20+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Équipe EOLE <eole@ac-dijon.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: Équipe EOLE <eole@ac-dijon.fr>\n"
"Language: en\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:63
msgid "Upgrade to a newer major version is not available"
msgstr "Upgrade to a newer major version is not available"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:64
msgid "Use Maj-Release script to upgrade to next minoir version"
msgstr "Use Maj-Release script to upgrade to next minoir version"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:98
msgid ""
"Available choices:\n"
msgstr ""
"Available choices:\n"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:103
msgid "Automatically selected first choice: {}\n"
msgstr "Automatically selected first choice: {}\n"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:107
msgid ""
"[1]: "
msgstr ""
"[1]: "
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:110 upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:594
msgid ""
"Upgrade aborted by user"
msgstr ""
"Upgrade aborted by user"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:122
msgid "Choice {} not available\n"
msgstr "Choice {} not available\n"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:126 upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:495
msgid "Upgrade cancelled by user"
msgstr "Upgrade cancelled by user"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:129
msgid "Invalid input: {}\n"
msgstr "Invalid input: {}\n"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:240
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Verifying ISO image {iso}"
msgstr "Verifying ISO image {iso}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:243
msgid "Download SHA256SUMS file"
msgstr "Download SHA256SUMS file"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:247
msgid "Download SHA256SUMS.gpg file"
msgstr "Download SHA256SUMS.gpg file"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:250
msgid "Check SHA256SUMS file signature"
msgstr "Check SHA256SUMS file signature"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:258
msgid "Check ISO SHA256..."
msgstr "Check ISO SHA256..."
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:275
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:278
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Error"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:302
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error downloading {file} with wget from {url}"
msgstr "Error downloading {file} with wget from {url}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:313
msgid "Error downloading the image with zsync"
msgstr "Error downloading the image with zsync"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:351
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to umount {cdrom}"
msgstr "Unable to umount {cdrom}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:383
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Downloading ISO image for {release}"
msgstr "Downloading ISO image for {release}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:402
msgid "No CDROM found"
msgstr "No CDROM found"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:406
#, python-brace-format
msgid "No such file: {iso}"
msgstr "No such file: {iso}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:408
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unreadable file: {iso}"
msgstr "Unreadable file: {iso}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:414
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Copying {source} to {iso}"
msgstr "Copying {source} to {iso}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:423
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error checking ISO after copy, remove {iso}"
msgstr "Error checking ISO after copy, remove {iso}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:436
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error checking ISO image after download, remove {iso}"
msgstr "Error checking ISO image after download, remove {iso}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:444
msgid "EOLE distribution upgrade tool."
msgstr "EOLE distribution upgrade tool."
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:447
msgid "Target release number"
msgstr "Target release number"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:450
msgid "Only download the ISO image"
msgstr "Only download the ISO image"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:453
msgid "Path to an ISO image"
msgstr "Path to an ISO image"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:456
msgid "Use CDROM device instead of downloading ISO image"
msgstr "Use CDROM device instead of downloading ISO image"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:459
msgid "Pass limit rate to wget. “0” to disable."
msgstr "Pass limit rate to wget. “0” to disable."
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:462
msgid "Do not ask confirmation"
msgstr "Do not ask confirmation"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:472
msgid "This script will upgrade this server to a new release"
msgstr "This script will upgrade this server to a new release"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:473
msgid "Modifications will be irreversible."
msgstr "Modifications will be irreversible."
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:475
msgid "Starting Upgrade-Auto ({})"
msgstr "Starting Upgrade-Auto ({})"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:480
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid release {version} use: {values}"
msgstr "Invalid release {version} use: {values}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:487
msgid "Choose which version you want to upgrade to\n"
msgstr "Choose which version you want to upgrade to\n"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:488
msgid "Which version do you want to upgrade to (or 'q' to quit)?"
msgstr "Which version do you want to upgrade to (or 'q' to quit)?"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:493
msgid "Do you really want to upgrade to version {}?"
msgstr "Do you really want to upgrade to version {}?"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:504
msgid "Check update status"
msgstr "Check update status"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:513
msgid "Some packages are not up-to-date!"
msgstr "Some packages are not up-to-date!"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:516
msgid "Update this server (Maj-Auto) before another attempt to upgrade"
msgstr "Update this server (Maj-Auto) before another attempt to upgrade"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:519
msgid "Server is up-to-date"
msgstr "Server is up-to-date"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:522
msgid ""
"In order to upgrade, most recent kernel endorsed for this release must be "
msgstr ""
"In order to upgrade, most recent kernel endorsed for this release must be "
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:527
msgid "This server uses most recent kernel"
msgstr "This server uses most recent kernel"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:532
msgid "Download only detected, stop"
msgstr "Download only detected, stop"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:537
msgid "Copying upgrade scripts"
msgstr "Copying upgrade scripts"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:539
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Directory {0} already exists"
msgstr "Directory {0} already exists"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:547
msgid "Configuring upgrade"
msgstr "Configuring upgrade"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:563
msgid "Module specific commands"
msgstr "Module specific commands"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:566
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error {0}"
msgstr "Error {0}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:586
msgid "Upgrading server"
msgstr "Upgrading server"
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
# This file is put in the public domain.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: eole-schedule\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: eole@ac-dijon.fr\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-11 10:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: schedule/schedule:69
msgid "Starting {}"
msgstr ""
#: schedule/schedule:106
msgid "Error detected\n"
msgstr ""
#: schedule/schedule:107
msgid "{} exited with error return code"
msgstr ""
#: schedule/schedule:110
msgid "{} finished"
msgstr ""
#: schedule/schedule:126
msgid "Job already running, cancelling"
msgstr ""
#: schedule/schedule:140
msgid "bareos is set for this day, cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: schedule/schedule:156
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown job: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: schedule/schedule:186
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Too many arguments: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: schedule/schedule:195
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Not enough arguments: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: schedule/schedule:199
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Second argument must be pre or post: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: schedule/schedule:210
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Too many arguments for cron: {0}"
msgstr ""
#: schedule/schedule:215
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown schedule type : {0}"
msgstr ""
@ -1,2243 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: creole\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: eole@ac-dijon.fr\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-11 10:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-09-08 09:57+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Benjamin Bohard <bbohard@cadoles.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Équipe EOLE <eole@ac-dijon.fr>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.4\n"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:66 creole/reconfigure.py:185
msgid "! Abandoning configuration !"
msgstr "! Abandon de la configuration !"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:67 creole/reconfigure.py:186
msgid ""
"System may be in an incoherent state.\n"
msgstr ""
"Le système peut être dans un état incohérent\n"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:75
msgid "Manage EOLE server automatic update"
msgstr "Gère la mise à jour automatisée d'un serveur EOLE"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:81 bin/Maj-Release:35
msgid "show this help message and exit"
msgstr "afficher ce message d'aide et quitter"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:84
msgid "run in dry-run mode (force to True when using Query-Auto)."
msgstr "exécuter en mode simulation (option forcée en invoquant Query-Auto)."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:87
msgid "bypass Zephir authorizations."
msgstr "passer outre les autorisations Zéphir."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:90
msgid "update your server without any confirmation."
msgstr "mettre à jour le serveur sans confirmation"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:94
msgid "ask apt-get to simulate packages installation"
msgstr "demande à apt-get de simuler l'installation des paquets"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:101
msgid "use testing packages."
msgstr "utiliser les paquets candidats."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:105
msgid "use development packages."
msgstr "utiliser les paquets en développement."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:113
msgid "run reconfigure on successful upgrade."
msgstr "exécuter reconfigure après une mise à jour réussie."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:117
msgid ""
"run reconfigure on successful upgrade and reboot if necessary (implies -r)."
msgstr ""
"exécuter reconfigure après une mise à jour réussie et redémarrer si "
"nécessaire (implique l'option -r)."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:119
msgid "only download packages in cache."
msgstr "procéder uniquement au téléchargement des paquets en cache."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:122
msgid "EOLE repository server."
msgstr "adresse des dépôts EOLE."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:124
msgid "Ubuntu repository server."
msgstr "adresse des dépôts Ubuntu."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:126
msgid "Envole repository server."
msgstr "adresse des dépôts Envole."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:128
msgid "use CDROM as source."
msgstr "utiliser une source de type CDROM"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:132
msgid "specific output for EAD."
msgstr "sortie formatée pour l'EAD."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:135
msgid "ignore local configuration if creoled not responding."
msgstr "ignore la configuration locale si creoled ne répond pas."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:182
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Update at {0}"
msgstr "Mise à jour le {0}"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:234
msgid "Unknown release number"
msgstr "Numéro de version mineure inconnu"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:247
msgid "Update is locked, please contact Zéphir administrator"
msgstr "La mise à jour est bloquée. Contacter l'administrateur Zéphir"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:248 creole/reconfigure.py:313
msgid "Use -f option if you want to force execution"
msgstr "Utilisez l'option -f si vous désirez forcer l'exécution"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:280
#: bin/Maj-Auto:282
#: bin/Maj-Auto:284
#: bin/Maj-Auto:287
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} - Raising update level may prevent lowering back to stable version."
msgstr ""
"{0} - Augmenter le niveau de mise à jour peut empêcher de revenir au niveau "
"de mise à jour stable."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:290
msgid "Do you wish to proceed?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous continuer ?"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:295
msgid "Cancelling!"
msgstr "Annulation !"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:330 bin/Maj-Auto:374
msgid "Update successful."
msgstr "Mise à jour OK"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:331
msgid "Nothing to install."
msgstr "Aucun paquet à installer."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:339
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} new,"
msgid_plural "{0} news,"
msgstr[0] "{0} nouveau,"
msgstr[1] "{0} nouveaux,"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:340
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} upgrade,"
msgid_plural "{0} upgrades,"
msgstr[0] "{0} mis à jour,"
msgstr[1] "{0} mis à jour,"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:341
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} delete"
msgid_plural "{0} deletes"
msgstr[0] "{0} à enlever"
msgstr[1] "{0} à enlever"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:383
msgid "Upgrade post Maj-Release, please wait"
msgstr "Upgrade post Maj-Release, veuillez patienter"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:389
msgid "error in post maj release"
msgstr "erreur au post maj release"
#: bin/Maj-Auto:402
msgid ""
"At least one packages has been updated, use command [reconfigure] to apply "
msgstr ""
"Un ou plusieurs paquets ont été mis à jour, utilisez la commande "
"[reconfigure] pour que les modifications soient prises en compte."
#: bin/Maj-Auto:415
msgid ""
". If restarting creoled service does not help, try {} command with '-i' "
msgstr ""
"Si le démarrage du service creoled ne résout pas le problème, essayez la "
"commande {} avec l'option '-i'."
#: bin/Maj-Release:28 bin/Maj-Release:50
msgid "This script will upgrade to a new release of this distribution"
msgstr ""
"Ce script va effectuer la migration vers une nouvelle version mineure de la "
#: bin/Maj-Release:37
msgid "Target release number"
msgstr "Numéro de version mineure"
#: bin/Maj-Release:40
msgid "Do not ask confirmation"
msgstr "Ne pas demander de confirmation"
#: bin/Maj-Release:56
msgid "No stable new release available"
msgstr "Pas de nouvelle version mineure stable disponible"
#: bin/Maj-Release:68
msgid "q|quit: abort"
msgstr "q|quit : abandonner"
#: bin/Maj-Release:73
msgid ""
"Upgrade aborted by user"
msgstr ""
"Migration stoppée par l'utilisateur"
#: bin/Maj-Release:87
msgid "Voluntary stay of proceedings"
msgstr "Arrêt volontaire de la procédure"
#: bin/Maj-Release:90 bin/Maj-Release:97
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid response: {0}"
msgstr "Réponse invalide : {0}"
#: creole/annotator.py:255 creole/var_loader.py:519
msgid "Bridge IP address"
msgstr "Adresse IP du bridge"
#: creole/annotator.py:260 creole/var_loader.py:521
msgid "Bridge IP subnet mask"
msgstr "Adresse IP du netmask du bridge"
#: creole/annotator.py:274 creole/var_loader.py:525
msgid "Bridge broadcast IP address"
msgstr "Adresse IP du broadcast du bridge"
#: creole/annotator.py:372
msgid "{} family already exists"
msgstr "la famille {} existe déjà"
#: creole/annotator.py:378 creole/var_loader.py:582
msgid "Containers informations"
msgstr "Information sur les conteneurs"
#: creole/annotator.py:417
msgid "the container \"{}\" does not exist"
msgstr "le conteneur \"{}\" n'existe pas"
#: creole/annotator.py:419
msgid "mandatory attribute \"id\" missing for container \"{}\""
msgstr "l'attribut \"id\" est manquant pour le conteneur \"{}\""
#: creole/annotator.py:423
msgid ""
"attribute \"id\" must be unique, but \"{}\" is used for containers \"{}\" "
"and \"{}\""
msgstr ""
"l'attribut \"id\" doit être unique mais \"{}\" est utilisé pour les "
"conteneurs \"{}\" et \"{}\""
#: creole/annotator.py:437 creole/var_loader.py:549 creole/var_loader.py:568
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Path of container {0}"
msgstr "Chemin du conteneur {0}"
#: creole/annotator.py:453 creole/var_loader.py:559
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Group name of container {0}"
msgstr "Nom du groupe du conteneur {0}"
#: creole/annotator.py:620
msgid "attribute {} already exists for {}"
msgstr "l'attribut {} est déjà défini pour {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:625
msgid "attribute node_name or name_type already exists for {}"
msgstr "l'attribut node_name ou name_type est déjà défini pour {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:788
msgid "only one action allow for {}"
msgstr "une seule action est autorisée pour {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:826
msgid "No configuration variables available in the configuration set"
msgstr "Aucune variable disponible dans la configuration"
#: creole/annotator.py:837
msgid "valid_enum sets for unknown variables {}"
msgstr "un valid_enum a été renseigné pour des variables inconnues {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:910
msgid "the variable {} in a group must be multi"
msgstr "la variable groupée {} doit être de type multi"
#: creole/annotator.py:917
msgid "cannot found a master {} nor a slave {}"
msgstr "impossible de trouver une variable master {} ou esclave {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1048
msgid "master/slaves {} could not be auto_save"
msgstr "les variables maître/esclaves ne peut être des auto_save"
#: creole/annotator.py:1052
msgid "master/slaves {} could not be auto_freeze"
msgstr "les variables maître/esclaves ne peut être des auto_freeze"
#: creole/annotator.py:1101
msgid "cannot set valid enum for variable with type {}"
msgstr ""
"impossible d'appliquer une liste de choix (valid enum) sur une variable de "
"type {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1111 creole/annotator.py:1133
msgid "empty valid enum is not allowed for variable {}"
msgstr "la variable {} possède une liste de choix (valid enum) vide"
#: creole/annotator.py:1130
msgid ""
"value \"{}\" of variable \"{}\" is not in list of all expected values ({})"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1198
msgid "An auto or fill already exists for the target: {}"
msgstr "Un auto ou un fill est déjà défini pour la variable cible : {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1218
msgid "variable with auto value cannot be auto_freeze"
msgstr "une variable possédant une valeur auto ne peut être une auto_freeze"
#: creole/annotator.py:1221
msgid "variable with auto value cannot be auto_save"
msgstr "une variable possédant une valeur auto ne peut être une auto_save"
#: creole/annotator.py:1246
msgid "{} already has a separator"
msgstr "la variable {} possède déjà une balise separator"
#: creole/annotator.py:1256 creole/annotator.py:1414
msgid "All '{}' variables shall be set in order to calculate {}"
msgstr ""
"Toutes les variables de type '{}' doivent être renseignées pour le calcul de "
#: creole/annotator.py:1260
msgid "The function {} is unknown"
msgstr "La fonction {} est inconnue"
#: creole/annotator.py:1262
msgid "Function {} shall return a list"
msgstr ""
#: creole/annotator.py:1282
msgid "cannot use {} type as a param in check for {}"
msgstr ""
"impossible d'utiliser le type {} en tant que paramètre d'un check pour {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1344
msgid "cannot load checkval value for variable {}: {}"
msgstr "impossible de charger la valeur du checkval pour la variable {} : {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1349
msgid "cannot set more than one param for valid_enum for variable {}"
msgstr "valid_enum ne peut avoir plus d'un seul paramètre pour la variable {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1357
msgid "cannot load value for variable {}: {}"
msgstr "impossible de charger la valeur de la variable {} : {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1365
msgid "valid_enum already set for {}"
msgstr "valid_enum déjà présent pour {}"
#: creole/annotator.py:1409
msgid "cannot use {} type as a param in a fill/auto"
msgstr "impossible d'utiliser le type {} en tant que paramètre de fill ou auto"
#: creole/annotator.py:1448
msgid "cannot found family {}"
msgstr "famille {} non définie"
#: creole/annotator.py:1581
msgid "cannot use {} type as a param in a condition"
msgstr "impossible d'utiliser le type {} en tant que paramètre d'une condition"
#: creole/cert.py:57
msgid "! Error while generating entropy file !"
msgstr "! Erreur lors de la génération du fichier d'entropie !"
#: creole/cert.py:94
#, python-brace-format
msgid "! Error while generating ssl key in {0} !"
msgstr "! Erreur lors de la génération de la clé ssl dans {0} !"
#: creole/cert.py:107 creole/cert.py:114 creole/cert.py:121 creole/cert.py:128
#: creole/cert.py:135 creole/cert.py:142
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"! Rights on {0} can't be modified"
msgstr ""
"! Impossible de changer les droits de {0}"
#: creole/cert.py:201
msgid "Certificate chain incomplete."
msgstr "Chaîne de certificats incomplète."
#: creole/cert.py:231
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error: file {0} does not exist"
msgstr "Erreur : le fichier {0} n'existe pas."
#: creole/cert.py:307 creole/cert.py:358
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"Certificate configuration template can not be found:\n"
msgstr ""
"Fichier template de la configuration du certificat non trouvé :\n"
#: creole/cert.py:309
msgid "Generating CA certificate"
msgstr "Génération du certificat de la CA"
#: creole/cert.py:315
msgid "Error while generating CA"
msgstr "Erreur lors de la génération de la CA"
#: creole/cert.py:326
msgid "Generating certificate revocation list (CRL)"
msgstr "Génération de la liste de révocation (CRL)"
#: creole/cert.py:330
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error while generating CRL ({0}/eole.crl)"
msgstr "Erreur lors de la génération de la CRL ({0}/eole.crl)"
#: creole/cert.py:373 creole/cert.py:375
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Folder {0} does not exist."
msgstr "Le répertoire {0} n'existe pas"
#: creole/cert.py:390
#, python-brace-format
msgid "! Error while generating certificate request {0} !"
msgstr "! Erreur lors de la génération de la requête ssl dans {0} !"
#: creole/cert.py:403
#, python-brace-format
msgid "! Error while signing certificate request {0} !"
msgstr "! Erreur lors de la signature de la requête dans {0} !"
#: creole/cert.py:404
#, python-brace-format
msgid "* Certificate {0} successfully generated"
msgstr "* Certificat {0} généré"
#: creole/cert.py:543 creole/cert.py:571
msgid "cert or certfile must be None"
msgstr "La valeur de cert ou certfile doit être None "
#: creole/cert.py:545 creole/cert.py:573
msgid "cert or certfile must be set"
msgstr "La variable cert ou certfile doit être assignée"
#: creole/cert.py:554 creole/cert.py:582
#, python-brace-format
msgid "error in {0}: {1}"
msgstr "Erreur dans {0} : {1}"
#: creole/cert.py:557
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid certificate subject: {0} "
msgstr "Sujet du certificat invalide : {0}"
#: creole/cert.py:585
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid certificate issuer: {0} "
msgstr "Sujet de la CA du certificat invalide : {0}"
#: creole/client.py:287
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Connexion error '{0}', retry {1}/{2}"
msgstr "Erreur de connexion '{0}', essai {1}/{2}"
#: creole/client.py:292
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"HTTP error: {0}\n"
"Please check creoled's log (/var/log/rsyslog/local/creoled/creoled.info."
"and restart service with command 'service creoled start'"
msgstr ""
"Erreur HTTP : {0}\n"
"Veuillez vous référer au journal d'événement de creoled (/var/log/rsyslog/"
"local/creoled/creoled.info.log) pour avoir plus d'informations\n"
"et redémarrer le service avec la commande 'service creoled start'"
#: creole/client.py:294
#, python-brace-format
msgid "HTTP error: {0}"
msgstr "Erreur HTTP : {0}"
#: creole/client.py:296
msgid "creoled service didn't respond in time"
msgstr "le service creoled n'a pas répondu dans les délais"
#: creole/client.py:323
#, python-brace-format
msgid "HTML content: {0}"
msgstr "Contenu HTML : {0}"
#: creole/client.py:324
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"HTML error {0}, please consult creoled events log (/var/log/rsyslog/local/"
"creoled/creoled.info.log) to have more informations"
msgstr ""
"Erreur HTML {0}, veuillez vous référer au journal d'événement de creoled (/"
"var/log/rsyslog/local/creoled/creoled.info.log) pour avoir plus "
#: creole/client.py:334
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Creole error {0}: {1}"
msgstr "Erreur creole {0} : {1}"
#: creole/client.py:356
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Path must not mix dotted and slash notation: '{0}'"
msgstr ""
"Le chemin ne doit pas mélanger la notation pointée et la notation '/' : '{0}'"
#: creole/client.py:361
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Path must start with '/': '{0}'"
msgstr "Le chemin doit commencer par '/' : '{0}'"
#: creole/client.py:383
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Too many positional parameters {0}."
msgstr "Trop de paramètres positionnels {0}"
#: creole/client.py:435 creole/eosfunc.py:58
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown variable {0}"
msgstr "Variable inconnue {0}"
#: creole/client.py:475
#, python-brace-format
msgid "No container found for group {0}"
msgstr "Pas de conteneur trouvé pour le groupe {0}"
#: creole/client.py:477
msgid "No container found! Is that possible?"
msgstr "Pas de conteneur trouvé ! Est-ce possible ?"
#: creole/client.py:498
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown container {0}"
msgstr "Conteneur inconnu {0}"
#: creole/client.py:667 creole/client.py:676
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown container components {0} for container {1}"
msgstr "Composants de conteneur inconnus {0} pour le conteneur {1}"
#: creole/client.py:669
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown container components {0}"
msgstr "Composants de conteneur inconnus {0}"
#: creole/client.py:838
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error: {0}"
msgstr "Erreur : {0}"
#: creole/containers.py:79
msgid "Invalid LXC lock files state: both are present."
msgstr "État des verrous LXC invalide : les deux sont présents."
#: creole/containers.py:103
msgid "LXC is enabled but LXC commands not found in PATH."
msgstr "LXC est activé mais ses commandes ne sont pas dans le PATH."
#: creole/containers.py:106
msgid ""
"Server already instantiated in no containers mode, attempt to activate "
"containers mode aborted."
msgstr ""
"Serveur déjà instancié en mode non conteneur ; le passage en mode conteneur "
"est interrompu."
#: creole/containers.py:108
msgid ""
"Server already instantiated in containers mode, attempt to activate no "
"containers mode aborted."
msgstr ""
"Serveur déjà instancié en mode conteneur ; le passage en mode non conteneur "
"est interrompu."
#: creole/containers.py:124
msgid ""
"cacher not available, please start check log in /var/log/apt-cacher-ng/ and "
"restart it with \"service apt-cacher-ng start\" command"
msgstr ""
"Le cache des paquets n'est pas disponible, veuillez consulter les logs dans /"
"var/log/apt-cacher-ng/ et redémarrer le service avec la commande \"service "
"apt-cacher-ng start\""
#: creole/containers.py:129
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Managing container {0}"
msgstr "Gestion du conteneur {0}"
#: creole/containers.py:135
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"error during the process of container creation, more informations in {0}"
msgstr "Erreur durant le processus de création de conteneur, consulter {0}"
#: creole/containers.py:140
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"eole-common-pkg not installed in container, something goes wrong, more "
"informations in {0}"
msgstr ""
"eole-common-pkg n'est pas installé dans le conteneur, quelque chose s'est "
"mal passé, consulter {0}"
#: creole/containers.py:174
msgid "Container has no name"
msgstr "Le conteneur n'a pas de nom."
#: creole/containers.py:177
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Container {0} has no IP"
msgstr "Le conteneur {0} n'a pas d'adresse IP."
#: creole/dtd_parser.py:52
msgid "Do not write \"ChoiceOption\" in comments"
msgstr "Ne pas mettre ChoiceOption dans les commentaires"
#: creole/dtd_parser.py:56
msgid "Unvalid comment content: must match a valid attribute name"
msgstr "Commentaire invalide : doit correspondre à un type d'option valide."
#: creole/dtd_parser.py:87
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Using name {0} is forbidden in attributes"
msgstr "Le nom {0} est interdit pour les attributs"
#: creole/dtd_parser.py:93
msgid "Not a valid list"
msgstr "N'est pas une liste valide."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:70
msgid "Wrong IP address format"
msgstr "Mauvaise syntaxe d'adresse ip"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:77
msgid "An IP address is a sequence of four numbers separated by dots."
msgstr "l'adresse IP doit être constituée de 4 nombres séparés par des points"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:80
msgid "Each number is in range [0, 255]."
msgstr "Chaque nombre doit être compris entre 0 et 255"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:92
msgid "Two IP addresses are required."
msgstr "Vous devez spécifier 2 adresses IP"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:112
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Specified network does not match IP address {0}"
msgstr "Le réseau spécifié ne correspond pas à l'adresse IP {0}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:145
msgid "Subnet mask format invalid"
msgstr "Syntaxe de masque réseau invalide"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:157
msgid "You must answer 'O' or 'N'"
msgstr "Vous devez répondre par 'O' ou 'N'"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:166
msgid "Value must be uppercase."
msgstr "La valeur doit être en majuscules"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:174
msgid "Value must be lowercase."
msgstr "La valeur doit être en minuscules"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:188
msgid "Invalid potential values list"
msgstr "La liste des valeurs possibles n'est pas valide"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:190
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Choose one of these options: {0}"
msgstr "Répondez par un des choix suivants : {0}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:193
msgid "Invalid syntax"
msgstr "La syntaxe est incorrecte"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:210
msgid "A number is required."
msgstr "Vous devez saisir un nombre"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:213
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Give an integer greater than {0}"
msgstr "Donnez un entier supérieur à {0}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:215
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Give an integer lesser than {0}"
msgstr "Donnez un entier inférieur à {0}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:228
msgid ""
"valid_len : a length must be given, either an exact length or a maximum or "
"minimum length."
msgstr ""
"valid_len : il est nécessaire de spécifier soit une taille, soit une taille "
"minimum, soit une taille maximum"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:230
msgid ""
"valid_len : an exact length can not be used with a minimum or a maximum "
msgstr "valid_len : il ne faut pas renseigner length avec max_len ou min_len"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:233
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The exact length of the given variable must be {0}."
msgstr "La longueur de la variable doit être de {0}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:236
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The length of the given variable must be lesser than {0}"
msgstr "La longueur de la variable doit être au maximum {0}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:238
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The length of the given variable must be greater than {0}"
msgstr "La longueur de la variable doit être au minimum {0}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:243
msgid "Value must be either Yes or No."
msgstr "La valeur doit être Yes ou No"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:261
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Command {0} execution has failed"
msgstr "La commande {0} a echoué"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:266
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Value must be different from {0}"
msgstr "La valeur doit être différente de {0}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:277
#, python-brace-format
msgid "\"{0}\" character is not allowed."
msgstr "Le caractère \"{0}\" est interdit"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:293
msgid "Domain name is missing a top-level domain (TLD)."
msgstr "Le nom de domaine nécessite une extension"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:301
msgid "Aliases must start with a slash (\"/\")."
msgstr "Les alias doivent débuter par un \"/\""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:307
msgid "Activating Apache is required in order to activate phpMyAdmin."
msgstr "L'activation de PhpMyAdmin nécessite celle d'Apache"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:313
msgid "SSO service must listen on an interface other than localhost."
msgstr "Le servive SSO doit écouter sur une interface autre que localhost"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:316
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"Local SSO service is in conflict with reverse proxy, use IP address {0} "
msgstr ""
"Le service SSO local est en conflit avec le reverse proxy, utilisez {0} "
"comme adresse SSO"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:324
msgid "Value must be of type string."
msgstr "La valeur doit être de type string"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:326
msgid "Value must be uppercase letters."
msgstr "La valeur doit être composée uniquement de lettres majuscules"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:340
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"Please activate \"Utilisation du service sso pour les applications de votre "
"serveur Scribe\" before activating {0}."
msgstr ""
"Veuillez activer l'\"Utilisation du service SSO pour les applications de "
"votre serveur Scribe\" avant d'activer {0}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:348
msgid "This parameter is mandatory."
msgstr "Ce paramètre est obligatoire"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:388
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error running command {0} : {1}"
msgstr "Erreur à la commande {0} : {1}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:469 creole/eosfunc.py:992 creole/eosfunc.py:1000
#: creole/eosfunc.py:1012
#, python-brace-format
msgid "IP or subnet mask invalid ({0}, {1})"
msgstr "IP ou netmask invalide ({0}, {1})"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:609
msgid "Operator must be either \"AND\" or \"OR\""
msgstr "Operator doit être \"AND\" ou \"OR\""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:611
msgid "eval_match must be either \"True\" or \"False\""
msgstr "Operator doit être \"AND\" ou \"OR\""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:613
msgid "eval_mismatch must be either \"True\" or \"False\""
msgstr "Operator doit être \"AND\" ou \"OR\""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:634
msgid "Condition keys must start with \"condition\"."
msgstr "Les clefs de condition doivent commencer par \"condition_\""
#: creole/eosfunc.py:644
msgid "Conditions and parameters counts do not match in calc_multi_condition."
msgstr "Nombre de conditions et de params différent dans calc_multi_condition"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:715
#, python-brace-format
msgid "LDAP directory of {0}.{1}"
msgstr "Annuaire de {0}.{1}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:720
#, python-brace-format
msgid "LDAP directory of {0}"
msgstr "Annuaire de {0}"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:1300
msgid "Unknown job type"
msgstr "Type de job inconnu"
#: creole/eosfunc.py:1334
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Disknod '{0}' is not a directory or a device."
msgstr "Disknod '{0}' n'est pas un répertoire ou un périphérique."
#: creole/eosfunc.py:1433
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error loading custom functions in {0}."
msgstr "Erreur lors du chargement des fonctions personnalisées dans {0}"
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:119
msgid "Updating Grub configuration"
msgstr "Mise à jour de la configuration Grub :"
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:131
msgid "Initramfs missing, generating :"
msgstr "Initramfs manquant, génération :"
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:189
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Syslog logging is not working properly: {0}"
msgstr "La journalisation syslog ne fonctionne pas correctement : {0}"
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:190
msgid "You may need to start/restart systemd-journald"
msgstr "Vous devez peut-être démarrer ou redémarrer systemd-journald"
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:255
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Checking permissions on Zéphir for {0} impossible."
msgstr "Impossible de vérifier sur Zéphir les interdictions pour {0}."
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:256
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error message: {0}"
msgstr "Message d'erreur : {0}"
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:261
msgid "Using stored parameters"
msgstr "Utilisation des paramètres en cache"
#: creole/fonctionseole.py:276
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Updating {0} impossible (insufficient rights)."
msgstr "impossible de mettre à jour {0} (droits insuffisants)"
#: creole/loader.py:84 creole/xmlreflector.py:33
msgid "no such DTD file: {}"
msgstr ""
#: creole/loader.py:132 creole/loader.py:358
msgid "unknown tag {}"
msgstr "tag {} inconnu"
#: creole/loader.py:169
msgid "unknown constraint {}"
msgstr "contrainte {} inconnue"
#: creole/loader.py:185 creole/loader.py:286
msgid "unknown hidden boolean {}"
msgstr "booléen hidden {} inconnu"
#: creole/loader.py:192
msgid "unknown param type {} in fill to {}"
msgstr "paramètre de type {} inconnu dans le calcul de la variable {}"
#: creole/loader.py:207
msgid "valid_enum cannot have more than one param for {}"
msgstr "valid_enum ne peut avoir plus d'un seul paramètre pour la variable {}"
#: creole/loader.py:218 creole/var_loader.py:933
msgid "valid_differ length should be 1"
msgstr "valid_differ devrait avoir une longueur de 1."
#: creole/loader.py:230 creole/var_loader.py:937
msgid "valid_networknetmask length should be 1"
msgstr "valid_networknetmask devrait avoir une longueur de 1."
#: creole/loader.py:232 creole/var_loader.py:939
msgid "valid_networknetmask must have only eole variable"
msgstr "valid_networknetmask doit comporter uniquement des variables EOLE"
#: creole/loader.py:241 creole/var_loader.py:943
msgid "valid_ipnetmask length should be 1"
msgstr "valid_ipnetmask devrait avoir une longueur de 1."
#: creole/loader.py:243 creole/var_loader.py:945
msgid "valid_ipnetmask must have only eole variable"
msgstr "valid_ipnetmask doit comporter uniquement des variables EOLE"
#: creole/loader.py:252 creole/var_loader.py:949
msgid "valid_broadcast length should be 2"
msgstr "valid_broadcast devrait avoir une longueur de 2."
#: creole/loader.py:254 creole/var_loader.py:957
msgid "valid_broadcast must have only eole variable"
msgstr "valid_broadcast doit comporter uniquement des variables EOLE"
#: creole/loader.py:264 creole/var_loader.py:961
msgid "valid_in_network length should be 2"
msgstr "valid_in_network devrait avoir une longueur de 2."
#: creole/loader.py:266 creole/var_loader.py:969
msgid "valid_in_network must have only eole variable"
msgstr "valid_in_network doit comporter uniquement des variables EOLE"
#: creole/loader.py:311
msgid "unknown condition type {} for {}"
msgstr "Type de condition {} inconnu pour {}"
#: creole/loader.py:371
msgid "variable without family"
msgstr "variable sans famille"
#: creole/loader.py:417
msgid "path already loaded {}"
msgstr "chemin déjà chargé {}"
#: creole/loader.py:446
msgid "there is no element for path {}"
msgstr "aucun élément trouvé avec le chemin {}"
#: creole/loader.py:472 creole/loader.py:626
msgid "unknown value {} for {}"
msgstr "valeur inconnue {} pour {}"
#: creole/loader.py:505
msgid "default value already set for {}"
msgstr "valeur par défaut déjà définie pour {}"
#: creole/loader.py:526 creole/loader.py:648
msgid "key already exists in information {}"
msgstr "la clé est déjà définie dans les informations {}"
#: creole/loader.py:581
msgid "cannot create option {}: {}"
msgstr "impossible de créer l'option {} : {}"
#: creole/loader.py:600
msgid "cannot load consistency for {}: {}"
msgstr "impossible de charger le test de consistance pour {} : {}"
#: creole/loader.py:670
msgid "cannot create optiondescription {}: {}"
msgstr "impossible de créer l'optiondescription {} : {}"
#: creole/loader.py:715
msgid "Only creole namespace is supported"
msgstr "Seul l'espace de nom creole est supporté"
#: creole/loader.py:724 creole/loader1.py:408
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Configuration file unexistent : {0}"
msgstr "Fichier de configuration inexistant : {0}"
#: creole/loader.py:728 creole/loader1.py:412
msgid "Unable to force_configeol with load_extra."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de forcer la lecture d'un fichier de configuration avec l'option "
#: creole/loader.py:730 creole/loader1.py:414
msgid ""
"If force_dirs is defined, namespace must be set to creole and load_extra "
"must be set to False."
msgstr ""
"Si force_dirs est défini, namespace doit etre creole et load_extra doit etre "
"à False"
#: creole/loader.py:758 creole/loader1.py:433
msgid "Namespace {} for extra dictionary not allowed"
msgstr ""
"L'espace de nom {} n'est pas permis pour les dictionnaires supplémentaires."
#: creole/loader1.py:74
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to find namespace: {0}"
msgstr "Impossible de trouver l'espace de nom {0}."
#: creole/loader1.py:292
msgid "extra name {} not allowed"
msgstr "le nom {} n'est pas autorisé dans les extra"
#: creole/loader1.py:350 creole/loader1.py:376
msgid "Error when trying to upgrade config file: {}"
msgstr "Erreur lors de la mise à niveau du fichier de configuration : {}"
#: creole/loader1.py:358
#, python-brace-format
msgid "eol_version ({0}) is greater than current version ({1})"
msgstr ""
"La version du fichier EOL ({0}) est supérieure à la version courante ({1})"
#: creole/loader1.py:416
msgid "namespace is not creole, so load_extra is forbidden."
msgstr "l'espace de nom n'est pas creole, load_extra est interdit"
#: creole/loader1.py:605
msgid "master's len is lower than the slave variable ({})"
msgstr ""
"la variable maître possède moins de valeurs que la variable esclave ({})"
#: creole/loader1.py:610
msgid "owner must be a string for {}"
msgstr "le owner doit être une chaîne pour {}"
#: creole/loader1.py:626
msgid "unable to load variable {} with value {}: {}"
msgstr "impossible de charger la variable {} avec la valeur {} : {}"
#: creole/loader1.py:663 creole/loader1.py:741
msgid "config must have eol_file attribute"
msgstr "la configuration doit avoir un attribut eol_file."
#: creole/loader1.py:667
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Can not find file {0}"
msgstr "Impossible de trouver le fichier {0}"
#: creole/loader1.py:695
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Mandatory variable '{0}' from family '{1}' is not set !"
msgstr ""
"La variable obligatoire '{0}' de la famille '{1}' n'est pas renseignée !"
#: creole/loader1.py:758
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error saving file: {0}"
msgstr "Erreur à la sauvegarde du fichier : {0}"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:24
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error while parsing file {0}: {1}"
msgstr "Erreur lors du parsing du fichier {0} : {1}"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:36
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error while parsing: {0}"
msgstr "\"Erreur lors du parsing : {0}"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:60
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error, var {0} already exists in current dictionaries"
msgstr ""
"Erreur la variable {0} est déclarée plusieurs fois dans le dictionnaire"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:73
msgid "Error: extra <files> tags in dictionaries."
msgstr "Erreur plusieurs balises <files> par dictionnaire"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:82
msgid "Error: extra <containers> tags in dictionaries."
msgstr "Erreur plusieurs balises <containers> par dictionnaire"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:87
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Name '{0}' is not allowed in tag <container>."
msgstr "Le nom '{0}' est interdit pour une balise <container>"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:90
#, python-brace-format
msgid "There must be only one name '{0}' in a dictionary."
msgstr "Le nom {0} doit être unique par dictionnaire"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:101
msgid "Error: extra <all> tags in dictionaries."
msgstr "Erreur plusieurs balises <all> par dictionnaire"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:190 creole/lxml_parser.py:197
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Value {0} not in {1}"
msgstr "la valeur {0} n'est pas dans {1}"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:261
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Family {0} is set several times."
msgstr "La famille {0} est déclarée plusieurs fois"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:303
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Action Family {0} is set several times."
msgstr "La famille d'action {0} est déclarée plusieurs fois"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:310
msgid "Error: extra <action> tags in dictionaries."
msgstr "Erreur plusieurs balises <action> par dictionnaire"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:400
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown type {0} for condition target."
msgstr "Type inconnu {0} pour une target de condition"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:406
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Impossible condition without source for {0}."
msgstr "Condition sans source impossible pour {0}"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:432
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid help for variable {0}."
msgstr "Aide invalide pour la variable {0}"
#: creole/lxml_parser.py:439
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid help for family {0}"
msgstr "Aide invalide pour la famille {0}"
#: creole/maj.py:106
#, python-brace-format
msgid "An update is scheduled at {0}"
msgstr "Une mise à jour est programmée pour {0}"
#: creole/maj.py:145
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} the {1}"
msgstr "{0} le {1}"
#: creole/objspace.py:167
msgid "{} is not True or False"
msgstr "{} n'est ni True ni False"
#: creole/objspace.py:266
msgid "Already present in another XML file, {} cannot be re-created"
msgstr "Déjà défini dans un autre fichier XML, {} ne peut être créé de nouveau"
#: creole/objspace.py:274
msgid "Redefined object: {} does not exist yet"
msgstr "impossible de redéfinir l'objet inexistant {}"
#: creole/objspace.py:314
msgid "Creole object {} has a wrong type"
msgstr "L'objet Creole {} a un mauvais type"
#: creole/objspace.py:352
msgid "cannot redefine attribute {} for variable {}"
msgstr "impossible de redéfinir l'attribut {} pour la variable {}"
#: creole/objspace.py:359
msgid "value for {} must be True or False, not {}"
msgstr "la valeur de {} doit être True ou False, et pas {}"
#: creole/objspace.py:397
msgid "Family {} is set several times"
msgstr "La famille {} est initialisée plusieurs fois"
#: creole/objspace.py:572
msgid ""
"A family located in the {} namespace shall not be used in the {} namespace"
msgstr ""
"Une famille de l'espace de nom {} ne devrait pas être utilisée dans l'espace "
"de nom {}"
#: creole/objspace.py:588
msgid "unknown family {}"
msgstr "famille {} inconnue"
#: creole/objspace.py:620
msgid ""
"A variable located in the {} namespace shall not be used in the {} namespace"
msgstr ""
"Une variable de l'espace de nom {} ne devrait pas être utilisée dans "
"l'espace {}"
#: creole/objspace.py:638
msgid "Already defined master {} for variable {}"
msgstr "Une master est déjà définie pour la variable {}"
#: creole/objspace.py:651
msgid "don't set full path variable in creole's namespace (set '{}' not '{}')"
msgstr ""
"ne pas utiliser le chemin complet pour une variable de l'espace de nom "
"creole (mettre '{}' au lieu de '{}')"
#: creole/objspace.py:653
msgid "unknown option {}"
msgstr "option {} inconnue"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:61
msgid ""
"For more informations, read section\n"
"'Mise en œuvre des modules EOLE' in module documentation or\n"
"common documentation."
msgstr ""
"Pour plus d'informations consulter : la documentation du module ou\n"
"la documentation commune 'Mise en œuvre des modules EOLE'."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:104
msgid "Applying EOLE configuration."
msgstr "Application de la configuration EOLE"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:108
msgid "leave process in interactive mode"
msgstr "laisser le processus en mode interactif"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:110
msgid "override Zéphir lock"
msgstr "outrepasser le blocage Zéphir"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:112
msgid "automatic reboot if necessary"
msgstr "redémarrage automatique si nécessaire"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:229
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Running scripts {0}"
msgstr "Exécution des scripts {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:232
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error {0}"
msgstr "Erreur : {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:242
msgid ""
"Please check creoled's log (/var/log/rsyslog/local/creoled/creoled.info."
"and restart service with command 'service creoled start'"
msgstr ""
"Veuillez vous référer au journal d'événement de creoled (/var/log/rsyslog/"
"local/creoled/creoled.info.log) pour avoir plus d'informations\n"
"et redémarrer le service avec la commande 'service creoled start'"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:258
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Preparation for {0}"
msgstr "Préparation pour {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:261
msgid "Server is not configured."
msgstr "Le serveur n'est pas configuré."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:265
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Missing file {0}."
msgstr "Fichier {0} manquant."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:270
msgid "Server must be instantiated before any reconfiguration can occur."
msgstr ""
"Le serveur n'a jamais été instancié alors que c'est une étape obligatoire "
"avant la reconfiguration."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:276
msgid "Server already instantiated."
msgstr "Le serveur est déjà instancié"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:278
msgid "To modify configuration parameter (e.g. IP address), use:"
msgstr ""
"Pour modifier un paramètre de configuration (ex.: adresse IP) utiliser :"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:279
msgid "'gen_config'"
msgstr "'gen_config'"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:280
msgid "then 'reconfigure' to apply changes."
msgstr "et 'reconfigure' pour appliquer les modifications."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:284
msgid "you have run gen_conteneurs, please use instance instead of reconfigure"
msgstr ""
"Vous avez lancé gen_conteneurs, veuillez utiliser la commande instance au "
"lieu de reconfigure."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:287
msgid "You have to run gen_conteneurs before instance"
msgstr ""
"Vous devez utiliser la commande gen_conteneurs avant d'utiliser la commande "
#: creole/reconfigure.py:294
msgid "First instantiate server."
msgstr "Instancier d'abord le serveur."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:296
msgid "Proceeding with instantiation ?"
msgstr "Continuer instanciation quand même ?"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:308
msgid "This process is blocked, contact Zéphir administrator."
msgstr "Cette procédure est bloquée, Contacter l'administrateur Zephir"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:309
msgid "Force execution?"
msgstr "Forcer l'exécution ?"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:325
msgid "Configuration validation problem, please check server configuration."
msgstr ""
"Problème de validation de la configuration, veuillez vérifier la "
"configuration du serveur"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:391
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to start LXC container : {0}"
msgid_plural "Unable to start LXC containers : {0}"
msgstr[0] "Impossible de démarrer le conteneur : {0}"
msgstr[1] "Impossible de démarrer les conteneurs : {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:406
msgid "Container mode is disabled."
msgstr "Le mode conteneur est désactivé."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:411
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"container {0} does not already exist, please use gen_conteneurs to create "
"this container"
msgstr ""
"Le conteneur {0} n'existe pas encore, veuillez utiliser la commande "
"gen_conteneurs pour le créer."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:415
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Setting up {0}"
msgstr "Mise en place {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:423
msgid "Generating containers"
msgstr "Génération des conteneurs"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:457
msgid "Starting containers"
msgstr "Lancement des conteneurs"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:473
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Can not read file {0}: {1}"
msgstr "Impossible de lire le fichier {0} : {1}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:483
msgid "Removing old linux kernels and associate headers."
msgstr "Suppression des anciens noyaux et fichiers d'en-tête associés."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:490
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to remove some packages: {0}"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer certains paquets: {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:492
msgid "These packages will be removed next 'reconfigure'"
msgstr "Ces paquets seront supprimés au prochain reconfigure"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:519
msgid "Checking Packages for container"
msgstr "Vérification des paquets pour le conteneur"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:533
msgid "Managing packages"
msgstr "Gestion des paquets"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:534
msgid " Removing packages"
msgstr " Suppression des paquets"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:535
msgid "Removing packages"
msgstr "Suppression des paquets"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:537
msgid " Installing packages"
msgstr " Installation des paquets"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:538
msgid "Installing packages"
msgstr "Installation des paquets"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:545 creole/reconfigure.py:546
msgid "Generating configuration files"
msgstr "Génération des fichiers de configuration."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:566
msgid "Stopping services"
msgstr "Arrêt des services"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:570
msgid "Starting services"
msgstr "Démarrage des services"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:583
msgid "Configuring services"
msgstr "Configuration des services"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:585
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown service action: {0}"
msgstr "Action de service inconnue: {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:617
msgid "Managing system user accounts"
msgstr "Gestion des utilisateurs systèmes"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:625
msgid "No system user account management in non-interactive mode."
msgstr "Aucune gestion utilisateur en mode non interactif"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:633
msgid "'root' user unknown. This is abnormal."
msgstr "Utilisateur « root » inconnu, ce n’est pas normal"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:638
msgid "No new EOLE account with /home on NFS"
msgstr ""
"Aucune création de compte EOLE supplémentaire car /home est monté en NFS"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:641
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Create new administrator user account {0}?"
msgstr "Créer un nouvel administrateur {0} ?"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:645
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Creating unexistent user {0}"
msgstr "Création de l’utilisateur inexistant {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:653
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to create user {0}"
msgstr "Impossible de créer l’utilisateur {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:659
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to add '{0}' to group 'adm'."
msgstr "Impossible d’ajouter {0} au groupe adm"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:666
#, python-brace-format
msgid "No modification of password of administrator user account {0}."
msgstr ""
"Pas de changement de mot de passe de l’administrateur supplémentaire {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:678
#, python-brace-format
msgid "# Modificating password for user account {0} #"
msgstr "# Changement du mot de passe pour l’utilisateur {0} #"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:685
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:686
msgid "Confirming new password"
msgstr "Confirmation du mot de passe"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:690
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Password input errors for {0}. Abandon."
msgstr "Erreurs de saisie de mot de passe de {0}, abandon."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:700
msgid "Can not use default password."
msgstr "Impossible d'utiliser le mot de passe par défaut."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:707
#, python-brace-format
msgid "User {0} password updated."
msgstr "Mot de passe de l’utilisateur {0} mis à jour."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:711
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error changing password for {0}."
msgstr "Erreur de changement de mot de passe de {0}."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:717
msgid "Passwords mismatch."
msgstr "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:727
msgid "Managing certificates"
msgstr "Génération des certificats"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:738
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error while generating certificates: {0}"
msgstr "Erreur lors de la génération des certificats : {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:744
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Copying certificates in {0}"
msgstr "Copie des certificats dans {0}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:753
msgid "Applying kernel parameters"
msgstr "Application des paramètres Noyau"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:766
msgid "Finalizing configuration"
msgstr "Finalisation de la configuration"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:787 creole/reconfigure.py:792
#: creole/reconfigure.py:794
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Backup {0} in {1}"
msgstr "Sauvegarde de {0} dans {1}"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:790
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} was not modified"
msgstr "{0} n'a pas été modifié."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:805
msgid "Managing update"
msgstr "Gestion de la mise à jour"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:807
msgid "Updating server"
msgstr "Mise à jour du serveur"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:808
msgid ""
"An update is recommended.\n"
"Do you want to proceed with network update now ?"
msgstr ""
"Une mise à jour est recommandée\n"
"Voulez-vous effectuer une mise à jour via le réseau maintenant ?"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:834
msgid "No updates available."
msgstr "Aucune mise à jour à effectuer."
#: creole/reconfigure.py:844
msgid "Task scheduling"
msgstr "Planificateur de tâche"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:868
msgid ""
"Reboot is necessary.\n"
"Do you want to reboot now?"
msgstr ""
"Un redémarrage est nécessaire.\n"
"Faut-il l'effectuer maintenant ?"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:881
msgid "Reboot necessary"
msgstr "Reboot nécessaire"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:944
msgid "Beginning of configuration"
msgstr "Début de configuration"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:959 creole/reconfigure.py:964
msgid "eth0 network interface does not have a valid IP address."
msgstr "La carte eth0 ne dispose pas d'une adresse IP valide"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:960
msgid "Restarting networking service"
msgstr "Relance du service réseau"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:965
msgid "Unable to obtain IP address."
msgstr "Impossible d'obtenir une adresse IP"
#: creole/reconfigure.py:981
msgid "Reconfiguration OK"
msgstr "Reconfiguration OK"
#: creole/server.py:99
#, python-brace-format
msgid "File not accessible: {0}"
msgstr "Fichier non accessible : {0}"
#: creole/server.py:103
#, python-brace-format
msgid "File with null size: {0}"
msgstr "Fichier avec une taille nulle : {0}"
#: creole/server.py:146
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Reload config.eol due to {0} on {1}"
msgstr "Rechargement du fichier config.eol suite à l'évènement {0} sur {1}"
#: creole/server.py:153
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Filtered inotify event for {0}"
msgstr "Évènement inotify filtré pour {0}"
#: creole/server.py:170
msgid "Loading tiramisu configuration"
msgstr "Chargement de la configuration tiramisu"
#: creole/server.py:192
msgid "Load creole configuration with errors"
msgstr "La configuration Creole a été chargée avec des erreurs"
#: creole/server.py:198
msgid "Unable to load creole configuration: "
msgstr "Impossible de charger la configuration Creole."
#: creole/server.py:232
msgid "Unable to load creole configuration from config.eol: "
msgstr ""
"Impossible de charger la configuration Creole depuis le fichier config.eol"
#: creole/server.py:244
msgid "Unable to load creole configuration from extra: "
msgstr ""
"Impossible de charger la configuration Creole depuis les fichiers extra: "
#: creole/server.py:272
msgid "All variables are not set, please configure your system:"
msgstr ""
"Toutes les variables ne sont pas renseignées, veuillez configurer votre "
"système :"
#: creole/server.py:277
msgid "variables are mandatories"
msgstr "les variables sont obligatoires"
#: creole/server.py:288
msgid "variables must be in config file"
msgstr "les variables doivent être dans le fichier de configuration"
#: creole/server.py:350
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Mandatory variable {0} is not set."
msgstr "variable {0} obligatoire sans valeur renseignée"
#: creole/server.py:429
msgid "No configuration"
msgstr "Pas de configuration chargée"
#: creole/server.py:460
msgid "Base directory in which the server is launched (default: /tmp)"
msgstr "Répertoire à la racine duquel le serveur est lancé (par défaut, /tmp)"
#: creole/server.py:464
msgid "Configuration file of the server (default: /etc/eole/creoled.conf"
msgstr ""
"Fichier de configuration du serveur (par défaut, /etc/eole/creoled.conf)"
#: creole/server.py:467
msgid "Run the server as a daemon (default: false)"
msgstr "Exécution du serveur en mode démon (par défaut, false)"
#: creole/server.py:470
msgid "Listen on the specified IP:PORT (default:"
msgstr "Écoute sur le port spécifié (par défaut,"
#: creole/server.py:473 creole/server.py:478
msgid "Base under which the application is mounted (default: /)"
msgstr "Base under which the application is mounted (default: /)"
#: creole/server.py:481
msgid "User of the running process (default: nobody)"
msgstr "Utilisateur exécutant le processus (par défaut, nobody)"
#: creole/server.py:484
msgid "Group of the running process (default: nogroup)"
msgstr "Groupe auquel appartient le processus (par défaut, nogroup)"
#: creole/server.py:487
msgid "Umask of the running process (default: 0644)"
msgstr "Umask du processus (par défaut, 0644)"
#: creole/server.py:593
msgid "No configuration found: do not check for container mode."
msgstr "Pas de configuration trouvée : ne pas tester le mode conteneur."
#: creole/server.py:608
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to listen for containers: {0}"
msgstr "Impossible d'être à l'écoute des conteneurs : {0}"
#: creole/service.py:8 creole/service.py:16 creole/service.py:28
#: creole/service.py:40
msgid "Use new API “manage_services()”"
msgstr "Utilisez la nouvelle API “manage_services()”"
#: creole/template.py:59
msgid "Group variables must be of type master.slave"
msgstr "Les variables d'un groupe doivent être du type master.slave"
#: creole/template.py:239
msgid "length mismatch"
msgstr "Les longueurs ne correspondent pas."
#: creole/template.py:302
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Patching template '{0}' with '{1}'"
msgstr "Patch du template '{0}' avec '{1}'"
#: creole/template.py:306
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"Error applying patch: '{0}'\n"
"To reproduce and fix this error {1}"
msgstr ""
"Erreur d’application du patch: '{0}'\n"
"Pour reproduire et corriger l'erreur {1}"
#: creole/template.py:320
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Cleaning file '{0}'"
msgstr "Nettoyage du fichier '{0}'"
#: creole/template.py:325
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error removing comments '{0}': {1}"
msgstr "Erreur de suppression des commentaires '{0}': {1}"
#: creole/template.py:340
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Template file not enabled: {0}"
msgstr "Fichier template non actif : {0}"
#: creole/template.py:343
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Template file not set: {0}"
msgstr "Fichier template non défini : {0}"
#: creole/template.py:347
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Template target not set: {0}"
msgstr "Cible du template non définie : {0}"
#: creole/template.py:364
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Template {0} unexistent"
msgstr "Template {0} inexistant"
#: creole/template.py:367
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Copy template: '{0}' -> '{1}'"
msgstr "Copie du template '{0}' vers '{1}'"
#: creole/template.py:383
#, python-brace-format
msgid "File {0} does not exist."
msgstr "Le fichier {0} n'existe pas"
#: creole/template.py:388
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Folder {0} does not exist but is required by {1}"
msgstr "le répertoire {0} n'existe pas mais est obligatoire pour {1}"
#: creole/template.py:410
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Cheetah processing: '{0}' -> '{1}'"
msgstr "Traitement Cheetah : '{0}' vers '{1}'"
#: creole/template.py:429
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error: unknown variable used in template {0} : {1}"
msgstr ""
"Erreur: Utilisation d'une variable non existante dans le template de {0} : "
#: creole/template.py:432
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Encoding issue detected in template {0}"
msgstr "Problème d'encodage détecté dans le template de {0}"
#: creole/template.py:435
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error while instantiating template {0}: {1}"
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'instanciation du template de {0} : {1}"
#: creole/template.py:448
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to write in file '{0}': '{1}'"
msgstr "Impossible d'écrire dans le fichier '{0}' : '{1}'"
#: creole/template.py:480 creole/template.py:485
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Changing properties: {0}"
msgstr "Changement des propriétés : {0}"
#: creole/template.py:483 creole/template.py:488
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error changing properties {0}: {1}"
msgstr "Erreur lors du changement des propriétés {0} : {1}"
#: creole/template.py:498
#, python-brace-format
msgid "File '{0}' unexistent."
msgstr "Fichier '{0}' inexistant."
#: creole/template.py:517
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Removing file '{0}' from container '{1}'"
msgstr "Suppression du fichier '{0}' du conteneur '{1}'"
#: creole/template.py:523
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Instantiation of file '{0}' disabled"
msgstr "Instanciation du fichier '{0}' désactivée"
#: creole/template.py:525
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Instantiating file '{0}' from '{1}'"
msgstr "Instanciation du fichier '{0}' depuis '{1}'"
#: creole/template.py:592
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Removing file '{0}'"
msgstr "Suppression du fichier '{0}'"
#: creole/upgrade.py:104
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Variable {0} has been copied in {1}"
msgstr "La variable {0} a été copiée dans {1}"
#: creole/upgrade.py:107 creole/upgrade24.py:239
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Variable {0} has been renamed to {1}"
msgstr "La variable {0} a été renommée en {1}"
#: creole/upgrade.py:119
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Variable {0} has been removed"
msgstr "La variable {0} a été supprimée"
#: creole/upgrade.py:133
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Source variable {0} invalid"
msgstr "Variable source {0} invalide"
#: creole/upgrade.py:145 creole/upgrade24.py:155 creole/upgrade24.py:173
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Variable updated: {0} = {1}"
msgstr "Mise a jour de la variable : {0} = {1}"
#: creole/upgrade.py:167
msgid "config.eol upgrade started"
msgstr "La montée de version de config.eol a été lancée"
#: creole/upgrade.py:208
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown variable: {0}"
msgstr "Variable inconnue : {0}"
#: creole/upgrade.py:224 creole/upgrade.py:393 creole/upgrade24.py:287
#: creole/upgrade24.py:353 creole/upgrade24.py:392 creole/upgrade24.py:419
#: creole/upgrade24.py:457 creole/upgrade24.py:531 creole/upgrade24.py:583
#: creole/upgrade24.py:614
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Starting {0} to {1} upgrade"
msgstr "Lancement de la montée de version de {0} vers {1}"
#: creole/upgrade.py:554
msgid "Migrating SMTP parameters"
msgstr "Migration des paramètres SMTP"
#: creole/upgrade.py:581
msgid "Mail configuration not recognised, not processed"
msgstr "Configuration mail non reconnue, laissée en l’état"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:78
msgid "get_noncalculated_value_for_auto: unknown variable {}"
msgstr "get_noncalculated_value_for_auto : variable inconnue {}"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:149
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Try to set value to unknown option: {0} = {1}"
msgstr "Tentative d'affectation de valeur à une option inconnue : {0} = {1}"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:167 creole/upgrade24.py:230
msgid "empty value"
msgstr "valeur vide"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:168 creole/upgrade24.py:175 creole/upgrade24.py:179
#: creole/upgrade24.py:231
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} for {1}"
msgstr "{0} pour {1}"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:186
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Try to delete an unknown option: {0}"
msgstr "Tentative de supression d'une option inconnu : {0}"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:190
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Variable {0} reinitialized"
msgstr "Réinitialisation de la variable {0}"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:199
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Try to append a value to an unknown option: {0} += {1}"
msgstr "Tentative d'ajout de valeur à une option inconnue : {0} += {1}"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:213
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Try to modify last value of an unknown option: {0}[-1] = {1}"
msgstr ""
"Tentative de modification de la dernière valeur d'une option inconnue : {0}"
"[-1] = {1}"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:306 creole/upgrade24.py:330
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid value : {0} in old variable {1}"
msgstr "Valeur {0} invalide pour la variable {1}"
#: creole/upgrade24.py:525
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Interface {0} name has not an 'ethX' format"
msgstr "Le nom de l'interface {0} n'est pas au format ethX"
#: creole/utils.py:149
msgid "Choose a number in the list"
msgstr "Choisissez un nombre dans la liste."
#: creole/var_loader.py:39
msgid "mac address"
msgstr ""
#: creole/var_loader.py:110
#, python-brace-format
msgid "option {0}'s value should be in {1}"
msgstr "La valeur de l'option {0} devrait être choisie dans {1}."
#: creole/var_loader.py:265
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} {1} redefined but unexistent."
msgstr "{0} {1} redefinie mais non existant"
#: creole/var_loader.py:267
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} {1} existent."
msgstr "{0} {1} existant."
#: creole/var_loader.py:306
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Name ({0}) already used."
msgstr "Le nom ({0}) est déjà utilisé."
#: creole/var_loader.py:377
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown key {0}"
msgstr "Clé inconnue {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:402
msgid "No requires for SymLinkOption"
msgstr "Pas de « requires » pour une « SymLinkOption »."
#: creole/var_loader.py:407
#, python-brace-format
msgid "SymLinkOption targetting unexistent variable: {0}."
msgstr "Variable {0} inexistante utilisée comme cible d'une SymLinkOption."
#: creole/var_loader.py:485
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Two containers with the same id ({0})"
msgstr "Deux conteneurs ont le même ID ({0})"
#: creole/var_loader.py:487
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Multiple ids for the container {0}"
msgstr "Le conteneur {0} possède plusieurs IDs"
#: creole/var_loader.py:523
msgid "Bridge IP network_br0 address"
msgstr "Adresse réseau du bridge br0"
#: creole/var_loader.py:554
#, python-brace-format
msgid "IP address of container {0}"
msgstr "Adresse IP du conteneur {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:661
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Two variables with the same name ({0})"
msgstr "Deux variables ont le même nom ({0})"
#: creole/var_loader.py:663
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Attempt to redefine unexistent variable: {0}."
msgstr "Tentative de redéfinition d'une variable inexistante : {0}."
#: creole/var_loader.py:700
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Redefining multi attribute is not allowed for variable {0}"
msgstr "Redéfinition de l'attribut multi interdit pour la variable {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:703
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Redefining type attribute is not allowed for variable {0}"
msgstr "Redéfinition de l'attribut type interdit pour la variable {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:744 creole/var_loader.py:751
#, python-brace-format
msgid "help already set for {0}"
msgstr "aide déjà existante pour : {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:761
#, python-brace-format
msgid "More than one separator for {0}"
msgstr "Plus d'un séparateur défini pour : {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:800
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown condition type for {0}"
msgstr "Type de condition inconnu pour {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:806 creole/var_loader.py:1530
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown type {0}"
msgstr "Type {0} inconnu"
#: creole/var_loader.py:809
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown hidden {0}"
msgstr "« hidden » {0} inconnu"
#: creole/var_loader.py:812
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown name {0}"
msgstr "Nom {0} inconnu"
#: creole/var_loader.py:815
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown optional {0}"
msgstr "« optional » {0} inconnu"
#: creole/var_loader.py:851
#, python-brace-format
msgid "More than one function for target: {0}"
msgstr "Plus d'une fonction pour la cible {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:856
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Can not set level to {0} for this kind of callback"
msgstr ""
"Impossible de définir le niveau à {0} pour ce type de fonction de rappel."
#: creole/var_loader.py:869
msgid "Namespace different in param not allowed: {} - {}"
msgstr "Espaces de nom différents interdits dans les paramètres : {} - {}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:885
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Type {0} not yet implemented for {1} for {2}"
msgstr "Le type {0} n'est pas encore implémenté pour {1} pour {2}."
#: creole/var_loader.py:901
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Computing function already defined for {0}"
msgstr "Calcul déjà présent pour {0}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:1071
#, python-brace-format
msgid "File {0} does not exist"
msgstr "Le fichier {0} n'existe pas."
#: creole/var_loader.py:1086
msgid "Unable to run read_dir if Config already exists."
msgstr "Impossible de refaire une read_dir si la Config existe"
#: creole/var_loader.py:1112
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to populate {0}: {1}"
msgstr "Impossible de remplir {0} : {1}"
#: creole/var_loader.py:1215
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Condition using unexistent variable {0} as parameter."
msgstr "Variable {0} inexistante utilisée en paramètre d'une condition."
#: creole/var_loader.py:1246
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Condition targetting unexistent variable {0}"
msgstr "Variable {0} inexistante utilisée comme cible d'une condition."
#: creole/var_loader.py:1250
#, python-brace-format
msgid "requires already set for this option preventing changing properties {0}"
msgstr ""
"« requires » déjà défini pour cette option et empêchant de modifier les "
"propriétés {0}."
#: creole/var_loader.py:1254
#, python-brace-format
msgid "requires already set for this option {0}"
msgstr "« requires » déjà défini pour l'option {0}."
#: creole/var_loader.py:1345
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Check using unexistent variable {0} as parameter."
msgstr "Variable {0} inexistante utilisée en paramètre d'un check."
#: creole/var_loader.py:1386
#, python-brace-format
msgid "unknown function {0} in eosfunc"
msgstr "fonction {0} inconnue dans eosfunc."
#: creole/var_loader.py:1403 creole/var_loader.py:1416
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Variable computing function using unknown variable {0}"
msgstr "Utilisation de la variable {0} non présente dans un calcul"
#: creole/var_loader.py:1492
msgid "Slave value length can not be greater than 1."
msgstr "Le nombre de valeurs d'une d'une esclave ne peut être supérieur à 1"
#: creole/var_loader.py:1597 creole/var_loader.py:1605
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{0} is auto, so must not be auto_freeze or auto_save"
msgstr "{0} est auto, donc ne doit pas être auto_freeze ou auto_save"
#: creole/var_loader.py:1700
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown family {0} has requires"
msgstr "La famille inconnue {0} a des conditions"
#: creole/xmlreflector.py:46
msgid "not a valid xml file: {}"
msgstr "fichier XML invalide : {}"
#~ msgid "Also update Envole packages"
#~ msgstr "Mettre à jour Envole."
#~ msgid "Updating Envole packages ..."
#~ msgstr "Mise à jour des paquets Envole ..."
#~ msgid "no"
#~ msgstr "non"
#~ msgid "yes"
#~ msgstr "oui"
#~ msgid "oui"
#~ msgstr "oui"
#~ msgid "Reload config due to {0} on {1}"
#~ msgstr "Rechargement de la configuration suite à l'évènement {0} sur {1}"
#~ msgid "Unable to connect to proxy {0}:{1}"
#~ msgstr "Impossible de se connecter au proxy {0}:{1}"
#~ msgid "Error while loading CA to be sent to clients ({0}): {1}"
#~ msgstr "Erreur au chargement des CA à envoyer aux clients ({0}) : {1}"
#~ msgid "infinite loop detect for {0}'s callback"
#~ msgstr "boucle infinie détectée pour le callback de {0}"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Raising release level will prevent lowering back to this stable version."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Augmenter de version mineure empêchera de revenir à cette version mineure "
#~ "stable."
#~ msgid "Raising update level may prevent lowering back to stable version."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Augmenter de version mineure empêchera de revenir à cette version mineure "
#~ "stable."
#~ msgid "use an higher release packages."
#~ msgstr "utiliser les paquets d'une version mineure supérieure."
#~ msgid "valid_differ must have only eole variable"
#~ msgstr "valid_differ ne doit avoir que des variables eole."
#~ msgid "cannot contact creoled"
#~ msgstr "ne peut contacter creoled"
#~ msgid "cannot find configuration for container {0}"
#~ msgstr "impossible de trouver la configuration pour le conteneur {0}"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "http://eole.ac-dijon.fr/materiel/ allows you to consult compatible "
#~ "hardware database."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "http://eole.ac-dijon.fr/materiel/ vous permet de consulter une base des "
#~ "matériels compatibles"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Do you want to send this server hardware description to improve "
#~ "compatible hardware database."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Pour enrichir cette base, acceptez-vous l'envoi de la description "
#~ "matérielle de ce serveur ?"
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
# French translations for eole-schedule package
# Traductions françaises du paquet eole-schedule.
# This file is put in the public domain.
# Benjamin Bohard <bbohard@cadoles.com>, 2015.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: eole-schedule\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: eole@ac-dijon.fr\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-06-22 10:30+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-02 10:28+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Benjamin Bohard <bbohard@cadoles.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Équipe EOLE <eole@ac-dijon.fr>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#: schedule/schedule:69
msgid "Starting {}"
msgstr "Démarrage de {}"
#: schedule/schedule:106
msgid "Error detected\n"
msgstr "Une erreur a été détectée\n"
#: schedule/schedule:107
msgid "{} exited with error return code"
msgstr "Sortie de {} avec un code d'erreur"
#: schedule/schedule:110
msgid "{} finished"
msgstr "{} accompli"
#: schedule/schedule:126
msgid "Job already running, cancelling"
msgstr "Tâche déjà en cours, annulation"
#: schedule/schedule:140
msgid "bareos is set for this day, cancelled"
msgstr "Une tâche bareos est programmée pour ce jour, annulation"
#: schedule/schedule:156
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown job: {0}"
msgstr "Tâche inconnue : {0}"
#: schedule/schedule:186
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Too many arguments: {0}"
msgstr "Trop d'arguments : {0}"
#: schedule/schedule:195
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Not enough arguments: {0}"
msgstr "Pas assez d'arguments : {0}"
#: schedule/schedule:199
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Second argument must be pre or post: {0}"
msgstr "Le second argument doit être pre ou post : {0}"
#: schedule/schedule:210
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Too many arguments for cron: {0}"
msgstr "Trop d'arguments pour cron : {0}"
#: schedule/schedule:215
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unknown schedule type : {0}"
msgstr "Type de schedule inconnu : {0}"
@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
# French translations for update-manager package
# Traductions françaises du paquet update-manager.
# This file is put in the public domain.
# Benjamin Bohard <bbohard@cadoles.com>, 2015.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: update-manager\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: eole@ac-dijon.fr\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-08 17:19+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-01-26 14:35+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Benjamin Bohard <bbohard@cadoles.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Équipe EOLE <eole@ac-dijon.fr>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:63
msgid "Upgrade to a newer major version is not available"
msgstr ""
"La mise à niveau vers une nouvelle version majeure n'est pas disponible"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:64
msgid "Use Maj-Release script to upgrade to next minoir version"
msgstr ""
"Utilisez la commande Maj-Release pour changer de sous-version du serveur "
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:98
msgid ""
"Available choices:\n"
msgstr ""
"Choix disponibles :\n"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:103
msgid "Automatically selected first choice: {}\n"
msgstr "Premier choix sélectionné automatiquement : {}\n"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:107
msgid ""
"[1]: "
msgstr ""
"[1] : "
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:110 upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:594
msgid ""
"Upgrade aborted by user"
msgstr ""
"Migration interrompue par l'utilisateur"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:122
msgid "Choice {} not available\n"
msgstr "Choix {} non disponible\n"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:126 upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:495
msgid "Upgrade cancelled by user"
msgstr "Migration annulée par l'utilisateur"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:129
msgid "Invalid input: {}\n"
msgstr "Saisie invalide : {}\n"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:240
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Verifying ISO image {iso}"
msgstr "Vérification de l'image ISO {iso}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:243
msgid "Download SHA256SUMS file"
msgstr "Téléchargement du fichier SHA256SUMS"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:247
msgid "Download SHA256SUMS.gpg file"
msgstr "Téléchargement du fichier SHA256SUMS.gpg"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:250
msgid "Check SHA256SUMS file signature"
msgstr "Vérification de la signature du fichier SHA256SUMS"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:258
msgid "Check ISO SHA256..."
msgstr "Vérification de l'empreinte SHA256 de l'iso"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:275
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:278
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erreur"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:302
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error downloading {file} with wget from {url}"
msgstr "Erreur lors du téléchargement de {file} avec wget depuis {url}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:313
msgid "Error downloading the image with zsync"
msgstr "Erreur lors du téléchargement de l'image avec zsync"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:351
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to umount {cdrom}"
msgstr "Démontage de {cdrom} impossible"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:383
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Downloading ISO image for {release}"
msgstr "Téléchargement de l'image ISO pour {release}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:402
msgid "No CDROM found"
msgstr "Aucun CDROM trouvé"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:406
#, python-brace-format
msgid "No such file: {iso}"
msgstr "Aucun fichier de ce nom : {iso}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:408
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unreadable file: {iso}"
msgstr "fichier illisible : {iso}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:414
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Copying {source} to {iso}"
msgstr "Copie de {source} vers {iso}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:423
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error checking ISO after copy, remove {iso}"
msgstr ""
"Erreur lors de la vérification de l'ISO après copie ; suppression de {iso}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:436
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error checking ISO image after download, remove {iso}"
msgstr ""
"Erreur lors de la vérification de l'image ISO après le téléchargement ; "
"suppression de {iso}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:444
msgid "EOLE distribution upgrade tool."
msgstr "Outil de montée de version de la distribution EOLE."
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:447
msgid "Target release number"
msgstr "Numéro de la version cible"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:450
msgid "Only download the ISO image"
msgstr "Téléchargement de l'image ISO uniquement"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:453
msgid "Path to an ISO image"
msgstr "Chemin vers une image ISO"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:456
msgid "Use CDROM device instead of downloading ISO image"
msgstr "Utiliser le périphérique CDROM plutôt que de télécharger l'image ISO"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:459
msgid "Pass limit rate to wget. “0” to disable."
msgstr ""
"Fournir une limite de taux de transfert à wget. Utiliser « 0 » pour "
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:462
msgid "Do not ask confirmation"
msgstr "Ne pas demander de confirmation"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:472
msgid "This script will upgrade this server to a new release"
msgstr ""
"Ce script va effectuer la migration vers une nouvelle version de la "
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:473
msgid "Modifications will be irreversible."
msgstr "Les modifications ne sont pas réversibles"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:475
msgid "Starting Upgrade-Auto ({})"
msgstr "Démarrage d'Upgrade-Auto ({})"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:480
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid release {version} use: {values}"
msgstr "Version {version} invalide, utiliser {values}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:487
msgid "Choose which version you want to upgrade to\n"
msgstr "Choisir la version vers laquelle migrer\n"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:488
msgid "Which version do you want to upgrade to (or 'q' to quit)?"
msgstr "Vers quelle version choisissez-vous de migrer (ou 'q' pour quitter) ?"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:493
msgid "Do you really want to upgrade to version {}?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment migrer vers la version {} ?"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:504
msgid "Check update status"
msgstr "Vérification de l'état de mise à jour"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:513
msgid "Some packages are not up-to-date!"
msgstr "Des paquets ne sont pas à jour !"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:516
msgid "Update this server (Maj-Auto) before another attempt to upgrade"
msgstr "Effectuez une mise à jour (Maj-Auto) avant de relancer ce script"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:519
msgid "Server is up-to-date"
msgstr "Le serveur est à jour"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:522
msgid ""
"In order to upgrade, most recent kernel endorsed for this release must be "
msgstr ""
"Pour cette opération, vous devez impérativement être sur le dernier noyau "
"disponible pour cette version !"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:527
msgid "This server uses most recent kernel"
msgstr "Le serveur utilise le dernier noyau"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:532
msgid "Download only detected, stop"
msgstr "Arrêt : téléchargement demandé uniquement"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:537
msgid "Copying upgrade scripts"
msgstr "Copie des scripts de migration"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:539
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Directory {0} already exists"
msgstr "Le répertoire {0} existe déjà"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:547
msgid "Configuring upgrade"
msgstr "Configuration de la migration"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:563
msgid "Module specific commands"
msgstr "Instructions préalables spécifiques au module"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:566
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error {0}"
msgstr "Erreur {0}"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:586
msgid "Upgrading server"
msgstr "Migration du serveur"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Select target version:\n"
#~ "{}\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Sélectionner la version cible :\n"
#~ "{}\n"
@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
# This file is put in the public domain.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: update-manager\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: eole@ac-dijon.fr\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-11 10:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:63
msgid "Upgrade to a newer major version is not available"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:64
msgid "Use Maj-Release script to upgrade to next minoir version"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:98
msgid ""
"Available choices:\n"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:103
msgid "Automatically selected first choice: {}\n"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:107
msgid ""
"[1]: "
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:110 upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:594
msgid ""
"Upgrade aborted by user"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:122
msgid "Choice {} not available\n"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:126 upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:495
msgid "Upgrade cancelled by user"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:129
msgid "Invalid input: {}\n"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:240
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Verifying ISO image {iso}"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:243
msgid "Download SHA256SUMS file"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:247
msgid "Download SHA256SUMS.gpg file"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:250
msgid "Check SHA256SUMS file signature"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:258
msgid "Check ISO SHA256..."
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:275
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:278
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:302
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error downloading {file} with wget from {url}"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:313
msgid "Error downloading the image with zsync"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:351
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unable to umount {cdrom}"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:383
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Downloading ISO image for {release}"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:402
msgid "No CDROM found"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:406
#, python-brace-format
msgid "No such file: {iso}"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:408
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unreadable file: {iso}"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:414
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Copying {source} to {iso}"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:423
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error checking ISO after copy, remove {iso}"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:436
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error checking ISO image after download, remove {iso}"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:444
msgid "EOLE distribution upgrade tool."
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:447
msgid "Target release number"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:450
msgid "Only download the ISO image"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:453
msgid "Path to an ISO image"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:456
msgid "Use CDROM device instead of downloading ISO image"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:459
msgid "Pass limit rate to wget. “0” to disable."
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:462
msgid "Do not ask confirmation"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:472
msgid "This script will upgrade this server to a new release"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:473
msgid "Modifications will be irreversible."
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:475
msgid "Starting Upgrade-Auto ({})"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:480
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Invalid release {version} use: {values}"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:487
msgid "Choose which version you want to upgrade to\n"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:488
msgid "Which version do you want to upgrade to (or 'q' to quit)?"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:493
msgid "Do you really want to upgrade to version {}?"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:504
msgid "Check update status"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:513
msgid "Some packages are not up-to-date!"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:516
msgid "Update this server (Maj-Auto) before another attempt to upgrade"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:519
msgid "Server is up-to-date"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:522
msgid ""
"In order to upgrade, most recent kernel endorsed for this release must be "
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:527
msgid "This server uses most recent kernel"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:532
msgid "Download only detected, stop"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:537
msgid "Copying upgrade scripts"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:539
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Directory {0} already exists"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:547
msgid "Configuring upgrade"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:563
msgid "Module specific commands"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:566
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Error {0}"
msgstr ""
#: upgrade/Upgrade-Auto:586
msgid "Upgrading server"
msgstr ""
Reference in New Issue
Block a user