Merge branch 'master' into oauth2
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,27 +10,27 @@ command: celery -A lemur.common.celery worker --loglevel=info -l DEBUG -B
import copy
import sys
import time
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
from celery import Celery
from import Context
from celery.exceptions import SoftTimeLimitExceeded
from celery.signals import task_failure, task_received, task_revoked, task_success
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
from flask import current_app
from lemur.authorities.service import get as get_authority
from lemur.certificates import cli as cli_certificate
from lemur.common.redis import RedisHandler
from lemur.destinations import service as destinations_service
from lemur.dns_providers import cli as cli_dns_providers
from lemur.endpoints import cli as cli_endpoints
from lemur.extensions import metrics, sentry
from lemur.factory import create_app
from lemur.notifications import cli as cli_notification
from lemur.notifications.messaging import send_pending_failure_notification
from lemur.pending_certificates import service as pending_certificate_service
from lemur.plugins.base import plugins
from lemur.sources.cli import clean, sync, validate_sources
from lemur.sources.service import add_aws_destination_to_sources
from lemur.certificates import cli as cli_certificate
from lemur.dns_providers import cli as cli_dns_providers
from lemur.notifications import cli as cli_notification
from lemur.endpoints import cli as cli_endpoints
if current_app:
flask_app = current_app
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def is_task_active(fun, task_id, args):
from celery.task.control import inspect
if not args:
args = '()' # empty args
args = "()" # empty args
i = inspect()
active_tasks =
@ -80,6 +80,37 @@ def is_task_active(fun, task_id, args):
return False
def get_celery_request_tags(**kwargs):
request = kwargs.get("request")
sender_hostname = "unknown"
sender = kwargs.get("sender")
if sender:
sender_hostname = sender.hostname
except AttributeError:
sender_hostname = vars(sender.request).get("origin", "unknown")
if request and not isinstance(
request, Context
): # unlike others, task_revoked sends a Context for `request`
task_name =
task_id =
receiver_hostname = request.hostname
task_name =
task_id =
receiver_hostname = sender.request.hostname
tags = {
"task_name": task_name,
"task_id": task_id,
"sender_hostname": sender_hostname,
"receiver_hostname": receiver_hostname,
if kwargs.get("exception"):
tags["error"] = repr(kwargs["exception"])
return tags
def report_celery_last_success_metrics():
@ -89,7 +120,6 @@ def report_celery_last_success_metrics():
report_celery_last_success_metrics should be ran periodically to emit metrics on when a task was last successful.
Admins can then alert when tasks are not ran when intended. Admins should also alert when no metrics are emitted
from this function.
function = f"{__name__}.{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}"
task_id = None
@ -108,15 +138,91 @@ def report_celery_last_success_metrics():
current_time = int(time.time())
schedule = current_app.config.get('CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE')
schedule = current_app.config.get("CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE")
for _, t in schedule.items():
task = t.get("task")
last_success = int(red.get(f"{task}.last_success") or 0)
metrics.send(f"{task}.time_since_last_success", 'gauge', current_time - last_success)
f"{task}.time_since_last_success", "gauge", current_time - last_success
f"{function}.last_success", int(time.time())
) # Alert if this metric is not seen
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1)
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", "counter", 1)
def report_number_pending_tasks(**kwargs):
Report the number of pending tasks to our metrics broker every time a task is published. This metric can be used
for autoscaling workers.
with flask_app.app_context():
def report_successful_task(**kwargs):
Report a generic success metric as tasks to our metrics broker every time a task finished correctly.
This metric can be used for autoscaling workers.
with flask_app.app_context():
tags = get_celery_request_tags(**kwargs)
red.set(f"{tags['task_name']}.last_success", int(time.time()))
metrics.send("celery.successful_task", "TIMER", 1, metric_tags=tags)
def report_failed_task(**kwargs):
Report a generic failure metric as tasks to our metrics broker every time a task fails.
This metric can be used for alerting.
with flask_app.app_context():
log_data = {
"function": f"{__name__}.{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}",
"Message": "Celery Task Failure",
# Add traceback if exception info is in the kwargs
einfo = kwargs.get("einfo")
if einfo:
log_data["traceback"] = einfo.traceback
error_tags = get_celery_request_tags(**kwargs)
metrics.send("celery.failed_task", "TIMER", 1, metric_tags=error_tags)
def report_revoked_task(**kwargs):
Report a generic failure metric as tasks to our metrics broker every time a task is revoked.
This metric can be used for alerting.
with flask_app.app_context():
log_data = {
"function": f"{__name__}.{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}",
"Message": "Celery Task Revoked",
error_tags = get_celery_request_tags(**kwargs)
metrics.send("celery.revoked_task", "TIMER", 1, metric_tags=error_tags)
@ -217,15 +323,15 @@ def fetch_acme_cert(id):
log_data["failed"] = failed
log_data["wrong_issuer"] = wrong_issuer
metrics.send(f"{function}.resolved", 'gauge', new)
metrics.send(f"{function}.failed", 'gauge', failed)
metrics.send(f"{function}.wrong_issuer", 'gauge', wrong_issuer)
metrics.send(f"{function}.resolved", "gauge", new)
metrics.send(f"{function}.failed", "gauge", failed)
metrics.send(f"{function}.wrong_issuer", "gauge", wrong_issuer)
"[+] Certificates: New: {new} Failed: {failed} Not using ACME: {wrong_issuer}".format(
new=new, failed=failed, wrong_issuer=wrong_issuer
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
return log_data
@ -262,8 +368,8 @@ def fetch_all_pending_acme_certs():
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1)
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", "counter", 1)
return log_data
@ -296,8 +402,8 @@ def remove_old_acme_certs():
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1)
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", "counter", 1)
return log_data
@ -328,8 +434,8 @@ def clean_all_sources():
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1)
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", "counter", 1)
return log_data
@ -366,6 +472,7 @@ def clean_source(source):
metrics.send("celery.timeout", "counter", 1, metric_tags={"function": function})
return log_data
@ -395,8 +502,8 @@ def sync_all_sources():
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1)
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", "counter", 1)
return log_data
@ -428,19 +535,23 @@ def sync_source(source):
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1, metric_tags={"source": source})
f"{function}.success", "counter", 1, metric_tags={"source": source}
except SoftTimeLimitExceeded:
log_data["message"] = "Error syncing source: Time limit exceeded."
metrics.send("sync_source_timeout", "counter", 1, metric_tags={"source": source})
"sync_source_timeout", "counter", 1, metric_tags={"source": source}
metrics.send("celery.timeout", "counter", 1, metric_tags={"function": function})
log_data["message"] = "Done syncing source"
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1, metric_tags={"source": source})
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", "counter", 1, metric_tags={"source": source})
return log_data
@ -477,8 +588,8 @@ def sync_source_destination():
log_data["message"] = "completed Syncing AWS destinations and sources"
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1)
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", "counter", 1)
return log_data
@ -515,8 +626,8 @@ def certificate_reissue():
log_data["message"] = "reissuance completed"
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1)
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", "counter", 1)
return log_data
@ -534,7 +645,6 @@ def certificate_rotate():
"function": function,
"message": "rotating certificates",
"task_id": task_id,
if task_id and is_task_active(function, task_id, None):
@ -554,8 +664,8 @@ def certificate_rotate():
log_data["message"] = "rotation completed"
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1)
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", "counter", 1)
return log_data
@ -590,8 +700,8 @@ def endpoints_expire():
metrics.send("celery.timeout", "counter", 1, metric_tags={"function": function})
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1)
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", "counter", 1)
return log_data
@ -626,8 +736,8 @@ def get_all_zones():
metrics.send("celery.timeout", "counter", 1, metric_tags={"function": function})
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1)
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", "counter", 1)
return log_data
@ -662,8 +772,8 @@ def check_revoked():
metrics.send("celery.timeout", "counter", 1, metric_tags={"function": function})
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1)
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", "counter", 1)
return log_data
@ -690,7 +800,9 @@ def notify_expirations():
cli_notification.expirations(current_app.config.get("EXCLUDE_CN_FROM_NOTIFICATION", []))
current_app.config.get("EXCLUDE_CN_FROM_NOTIFICATION", [])
except SoftTimeLimitExceeded:
log_data["message"] = "Notify expiring Time limit exceeded."
@ -698,5 +810,5 @@ def notify_expirations():
metrics.send("celery.timeout", "counter", 1, metric_tags={"function": function})
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1)
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", "counter", 1)
return log_data
@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
import time
import requests
import json
import sys
import time
import lemur.common.utils as utils
import lemur.dns_providers.util as dnsutil
import requests
from flask import current_app
from lemur.extensions import metrics, sentry
@ -17,7 +16,9 @@ REQUIRED_VARIABLES = [
class Zone:
""" This class implements a PowerDNS zone in JSON. """
This class implements a PowerDNS zone in JSON.
def __init__(self, _data):
self._data = _data
@ -39,7 +40,9 @@ class Zone:
class Record:
""" This class implements a PowerDNS record. """
This class implements a PowerDNS record.
def __init__(self, _data):
self._data = _data
@ -49,20 +52,30 @@ class Record:
return self._data["name"]
def disabled(self):
return self._data["disabled"]
def type(self):
return self._data["type"]
def ttl(self):
return self._data["ttl"]
def content(self):
return self._data["content"]
def ttl(self):
return self._data["ttl"]
def disabled(self):
return self._data["disabled"]
def get_zones(account_number):
"""Retrieve authoritative zones from the PowerDNS API and return a list"""
Retrieve authoritative zones from the PowerDNS API and return a list of zones
:param account_number:
:raise: Exception
:return: list of Zone Objects
server_id = current_app.config.get("ACME_POWERDNS_SERVERID", "localhost")
path = f"/api/v1/servers/{server_id}/zones"
@ -90,44 +103,41 @@ def get_zones(account_number):
def create_txt_record(domain, token, account_number):
""" Create a TXT record for the given domain and token and return a change_id tuple """
Create a TXT record for the given domain and token and return a change_id tuple
:param domain: FQDN
:param token: challenge value
:param account_number:
:return: tuple of domain/token
zone_name = _get_zone_name(domain, account_number)
server_id = current_app.config.get("ACME_POWERDNS_SERVERID", "localhost")
zone_id = zone_name + "."
domain_id = domain + "."
path = f"/api/v1/servers/{server_id}/zones/{zone_id}"
payload = {
"rrsets": [
"name": domain_id,
"type": "TXT",
"ttl": 300,
"changetype": "REPLACE",
"records": [
"content": f"\"{token}\"",
"disabled": False
"comments": []
function = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
log_data = {
"function": function,
"fqdn": domain,
"token": token,
# Create new record
domain_id = domain + "."
records = [Record({'name': domain_id, 'content': f"\"{token}\"", 'disabled': False})]
# Get current records
cur_records = _get_txt_records(domain)
for record in cur_records:
if record.content != token:
_patch(path, payload)
log_data["message"] = "TXT record successfully created"
_patch_txt_records(domain, account_number, records)
log_data["message"] = "TXT record(s) successfully created"
except Exception as e:
log_data["Exception"] = e
log_data["message"] = "Unable to create TXT record"
log_data["message"] = "Unable to create TXT record(s)"
change_id = (domain, token)
@ -136,8 +146,11 @@ def create_txt_record(domain, token, account_number):
def wait_for_dns_change(change_id, account_number=None):
Checks the authoritative DNS Server to see if changes have propagated to DNS
Retries and waits until successful.
Checks the authoritative DNS Server to see if changes have propagated.
:param change_id: tuple of domain/token
:param account_number:
domain, token = change_id
@ -171,53 +184,115 @@ def wait_for_dns_change(change_id, account_number=None):
def delete_txt_record(change_id, account_number, domain, token):
""" Delete the TXT record for the given domain and token """
Delete the TXT record for the given domain and token
:param change_id: tuple of domain/token
:param account_number:
:param domain: FQDN
:param token: challenge to delete
zone_name = _get_zone_name(domain, account_number)
server_id = current_app.config.get("ACME_POWERDNS_SERVERID", "localhost")
zone_id = zone_name + "."
domain_id = domain + "."
path = f"/api/v1/servers/{server_id}/zones/{zone_id}"
payload = {
"rrsets": [
"name": domain_id,
"type": "TXT",
"ttl": 300,
"changetype": "DELETE",
"records": [
"content": f"\"{token}\"",
"disabled": False
"comments": []
function = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
log_data = {
"function": function,
"fqdn": domain,
"token": token
"token": token,
_patch(path, payload)
log_data["message"] = "TXT record successfully deleted"
except Exception as e:
log_data["Exception"] = e
log_data["message"] = "Unable to delete TXT record"
Get existing TXT records matching the domain from DNS
The token to be deleted should already exist
There may be other records with different tokens as well
cur_records = _get_txt_records(domain)
found = False
new_records = []
for record in cur_records:
if record.content == f"\"{token}\"":
found = True
# Since the matching token is not in DNS, there is nothing to delete
if not found:
log_data["message"] = "Unable to delete TXT record: Token not found in existing TXT records"
# The record to delete has been found AND there are other tokens set on the same domain
# Since we only want to delete one token value from the RRSet, we need to use the Patch command to
# overwrite the current RRSet with the existing records.
elif new_records:
_patch_txt_records(domain, account_number, new_records)
log_data["message"] = "TXT record successfully deleted"
except Exception as e:
log_data["Exception"] = e
log_data["message"] = "Unable to delete TXT record: patching exception"
# The record to delete has been found AND there are no other token values set on the same domain
# Use the Delete command to delete the whole RRSet.
zone_name = _get_zone_name(domain, account_number)
server_id = current_app.config.get("ACME_POWERDNS_SERVERID", "localhost")
zone_id = zone_name + "."
domain_id = domain + "."
path = f"/api/v1/servers/{server_id}/zones/{zone_id}"
payload = {
"rrsets": [
"name": domain_id,
"type": "TXT",
"ttl": 300,
"changetype": "DELETE",
"records": [
"content": f"\"{token}\"",
"disabled": False
"comments": []
function = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
log_data = {
"function": function,
"fqdn": domain,
"token": token
_patch(path, payload)
log_data["message"] = "TXT record successfully deleted"
except Exception as e:
log_data["Exception"] = e
log_data["message"] = "Unable to delete TXT record"
def _check_conf():
Verifies required configuration variables are set
utils.validate_conf(current_app, REQUIRED_VARIABLES)
def _generate_header():
"""Generate a PowerDNS API header and return it as a dictionary"""
Generate a PowerDNS API header and return it as a dictionary
:return: Dict of header parameters
api_key_name = current_app.config.get("ACME_POWERDNS_APIKEYNAME")
api_key = current_app.config.get("ACME_POWERDNS_APIKEY")
headers = {api_key_name: api_key}
@ -225,7 +300,13 @@ def _generate_header():
def _get_zone_name(domain, account_number):
"""Get most specific matching zone for the given domain and return as a String"""
Get most specific matching zone for the given domain and return as a String
:param domain: FQDN
:param account_number:
:return: FQDN of domain
zones = get_zones(account_number)
zone_name = ""
for z in zones:
@ -243,8 +324,47 @@ def _get_zone_name(domain, account_number):
return zone_name
def _get_txt_records(domain):
Retrieve TXT records for a given domain and return list of Record Objects
:param domain: FQDN
:return: list of Record objects
server_id = current_app.config.get("ACME_POWERDNS_SERVERID", "localhost")
path = f"/api/v1/servers/{server_id}/search-data?q={domain}&max=100&object_type=record"
function = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
log_data = {
"function": function
records = _get(path)
log_data["message"] = "Retrieved TXT Records Successfully"
except Exception as e:
log_data["Exception"] = e
log_data["message"] = "Failed to Retrieve TXT Records"
return []
txt_records = []
for record in records:
cur_record = Record(record)
return txt_records
def _get(path, params=None):
""" Execute a GET request on the given URL (base_uri + path) and return response as JSON object """
Execute a GET request on the given URL (base_uri + path) and return response as JSON object
:param path: Relative URL path
:param params: additional parameters
:return: json response
base_uri = current_app.config.get("ACME_POWERDNS_DOMAIN")
verify_value = current_app.config.get("ACME_POWERDNS_VERIFY", True)
resp = requests.get(
@ -257,8 +377,54 @@ def _get(path, params=None):
return resp.json()
def _patch_txt_records(domain, account_number, records):
Send Patch request to PowerDNS Server
:param domain: FQDN
:param account_number:
:param records: List of Record objects
domain_id = domain + "."
# Create records
txt_records = []
for record in records:
{'content': record.content, 'disabled': record.disabled}
# Create RRSet
payload = {
"rrsets": [
"name": domain_id,
"type": "TXT",
"ttl": 300,
"changetype": "REPLACE",
"records": txt_records,
"comments": []
# Create Txt Records
server_id = current_app.config.get("ACME_POWERDNS_SERVERID", "localhost")
zone_name = _get_zone_name(domain, account_number)
zone_id = zone_name + "."
path = f"/api/v1/servers/{server_id}/zones/{zone_id}"
_patch(path, payload)
def _patch(path, payload):
""" Execute a Patch request on the given URL (base_uri + path) with given payload """
Execute a Patch request on the given URL (base_uri + path) with given payload
:param path:
:param payload:
base_uri = current_app.config.get("ACME_POWERDNS_DOMAIN")
verify_value = current_app.config.get("ACME_POWERDNS_VERIFY", True)
resp = requests.patch(
@ -48,13 +48,14 @@ class TestPowerdns(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(result, zone)
def test_create_txt_record(self, mock_current_app):
def test_create_txt_record_write_only(self, mock_current_app):
domain = ""
zone = ""
token = "ABCDEFGHIJ"
account_number = "1234567890"
change_id = (domain, token)
powerdns._check_conf = Mock()
powerdns._get_txt_records = Mock(return_value=[])
powerdns._get_zone_name = Mock(return_value=zone)
mock_current_app.logger.debug = Mock()
mock_current_app.config.get = Mock(return_value="localhost")
@ -63,24 +64,74 @@ class TestPowerdns(unittest.TestCase):
"function": "create_txt_record",
"fqdn": domain,
"token": token,
"message": "TXT record successfully created"
"message": "TXT record(s) successfully created"
result = powerdns.create_txt_record(domain, token, account_number)
self.assertEqual(result, change_id)
def test_create_txt_record_append(self, mock_current_app):
domain = ""
zone = ""
token = "ABCDEFGHIJ"
account_number = "1234567890"
change_id = (domain, token)
powerdns._check_conf = Mock()
cur_token = "123456"
cur_records = [powerdns.Record({'name': domain, 'content': f"\"{cur_token}\"", 'disabled': False})]
powerdns._get_txt_records = Mock(return_value=cur_records)
powerdns._get_zone_name = Mock(return_value=zone)
mock_current_app.logger.debug = Mock()
mock_current_app.config.get = Mock(return_value="localhost")
powerdns._patch = Mock()
log_data = {
"function": "create_txt_record",
"fqdn": domain,
"token": token,
"message": "TXT record(s) successfully created"
expected_path = f"/api/v1/servers/localhost/zones/"
expected_payload = {
"rrsets": [
"name": domain + ".",
"type": "TXT",
"ttl": 300,
"changetype": "REPLACE",
"records": [
"content": f"\"{token}\"",
"disabled": False
"content": f"\"{cur_token}\"",
"disabled": False
"comments": []
result = powerdns.create_txt_record(domain, token, account_number)
powerdns._patch.assert_called_with(expected_path, expected_payload)
self.assertEqual(result, change_id)
def test_wait_for_dns_change(self, mock_sleep, mock_metrics, mock_current_app, mock_dnsutil):
domain = ""
token = "ABCDEFG"
token1 = "ABCDEFG"
token2 = "HIJKLMN"
zone_name = ""
nameserver = ""
change_id = (domain, token)
change_id = (domain, token1)
powerdns._check_conf = Mock()
mock_records = (token,)
mock_records = (token2, token1)
mock_current_app.config.get = Mock(return_value=1)
powerdns._get_zone_name = Mock(return_value=zone_name)
mock_dnsutil.get_authoritative_nameserver = Mock(return_value=nameserver)
@ -114,7 +165,7 @@ class TestPowerdns(unittest.TestCase):
"function": "delete_txt_record",
"fqdn": domain,
"token": token,
"message": "TXT record successfully deleted"
"message": "Unable to delete TXT record: Token not found in existing TXT records"
powerdns.delete_txt_record(change_id, account_number, domain, token)
@ -193,6 +193,11 @@ def sync_certificates(source, user):
s = plugins.get(source.plugin_name)
certificates = s.get_certificates(source.options)
# emitting the count of certificates on the source
"gauge", len(certificates),
metric_tags={"source": source.label})
for certificate in certificates:
exists, updated_by_hash = find_cert(certificate)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user