better alerting

This commit is contained in:
Hossein Shafagh 2019-07-11 23:00:35 -07:00
parent ea8524f035
commit 2628ed1a82
2 changed files with 95 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ command: celery -A lemur.common.celery worker --loglevel=info -l DEBUG -B
import copy
import sys
import time
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
from celery import Celery
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ from celery.exceptions import SoftTimeLimitExceeded
from flask import current_app
from lemur.authorities.service import get as get_authority
from lemur.common.redis import RedisHandler
from lemur.destinations import service as destinations_service
from lemur.extensions import metrics, sentry
from lemur.factory import create_app
@ -30,6 +32,9 @@ if current_app:
flask_app = create_app()
red = RedisHandler(host=current_app.config.get('REDIS_HOST', 'localhost'),
port=current_app.config.get('REDIS_PORT', 6379),
db=current_app.config.get('REDIS_DB', 0)).redis()
def make_celery(app):
celery = Celery(
@ -68,6 +73,30 @@ def is_task_active(fun, task_id, args):
return False
def report_celery_last_success_metrics():
For each celery task, this will determine the number of seconds since it has last been successful.
Celery tasks should be emitting redis stats with a deterministic key (In our case, `f"{task}.last_success"`.
report_celery_last_success_metrics should be ran periodically to emit metrics on when a task was last successful.
Admins can then alert when tasks are not ran when intended. Admins should also alert when no metrics are emitted
from this function.
function = f"{__name__}.{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}"
current_time = int(time.time())
schedule = current_app.config.get('CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE')
for _, t in schedule.items():
task = t.get("task")
last_success = int(red.get(f"{task}.last_success") or 0)
metrics.send(f"{task}.time_since_last_success", 'gauge', current_time - last_success)
f"{function}.last_success", int(time.time())
) # Alert if this metric is not seen
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1)
def fetch_acme_cert(id):
@ -80,8 +109,9 @@ def fetch_acme_cert(id):
if celery.current_task:
task_id =
function = "{}.{}".format(__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
log_data = {
"function": "{}.{}".format(__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name),
"function": function,
"message": "Resolving pending certificate {}".format(id),
"task_id": task_id,
"id": id,
@ -165,11 +195,15 @@ def fetch_acme_cert(id):
log_data["failed"] = failed
log_data["wrong_issuer"] = wrong_issuer
metrics.send(f"{function}.resolved", 'gauge', new)
metrics.send(f"{function}.failed", 'gauge', failed)
metrics.send(f"{function}.wrong_issuer", 'gauge', wrong_issuer)
"[+] Certificates: New: {new} Failed: {failed} Not using ACME: {wrong_issuer}".format(
new=new, failed=failed, wrong_issuer=wrong_issuer
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
@ -177,8 +211,9 @@ def fetch_all_pending_acme_certs():
"""Instantiate celery workers to resolve all pending Acme certificates"""
pending_certs = pending_certificate_service.get_unresolved_pending_certs()
function = "{}.{}".format(__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
log_data = {
"function": "{}.{}".format(__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name),
"function": function,
"message": "Starting job.",
@ -195,11 +230,18 @@ def fetch_all_pending_acme_certs():
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1)
def remove_old_acme_certs():
"""Prune old pending acme certificates from the database"""
log_data = {"function": "{}.{}".format(__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)}
function = "{}.{}".format(__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
log_data = {
"function": function,
"message": "Starting job.",
pending_certs = pending_certificate_service.get_pending_certs("all")
# Delete pending certs more than a week old
@ -211,6 +253,9 @@ def remove_old_acme_certs():
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1)
def clean_all_sources():
@ -218,6 +263,7 @@ def clean_all_sources():
This function will clean unused certificates from sources. This is a destructive operation and should only
be ran periodically. This function triggers one celery task per source.
function = "{}.{}".format(__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
sources = validate_sources("all")
for source in sources:
@ -225,6 +271,9 @@ def clean_all_sources():
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1)
def clean_source(source):
@ -244,6 +293,7 @@ def sync_all_sources():
This function will sync certificates from all sources. This function triggers one celery task per source.
function = "{}.{}".format(__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
sources = validate_sources("all")
for source in sources:
@ -251,6 +301,9 @@ def sync_all_sources():
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1)
def sync_source(source):
@ -279,6 +332,7 @@ def sync_source(source):
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', '1', metric_tags={"source": source})
except SoftTimeLimitExceeded:
log_data["message"] = "Error syncing source: Time limit exceeded."
@ -290,6 +344,8 @@ def sync_source(source):
log_data["message"] = "Done syncing source"
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1, metric_tags=source)
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
@ -302,9 +358,12 @@ def sync_source_destination():
We rely on account numbers to avoid duplicates.
current_app.logger.debug("Syncing AWS destinations and sources")
function = "{}.{}".format(__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
for dst in destinations_service.get_all():
if add_aws_destination_to_sources(dst):
current_app.logger.debug("Source: %s added", dst.label)
current_app.logger.debug("Completed Syncing AWS destinations and sources")
red.set(f'{function}.last_success', int(time.time()))
metrics.send(f"{function}.success", 'counter', 1)

lemur/common/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
Helper Class for Redis
import redis
#from flask import current_app
class RedisHandler:
#def __init__(self, host=current_app.config.get('REDIS_HOST', 'localhost'),
# port=current_app.config.get('REDIS_PORT', 6379),
# db=current_app.config.get('REDIS_DB', 0)):
def __init__(self, host, port, db): = host
self.port = port
self.db = db
def redis(self, db=0):
# The decode_responses flag here directs the client to convert the responses from Redis into Python strings
# using the default encoding utf-8. This is client specific.
red = redis.StrictRedis(, port=self.port, db=self.db, charset="utf-8", decode_responses=True)
return red
def redis_get(key, default=None):
red = RedisHandler().redis()
v = red.get(key)
except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError:
v = None
if not v:
return default
return v