* Show creation of a PXE-enabled network boot environment when
using dnsmasq as the DHCP server
* Recommend TFTP be served from /config/tftpboot since /config
is preserved between firmware upgrades
* Recommend compiling undionly.kpxe from source to enable
TLS features
* Add a note that equal-cost multi-path service IP routing
(e.g. for ingress) requires EdgeOS v2.0. Previously, it was known
that TLS handshakes couldn't be completed with packet balacing.
I've verified this is no longer the case when using the v2.0
EdgeOS firmware, ECMP works as expected.
* T3 is the next generation general purpose burstable
instance type. Compared with t2.small, the t3.small is
cheaper, has 2 vCPU (instead of 1) and provides 5 Gbps
of pod-to-pod bandwidth (instead of 1 Gbps)
* Provide migration instructions for upgrading terraform-provider-ct
in-place for v1.12.2+ clusters
* Require switching from ~/.terraformrc to the Terraform third-party
plugins directory ~/.terraform.d/plugins/
* Require Container Linux 1688.5.3 or newer
* Switch tutorials from using ~/.terraformrc to using the 3rd-party
plugin directory so 3rd-party plugins can be pinned
* Continue to show using terraform-provider-ct v0.2.2. Updating to
a newer version is only safe once all managed clusters are v1.12.2
or higher
* Broaden internal-etcd firewall rule to allow etcd client
traffic (2379) from other controller nodes
* Previously, kube-apiservers were only able to connect to their
node's local etcd peer. While master node outages were tolerated,
reaching a healthy peer took longer than neccessary in some cases
* Reduce time needed to bootstrap a cluster
* Typhoon for Fedora Atomic uses system containers, container
images containing metadata, but built directly from upstream
and published and serve through Quay.io
* https://github.com/poseidon/system-containers
* Allow multi-controller clusters on Google Cloud
* GCP regional network load balancers have a long open
bug in which requests originating from a backend instance
are routed to the instance itself, regardless of whether
the health check passes or not. As a result, only the 0th
controller node registers. We've recommended just using
single master GCP clusters for a while
* https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/67366622
* Workaround issue by switching to a GCP TCP Proxy load
balancer. TCP proxy lb routes traffic to a backend service
(global) of instance group backends. In our case, spread
controllers across 3 zones (all regions have 3+ zones) and
organize them in 3 zonal unmanaged instance groups that
serve as backends. Allows multi-controller cluster creation
* GCP network load balancers only allowed legacy HTTP health
checks so kubelet 10255 was checked as an approximation of
controller health. Replace with TCP apiserver health checks
to detect unhealth or unresponsive apiservers.
* Drawbacks: GCP provision time increases, tailed logs now
timeout (similar tradeoff in AWS), controllers only span 3
zones instead of the exact number in the region
* Workaround in Typhoon has been known and posted for 5 months,
but there still appears to be no better alternative. Its
probably time to support multi-master and accept the downsides
* Upcoming releases may begin to use features that require
the `terraform-provider-ct` plugin v0.2.1
* New users should use `terraform-provider-ct` v0.2.1. Existing
users can safely drop-in replace their v0.2.0 plugin with v0.2.1
as well (location referenced in ~/.terraformrc).
* See https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/pull/145
* Add flannel service account and limited RBAC cluster role
* Change DaemonSets to tolerate NoSchedule and NoExecute taints
* Remove deprecated apiserver --etcd-quorum-read flag
* Update Calico from v3.0.1 to v3.0.2
* Add Calico GlobalNetworkSet CRD
* https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootkube/pull/44
* Add explicit "providers" section to modules for Terraform v0.11.x
* Retain support for Terraform v0.10.4+
* Add migration guide from Terraform v0.10.x to v0.11.x for those managing
existing clusters (action required!)
* Change controllers ASG to heterogeneous EC2 instances
* Create DNS records for each controller's private IP for etcd
* Change etcd to run on-host, across controllers (etcd-member.service)
* Reduce time to bootstrap a cluster
* Deprecate self-hosted-etcd on the AWS platform