* Accept `os_image` "flatcar-stable" and "flatcar-beta" to
use Kinvolk's Flatcar Linux images from the Azure Marketplace
Note: Flatcar Linux Azure Marketplace images require terms be
accepted before use
* Add docs on manually uploading a Flatcar Linux DigitalOcean
bin image as a custom image and using a data reference
* Set status of Flatcar Linux on DigitalOcean to alpha
* IPv6 is not supported for DigitalOcean custom images
* Add docs on manually uploading a Flatcar Linux GCE/GCP gzipped
tarball image as a Compute Engine image for use with the Typhoon
container-linux module
* Set status of Flatcar Linux on Google Cloud to alpha
* Add Typhoon Fedora CoreOS on Google Cloud as alpha
* Add docs on uploading the Fedora CoreOS GCP gzipped tarball to
Google Cloud storage to create a boot disk image
* Update recommended Terraform and provider plugin versions
* Update the rough count of resources created per cluster
since its not been refreshed in a while (will vary based
on cluster options)
* Original tutorials favored including the platform (e.g.
google-cloud) in modules (e.g. google-cloud-yavin). Prefer
naming conventions where each module / cluster has a simple
name (e.g. yavin) since the platform is usually redundant
* Retain the example cluster naming themes per platform
* Drop `node-role.kubernetes.io/master` and
`node-role.kubernetes.io/node` node labels
* Kubelet (v1.16) now rejects the node labels used
in the kubectl get nodes ROLES output
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/75457
* Run a kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, and kube-controller-manager
static pod on each controller node. Previously, kube-apiserver was
self-hosted as a DaemonSet across controllers and kube-scheduler
and kube-controller-manager were a Deployment (with 2 or
controller_count many replicas).
* Remove bootkube bootstrap and pivot to self-hosted
* Remove pod-checkpointer manifests (no longer needed)
* Replace v0.11 bracket type hints with Terraform v0.12 list expressions
* Use expression syntax instead of interpolated strings, where suggested
* Update Google Cloud tutorial and worker pools documentation
* Define Terraform and plugin version requirements in versions.tf
* Require google ~> 2.5 to support Terraform v0.12
* Require ct ~> 0.3.2 to support Terraform v0.12
* Fix minor docs typos and errors
* Allow a transient verison of the six PyPi package, the
docs build system can use the 0.12.0 (0.11.0 broke sync
tools so pinning to 0.10.0 was previously needed)
* Considering the reader of each, the Github README module links
can go to module source code and docs module links can go to the
associated tutorial docs for the platform/OS
* Remove bullet about isolating workloads on workers, its
now common practice and new users will assume it
* List advanced features available in each module
* Fix erroneous Kubernetes version listing for Google Cloud
Fedora Atomic
* Prefer InternalIP and ExternalIP over the node's hostname,
to match upstream behavior and kubeadm
* Previously, hostname-override was used to set node names
to internal IP's to work around some cloud providers not
resolving hostnames for instances (e.g. DO droplets)