* Accept `os_image` "flatcar-stable" and "flatcar-beta" to
use Kinvolk's Flatcar Linux images from the Azure Marketplace
Note: Flatcar Linux Azure Marketplace images require terms be
accepted before use
* Add docs on manually uploading a Flatcar Linux DigitalOcean
bin image as a custom image and using a data reference
* Set status of Flatcar Linux on DigitalOcean to alpha
* IPv6 is not supported for DigitalOcean custom images
* Add docs on manually uploading a Flatcar Linux GCE/GCP gzipped
tarball image as a Compute Engine image for use with the Typhoon
container-linux module
* Set status of Flatcar Linux on Google Cloud to alpha
* Add Typhoon Fedora CoreOS on Google Cloud as alpha
* Add docs on uploading the Fedora CoreOS GCP gzipped tarball to
Google Cloud storage to create a boot disk image
* Update recommended Terraform and provider plugin versions
* Update the rough count of resources created per cluster
since its not been refreshed in a while (will vary based
on cluster options)
* Original tutorials favored including the platform (e.g.
google-cloud) in modules (e.g. google-cloud-yavin). Prefer
naming conventions where each module / cluster has a simple
name (e.g. yavin) since the platform is usually redundant
* Retain the example cluster naming themes per platform
* Drop `node-role.kubernetes.io/master` and
`node-role.kubernetes.io/node` node labels
* Kubelet (v1.16) now rejects the node labels used
in the kubectl get nodes ROLES output
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/75457
* Run a kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, and kube-controller-manager
static pod on each controller node. Previously, kube-apiserver was
self-hosted as a DaemonSet across controllers and kube-scheduler
and kube-controller-manager were a Deployment (with 2 or
controller_count many replicas).
* Remove bootkube bootstrap and pivot to self-hosted
* Remove pod-checkpointer manifests (no longer needed)
* Delay changing README example. Its prominent display
on github.com may lead to new users copying it, even
though it corresponds to an "in between releases" state
and v1.14.4 doesn't exist yet
* Leave docs tutorials the same, they can reflect master
* Replace v0.11 bracket type hints with Terraform v0.12 list expressions
* Use expression syntax instead of interpolated strings, where suggested
* Update Google Cloud tutorial and worker pools documentation
* Define Terraform and plugin version requirements in versions.tf
* Require google ~> 2.5 to support Terraform v0.12
* Require ct ~> 0.3.2 to support Terraform v0.12
* Remove bullet about isolating workloads on workers, its
now common practice and new users will assume it
* List advanced features available in each module
* Fix erroneous Kubernetes version listing for Google Cloud
Fedora Atomic
* Prefer InternalIP and ExternalIP over the node's hostname,
to match upstream behavior and kubeadm
* Previously, hostname-override was used to set node names
to internal IP's to work around some cloud providers not
resolving hostnames for instances (e.g. DO droplets)