Fix bug with cursors and multiple order by
This commit is contained in:
@ -267,58 +267,29 @@ func (c *compilerContext) initSelect(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo, vars Va
if sel.Paging.Type != qcode.PtOffset {
colmap[ti.PrimaryCol.Key] = struct{}{}
addToOrderBy := true
addPrimaryKey := true
for _, ob := range sel.OrderBy {
if ob.Col == ti.PrimaryCol.Key {
addToOrderBy = false
if sel.Paging.Cursor {
fil := qcode.AddFilter(sel)
fil.Col = ob.Col
fil.Type = qcode.ValRef
fil.Table = "__cur"
fil.Val = ob.Col
switch ob.Order {
case qcode.OrderAsc:
fil.Op = qcode.OpGreaterThan
case qcode.OrderDesc:
fil.Op = qcode.OpLesserThan
addPrimaryKey = false
if addToOrderBy {
var op qcode.ExpOp
if addPrimaryKey {
ob := &qcode.OrderBy{Col: ti.PrimaryCol.Name, Order: qcode.OrderAsc}
ob := &qcode.OrderBy{Col: ti.PrimaryCol.Name}
sel.OrderBy = append(sel.OrderBy, ob)
switch sel.Paging.Type {
case qcode.PtForward:
op = qcode.OpGreaterThan
ob.Order = qcode.OrderAsc
case qcode.PtBackward:
op = qcode.OpLesserThan
if sel.Paging.Type == qcode.PtBackward {
ob.Order = qcode.OrderDesc
if sel.Paging.Cursor {
fil := qcode.AddFilter(sel)
fil.Op = op
fil.Col = ti.PrimaryCol.Name
fil.Type = qcode.ValRef
fil.Table = "__cur"
fil.Val = ti.PrimaryCol.Name
sel.OrderBy = append(sel.OrderBy, ob)
if sel.Paging.Cursor {
for _, id := range sel.Children {
child := &c.s[id]
@ -364,6 +335,72 @@ func (c *compilerContext) initSelect(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo, vars Va
return skipped, cols, nil
// This
// (A, B, C) >= (X, Y, Z)
// Becomes
// (A > X)
// OR ((A = X) AND (B > Y))
// OR ((A = X) AND (B = Y) AND (C > Z))
// OR ((A = X) AND (B = Y) AND (C = Z))
func (c *compilerContext) addSeekPredicate(sel *qcode.Select) error {
var or, and *qcode.Exp
obLen := len(sel.OrderBy)
if obLen > 1 {
or = qcode.NewFilter()
or.Op = qcode.OpOr
for i := 0; i < obLen; i++ {
if i > 0 {
and = qcode.NewFilter()
and.Op = qcode.OpAnd
for n, ob := range sel.OrderBy {
f := qcode.NewFilter()
f.Col = ob.Col
f.Type = qcode.ValRef
f.Table = "__cur"
f.Val = ob.Col
if obLen == 1 {
qcode.AddFilter(sel, f)
return nil
switch {
case i > 0 && n != i:
f.Op = qcode.OpEquals
case ob.Order == qcode.OrderDesc:
f.Op = qcode.OpLesserThan
f.Op = qcode.OpGreaterThan
if and != nil {
and.Children = append(and.Children, f)
} else {
or.Children = append(or.Children, f)
if n == i {
if and != nil {
or.Children = append(or.Children, and)
qcode.AddFilter(sel, or)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderSelect(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo, vars Variables) (uint32, error) {
var rel *DBRel
var err error
@ -399,31 +436,6 @@ func (c *compilerContext) renderSelect(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo, vars
//if !ti.Singular {
// io.WriteString(c.w, `SELECT coalesce(json_agg(json_build_object(`)
// if err := c.renderColumns(sel, ti, skipped); err != nil {
// return 0, err
// }
// io.WriteString(c.w, `)), '[]') AS "json"`)
// if sel.Paging.Type != qcode.PtOffset {
// for i, ob := range sel.OrderBy {
// io.WriteString(c.w, `, LAST_VALUE(`)
// colWithTableID(c.w, ti.Name, sel.ID, ob.Col)
// io.WriteString(c.w, `) OVER() AS "__cur_`)
// int2string(c.w, int32(i))
// io.WriteString(c.w, `"`)
// }
// io.WriteString(c.w, `LAST_VALUE(`)
// colWithTableID(c.w, ti.Name, sel.ID, ti.PrimaryCol.Name)
// io.WriteString(c.w, `) OVER() AS "__cursor_`)
// int2string(c.w, int32(len(sel.OrderBy)))
// io.WriteString(c.w, `"`)
io.WriteString(c.w, ` FROM (`)
// FROM (SELECT .... )
@ -959,8 +971,12 @@ func (c *compilerContext) renderOp(ex *qcode.Exp, ti *DBTableInfo) error {
switch ex.Op {
case qcode.OpEquals:
io.WriteString(c.w, `IS NOT DISTINCT FROM`)
io.WriteString(c.w, `=`)
case qcode.OpNotEquals:
io.WriteString(c.w, `!=`)
case qcode.OpNotDistinct:
io.WriteString(c.w, `IS NOT DISTINCT FROM`)
case qcode.OpDistinct:
io.WriteString(c.w, `IS DISTINCT FROM`)
case qcode.OpGreaterOrEquals:
io.WriteString(c.w, `>=`)
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{upsert}}' :: json AS j), "products" AS (INSERT IN
=== RUN TestCompileMutate/bulkUpsert
WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{upsert}}' :: json AS j), "products" AS (INSERT INTO "products" ("name", "description") SELECT "t"."name", "t"."description" FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_recordset(NULL::products, i.j) t RETURNING *) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET name =, description = EXCLUDED.description RETURNING *) SELECT json_build_object('product', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('id', "products_0"."id", 'name', "products_0"."name") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name" FROM "products" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0") AS "__sel_0"
=== RUN TestCompileMutate/delete
WITH "products" AS (DELETE FROM "products" WHERE (((("products"."price") > '0' :: numeric(7,2)) AND (("products"."price") < '8' :: numeric(7,2))) AND (("products"."id") IS NOT DISTINCT FROM '1' :: bigint)) RETURNING "products".*) SELECT json_build_object('product', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('id', "products_0"."id", 'name', "products_0"."name") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name" FROM "products" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0") AS "__sel_0"
WITH "products" AS (DELETE FROM "products" WHERE (((("products"."price") > '0' :: numeric(7,2)) AND (("products"."price") < '8' :: numeric(7,2))) AND (("products"."id") = '1' :: bigint)) RETURNING "products".*) SELECT json_build_object('product', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('id', "products_0"."id", 'name', "products_0"."name") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name" FROM "products" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0") AS "__sel_0"
--- PASS: TestCompileMutate (0.01s)
--- PASS: TestCompileMutate/singleUpsert (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestCompileMutate/singleUpsertWhere (0.00s)
@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ SELECT json_build_object('products', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT
=== RUN TestCompileQuery/aggFunctionWithFilter
SELECT json_build_object('products', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT coalesce(json_agg("__sel_0"."json"), '[]') as "json" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('id', "products_0"."id", 'max_price', "products_0"."max_price") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", pri("products"."price") AS "max_price" FROM "products" WHERE ((((("products"."price") > '0' :: numeric(7,2)) AND (("products"."price") < '8' :: numeric(7,2))) AND (("products"."id") > '10' :: bigint))) GROUP BY "products"."id" LIMIT ('20') :: integer) AS "products_0") AS "__sel_0") AS "__sel_0"
=== RUN TestCompileQuery/syntheticTables
SELECT json_build_object('me', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object() AS "json" FROM (SELECT "users"."email" FROM "users" WHERE ((("users"."id") IS NOT DISTINCT FROM '{{user_id}}' :: bigint)) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "users_0") AS "__sel_0"
SELECT json_build_object('me', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object() AS "json" FROM (SELECT "users"."email" FROM "users" WHERE ((("users"."id") = '{{user_id}}' :: bigint)) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "users_0") AS "__sel_0"
=== RUN TestCompileQuery/queryWithVariables
SELECT json_build_object('product', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('id', "products_0"."id", 'name', "products_0"."name") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name" FROM "products" WHERE (((("products"."price") IS NOT DISTINCT FROM '{{product_price}}' :: numeric(7,2)) AND (("products"."id") = '{{product_id}}' :: bigint) AND ((("products"."price") > '0' :: numeric(7,2)) AND (("products"."price") < '8' :: numeric(7,2))))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0") AS "__sel_0"
SELECT json_build_object('product', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('id', "products_0"."id", 'name', "products_0"."name") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name" FROM "products" WHERE (((("products"."price") = '{{product_price}}' :: numeric(7,2)) AND (("products"."id") = '{{product_id}}' :: bigint) AND ((("products"."price") > '0' :: numeric(7,2)) AND (("products"."price") < '8' :: numeric(7,2))))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0") AS "__sel_0"
=== RUN TestCompileQuery/withWhereOnRelations
SELECT json_build_object('users', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT coalesce(json_agg("__sel_0"."json"), '[]') as "json" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('id', "users_0"."id", 'email', "users_0"."email") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "users"."id", "users"."email" FROM "users" WHERE (NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM products WHERE (("products"."user_id") = ("users"."id")) AND ((("products"."price") > '3' :: numeric(7,2))))) LIMIT ('20') :: integer) AS "users_0") AS "__sel_0") AS "__sel_0"
=== RUN TestCompileQuery/multiRoot
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ SELECT json_build_object('customer', "__sel_0"."json", 'user', "__sel_1"."json",
=== RUN TestCompileQuery/jsonColumnAsTable
SELECT json_build_object('products', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT coalesce(json_agg("__sel_0"."json"), '[]') as "json" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('id', "products_0"."id", 'name', "products_0"."name", 'tag_count', "__sel_1"."json") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name" FROM "products" LIMIT ('20') :: integer) AS "products_0" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT json_build_object('count', "tag_count_1"."count", 'tags', "__sel_2"."json") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "tag_count"."count", "tag_count"."tag_id" FROM "products", json_to_recordset("products"."tag_count") AS "tag_count"(tag_id bigint, count int) WHERE ((("products"."id") = ("products_0"."id"))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "tag_count_1" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT coalesce(json_agg("__sel_2"."json"), '[]') as "json" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('name', "tags_2"."name") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "tags"."name" FROM "tags" WHERE ((("tags"."id") = ("tag_count_1"."tag_id"))) LIMIT ('20') :: integer) AS "tags_2") AS "__sel_2") AS "__sel_2" ON ('true')) AS "__sel_1" ON ('true')) AS "__sel_0") AS "__sel_0"
=== RUN TestCompileQuery/withCursor
SELECT json_build_object('products', "__sel_0"."json", 'products_cursor', "__sel_0"."cursor") as "__root" FROM (SELECT coalesce(json_agg("__sel_0"."json"), '[]') as "json", CONCAT_WS(',', max("__cur_0"), max("__cur_1")) as "cursor" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('name', "products_0"."name") AS "json", LAST_VALUE("products_0"."price") OVER() AS "__cur_0", LAST_VALUE("products_0"."id") OVER() AS "__cur_1" FROM (WITH "__cur" AS (SELECT a[1] as "price", a[2] as "id" FROM string_to_array('{{cursor}}', ',') as a) SELECT "products"."name", "products"."id", "products"."price" FROM "products", "__cur" WHERE (((("products"."id") > "__cur"."id" :: bigint) AND (("products"."price") < "__cur"."price" :: numeric(7,2)))) ORDER BY "products"."price" DESC, "products"."id" ASC LIMIT ('20') :: integer) AS "products_0") AS "__sel_0") AS "__sel_0"
SELECT json_build_object('products', "__sel_0"."json", 'products_cursor', "__sel_0"."cursor") as "__root" FROM (SELECT coalesce(json_agg("__sel_0"."json"), '[]') as "json", CONCAT_WS(',', max("__cur_0"), max("__cur_1")) as "cursor" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('name', "products_0"."name") AS "json", LAST_VALUE("products_0"."price") OVER() AS "__cur_0", LAST_VALUE("products_0"."id") OVER() AS "__cur_1" FROM (WITH "__cur" AS (SELECT a[1] as "price", a[2] as "id" FROM string_to_array('{{cursor}}', ',') as a) SELECT "products"."name", "products"."id", "products"."price" FROM "products", "__cur" WHERE (((("products"."price") < "__cur"."price" :: numeric(7,2)) OR ((("products"."price") = "__cur"."price" :: numeric(7,2)) AND (("products"."id") > "__cur"."id" :: bigint)))) ORDER BY "products"."price" DESC, "products"."id" ASC LIMIT ('20') :: integer) AS "products_0") AS "__sel_0") AS "__sel_0"
=== RUN TestCompileQuery/skipUserIDForAnonRole
SELECT json_build_object('products', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT coalesce(json_agg("__sel_0"."json"), '[]') as "json" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('id', "products_0"."id", 'name', "products_0"."name") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name", "products"."user_id" FROM "products" LIMIT ('20') :: integer) AS "products_0") AS "__sel_0") AS "__sel_0"
=== RUN TestCompileQuery/blockedQuery
@ -121,14 +121,14 @@ SELECT json_build_object('users', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT coa
--- PASS: TestCompileQuery/blockedFunctions (0.00s)
=== RUN TestCompileUpdate
=== RUN TestCompileUpdate/singleUpdate
WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{update}}' :: json AS j), "products" AS (UPDATE "products" SET ("name", "description") = (SELECT "t"."name", "t"."description" FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j) t) WHERE ((("products"."id") IS NOT DISTINCT FROM '1' :: bigint) AND (("products"."id") = '{{id}}' :: bigint)) RETURNING "products".*) SELECT json_build_object('product', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('id', "products_0"."id", 'name', "products_0"."name") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name" FROM "products" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0") AS "__sel_0"
WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{update}}' :: json AS j), "products" AS (UPDATE "products" SET ("name", "description") = (SELECT "t"."name", "t"."description" FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j) t) WHERE ((("products"."id") = '1' :: bigint) AND (("products"."id") = '{{id}}' :: bigint)) RETURNING "products".*) SELECT json_build_object('product', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('id', "products_0"."id", 'name', "products_0"."name") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name" FROM "products" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0") AS "__sel_0"
=== RUN TestCompileUpdate/simpleUpdateWithPresets
WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "products" AS (UPDATE "products" SET ("name", "price", "updated_at") = (SELECT "t"."name", "t"."price", 'now' :: timestamp without time zone FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j) t) WHERE (("products"."user_id") IS NOT DISTINCT FROM '{{user_id}}' :: bigint) RETURNING "products".*) SELECT json_build_object('product', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('id', "products_0"."id") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "products"."id" FROM "products" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0") AS "__sel_0"
WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "products" AS (UPDATE "products" SET ("name", "price", "updated_at") = (SELECT "t"."name", "t"."price", 'now' :: timestamp without time zone FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j) t) WHERE (("products"."user_id") = '{{user_id}}' :: bigint) RETURNING "products".*) SELECT json_build_object('product', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('id', "products_0"."id") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "products"."id" FROM "products" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0") AS "__sel_0"
=== RUN TestCompileUpdate/nestedUpdateManyToMany
WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "purchases" AS (UPDATE "purchases" SET ("sale_type", "quantity", "due_date") = (SELECT "t"."sale_type", "t"."quantity", "t"."due_date" FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::purchases, i.j) t) WHERE (("purchases"."id") = '{{id}}' :: bigint) RETURNING "purchases".*), "products" AS (UPDATE "products" SET ("name", "price") = (SELECT "t"."name", "t"."price" FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j->'product') t) FROM "purchases" WHERE (("products"."id") = ("purchases"."product_id")) RETURNING "products".*), "customers" AS (UPDATE "customers" SET ("full_name", "email") = (SELECT "t"."full_name", "t"."email" FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::customers, i.j->'customer') t) FROM "purchases" WHERE (("customers"."id") = ("purchases"."customer_id")) RETURNING "customers".*) SELECT json_build_object('purchase', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('sale_type', "purchases_0"."sale_type", 'quantity', "purchases_0"."quantity", 'due_date', "purchases_0"."due_date", 'product', "__sel_1"."json", 'customer', "__sel_2"."json") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "purchases"."sale_type", "purchases"."quantity", "purchases"."due_date", "purchases"."product_id", "purchases"."customer_id" FROM "purchases" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "purchases_0" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT json_build_object('id', "customers_2"."id", 'full_name', "customers_2"."full_name", 'email', "customers_2"."email") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "customers"."id", "customers"."full_name", "customers"."email" FROM "customers" WHERE ((("customers"."id") = ("purchases_0"."customer_id"))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "customers_2") AS "__sel_2" ON ('true') LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT json_build_object('id', "products_1"."id", 'name', "products_1"."name", 'price', "products_1"."price") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name", "products"."price" FROM "products" WHERE ((("products"."id") = ("purchases_0"."product_id"))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_1") AS "__sel_1" ON ('true')) AS "__sel_0"
WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "purchases" AS (UPDATE "purchases" SET ("sale_type", "quantity", "due_date") = (SELECT "t"."sale_type", "t"."quantity", "t"."due_date" FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::purchases, i.j) t) WHERE (("purchases"."id") = '{{id}}' :: bigint) RETURNING "purchases".*), "customers" AS (UPDATE "customers" SET ("full_name", "email") = (SELECT "t"."full_name", "t"."email" FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::customers, i.j->'customer') t) FROM "purchases" WHERE (("customers"."id") = ("purchases"."customer_id")) RETURNING "customers".*), "products" AS (UPDATE "products" SET ("name", "price") = (SELECT "t"."name", "t"."price" FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j->'product') t) FROM "purchases" WHERE (("products"."id") = ("purchases"."product_id")) RETURNING "products".*) SELECT json_build_object('purchase', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('sale_type', "purchases_0"."sale_type", 'quantity', "purchases_0"."quantity", 'due_date', "purchases_0"."due_date", 'product', "__sel_1"."json", 'customer', "__sel_2"."json") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "purchases"."sale_type", "purchases"."quantity", "purchases"."due_date", "purchases"."product_id", "purchases"."customer_id" FROM "purchases" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "purchases_0" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT json_build_object('id', "customers_2"."id", 'full_name', "customers_2"."full_name", 'email', "customers_2"."email") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "customers"."id", "customers"."full_name", "customers"."email" FROM "customers" WHERE ((("customers"."id") = ("purchases_0"."customer_id"))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "customers_2") AS "__sel_2" ON ('true') LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT json_build_object('id', "products_1"."id", 'name', "products_1"."name", 'price', "products_1"."price") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name", "products"."price" FROM "products" WHERE ((("products"."id") = ("purchases_0"."product_id"))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_1") AS "__sel_1" ON ('true')) AS "__sel_0"
WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "purchases" AS (UPDATE "purchases" SET ("sale_type", "quantity", "due_date") = (SELECT "t"."sale_type", "t"."quantity", "t"."due_date" FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::purchases, i.j) t) WHERE (("purchases"."id") = '{{id}}' :: bigint) RETURNING "purchases".*), "products" AS (UPDATE "products" SET ("name", "price") = (SELECT "t"."name", "t"."price" FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j->'product') t) FROM "purchases" WHERE (("products"."id") = ("purchases"."product_id")) RETURNING "products".*), "customers" AS (UPDATE "customers" SET ("full_name", "email") = (SELECT "t"."full_name", "t"."email" FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::customers, i.j->'customer') t) FROM "purchases" WHERE (("customers"."id") = ("purchases"."customer_id")) RETURNING "customers".*) SELECT json_build_object('purchase', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('sale_type', "purchases_0"."sale_type", 'quantity', "purchases_0"."quantity", 'due_date', "purchases_0"."due_date", 'product', "__sel_1"."json", 'customer', "__sel_2"."json") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "purchases"."sale_type", "purchases"."quantity", "purchases"."due_date", "purchases"."product_id", "purchases"."customer_id" FROM "purchases" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "purchases_0" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT json_build_object('id', "customers_2"."id", 'full_name', "customers_2"."full_name", 'email', "customers_2"."email") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "customers"."id", "customers"."full_name", "customers"."email" FROM "customers" WHERE ((("customers"."id") = ("purchases_0"."customer_id"))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "customers_2") AS "__sel_2" ON ('true') LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT json_build_object('id', "products_1"."id", 'name', "products_1"."name", 'price', "products_1"."price") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name", "products"."price" FROM "products" WHERE ((("products"."id") = ("purchases_0"."product_id"))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_1") AS "__sel_1" ON ('true')) AS "__sel_0"
=== RUN TestCompileUpdate/nestedUpdateOneToMany
WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "users" AS (UPDATE "users" SET ("full_name", "email", "created_at", "updated_at") = (SELECT "t"."full_name", "t"."email", "t"."created_at", "t"."updated_at" FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::users, i.j) t) WHERE (("users"."id") IS NOT DISTINCT FROM '8' :: bigint) RETURNING "users".*), "products" AS (UPDATE "products" SET ("name", "price", "created_at", "updated_at") = (SELECT "t"."name", "t"."price", "t"."created_at", "t"."updated_at" FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j->'product') t) FROM "users" WHERE (("products"."user_id") = ("users"."id") AND "products"."id"= ((i.j->'product'->'where'->>'id'))::bigint) RETURNING "products".*) SELECT json_build_object('user', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('id', "users_0"."id", 'full_name', "users_0"."full_name", 'email', "users_0"."email", 'product', "__sel_1"."json") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "users"."id", "users"."full_name", "users"."email" FROM "users" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "users_0" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT json_build_object('id', "products_1"."id", 'name', "products_1"."name", 'price', "products_1"."price") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name", "products"."price" FROM "products" WHERE ((("products"."user_id") = ("users_0"."id"))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_1") AS "__sel_1" ON ('true')) AS "__sel_0"
WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "users" AS (UPDATE "users" SET ("full_name", "email", "created_at", "updated_at") = (SELECT "t"."full_name", "t"."email", "t"."created_at", "t"."updated_at" FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::users, i.j) t) WHERE (("users"."id") = '8' :: bigint) RETURNING "users".*), "products" AS (UPDATE "products" SET ("name", "price", "created_at", "updated_at") = (SELECT "t"."name", "t"."price", "t"."created_at", "t"."updated_at" FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j->'product') t) FROM "users" WHERE (("products"."user_id") = ("users"."id") AND "products"."id"= ((i.j->'product'->'where'->>'id'))::bigint) RETURNING "products".*) SELECT json_build_object('user', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('id', "users_0"."id", 'full_name', "users_0"."full_name", 'email', "users_0"."email", 'product', "__sel_1"."json") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "users"."id", "users"."full_name", "users"."email" FROM "users" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "users_0" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT json_build_object('id', "products_1"."id", 'name', "products_1"."name", 'price', "products_1"."price") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name", "products"."price" FROM "products" WHERE ((("products"."user_id") = ("users_0"."id"))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_1") AS "__sel_1" ON ('true')) AS "__sel_0"
=== RUN TestCompileUpdate/nestedUpdateOneToOne
WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "products" AS (UPDATE "products" SET ("name", "price", "created_at", "updated_at") = (SELECT "t"."name", "t"."price", "t"."created_at", "t"."updated_at" FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j) t) WHERE (("products"."id") = '{{id}}' :: bigint) RETURNING "products".*), "users" AS (UPDATE "users" SET ("email") = (SELECT "t"."email" FROM "_sg_input" i, json_populate_record(NULL::users, i.j->'user') t) FROM "products" WHERE (("users"."id") = ("products"."user_id")) RETURNING "users".*) SELECT json_build_object('product', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('id', "products_0"."id", 'name', "products_0"."name", 'user', "__sel_1"."json") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name", "products"."user_id" FROM "products" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT json_build_object('id', "users_1"."id", 'full_name', "users_1"."full_name", 'email', "users_1"."email") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "users"."id", "users"."full_name", "users"."email" FROM "users" WHERE ((("users"."id") = ("products_0"."user_id"))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "users_1") AS "__sel_1" ON ('true')) AS "__sel_0"
=== RUN TestCompileUpdate/nestedUpdateOneToManyWithConnect
@ -148,4 +148,4 @@ WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "_x_users" AS (SELECT * FR
--- PASS: TestCompileUpdate/nestedUpdateOneToOneWithConnect (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestCompileUpdate/nestedUpdateOneToOneWithDisconnect (0.00s)
ok 0.456s
ok 0.716s
@ -131,6 +131,8 @@ const (
type ValType int
@ -195,10 +197,9 @@ func NewCompiler(c Config) (*Compiler, error) {
return co, nil
func AddFilter(sel *Select) *Exp {
func NewFilter() *Exp {
ex := expPool.Get().(*Exp)
addFilter(sel, ex)
return ex
@ -363,8 +364,8 @@ func (com *Compiler) compileQuery(qc *QCode, op *Operation, role string) error {
return err
// Order is important addFilters must come after compileArgs
com.addFilters(qc, s, role)
// Order is important AddFilters must come after compileArgs
com.AddFilters(qc, s, role)
if s.ParentID == -1 {
qc.Roots = append(qc.Roots, s.ID)
@ -410,7 +411,7 @@ func (com *Compiler) compileQuery(qc *QCode, op *Operation, role string) error {
return nil
func (com *Compiler) addFilters(qc *QCode, sel *Select, role string) {
func (com *Compiler) AddFilters(qc *QCode, sel *Select, role string) {
var fil *Exp
var nu bool
@ -435,7 +436,7 @@ func (com *Compiler) addFilters(qc *QCode, sel *Select, role string) {
case OpFalse:
sel.Where = fil
addFilter(sel, fil)
AddFilter(sel, fil)
@ -659,7 +660,7 @@ func (com *Compiler) compileArgSearch(sel *Select, arg *Arg) (error, bool) {
sel.Args[arg.Name] = arg.Val
addFilter(sel, ex)
AddFilter(sel, ex)
return nil, true
@ -676,7 +677,7 @@ func (com *Compiler) compileArgWhere(sel *Select, arg *Arg, role string) (error,
if nu && role == "anon" {
sel.SkipRender = true
addFilter(sel, ex)
AddFilter(sel, ex)
return nil, true
@ -820,7 +821,7 @@ func (com *Compiler) getRole(role, field string) *trval {
func addFilter(sel *Select, fil *Exp) {
func AddFilter(sel *Select, fil *Exp) {
if sel.Where != nil {
ow := sel.Where
@ -937,6 +938,12 @@ func newExp(st *util.Stack, node *Node, usePool bool) (*Exp, error) {
case "is_null":
ex.Op = OpIsNull
ex.Val = node.Val
case "null_eq", "ndis", "not_distinct":
ex.Op = OpNotDistinct
ex.Val = node.Val
case "null_neq", "dis", "distinct":
ex.Op = OpDistinct
ex.Val = node.Val
pushChildren(st, node.exp, node)
return nil, nil // skip node
@ -19,11 +19,13 @@ func cmdServ(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
fatalInProd(err, "failed to connect to database")
if conf != nil && db != nil {
@ -36,15 +36,20 @@ func encryptCursor(qc *qcode.QCode, data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
v, err := crypto.Encrypt(f.Value[1:len(f.Value)-1], &internalKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var buf bytes.Buffer
if len(f.Value) > 2 {
v, err := crypto.Encrypt(f.Value[1:len(f.Value)-1], &internalKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
to[i].Value = buf.Bytes()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user