Fix bug with connect / disconnect on array relationships
This commit is contained in:
@ -147,7 +147,14 @@ func renderNestedInsertRelColumns(w io.Writer, item kvitem, values bool) error {
io.WriteString(w, `, `)
if values {
colWithTable(w, v.relCP.Left.Table, v.relCP.Left.Col)
if v._ctype > 0 {
io.WriteString(w, `"_x_`)
io.WriteString(w, v.relCP.Left.Table)
io.WriteString(w, `".`)
quoted(w, v.relCP.Left.Col)
} else {
colWithTable(w, v.relCP.Left.Table, v.relCP.Left.Col)
} else {
quoted(w, v.relCP.Right.Col)
@ -166,12 +173,18 @@ func renderNestedInsertRelTables(w io.Writer, item kvitem) error {
io.WriteString(w, `, `)
} else {
// Render child foreign key columns if child-to-parent
// Render tables needed to set values if child-to-parent
// relationship is one-to-many
for _, v := range item.items {
if v.relCP.Type == RelOneToMany {
quoted(w, v.relCP.Left.Table)
io.WriteString(w, `, `)
if v._ctype > 0 {
io.WriteString(w, `"_x_`)
io.WriteString(w, v.relCP.Left.Table)
io.WriteString(w, `", `)
} else {
quoted(w, v.relCP.Left.Table)
io.WriteString(w, `, `)
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ func nestedInsertOneToOneWithConnect(t *testing.T) {
sql := `WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "users" AS (SELECT "id" FROM "_sg_input" i,"users" WHERE "users"."id"= ((i.j->'user'->'connect'->>'id'))::bigint LIMIT 1), "products" AS (INSERT INTO "products" ("name", "price", "created_at", "updated_at", "user_id") SELECT "t"."name", "t"."price", "t"."created_at", "t"."updated_at", "users"."id" FROM "_sg_input" i, "users", json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j) t RETURNING *) SELECT json_object_agg('product', json_0) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_0" FROM (SELECT "products_0"."id" AS "id", "products_0"."name" AS "name", "user_1_join"."json_1" AS "user", "tags_2_join"."json_2" AS "tags") AS "json_row_0")) AS "json_0" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name", "products"."user_id", "products"."tags" FROM "products" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT coalesce(json_agg("json_2"), '[]') AS "json_2" FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_2" FROM (SELECT "tags_2"."id" AS "id", "tags_2"."name" AS "name") AS "json_row_2")) AS "json_2" FROM (SELECT "tags"."id", "tags"."name" FROM "tags" WHERE ((("tags"."slug") = any ("products_0"."tags"))) LIMIT ('20') :: integer) AS "tags_2" LIMIT ('20') :: integer) AS "json_agg_2") AS "tags_2_join" ON ('true') LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_1" FROM (SELECT "users_1"."id" AS "id", "users_1"."full_name" AS "full_name", "users_1"."email" AS "email") AS "json_row_1")) AS "json_1" FROM (SELECT "users"."id", "users"."full_name", "users"."email" FROM "users" WHERE ((("users"."id") = ("products_0"."user_id"))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "users_1" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "user_1_join" ON ('true') LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "sel_0"`
sql := `WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "_x_users" AS (SELECT "id" FROM "_sg_input" i,"users" WHERE "users"."id"= ((i.j->'user'->'connect'->>'id'))::bigint LIMIT 1), "products" AS (INSERT INTO "products" ("name", "price", "created_at", "updated_at", "user_id") SELECT "t"."name", "t"."price", "t"."created_at", "t"."updated_at", "_x_users"."id" FROM "_sg_input" i, "_x_users", json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j) t RETURNING *) SELECT json_object_agg('product', json_0) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_0" FROM (SELECT "products_0"."id" AS "id", "products_0"."name" AS "name", "user_1_join"."json_1" AS "user", "tags_2_join"."json_2" AS "tags") AS "json_row_0")) AS "json_0" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name", "products"."user_id", "products"."tags" FROM "products" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT coalesce(json_agg("json_2"), '[]') AS "json_2" FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_2" FROM (SELECT "tags_2"."id" AS "id", "tags_2"."name" AS "name") AS "json_row_2")) AS "json_2" FROM (SELECT "tags"."id", "tags"."name" FROM "tags" WHERE ((("tags"."slug") = any ("products_0"."tags"))) LIMIT ('20') :: integer) AS "tags_2" LIMIT ('20') :: integer) AS "json_agg_2") AS "tags_2_join" ON ('true') LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_1" FROM (SELECT "users_1"."id" AS "id", "users_1"."full_name" AS "full_name", "users_1"."email" AS "email") AS "json_row_1")) AS "json_1" FROM (SELECT "users"."id", "users"."full_name", "users"."email" FROM "users" WHERE ((("users"."id") = ("products_0"."user_id"))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "users_1" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "user_1_join" ON ('true') LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "sel_0"`
vars := map[string]json.RawMessage{
"data": json.RawMessage(`{
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ func nestedInsertOneToOneWithConnectArray(t *testing.T) {
sql := `WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "users" AS (SELECT "id" FROM "_sg_input" i,"users" WHERE "users"."id" = ANY((select a::bigint AS list from json_array_elements_text((i.j->'user'->'connect'->>'id')::json) AS a)) LIMIT 1), "products" AS (INSERT INTO "products" ("name", "price", "created_at", "updated_at", "user_id") SELECT "t"."name", "t"."price", "t"."created_at", "t"."updated_at", "users"."id" FROM "_sg_input" i, "users", json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j) t RETURNING *) SELECT json_object_agg('product', json_0) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_0" FROM (SELECT "products_0"."id" AS "id", "products_0"."name" AS "name", "user_1_join"."json_1" AS "user") AS "json_row_0")) AS "json_0" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name", "products"."user_id" FROM "products" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_1" FROM (SELECT "users_1"."id" AS "id", "users_1"."full_name" AS "full_name", "users_1"."email" AS "email") AS "json_row_1")) AS "json_1" FROM (SELECT "users"."id", "users"."full_name", "users"."email" FROM "users" WHERE ((("users"."id") = ("products_0"."user_id"))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "users_1" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "user_1_join" ON ('true') LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "sel_0"`
sql := `WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "_x_users" AS (SELECT "id" FROM "_sg_input" i,"users" WHERE "users"."id" = ANY((select a::bigint AS list from json_array_elements_text((i.j->'user'->'connect'->>'id')::json) AS a)) LIMIT 1), "products" AS (INSERT INTO "products" ("name", "price", "created_at", "updated_at", "user_id") SELECT "t"."name", "t"."price", "t"."created_at", "t"."updated_at", "_x_users"."id" FROM "_sg_input" i, "_x_users", json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j) t RETURNING *) SELECT json_object_agg('product', json_0) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_0" FROM (SELECT "products_0"."id" AS "id", "products_0"."name" AS "name", "user_1_join"."json_1" AS "user") AS "json_row_0")) AS "json_0" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name", "products"."user_id" FROM "products" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_1" FROM (SELECT "users_1"."id" AS "id", "users_1"."full_name" AS "full_name", "users_1"."email" AS "email") AS "json_row_1")) AS "json_1" FROM (SELECT "users"."id", "users"."full_name", "users"."email" FROM "users" WHERE ((("users"."id") = ("products_0"."user_id"))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "users_1" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "user_1_join" ON ('true') LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "sel_0"`
vars := map[string]json.RawMessage{
"data": json.RawMessage(`{
@ -520,13 +520,16 @@ func (c *compilerContext) renderConnectStmt(qc *qcode.QCode, w io.Writer,
rel := item.relPC
// Render only for parent-to-child relationship of one-to-one
// For this to work the child needs to found first so it's primary key
// can be set in the related column on the parent object.
// Eg. Create product and connect a user to it.
if rel.Type != RelOneToOne {
return nil
io.WriteString(w, `, `)
quoted(w, item.ti.Name)
io.WriteString(c.w, ` AS (SELECT `)
io.WriteString(w, `, "_x_`)
io.WriteString(c.w, item.ti.Name)
io.WriteString(c.w, `" AS (SELECT `)
if rel.Left.Array {
io.WriteString(w, `array_agg(DISTINCT `)
@ -557,12 +560,15 @@ func (c *compilerContext) renderDisconnectStmt(qc *qcode.QCode, w io.Writer,
rel := item.relPC
// Render only for parent-to-child relationship of one-to-one
// For this to work the child needs to found first so it's
// null value can beset in the related column on the parent object.
// Eg. Update product and diconnect the user from it.
if rel.Type != RelOneToOne {
return nil
io.WriteString(w, `, `)
quoted(w, item.ti.Name)
io.WriteString(c.w, ` AS (`)
io.WriteString(w, `, "_x_`)
io.WriteString(c.w, item.ti.Name)
io.WriteString(c.w, `" AS (`)
if rel.Right.Array {
io.WriteString(c.w, `SELECT `)
@ -165,17 +165,28 @@ func renderNestedUpdateRelColumns(w io.Writer, item kvitem, values bool) error {
for _, v := range item.items {
if v._ctype > 0 && v.relCP.Type == RelOneToMany {
if values {
colWithTable(w, v.relCP.Left.Table, v.relCP.Left.Col)
} else {
if v.relCP.Right.Array {
io.WriteString(w, `array_remove(`)
colWithTable(w, v.relCP.Left.Table, v.relCP.Left.Col)
io.WriteString(w, `, `)
quoted(w, v.relCP.Right.Col)
io.WriteString(w, `)`)
// if v.relCP.Right.Array {
// io.WriteString(w, `array_diff(`)
// colWithTable(w, v.relCP.Right.Table, v.relCP.Right.Col)
// io.WriteString(w, `, `)
// }
if v._ctype > 0 {
io.WriteString(w, `"_x_`)
io.WriteString(w, v.relCP.Left.Table)
io.WriteString(w, `".`)
quoted(w, v.relCP.Left.Col)
} else {
quoted(w, v.relCP.Right.Col)
colWithTable(w, v.relCP.Left.Table, v.relCP.Left.Col)
// if v.relCP.Right.Array {
// io.WriteString(w, `)`)
// }
} else {
quoted(w, v.relCP.Right.Col)
@ -184,12 +195,13 @@ func renderNestedUpdateRelColumns(w io.Writer, item kvitem, values bool) error {
func renderNestedUpdateRelTables(w io.Writer, item kvitem) error {
// Render child foreign key columns if child-to-parent
// Render tables needed to set values if child-to-parent
// relationship is one-to-many
for _, v := range item.items {
if v._ctype > 0 && v.relCP.Type == RelOneToMany {
quoted(w, v.relCP.Left.Table)
io.WriteString(w, `, `)
io.WriteString(w, `"_x_`)
io.WriteString(w, v.relCP.Left.Table)
io.WriteString(w, `", `)
@ -238,9 +238,9 @@ func nestedUpdateOneToOneWithConnect(t *testing.T) {
sql1 := `WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "users" AS (SELECT "id" FROM "_sg_input" i,"users" WHERE "users"."id"= ((i.j->'user'->'connect'->>'id'))::bigint AND "users"."email"= ((i.j->'user'->'connect'->>'email'))::character varying LIMIT 1), "products" AS (UPDATE "products" SET ("name", "price", "user_id") = (SELECT "t"."name", "t"."price", "users"."id" FROM "_sg_input" i, "users", json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j) t) WHERE (("products"."id") = 9) RETURNING "products".*) SELECT json_object_agg('product', json_0) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_0" FROM (SELECT "products_0"."id" AS "id", "products_0"."name" AS "name", "user_1_join"."json_1" AS "user") AS "json_row_0")) AS "json_0" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name", "products"."user_id" FROM "products" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_1" FROM (SELECT "users_1"."id" AS "id", "users_1"."full_name" AS "full_name", "users_1"."email" AS "email") AS "json_row_1")) AS "json_1" FROM (SELECT "users"."id", "users"."full_name", "users"."email" FROM "users" WHERE ((("users"."id") = ("products_0"."user_id"))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "users_1" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "user_1_join" ON ('true') LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "sel_0"`
sql1 := `WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "_x_users" AS (SELECT "id" FROM "_sg_input" i,"users" WHERE "users"."id"= ((i.j->'user'->'connect'->>'id'))::bigint AND "users"."email"= ((i.j->'user'->'connect'->>'email'))::character varying LIMIT 1), "products" AS (UPDATE "products" SET ("name", "price", "user_id") = (SELECT "t"."name", "t"."price", "_x_users"."id" FROM "_sg_input" i, "_x_users", json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j) t) WHERE (("products"."id") = 9) RETURNING "products".*) SELECT json_object_agg('product', json_0) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_0" FROM (SELECT "products_0"."id" AS "id", "products_0"."name" AS "name", "user_1_join"."json_1" AS "user") AS "json_row_0")) AS "json_0" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name", "products"."user_id" FROM "products" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_1" FROM (SELECT "users_1"."id" AS "id", "users_1"."full_name" AS "full_name", "users_1"."email" AS "email") AS "json_row_1")) AS "json_1" FROM (SELECT "users"."id", "users"."full_name", "users"."email" FROM "users" WHERE ((("users"."id") = ("products_0"."user_id"))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "users_1" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "user_1_join" ON ('true') LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "sel_0"`
sql2 := `WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "users" AS (SELECT "id" FROM "_sg_input" i,"users" WHERE "users"."email"= ((i.j->'user'->'connect'->>'email'))::character varying AND "users"."id"= ((i.j->'user'->'connect'->>'id'))::bigint LIMIT 1), "products" AS (UPDATE "products" SET ("name", "price", "user_id") = (SELECT "t"."name", "t"."price", "users"."id" FROM "_sg_input" i, "users", json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j) t) WHERE (("products"."id") = 9) RETURNING "products".*) SELECT json_object_agg('product', json_0) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_0" FROM (SELECT "products_0"."id" AS "id", "products_0"."name" AS "name", "user_1_join"."json_1" AS "user") AS "json_row_0")) AS "json_0" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name", "products"."user_id" FROM "products" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_1" FROM (SELECT "users_1"."id" AS "id", "users_1"."full_name" AS "full_name", "users_1"."email" AS "email") AS "json_row_1")) AS "json_1" FROM (SELECT "users"."id", "users"."full_name", "users"."email" FROM "users" WHERE ((("users"."id") = ("products_0"."user_id"))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "users_1" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "user_1_join" ON ('true') LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "sel_0"`
sql2 := `WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "_x_users" AS (SELECT "id" FROM "_sg_input" i,"users" WHERE "users"."email"= ((i.j->'user'->'connect'->>'email'))::character varying AND "users"."id"= ((i.j->'user'->'connect'->>'id'))::bigint LIMIT 1), "products" AS (UPDATE "products" SET ("name", "price", "user_id") = (SELECT "t"."name", "t"."price", "_x_users"."id" FROM "_sg_input" i, "_x_users", json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j) t) WHERE (("products"."id") = 9) RETURNING "products".*) SELECT json_object_agg('product', json_0) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_0" FROM (SELECT "products_0"."id" AS "id", "products_0"."name" AS "name", "user_1_join"."json_1" AS "user") AS "json_row_0")) AS "json_0" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name", "products"."user_id" FROM "products" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0" LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_1" FROM (SELECT "users_1"."id" AS "id", "users_1"."full_name" AS "full_name", "users_1"."email" AS "email") AS "json_row_1")) AS "json_1" FROM (SELECT "users"."id", "users"."full_name", "users"."email" FROM "users" WHERE ((("users"."id") = ("products_0"."user_id"))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "users_1" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "user_1_join" ON ('true') LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "sel_0"`
vars := map[string]json.RawMessage{
"data": json.RawMessage(`{
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ func nestedUpdateOneToOneWithDisconnect(t *testing.T) {
sql := `WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "users" AS (SELECT * FROM (VALUES(NULL::bigint)) AS LOOKUP("id")), "products" AS (UPDATE "products" SET ("name", "price", "user_id") = (SELECT "t"."name", "t"."price", "users"."id" FROM "_sg_input" i, "users", json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j) t) WHERE (("products"."id") = 2) RETURNING "products".*) SELECT json_object_agg('product', json_0) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_0" FROM (SELECT "products_0"."id" AS "id", "products_0"."name" AS "name", "products_0"."user_id" AS "user_id") AS "json_row_0")) AS "json_0" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name", "products"."user_id" FROM "products" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "sel_0"`
sql := `WITH "_sg_input" AS (SELECT '{{data}}' :: json AS j), "_x_users" AS (SELECT * FROM (VALUES(NULL::bigint)) AS LOOKUP("id")), "products" AS (UPDATE "products" SET ("name", "price", "user_id") = (SELECT "t"."name", "t"."price", "_x_users"."id" FROM "_sg_input" i, "_x_users", json_populate_record(NULL::products, i.j) t) WHERE (("products"."id") = 2) RETURNING "products".*) SELECT json_object_agg('product', json_0) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "json_row_0" FROM (SELECT "products_0"."id" AS "id", "products_0"."name" AS "name", "products_0"."user_id" AS "user_id") AS "json_row_0")) AS "json_0" FROM (SELECT "products"."id", "products"."name", "products"."user_id" FROM "products" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "products_0" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "sel_0"`
vars := map[string]json.RawMessage{
"data": json.RawMessage(`{
Reference in New Issue
Block a user