
493 lines
31 KiB

* Add `set_locale_from_accept_language` config option to automatically set the request locale based on the `Accept-Language`
HTTP request header and the `framework.enabled_locales` config option
* Add `set_content_language_from_locale` config option to automatically set the `Content-Language` HTTP response header based on the Request locale
* Deprecate the `framework.translator.enabled_locales`, use `framework.enabled_locales` instead
* Add autowiring alias for `HttpCache\StoreInterface`
* Add the ability to enable the profiler using a request query parameter, body parameter or attribute
* Deprecate the `AdapterInterface` autowiring alias, use `CacheItemPoolInterface` instead
* Deprecate the public `profiler` service to private
* Deprecate `get()`, `has()`, `getDoctrine()`, and `dispatchMessage()` in `AbstractController`, use method/constructor injection instead
* Deprecate the `cache.adapter.doctrine` service
* Add support for resetting container services after each messenger message
* Add `configureContainer()`, `configureRoutes()`, `getConfigDir()` and `getBundlesPath()` to `MicroKernelTrait`
* Add support for configuring log level, and status code by exception class
* Bind the `default_context` parameter onto serializer's encoders and normalizers
* Add support for `statusCode` default parameter when loading a template directly from route using the `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\TemplateController` controller
* Deprecate `translation:update` command, use `translation:extract` instead
* Add `PhpStanExtractor` support for the PropertyInfo component
* Add `cache.adapter.doctrine_dbal` service to replace `cache.adapter.pdo` when a Doctrine DBAL connection is used.
* Deprecate the `session.storage` alias and `session.storage.*` services, use the `session.storage.factory` alias and `session.storage.factory.*` services instead
* Deprecate the `framework.session.storage_id` configuration option, use the `framework.session.storage_factory_id` configuration option instead
* Deprecate the `session` service and the `SessionInterface` alias, use the `Request::getSession()` or the new `RequestStack::getSession()` methods instead
* Add `AbstractController::renderForm()` to render a form and set the appropriate HTTP status code
* Add support for configuring PHP error level to log levels
* Add the `dispatcher` option to `debug:event-dispatcher`
* Add the `event_dispatcher.dispatcher` tag
* Add `assertResponseFormatSame()` in `BrowserKitAssertionsTrait`
* Add support for configuring UUID factory services
* Add tag `assets.package` to register asset packages
* Add support to use a PSR-6 compatible cache for Doctrine annotations
* Deprecate all other values than "none", "php_array" and "file" for `framework.annotation.cache`
* Add `KernelTestCase::getContainer()` as the best way to get a container in tests
* Rename the container parameter `profiler_listener.only_master_requests` to `profiler_listener.only_main_requests`
* Add service `fragment.uri_generator` to generate the URI of a fragment
* Deprecate registering workflow services as public
* Deprecate option `--xliff-version` of the `translation:update` command, use e.g. `--format=xlf20` instead
* Deprecate option `--output-format` of the `translation:update` command, use e.g. `--format=xlf20` instead
* Added `framework.http_cache` configuration tree
* Added `framework.trusted_proxies` and `framework.trusted_headers` configuration options
* Deprecated the public `form.factory`, `form.type.file`, `translator`, `security.csrf.token_manager`, `serializer`,
`cache_clearer`, `filesystem` and `validator` services to private.
* Added `TemplateAwareDataCollectorInterface` and `AbstractDataCollector` to simplify custom data collector creation and leverage autoconfiguration
* Add `cache.adapter.redis_tag_aware` tag to use `RedisCacheAwareAdapter`
* added `framework.http_client.retry_failing` configuration tree
* added `assertCheckboxChecked()` and `assertCheckboxNotChecked()` in `WebTestCase`
* added `assertFormValue()` and `assertNoFormValue()` in `WebTestCase`
* Added "--as-tree=3" option to `translation:update` command to dump messages as a tree-like structure. The given value defines the level where to switch to inline YAML
* Deprecated the `lock.RESOURCE_NAME` and `lock.RESOURCE_NAME.store` services and the `lock`, `LockInterface`, `lock.store` and `PersistingStoreInterface` aliases, use `lock.RESOURCE_NAME.factory`, `lock.factory` or `LockFactory` instead.
* Removed `--no-backup` option from `translation:update` command (broken since `5.0.0`)
* Added link to source for controllers registered as named services
* Added link to source on controller on `router:match`/`debug:router` (when `framework.ide` is configured)
* Added the `framework.router.default_uri` configuration option to configure the default `RequestContext`
* Made `MicroKernelTrait::configureContainer()` compatible with `ContainerConfigurator`
* Added a new `mailer.message_bus` option to configure or disable the message bus to use to send mails.
* Added flex-compatible default implementation for `MicroKernelTrait::registerBundles()`
* Deprecated passing a `RouteCollectionBuilder` to `MicroKernelTrait::configureRoutes()`, type-hint `RoutingConfigurator` instead
* The `TemplateController` now accepts context argument
* Deprecated *not* setting the "framework.router.utf8" configuration option as it will default to `true` in Symfony 6.0
* Added tag `routing.expression_language_function` to define functions available in route conditions
* Added `debug:container --deprecations` option to see compile-time deprecations.
* Made `BrowserKitAssertionsTrait` report the original error message in case of a failure
* Added ability for `config:dump-reference` and `debug:config` to dump and debug kernel container extension configuration.
* Deprecated `session.attribute_bag` service and `session.flash_bag` service.
* Removed support to load translation resources from the legacy directories `src/Resources/translations/` and `src/Resources/<BundleName>/translations/`
* Removed `ControllerNameParser`.
* Removed `ResolveControllerNameSubscriber`
* Removed support for `bundle:controller:action` to reference controllers. Use `serviceOrFqcn::method` instead
* Removed support for PHP templating, use Twig instead
* Removed `Controller`, use `AbstractController` instead
* Removed `Client`, use `KernelBrowser` instead
* Removed `ContainerAwareCommand`, use dependency injection instead
* Removed the `validation.strict_email` option, use `validation.email_validation_mode` instead
* Removed the `cache.app.simple` service and its corresponding PSR-16 autowiring alias
* Removed cache-related compiler passes and `RequestDataCollector`
* Removed the `translator.selector` and `session.save_listener` services
* Removed `SecurityUserValueResolver`, use `UserValueResolver` instead
* Removed `routing.loader.service`.
* Service route loaders must be tagged with `routing.route_loader`.
* Added `slugger` service and `SluggerInterface` alias
* Removed the `lock.store.flock`, `lock.store.semaphore`, `lock.store.memcached.abstract` and `lock.store.redis.abstract` services.
* Removed the `router.cache_class_prefix` parameter.
* Added `lint:container` command to check that services wiring matches type declarations
* Added `MailerAssertionsTrait`
* Deprecated support for `templating` engine in `TemplateController`, use Twig instead
* Deprecated the `$parser` argument of `ControllerResolver::__construct()` and `DelegatingLoader::__construct()`
* Deprecated the `controller_name_converter` and `resolve_controller_name_subscriber` services
* The `ControllerResolver` and `DelegatingLoader` classes have been marked as `final`
* Added support for configuring chained cache pools
* Deprecated calling `WebTestCase::createClient()` while a kernel has been booted, ensure the kernel is shut down before calling the method
* Deprecated `routing.loader.service`, use `routing.loader.container` instead.
* Not tagging service route loaders with `routing.route_loader` has been deprecated.
* Overriding the methods `KernelTestCase::tearDown()` and `WebTestCase::tearDown()` without the `void` return-type is deprecated.
* Added new `error_controller` configuration to handle system exceptions
* Added sort option for `translation:update` command.
* [BC Break] The `framework.messenger.routing.senders` config key is not deeply merged anymore.
* Added `secrets:*` commands to deal with secrets seamlessly.
* Made `framework.session.handler_id` accept a DSN
* Marked the `RouterDataCollector` class as `@final`.
* [BC Break] The `framework.messenger.buses.<name>.middleware` config key is not deeply merged anymore.
* Moved `MailerAssertionsTrait` in `KernelTestCase`
* Deprecated the `framework.templating` option, configure the Twig bundle instead.
* Added `WebTestAssertionsTrait` (included by default in `WebTestCase`)
* Renamed `Client` to `KernelBrowser`
* Not passing the project directory to the constructor of the `AssetsInstallCommand` is deprecated. This argument will
be mandatory in 5.0.
* Deprecated the "Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface" / "cache.app.simple" service, use "Symfony\Contracts\Cache\CacheInterface" / "cache.app" instead
* Added the ability to specify a custom `serializer` option for each
transport under`framework.messenger.transports`.
* Added the `RegisterLocaleAwareServicesPass` and configured the `LocaleAwareListener`
* [BC Break] When using Messenger, the default transport changed from
using Symfony's serializer service to use `PhpSerializer`, which uses
PHP's native `serialize()` and `unserialize()` functions. To use the
original serialization method, set the `framework.messenger.default_serializer`
config option to `messenger.transport.symfony_serializer`. Or set the
`serializer` option under one specific `transport`.
* [BC Break] The `framework.messenger.serializer` config key changed to
`framework.messenger.default_serializer`, which holds the string service
id and `framework.messenger.symfony_serializer`, which configures the
options if you're using Symfony's serializer.
* [BC Break] Removed the `framework.messenger.routing.send_and_handle` configuration.
Instead of setting it to true, configure a `SyncTransport` and route messages to it.
* Added information about deprecated aliases in `debug:autowiring`
* Added php ini session options `sid_length` and `sid_bits_per_character`
to the `session` section of the configuration
* Added support for Translator paths, Twig paths in translation commands.
* Added support for PHP files with translations in translation commands.
* Added support for boolean container parameters within routes.
* Added the `messenger:setup-transports` command to setup messenger transports
* Added a `InMemoryTransport` to Messenger. Use it with a DSN starting with `in-memory://`.
* Added `framework.property_access.throw_exception_on_invalid_property_path` config option.
* Added `cache:pool:list` command to list all available cache pools.
* Added a `AbstractController::addLink()` method to add Link headers to the current response
* Allowed configuring taggable cache pools via a new `framework.cache.pools.tags` option (bool|service-id)
* Allowed configuring PDO-based cache pools via a new `cache.adapter.pdo` abstract service
* Deprecated auto-injection of the container in AbstractController instances, register them as service subscribers instead
* Deprecated processing of services tagged `security.expression_language_provider` in favor of a new `AddExpressionLanguageProvidersPass` in SecurityBundle.
* Deprecated the `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller` class in favor of `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController`.
* Enabled autoconfiguration for `Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface`
* Added new "auto" mode for `framework.session.cookie_secure` to turn it on when HTTPS is used
* Removed the `framework.messenger.encoder` and `framework.messenger.decoder` options. Use the `framework.messenger.serializer.id` option to replace the Messenger serializer.
* Deprecated the `ContainerAwareCommand` class in favor of `Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command`
* Made `debug:container` and `debug:autowiring` ignore backslashes in service ids
* Deprecated the `Templating\Helper\TranslatorHelper::transChoice()` method, use the `trans()` one instead with a `%count%` parameter
* Deprecated `CacheCollectorPass`. Use `Symfony\Component\Cache\DependencyInjection\CacheCollectorPass` instead.
* Deprecated `CachePoolClearerPass`. Use `Symfony\Component\Cache\DependencyInjection\CachePoolClearerPass` instead.
* Deprecated `CachePoolPass`. Use `Symfony\Component\Cache\DependencyInjection\CachePoolPass` instead.
* Deprecated `CachePoolPrunerPass`. Use `Symfony\Component\Cache\DependencyInjection\CachePoolPrunerPass` instead.
* Deprecated support for legacy translations directories `src/Resources/translations/` and `src/Resources/<BundleName>/translations/`, use `translations/` instead.
* Deprecated support for the legacy directory structure in `translation:update` and `debug:translation` commands.
* Allowed to pass an optional `LoggerInterface $logger` instance to the `Router`
* Added a new `parameter_bag` service with related autowiring aliases to access parameters as-a-service
* Allowed the `Router` to work with any PSR-11 container
* Added option in workflow dump command to label graph with a custom label
* Using a `RouterInterface` that does not implement the `WarmableInterface` is deprecated.
* Warming up a router in `RouterCacheWarmer` that does not implement the `WarmableInterface` is deprecated and will not
be supported anymore in 5.0.
* The `RequestDataCollector` class has been deprecated. Use the `Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector` class instead.
* The `RedirectController` class allows for 307/308 HTTP status codes
* Deprecated `bundle:controller:action` syntax to reference controllers. Use `serviceOrFqcn::method` instead where `serviceOrFqcn`
is either the service ID or the FQCN of the controller.
* Deprecated `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\ControllerNameParser`
* The `container.service_locator` tag of `ServiceLocator`s is now autoconfigured.
* Add the ability to search a route in `debug:router`.
* Add the ability to use SameSite cookies for sessions.
* The default `type` option of the `framework.workflows.*` configuration entries is `state_machine`
* removed `AddConsoleCommandPass`, `AddConstraintValidatorsPass`,
`AddValidatorInitializersPass`, `CompilerDebugDumpPass`, `ConfigCachePass`,
`ControllerArgumentValueResolverPass`, `FormPass`, `PropertyInfoPass`,
`RoutingResolverPass`, `SerializerPass`, `ValidateWorkflowsPass`
* made `Translator::__construct()` `$defaultLocale` argument required
* removed `SessionListener`, `TestSessionListener`
* Removed `cache:clear` warmup part along with the `--no-optional-warmers` option
* Removed core form types services registration when unnecessary
* Removed `framework.serializer.cache` option and `serializer.mapping.cache.apc`, `serializer.mapping.cache.doctrine.apc` services
* Removed `ConstraintValidatorFactory`
* Removed class parameters related to routing
* Removed absolute template paths support in the template name parser
* Removed support of the `KERNEL_DIR` environment variable with `KernelTestCase::getKernelClass()`.
* Removed the `KernelTestCase::getPhpUnitXmlDir()` and `KernelTestCase::getPhpUnitCliConfigArgument()` methods.
* Removed the "framework.validation.cache" configuration option. Configure the "cache.validator" service under "framework.cache.pools" instead.
* Removed `PhpStringTokenParser`, use `Symfony\Component\Translation\Extractor\PhpStringTokenParser` instead.
* Removed `PhpExtractor`, use `Symfony\Component\Translation\Extractor\PhpExtractor` instead.
* Removed the `use_strict_mode` session option, it's is now enabled by default
* Added `translator.default_path` option and parameter
* Session `use_strict_mode` is now enabled by default and the corresponding option has been deprecated
* Made the `cache:clear` command to *not* clear "app" PSR-6 cache pools anymore,
but to still clear "system" ones; use the `cache:pool:clear` command to clear "app" pools instead
* Always register a minimalist logger that writes in `stderr`
* Deprecated `profiler.matcher` option
* Added support for `EventSubscriberInterface` on `MicroKernelTrait`
* Removed `doctrine/cache` from the list of required dependencies in `composer.json`
* Deprecated `validator.mapping.cache.doctrine.apc` service
* The `symfony/stopwatch` dependency has been removed, require it via `composer
require symfony/stopwatch` in your `dev` environment.
* Deprecated using the `KERNEL_DIR` environment variable with `KernelTestCase::getKernelClass()`.
* Deprecated the `KernelTestCase::getPhpUnitXmlDir()` and `KernelTestCase::getPhpUnitCliConfigArgument()` methods.
* Deprecated `AddCacheClearerPass`, use tagged iterator arguments instead.
* Deprecated `AddCacheWarmerPass`, use tagged iterator arguments instead.
* Deprecated `TranslationDumperPass`, use
`Symfony\Component\Translation\DependencyInjection\TranslationDumperPass` instead
* Deprecated `TranslationExtractorPass`, use
`Symfony\Component\Translation\DependencyInjection\TranslationExtractorPass` instead
* Deprecated `TranslatorPass`, use
`Symfony\Component\Translation\DependencyInjection\TranslatorPass` instead
* Added `command` attribute to the `console.command` tag which takes the command
name as value, using it makes the command lazy
* Added `cache:pool:prune` command to allow manual stale cache item pruning of supported PSR-6 and PSR-16 cache pool
* Deprecated `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Translation\TranslationLoader`, use
`Symfony\Component\Translation\Reader\TranslationReader` instead
* Deprecated `translation.loader` service, use `translation.reader` instead
* `AssetsInstallCommand::__construct()` now takes an instance of
`Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem` as first argument
* `CacheClearCommand::__construct()` now takes an instance of
`Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\CacheClearer\CacheClearerInterface` as
first argument
* `CachePoolClearCommand::__construct()` now takes an instance of
`Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\CacheClearer\Psr6CacheClearer` as
first argument
* `EventDispatcherDebugCommand::__construct()` now takes an instance of
`Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface` as
first argument
* `RouterDebugCommand::__construct()` now takes an instance of
`Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface` as
first argument
* `RouterMatchCommand::__construct()` now takes an instance of
`Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface` as
first argument
* `TranslationDebugCommand::__construct()` now takes an instance of
`Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface` as
first argument
* `TranslationUpdateCommand::__construct()` now takes an instance of
`Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface` as
first argument
* `AssetsInstallCommand`, `CacheClearCommand`, `CachePoolClearCommand`,
`EventDispatcherDebugCommand`, `RouterDebugCommand`, `RouterMatchCommand`,
`TranslationDebugCommand`, `TranslationUpdateCommand`, `XliffLintCommand`
and `YamlLintCommand` classes have been marked as final
* Added `asset.request_context.base_path` and `asset.request_context.secure` parameters
to provide a default request context in case the stack is empty (similar to `router.request_context.*` parameters)
* Display environment variables managed by `Dotenv` in `AboutCommand`
* Not defining the `type` option of the `framework.workflows.*` configuration entries is deprecated.
The default value will be `state_machine` in Symfony 4.0.
* Deprecated the `CompilerDebugDumpPass` class
* Deprecated the "framework.trusted_proxies" configuration option and the corresponding "kernel.trusted_proxies" parameter
* Added a new version strategy option called "json_manifest_path"
that allows you to use the `JsonManifestVersionStrategy`.
* Added `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController`. It provides
the same helpers as the `Controller` class, but does not allow accessing the dependency
injection container, in order to encourage explicit dependency declarations.
* Added support for the `controller.service_arguments` tag, for injecting services into controllers' actions
* Changed default configuration for
assets/forms/validation/translation/serialization/csrf from `canBeEnabled()` to
`canBeDisabled()` when Flex is used
* The server:* commands and their associated router files were moved to WebServerBundle
* Translation related services are not loaded anymore when the `framework.translator` option
is disabled.
* Added `GlobalVariables::getToken()`
* Deprecated `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddConsoleCommandPass`. Use `Symfony\Component\Console\DependencyInjection\AddConsoleCommandPass` instead.
* Added configurable paths for validation files
* Deprecated `SerializerPass`, use `Symfony\Component\Serializer\DependencyInjection\SerializerPass` instead
* Deprecated `FormPass`, use `Symfony\Component\Form\DependencyInjection\FormPass` instead
* Deprecated `SessionListener`
* Deprecated `TestSessionListener`
* Deprecated `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\ConfigCachePass`.
Use tagged iterator arguments instead.
* Deprecated `PropertyInfoPass`, use `Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\DependencyInjection\PropertyInfoPass` instead
* Deprecated `ControllerArgumentValueResolverPass`. Use
`Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\ControllerArgumentValueResolverPass` instead
* Deprecated `RoutingResolverPass`, use `Symfony\Component\Routing\DependencyInjection\RoutingResolverPass` instead
* [BC BREAK] The `server:run`, `server:start`, `server:stop` and
`server:status` console commands have been moved to a dedicated bundle.
Require `symfony/web-server-bundle` in your composer.json and register
`Symfony\Bundle\WebServerBundle\WebServerBundle` in your AppKernel to use them.
* Added `$defaultLocale` as 3rd argument of `Translator::__construct()`
making `Translator` works with any PSR-11 container
* Added `framework.serializer.mapping` config option allowing to define custom
serialization mapping files and directories
* Deprecated `AddValidatorInitializersPass`, use
`Symfony\Component\Validator\DependencyInjection\AddValidatorInitializersPass` instead
* Deprecated `AddConstraintValidatorsPass`, use
`Symfony\Component\Validator\DependencyInjection\AddConstraintValidatorsPass` instead
* Deprecated `ValidateWorkflowsPass`, use
`Symfony\Component\Workflow\DependencyInjection\ValidateWorkflowsPass` instead
* Deprecated `ConstraintValidatorFactory`, use
`Symfony\Component\Validator\ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory` instead.
* Deprecated `PhpStringTokenParser`, use
`Symfony\Component\Translation\Extractor\PhpStringTokenParser` instead.
* Deprecated `PhpExtractor`, use
`Symfony\Component\Translation\Extractor\PhpExtractor` instead.
* Removed `doctrine/annotations` from the list of required dependencies in `composer.json`
* Removed `symfony/security-core` and `symfony/security-csrf` from the list of required dependencies in `composer.json`
* Removed `symfony/templating` from the list of required dependencies in `composer.json`
* Removed `symfony/translation` from the list of required dependencies in `composer.json`
* Removed `symfony/asset` from the list of required dependencies in `composer.json`
* The `Resources/public/images/*` files have been removed.
* The `Resources/public/css/*.css` files have been removed (they are now inlined in TwigBundle).
* Added possibility to prioritize form type extensions with `'priority'` attribute on tags `form.type_extension`
* Added `Controller::json` to simplify creating JSON responses when using the Serializer component
* Deprecated absolute template paths support in the template name parser
* Deprecated using core form types without dependencies as services
* Added `Symfony\Component\HttpHernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector::onKernelResponse()`
* Added `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector`
* The `framework.serializer.cache` option and the service `serializer.mapping.cache.apc` have been
deprecated. APCu should now be automatically used when available.
* removed `validator.api` parameter
* removed `alias` option of the `form.type` tag
* Deprecated the `alias` option of the `form.type_extension` tag in favor of the
`extended_type`/`extended-type` option
* Deprecated the `alias` option of the `form.type` tag
* Deprecated the Shell
* Added possibility to extract translation messages from a file or files besides extracting from a directory
* Added `TranslationsCacheWarmer` to create catalogues at warmup
* Added helper commands (`server:start`, `server:stop` and `server:status`) to control the built-in web
server in the background
* Added `Controller::isCsrfTokenValid` helper
* Added configuration for the PropertyAccess component
* Added `Controller::redirectToRoute` helper
* Added `Controller::addFlash` helper
* Added `Controller::isGranted` helper
* Added `Controller::denyAccessUnlessGranted` helper
* Deprecated `app.security` in twig as `app.user` and `is_granted()` are already available
* Added `translation:debug` command
* Added `--no-backup` option to `translation:update` command
* Added `config:debug` command
* Added `yaml:lint` command
* Deprecated the `RouterApacheDumperCommand` which will be removed in Symfony 3.0.
* allowed multiple IP addresses in profiler matcher settings
* added stopwatch helper to time templates with the WebProfilerBundle
* added service definition for "security.secure_random" service
* added service definitions for the new Security CSRF sub-component
* [BC BREAK] added a way to disable the profiler (when disabling the profiler, it is now completely removed)
To get the same "disabled" behavior as before, set `enabled` to `true` and `collect` to `false`
* [BC BREAK] the `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\RegisterKernelListenersPass` was moved
to `Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\RegisterListenersPass`
* added ControllerNameParser::build() which converts a controller short notation (a:b:c) to a class::method notation
* added possibility to run PHP built-in server in production environment
* added possibility to load the serializer component in the service container
* added route debug information when using the `router:match` command
* added `TimedPhpEngine`
* added `--clean` option to the `translation:update` command
* added `http_method_override` option
* added support for default templates per render tag
* added FormHelper::form(), FormHelper::start() and FormHelper::end()
* deprecated FormHelper::enctype() in favor of FormHelper::start()
* RedirectController actions now receive the Request instance via the method signature.
* added a new `uri_signer` service to help sign URIs
* deprecated `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\HttpKernel::render()` and `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\HttpKernel::forward()`
* deprecated the `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\HttpKernel` class in favor of `Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareHttpKernel`
* added support for adding new HTTP content rendering strategies (like ESI and Hinclude)
in the DIC via the `kernel.fragment_renderer` tag
* [BC BREAK] restricted the `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\HttpKernel::render()` method to only accept URIs or ControllerReference instances
* `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\HttpKernel::render()` method signature changed and the first argument
must now be a URI or a ControllerReference instance (the `generateInternalUri()` method was removed)
* The internal routes (`Resources/config/routing/internal.xml`) have been removed and replaced with a listener (`Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\FragmentListener`)
* The `render` method of the `actions` templating helper signature and arguments changed
* replaced Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\TraceableControllerResolver by Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\TraceableControllerResolver
* replaced Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug\ContainerAwareTraceableEventDispatcher by Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher
* added Client::enableProfiler()
* a new parameter has been added to the DIC: `router.request_context.base_url`
You can customize it for your functional tests or for generating URLs with
the right base URL when your are in the CLI context.
* added support for default templates per render tag
* moved the translation files to the Form and Validator components
* changed the default extension for XLIFF files from .xliff to .xlf
* moved Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher to Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher
* moved Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher to Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\ContainerAwareTraceableEventDispatcher
* added a router:match command
* added a config:dump-reference command
* added a server:run command
* added kernel.event_subscriber tag
* added a way to create relative symlinks when running assets:install command (--relative option)
* added Controller::getUser()
* [BC BREAK] assets_base_urls and base_urls merging strategy has changed
* changed the default profiler storage to use the filesystem instead of SQLite
* added support for placeholders in route defaults and requirements (replaced
by the value set in the service container)
* added Filesystem component as a dependency
* added support for hinclude (use ``standalone: 'js'`` in render tag)
* session options: lifetime, path, domain, secure, httponly were deprecated.
Prefixed versions should now be used instead: cookie_lifetime, cookie_path,
cookie_domain, cookie_secure, cookie_httponly
* [BC BREAK] following session options: 'lifetime', 'path', 'domain', 'secure',
'httponly' are now prefixed with cookie_ when dumped to the container
* Added `handler_id` configuration under `session` key to represent `session.handler`
service, defaults to `session.handler.native_file`.
* Added `gc_maxlifetime`, `gc_probability`, and `gc_divisor` to session
configuration. This means session garbage collection has a
`gc_probability`/`gc_divisor` chance of being run. The `gc_maxlifetime` defines
how long a session can idle for. It is different from cookie lifetime which
declares how long a cookie can be stored on the remote client.
* Removed 'auto_start' configuration parameter from session config. The session will
start on demand.
* [BC BREAK] TemplateNameParser::parseFromFilename() has been moved to a dedicated
parser: TemplateFilenameParser::parse().
* [BC BREAK] Kernel parameters are replaced by their value wherever they appear
in Route patterns, requirements and defaults. Use '%%' as the escaped value for '%'.
* [BC BREAK] Switched behavior of flash messages to expire flash messages on retrieval
using Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Flash\FlashBag as opposed to on
next pageload regardless of whether they are displayed or not.