Emmanuel Garette egarette
  • Joined on 2019-09-29
egarette pushed to master at egarette/makepkg 2022-12-02 12:35:31 +01:00
8b997a6144 2.9 est en proposed
egarette pushed to master at Cadoles/formations 2022-10-31 10:00:32 +01:00
3b22741753 Construction de la formation
egarette pushed to master at egarette/makepkg 2022-06-23 10:09:28 +02:00
93cf7877f5 verifier si le fichier debian/compat existe
egarette pushed to xelatex/modules_EOLE_envole/Econocom at Cadoles/formations 2022-05-18 15:42:39 +02:00
4689047656 maj scribe
45eb92fce7 mise à jour scribe
Compare 2 commits »
egarette pushed to xelatex/modules_EOLE_envole/Econocom at Cadoles/formations 2022-05-18 10:45:50 +02:00
84e32ce756 modification EAD3 + scribe
8a5a1bb335 Merge master into xelatex/*
3b22741753 Construction de la formation
6c47a9f458 Construction de la formation
Compare 4 commits »
egarette pushed to master at Cadoles/formations 2022-05-10 16:27:35 +02:00
48090f19b2 add images
egarette pushed to master at Cadoles/formations 2022-05-06 12:06:19 +02:00
840b914e42 mise à jour tronc commun
fcdac6c12c update
Compare 2 commits »
egarette deleted branch dist/risotto/risotto-2.8.0/develop from Infra/rougail 2022-03-08 19:56:03 +01:00
egarette deleted branch dist/risotto/risotto-2.7.1/develop from Infra/rougail 2022-03-08 19:55:53 +01:00
egarette pushed to develop at Infra/rougail 2022-03-06 18:55:07 +01:00
0f4e49149d add tmpfile_dest_dir option
egarette pushed to develop at Infra/rougail 2022-03-05 11:17:38 +01:00
b610d66fcd force 'configuration' namespace if update
9de06705e8 creole_legacy and creole have differents compilers
5c526cf2b4 add space parameter
d1d6a80fe7 add systemd timer + a service and a timer can have same name
Compare 4 commits »
egarette pushed to master at egarette/makepkg 2022-03-01 15:26:52 +01:00
e15a4ae341 with systemd
egarette pushed to master at egarette/makepkg 2022-03-01 12:30:25 +01:00
05255b371f vérifie la dependance dh-systemd
f38339c276 vérifie la dependance dh-systemd
Compare 2 commits »
egarette pushed to master at egarette/makepkg 2022-03-01 12:28:19 +01:00
f38339c276 vérifie la dependance dh-systemd
egarette pushed to master at egarette/makepkg 2022-02-16 16:18:50 +01:00
3de74da53e plus de test pour le packaging 2.9
egarette pushed to master at egarette/makepkg 2022-02-14 14:05:28 +01:00
3681b8c07c erreur dans le grep
egarette pushed to master at egarette/makepkg 2022-02-11 11:31:18 +01:00
7dd78a4f0e tester si le paquet est compilable en 2.9
egarette pushed to develop at Infra/rougail 2022-01-26 13:01:46 +01:00
fbc5f9374e owner and group could be a variable
egarette pushed to develop at Infra/rougail 2022-01-19 18:24:06 +01:00
4c011ee551 detect infinite loop
egarette pushed to master at egarette/makepkg 2022-01-17 11:17:41 +01:00
2a2a93f2e4 sorti de la 2.9