This commit is contained in:
@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ def test_config_impl_get_opt_by_path():
assert config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_opt_by_path('bool') == boo
assert config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_opt_by_path('gc.dummy') == dummy
raises(AttributeError, "config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_opt_by_path('gc.unknown')")
raises(ConfigError, "config.gc.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_opt_by_path('gc.unknown')")
def test_information_display():
@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ def return_wrong_list():
return ['---', ' ']
def return_raise():
raise Exception('error')
def test_build_dyndescription():
st = StrOption('st', '')
dod = DynOptionDescription('dod', '', [st], callback=return_list)
@ -57,6 +61,14 @@ def test_build_dyndescription():
assert str(cfg.dodval2) == "stval2 = None"
def test_build_dyndescription_raise():
st = StrOption('st', '')
dod = DynOptionDescription('dod', '', [st], callback=return_raise)
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [dod])
cfg = Config(od)
raises(ConfigError, "str(cfg)")
def test_subpath_dyndescription():
st = StrOption('st', '')
dod = DynOptionDescription('dod', '', [st], callback=return_list)
@ -221,6 +233,14 @@ def test_prop_dyndescription():
assert str(cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings()[dodval2]) == str([])
def test_prop_dyndescription_force_store_value():
st = StrOption('st', '', properties=('force_store_value',))
dod = DynOptionDescription('dod', '', [st], callback=return_list)
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [dod])
od2 = OptionDescription('od', '', [od])
raises(ConfigError, "Config(od2)")
def test_callback_dyndescription():
st = StrOption('st', '', callback=return_dynval)
dod = DynOptionDescription('dod', '', [st], callback=return_list)
@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ def make_description():
i6 = IntOption('i6', '', properties=('disabled',))
od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6])
od2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [od1])
return od2
def make_metaconfig():
od2 = make_description()
conf1 = Config(od2, session_id='conf3')
conf2 = Config(od2, session_id='conf4')
meta = MetaConfig([conf1, conf2], session_id='meta')
@ -40,7 +45,7 @@ def make_description():
#FIXME ne pas mettre 2 OD differents dans un meta
#FIXME serialization
def test_none():
meta = make_description()
meta = make_metaconfig()
conf1, conf2 = meta.cfgimpl_get_children()
assert conf1.od1.i3 is conf2.od1.i3 is None
assert conf1.getowner(conf1.unwrap_from_path('od1.i3')) is conf2.getowner(conf2.unwrap_from_path('od1.i3')) is owners.default
@ -69,7 +74,7 @@ def test_none():
def test_default():
meta = make_description()
meta = make_metaconfig()
conf1, conf2 = meta.cfgimpl_get_children()
assert conf1.od1.i2 == conf2.od1.i2 == 1
assert conf1.getowner(conf1.unwrap_from_path('od1.i2')) is conf2.getowner(conf2.unwrap_from_path('od1.i2')) is owners.default
@ -98,18 +103,19 @@ def test_default():
def test_contexts():
meta = make_description()
meta = make_metaconfig()
conf1, conf2 = meta.cfgimpl_get_children()
assert conf1.od1.i2 == conf2.od1.i2 == 1
assert conf1.getowner(conf1.unwrap_from_path('od1.i2')) is conf2.getowner(conf2.unwrap_from_path('od1.i2')) is owners.default
meta.set_value('od1.i2', 6, only_config=True)
errors = meta.set_value('od1.i2', 6, only_config=True)
assert meta.od1.i2 == 1
assert conf1.od1.i2 == conf2.od1.i2 == 6
assert conf1.getowner(conf1.unwrap_from_path('od1.i2')) is conf2.getowner(conf2.unwrap_from_path('od1.i2')) is owners.user
assert len(errors) == 0
def test_find():
meta = make_description()
meta = make_metaconfig()
i2 = meta.unwrap_from_path('od1.i2')
assert [i2] == meta.find(byname='i2')
assert i2 == meta.find_first(byname='i2')
@ -123,8 +129,11 @@ def test_group_error():
def test_meta_meta():
meta1 = make_description()
meta1 = make_metaconfig()
meta2 = MetaConfig([meta1])
assert str(meta1) == """(conf3)
conf1, conf2 = meta1.cfgimpl_get_children()
assert conf1.od1.i2 == conf2.od1.i2 == 1
@ -156,14 +165,38 @@ def test_meta_meta():
assert conf1.getowner(conf1.unwrap_from_path('od1.i2')) is conf2.getowner(conf2.unwrap_from_path('od1.i2')) is owners.meta
def test_meta_config_name():
od = make_description()
meta = MetaConfig(['name1', 'name2'], optiondescription=od)
assert len(meta.cfgimpl_get_children()) == 2
assert meta.name1
assert meta.name2
def test_meta_new_config():
meta = make_metaconfig()
assert len(meta.cfgimpl_get_children()) == 2
assert len(meta.cfgimpl_get_children()) == 3
def test_meta_new_config_wrong_name():
meta = make_metaconfig()
assert len(meta.cfgimpl_get_children()) == 2
raises(ConflictError, "meta.new_config('conf4')")
assert len(meta.cfgimpl_get_children()) == 2
def test_meta_meta_set():
meta1 = make_description()
meta1 = make_metaconfig()
meta2 = MetaConfig([meta1])
conf1, conf2 = meta1.cfgimpl_get_children()
meta2.set_value('od1.i1', 7, only_config=True)
meta2.set_value('od1.i6', 7, only_config=True)
errors1 = meta2.set_value('od1.i1', 7, only_config=True)
errors2 = meta2.set_value('od1.i6', 7, only_config=True)
assert len(errors1) == 0
assert len(errors2) == 2
assert conf1.od1.i1 == conf2.od1.i1 == 7
assert conf1.getowner(conf1.unwrap_from_path('od1.i1')) is conf2.getowner(conf2.unwrap_from_path('od1.i1')) is owners.user
assert [conf1, conf2] == meta2.find_firsts(byname='i1', byvalue=7).cfgimpl_get_children()
@ -189,7 +222,7 @@ def test_not_meta():
conf3 = Config(od2)
conf4 = Config(od2, session_id='conf2')
except ValueError:
except ConflictError:
conf3, conf4
@ -199,7 +232,8 @@ def test_not_meta():
grp = GroupConfig([conf1, conf2])
raises(ConfigError, 'grp.od1.i1')
conf1, conf2 = grp.cfgimpl_get_children()
grp.set_value('od1.i1', 7)
errors = grp.set_value('od1.i1', 7)
assert len(errors) == 0
assert grp.conf1.od1.i1 == conf2.od1.i1 == 7
assert grp.conf1.getowner(grp.conf1.unwrap_from_path('od1.i1')) is grp.conf2.getowner(grp.conf2.unwrap_from_path('od1.i1')) is owners.user
@ -211,6 +245,9 @@ def test_group_find_firsts():
conf1 = Config(od2, session_id='conf1')
conf2 = Config(od2, session_id='conf2')
grp = GroupConfig([conf1, conf2])
assert str(grp) == """(conf1)
assert [conf1, conf2] == grp.find_firsts(byname='i1').cfgimpl_get_children()
@ -222,13 +259,14 @@ def test_group_group():
conf2 = Config(od2, session_id='conf10')
grp = GroupConfig([conf1, conf2], 'grp')
grp2 = GroupConfig([grp])
grp2.set_value('od1.i1', 2)
errors = grp2.set_value('od1.i1', 2)
assert grp2.grp.conf9.od1.i1 == 2
assert grp2.grp.conf9.getowner(i1) == owners.user
assert len(errors) == 0
def test_meta_path():
meta = make_description()
meta = make_metaconfig()
assert meta._impl_path is None
assert meta.od1._impl_path == 'od1'
@ -265,6 +303,7 @@ def test_meta_master_slaves():
conf2 = Config(interface1, session_id='conf2')
meta = MetaConfig([conf1, conf2])
assert [conf1, conf2] == meta.find_firsts(byname='ip_admin_eth0').cfgimpl_get_children()
assert [conf1, conf2] == meta.find_firsts(byname='netmask_admin_eth0').cfgimpl_get_children()
raises(AttributeError, "meta.find_firsts(byname='netmask_admin_eth0')")
@ -361,19 +400,22 @@ def test_meta_force_default():
assert meta.ip_admin_eth0 == []
assert meta.conf1.ip_admin_eth0 == []
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == []
meta.set_value('ip_admin_eth0', [''])
errors = meta.set_value('ip_admin_eth0', [''])
assert len(errors) == 0
assert meta.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf1.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
meta.conf1.ip_admin_eth0 = ['']
errors = meta.conf1.ip_admin_eth0 = ['']
assert meta.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf1.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
meta.set_value('ip_admin_eth0', [''])
errors = meta.set_value('ip_admin_eth0', [''])
assert len(errors) == 0
assert meta.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf1.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
meta.set_value('ip_admin_eth0', [''], force_default=True)
errors = meta.set_value('ip_admin_eth0', [''], force_default=True)
assert len(errors) == 0
assert meta.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf1.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
@ -399,7 +441,8 @@ def test_meta_force_dont_change_value():
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == []
assert conf1.getowner(ip_admin_eth0) is owners.user
assert conf2.getowner(ip_admin_eth0) is owners.default
meta.set_value('ip_admin_eth0', [''], force_dont_change_value=True)
errors = meta.set_value('ip_admin_eth0', [''], force_dont_change_value=True)
assert len(errors) == 0
assert meta.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf1.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == []
@ -429,7 +472,8 @@ def test_meta_force_default_if_same():
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == []
assert conf1.getowner(ip_admin_eth0) is owners.user
assert conf2.getowner(ip_admin_eth0) is owners.default
meta.set_value('ip_admin_eth0', [''], force_default_if_same=True)
errors = meta.set_value('ip_admin_eth0', [''], force_default_if_same=True)
assert len(errors) == 0
assert meta.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf1.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
@ -441,7 +485,8 @@ def test_meta_force_default_if_same():
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert conf1.getowner(ip_admin_eth0) is owners.user
assert conf2.getowner(ip_admin_eth0) is owners.meta
meta.set_value('ip_admin_eth0', [''], force_default_if_same=True)
errors = meta.set_value('ip_admin_eth0', [''], force_default_if_same=True)
assert len(errors) == 0
assert meta.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf1.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
@ -471,7 +516,8 @@ def test_meta_force_default_if_same_and_dont_change():
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == []
assert conf1.getowner(ip_admin_eth0) is owners.user
assert conf2.getowner(ip_admin_eth0) is owners.default
meta.set_value('ip_admin_eth0', [''], force_default_if_same=True, force_dont_change_value=True)
errors = meta.set_value('ip_admin_eth0', [''], force_default_if_same=True, force_dont_change_value=True)
assert len(errors) == 0
assert meta.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf1.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == []
@ -483,7 +529,8 @@ def test_meta_force_default_if_same_and_dont_change():
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == []
assert conf1.getowner(ip_admin_eth0) is owners.user
assert conf2.getowner(ip_admin_eth0) is owners.user
meta.set_value('ip_admin_eth0', [''], force_default_if_same=True, force_dont_change_value=True)
errors = meta.set_value('ip_admin_eth0', [''], force_default_if_same=True, force_dont_change_value=True)
assert len(errors) == 0
assert meta.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf1.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == []
@ -640,3 +687,33 @@ def test_meta_properties_meta_set_value():
ret = meta.set_value('ip_admin_eth0', '', force_default_if_same=True)
assert len(ret) == 1
assert isinstance(ret[0], ValueError)
def test_meta_reset():
ip_admin_eth0 = StrOption('ip_admin_eth0', "ip", multi=True)
netmask_admin_eth0 = StrOption('netmask_admin_eth0', "mask", multi=True, properties=('hidden',))
interface1 = OptionDescription('ip_admin_eth0', '', [ip_admin_eth0, netmask_admin_eth0])
conf1 = Config(interface1, session_id='conf1')
conf2 = Config(interface1, session_id='conf2')
meta = MetaConfig([conf1, conf2])
assert meta.ip_admin_eth0 == []
assert meta.conf1.ip_admin_eth0 == []
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == []
errors = meta.set_value('ip_admin_eth0', [''])
assert len(errors) == 0
assert meta.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf1.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
meta.conf1.ip_admin_eth0 = ['']
assert meta.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf1.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == ['']
assert meta.ip_admin_eth0 == []
assert meta.conf1.ip_admin_eth0 == []
assert meta.conf2.ip_admin_eth0 == []
@ -215,7 +215,6 @@ def test_consistency_not_equal_submulti():
a = IntOption('a', '', multi=submulti)
b = IntOption('b', '', multi=submulti)
od = OptionDescription('a', '', [a, b])
raises(ConfigError, 'a.impl_add_consistency("not_equal", b)')
@ -250,6 +249,42 @@ def test_consistency_not_equal_masterslave():
raises(ValueError, "c.b[1] = 3")
def test_consistency_not_equal_masterslave_error_multi1():
a = IPOption('a', '', multi=True)
b = NetmaskOption('b', '', multi=True)
c = NetmaskOption('c', '', multi=True)
od = OptionDescription('a', '', [a, b])
od2 = OptionDescription('b', '', [od, c])
c.impl_add_consistency('ip_netmask', a)
raises(ConfigError, "Config(od2)")
def test_consistency_not_equal_masterslave_error_multi2():
a = IPOption('a', '', multi=True)
b = NetmaskOption('b', '', multi=True)
c = IPOption('c', '', multi=True)
od = OptionDescription('a', '', [a, b])
od2 = OptionDescription('b', '', [od, c])
b.impl_add_consistency('ip_netmask', c)
raises(ConfigError, "Config(od2)")
def test_consistency_not_equal_masterslave_error_othermaster():
a = IPOption('a', '', multi=True)
b = NetmaskOption('b', '', multi=True)
c = IPOption('c', '', multi=True)
d = NetmaskOption('d', '', multi=True)
od = OptionDescription('a', '', [a, b])
od2 = OptionDescription('c', '', [c, d])
od3 = OptionDescription('b', '', [od, od2])
d.impl_add_consistency('ip_netmask', a)
raises(ConfigError, "Config(od2)")
def test_consistency_not_equal_masterslaves_default():
a = IntOption('a', '', multi=True)
b = IntOption('b', '', multi=True, default_multi=1)
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ do_autopath()
from py.test import raises
from tiramisu.i18n import _
from tiramisu.error import display_list
from tiramisu.error import display_list, ConfigError
from tiramisu.setting import owners, groups
from tiramisu.config import Config
from tiramisu.option import ChoiceOption, BoolOption, IntOption, FloatOption, \
@ -431,8 +431,11 @@ def test_append_properties():
assert tuple(option._properties) == tuple()
assert not 'test' in setting[option]
raises(ConfigError, "setting[option].append('force_store_value')")
raises(ConfigError, "setting.append('force_store_value')")
assert tuple(option._properties) == tuple()
assert 'test' in setting[option]
assert setting[option].get() == ('test',)
def test_reset_properties():
@ -154,6 +154,65 @@ def test_permissive_option():
assert props == ['disabled']
def test_permissive_option_cache():
descr = make_description()
u1 = descr.u1
config = Config(descr)
setting = config.cfgimpl_get_settings()
props = []
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert props == ['disabled']
props = []
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert props == ['disabled']
setting.setpermissive(('disabled',), u1)
props = []
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert props == []
props = []
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert props == ['disabled']
props = []
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert props == ['disabled']
props = []
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert props == []
props = []
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert props == ['disabled']
def test_permissive_option_mandatory():
descr = make_description()
u1 = descr.u1
@ -324,6 +324,30 @@ def test_requires_transitive_hidden_disabled():
raises(RequirementError, 'c.ip_address_service_web')
def test_requires_transitive_hidden_disabled_multiple():
a = BoolOption('activate_service', '', True)
b = BoolOption('activate_service_web', '', True,
requires=[{'option': a, 'expected': False, 'action': 'hidden'},
{'option': a, 'expected': False, 'action': 'disabled'}])
d = IPOption('ip_address_service_web', '',
requires=[{'option': b, 'expected': False, 'action': 'mandatory'}])
od = OptionDescription('service', '', [a, b, d])
c = Config(od)
c.activate_service = False
props = []
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert set(props) == {'disabled', 'hidden'}
raises(RequirementError, 'c.ip_address_service_web')
def test_requires_not_transitive():
a = BoolOption('activate_service', '', True)
b = BoolOption('activate_service_web', '', True,
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ from .value import Values, Multi
from .i18n import _
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # pragma: optional cover
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # pragma: no cover
xrange = range
@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ class SubConfig(object):
# if value and/or check_properties are set, need all avalaible option
# If first one has no good value or not good property check second one
# and so on
only_first = first is True and byvalue is None and \
only_first = first is True and byvalue is undefined and \
check_properties is None
if only_path is not undefined:
options = [(only_path, only_option)]
@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ class _CommonConfig(SubConfig):
self._impl_context = weakref.ref(self)
self._impl_settings.context = weakref.ref(self)
self._impl_values.context = weakref.ref(self)
storage = get_storage('config', test=self._impl_test, **state['_storage'])
storage = get_storage(test=self._impl_test, **state['_storage'])
self._impl_meta = None
@ -836,8 +836,6 @@ class GroupConfig(_CommonConfig):
if not isinstance(child, _CommonConfig):
raise ValueError(_("groupconfig's children must be Config, MetaConfig or GroupConfig"))
name_ = child._impl_name
if name_ is None:
raise ValueError(_('name must be set to config before creating groupconfig'))
if len(names) != len(set(names)):
for idx in xrange(1, len(names) + 1):
@ -923,16 +921,16 @@ class GroupConfig(_CommonConfig):
return GroupConfig(self._find_return_results(ret, raise_if_not_found))
def __repr__(self):
return object.__repr__(self)
def __str__(self):
ret = ''
for child in self._impl_children:
ret += '({0})\n'.format(child._impl_name)
ret += super(GroupConfig, self).__str__()
if self._impl_descr is not None:
ret += super(GroupConfig, self).__str__()
return ret
__repr__ = __str__
def getattr(self, name, force_permissive=False, validate=True,
_setting_properties=undefined, _self_properties=undefined, index=None,
@ -951,14 +949,14 @@ class MetaConfig(GroupConfig):
__slots__ = tuple()
def __init__(self, children, session_id=None, persistent=False,
optiondescription=None, _force_store_values=True):
descr = None
if optiondescription is not None:
new_children = []
for child_session_id in children:
#FIXME _force_store_values doit etre a true si inexistant !
new_children.append(Config(optiondescription, persistent=True,
session_id=child_session_id, _force_store_values=False))
new_children.append(Config(optiondescription, persistent=persistent,
session_id=child_session_id, _force_store_values=_force_store_values))
children = new_children
for child in children:
if not isinstance(child, _CommonConfig):
@ -1004,12 +1002,10 @@ class MetaConfig(GroupConfig):
child_value = child.getattr(path)
if force_default or value == child_value:
childret = child.cfgimpl_get_values().reset(opt, path=path,
if childret is not None:
child.cfgimpl_get_values().reset(opt, path=path,
if force_dont_change_value:
child_value = child.getattr(path, _setting_properties=setting_properties,
@ -1018,7 +1014,7 @@ class MetaConfig(GroupConfig):
elif value != child_value:
childret = child.setattr(path, child_value, _commit=False, not_raises=True)
if childret is not None:
if childret is not None: # pragma: no cover
setret = self.setattr(path, value, _commit=_commit, not_raises=True)
@ -1038,6 +1034,13 @@ class MetaConfig(GroupConfig):
def new_config(self, session_id=None, persistent=False):
return Config(self._impl_descr, session_id=session_id,
def new_config(self, session_id, persistent=False):
config = Config(self._impl_descr, session_id=session_id,
if config._impl_name in [child._impl_name for child in self._impl_children]: # pragma: no cover
raise ConflictError(_('config name must be uniq in '
'groupconfig for {0}').format(config._impl_name))
config._impl_meta = weakref.ref(self)
return config
@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ class Option(OnlyOption):
return opt_value
opt_value = None
else: # pragma: no cover
return opt_value
elif index is None:
opt_value = opt.impl_getdefault()
@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ class Option(OnlyOption):
' must be a list').format(
value, self.impl_get_display_name()))
for idx, val in enumerate(value):
if isinstance(val, list):
if isinstance(val, list): # pragma: no cover
return ValueError(_('invalid value "{}" for "{}" '
'which must not be a list').format(val,
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ StorageOptionDescription = get_storages_option('optiondescription')
name_regexp = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z\d\-_]*$')
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # pragma: optional cover
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # pragma: no cover
xrange = range
@ -141,18 +141,18 @@ class OptionDescription(BaseOption, StorageOptionDescription):
if func not in allowed_const_list and is_multi:
is_masterslaves = option.impl_is_master_slaves()
if not is_masterslaves:
raise ValueError(_('malformed consistency option "{0}" '
raise ConfigError(_('malformed consistency option "{0}" '
'must be a master/slaves').format(
masterslaves = option.impl_get_master_slaves()
for opt in all_cons_opts:
if func not in allowed_const_list and is_multi:
if not opt.impl_is_master_slaves():
raise ValueError(_('malformed consistency option "{0}" '
raise ConfigError(_('malformed consistency option "{0}" '
'must not be a multi for "{1}"').format(
option.impl_getname(), opt.impl_getname()))
elif masterslaves != opt.impl_get_master_slaves():
raise ValueError(_('malformed consistency option "{0}" '
raise ConfigError(_('malformed consistency option "{0}" '
'must be in same master/slaves for "{1}"').format(
option.impl_getname(), opt.impl_getname()))
@ -318,8 +318,6 @@ class OptionDescription(BaseOption, StorageOptionDescription):
values = carry_out_calculation(self, context=context,
if isinstance(values, Exception):
raise values
if len(values) > len(set(values)):
raise ConfigError(_('DynOptionDescription callback return not unique value'))
for val in values:
@ -327,16 +325,14 @@ class OptionDescription(BaseOption, StorageOptionDescription):
raise ValueError(_("invalid suffix: {0} for option").format(val))
return values
def _impl_search_dynchild(self, name=undefined, context=undefined):
def _impl_search_dynchild(self, name, context):
ret = []
for child in self._impl_st_getchildren(context, only_dyn=True):
cname = child.impl_getname()
if name is undefined or name.startswith(cname):
if name.startswith(cname):
path = cname
for value in child._impl_get_suffixes(context):
if name is undefined:
ret.append(SynDynOptionDescription(child, cname + value, path + value, value))
elif name == cname + value:
if name == cname + value:
return SynDynOptionDescription(child, name, path + value, value)
return ret
@ -388,9 +384,6 @@ class DynOptionDescription(OptionDescription):
if isinstance(child, SymLinkOption):
raise ConfigError(_('cannot set symlinkoption in a '
if isinstance(child, SymLinkOption):
raise ConfigError(_('cannot set symlinkoption in a '
self.impl_set_callback(callback, callback_params)
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ class Settings(object):
# transitive action, force expected
value = expected[0]
inverse = False
else: # pragma: no cover
raise value
orig_value = value
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class StorageType(object):
mod = None
def set(self, name): # pragma: optional cover
if self.storage_type is not None:
if self.storage_type is not None: # pragma: no cover
if self.storage_type == name:
raise ConfigError(_('storage_type is already set, cannot rebind it'))
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class StorageType(object):
modulepath = '{0}.storage.{1}'.format(MODULE_PATH, self.storage_type)
mod = __import__(modulepath)
except ImportError:
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
raise SystemError(_('cannot import the storage {0}').format(
for token in modulepath.split(".")[1:]:
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ default_validation = StorageType()
def set_storage(type_, name, **kwargs): # pragma: optional cover
def set_storage(type_, name): # pragma: optional cover
"""Change storage's configuration
:params name: is the storage name. If storage is already set, cannot
@ -89,19 +89,8 @@ def set_storage(type_, name, **kwargs): # pragma: optional cover
Other attributes are differents according to the selected storage's name
if type_ == 'option':
setting = storage_option_type.get().setting
setting = storage_type.get().setting
for option, value in kwargs.items():
getattr(setting, option)
setattr(setting, option, value)
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(_('option {0} not already exists in storage {1}'
'').format(option, name))
setting = storage_type.get().setting
def _impl_getstate_setting():
@ -113,16 +102,10 @@ def _impl_getstate_setting():
return state
def get_storage(type_, session_id, persistent, test): # pragma: optional cover
def get_storage(session_id, persistent, test): # pragma: optional cover
"""all used when __setstate__ a Config
#FIXME ca sert ???
if type_ == 'option':
return storage_option_type.get().Storage(session_id, persistent, test)
elif type_ == 'config':
return storage_type.get().Storage(session_id, persistent, test)
return default_validation.get().Storage(session_id, persistent, test)
return storage_type.get().Storage(session_id, persistent, test)
def get_storages(context, session_id, persistent):
@ -402,12 +402,6 @@ class StorageOptionDescription(StorageBase):
__slots__ = ('_children', '_cache_paths', '_cache_consistencies',
'_group_type', '_state_group_type', '_cache_force_store_values')
def __init__(self, name, multi, warnings_only, doc, extra):
super(StorageOptionDescription, self).__init__(name, multi,
warnings_only, doc,
None, undefined,
undefined, undefined)
def _add_children(self, child_names, children):
_setattr = object.__setattr__
_setattr(self, '_children', (tuple(child_names), tuple(children)))
@ -550,7 +544,7 @@ class StorageOptionDescription(StorageBase):
if _filter(path, option) is False:
if only_first:
return find_results[0]
return find_results
return find_results
def _impl_st_getchildren(self, context, only_dyn=False):
@ -36,9 +36,6 @@ class Properties(Cache):
def getproperties(self, path, default_properties):
return self._properties.get(path, set(default_properties))
def hasproperties(self, path):
return path in self._properties
def reset_all_properties(self):
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# ____________________________________________________________
from ...i18n import _
from ...error import ConfigError
from ...error import ConfigError, ConflictError
from ..util import SerializeObject
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class Storage(object):
def __init__(self, session_id, persistent, test=False):
if not test and session_id in _list_sessions: # pragma: optional cover
raise ValueError(_('session already used'))
raise ConflictError(_('session already used'))
if persistent: # pragma: optional cover
raise ValueError(_('a dictionary cannot be persistent'))
self.session_id = session_id
@ -85,12 +85,6 @@ class Values(Cache):
self._setvalue_info(3, idx, owner, values, index, vidx)
self._values = tuple(values)
def getvalue(self, path, session, index=None):
"""get value for a path
return: only value, not the owner
return self._getvalue(path, 2, index)
def hasvalue(self, path, index=None):
"""if path has a value
return: boolean
@ -49,12 +49,6 @@ class Properties(Sqlite3DB):
return set(self._sqlite_decode(value[0]))
def hasproperties(self, path):
path = self._sqlite_encode_path(path)
return"SELECT properties FROM property WHERE "
"path = ? AND session_id = ? LIMIT 1", (path, self._session_id)
) is not None
def reset_all_properties(self):
self._storage.execute("DELETE FROM property WHERE session_id = ?", (self._session_id,))
@ -72,16 +72,6 @@ class Values(Sqlite3DB):
def getvalue(self, path, session, index=None):
"""get value for an option
return: only value, not the owner
path = self._sqlite_encode_path(path)
values = self._sqlite_select(path, index)
if values is None:
return values
return self._sqlite_decode(values[0])
def hasvalue(self, path, index=None):
"""if opt has a value
return: boolean
@ -73,21 +73,13 @@ class Values(object):
raise value
if isinstance(value, Multi):
if index is not None:
value = value[index]
if isinstance(value, SubMulti):
if submulti_index is not undefined:
value = value[submulti_index]
value = list(value)
new_value = []
for val in value:
if isinstance(val, SubMulti):
val = list(val)
value = new_value
del new_value
new_value = []
for val in value:
if isinstance(val, SubMulti):
val = list(val)
value = new_value
del new_value
return value
# if value has callback and is not set
if opt.impl_has_callback():
@ -230,12 +222,6 @@ class Values(object):
"enables us to use the pythonic dictionary-like access to values"
return self._get_cached_value(opt)
def getitem(self, opt, validate=True, force_permissive=False):
return self._get_cached_value(opt, validate=validate,
def _get_cached_value(self, opt, path=None, validate=True,
force_permissive=False, trusted_cached_properties=True,
@ -411,8 +397,6 @@ class Values(object):
# user didn't change value, so not write
# valid opt
context = self._getcontext()
if _setting_properties is undefined:
_setting_properties = context.cfgimpl_get_settings()._getproperties(read_write=False)
if 'validator' in _setting_properties:
session = context.cfgimpl_get_values()._p_.getsession()
if opt._has_consistencies():
@ -476,12 +460,8 @@ class Values(object):
if valid_masterslave and opt.impl_is_master_slaves():
if session is None:
session = self._p_.getsession()
if index is not None:
len_value = index
setitem = False
len_value = len(value)
setitem = True
len_value = len(value)
setitem = True
val = opt.impl_get_master_slaves().validate(self, opt, len_value, path, session, setitem=setitem)
if isinstance(val, Exception):
return val
@ -502,8 +482,6 @@ class Values(object):
context = self._getcontext()
setting = context.cfgimpl_get_settings()
self_properties = setting._getproperties(opt, path, read_write=False)
if 'frozen' in self_properties and 'force_default_on_freeze' in self_properties:
return False
if self._p_.getowner(path, owners.default, session, only_default=True) is not owners.default:
return False
if context.cfgimpl_get_meta() is not None:
@ -834,8 +812,6 @@ class Multi(list):
session = context.cfgimpl_get_values()._p_.getsession()
fake_context = context._gen_fake_values(session)
fake_multi = Multi(list(self), weakref.ref(fake_context), self.opt, self.path)
if isinstance(fake_multi, Exception):
raise fake_multi
fake_multi.append(value, validate=False, force=True,
self._validate(value, fake_context, index, True)
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