179 lines
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179 lines
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.. module: lemur.endpoints.service
:platform: Unix
:synopsis: This module contains all of the services level functions used to
administer endpoints in Lemur
:copyright: (c) 2018 by Netflix Inc., see AUTHORS for more
:license: Apache, see LICENSE for more details.
.. moduleauthor:: Kevin Glisson <kglisson@netflix.com>
import arrow
from sqlalchemy import func
from lemur import database
from lemur.common.utils import truthiness
from lemur.endpoints.models import Endpoint, Policy, Cipher
from lemur.extensions import metrics
def get_all():
Get all endpoints that are currently in Lemur.
:rtype : List
query = database.session_query(Endpoint)
return database.find_all(query, Endpoint, {}).all()
def get(endpoint_id):
Retrieves an endpoint given it's ID
:param endpoint_id:
return database.get(Endpoint, endpoint_id)
def get_by_name(name):
Retrieves an endpoint given it's name.
:param name:
return database.get(Endpoint, name, field='name')
def get_by_dnsname(dnsname):
Retrieves an endpoint given it's name.
:param dnsname:
return database.get(Endpoint, dnsname, field='dnsname')
def get_by_dnsname_and_port(dnsname, port):
Retrieves and endpoint by it's dnsname and port.
:param dnsname:
:param port:
return Endpoint.query.filter(Endpoint.dnsname == dnsname).filter(Endpoint.port == port).scalar()
def get_by_source(source_label):
Retrieves all endpoints for a given source.
:param source_label:
return Endpoint.query.filter(Endpoint.source.label == source_label).all() # noqa
def get_all_pending_rotation():
Retrieves all endpoints which have certificates deployed
that have been replaced.
return Endpoint.query.filter(Endpoint.replaced.any()).all()
def create(**kwargs):
Creates a new endpoint.
:param kwargs:
endpoint = Endpoint(**kwargs)
metrics.send('endpoint_added', 'counter', 1, metric_tags={'source': endpoint.source.label})
return endpoint
def get_or_create_policy(**kwargs):
policy = database.get(Policy, kwargs['name'], field='name')
if not policy:
policy = Policy(**kwargs)
return policy
def get_or_create_cipher(**kwargs):
cipher = database.get(Cipher, kwargs['name'], field='name')
if not cipher:
cipher = Cipher(**kwargs)
return cipher
def update(endpoint_id, **kwargs):
endpoint = database.get(Endpoint, endpoint_id)
endpoint.policy = kwargs['policy']
endpoint.certificate = kwargs['certificate']
endpoint.source = kwargs['source']
endpoint.last_updated = arrow.utcnow()
metrics.send('endpoint_updated', 'counter', 1, metric_tags={'source': endpoint.source.label})
return endpoint
def render(args):
Helper that helps us render the REST Api responses.
:param args:
query = database.session_query(Endpoint)
filt = args.pop('filter')
if filt:
terms = filt.split(';')
if 'active' in filt: # this is really weird but strcmp seems to not work here??
query = query.filter(Endpoint.active == truthiness(terms[1]))
elif 'port' in filt:
if terms[1] != 'null': # ng-table adds 'null' if a number is removed
query = query.filter(Endpoint.port == terms[1])
elif 'ciphers' in filt:
query = query.filter(
Cipher.name == terms[1]
query = database.filter(query, Endpoint, terms)
return database.sort_and_page(query, Endpoint, args)
def stats(**kwargs):
Helper that defines some useful statistics about endpoints.
:param kwargs:
attr = getattr(Endpoint, kwargs.get('metric'))
query = database.db.session.query(attr, func.count(attr))
items = query.group_by(attr).all()
keys = []
values = []
for key, count in items:
return {'labels': keys, 'values': values}