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.. module: lemur.notifications.messaging
:platform: Unix
:copyright: (c) 2015 by Netflix Inc., see AUTHORS for more
:license: Apache, see LICENSE for more details.
.. moduleauthor:: Kevin Glisson <kglisson@netflix.com>
import arrow
from flask import current_app
from lemur import database, metrics
from lemur.certificates.schemas import certificate_notification_output_schema
from lemur.notifications.models import Notification
from lemur.plugins import plugins
from lemur.plugins.utils import get_plugin_option
def send_expiration_notifications():
This function will check for upcoming certificate expiration,
and send out notification emails at given intervals.
sent = 0
for plugin in plugins.all(plugin_type='notification'):
notifications = database.db.session.query(Notification)\
.filter(Notification.plugin_name == plugin.slug)\
.filter(Notification.active == True).all() # noqa
messages = []
for n in notifications:
for certificate in n.certificates:
if needs_notification(certificate):
data = certificate_notification_output_schema.dump(certificate).data
messages.append((data, n.options))
for data, options in messages:
plugin.send('expiration', data, [data['owner']], options)
metrics.send('expiration_notification_sent', 'counter', 1)
sent += 1
except Exception as e:
metrics.send('expiration_notification_failure', 'counter', 1)
return sent
def send_rotation_notification(certificate, notification_plugin=None):
Sends a report to certificate owners when their certificate as been
:param certificate:
if not notification_plugin:
notification_plugin = plugins.get(current_app.config.get('LEMUR_DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_PLUGIN'))
data = certificate_notification_output_schema.dump(certificate).data
notification_plugin.send('rotation', data, [data['owner']])
metrics.send('rotation_notification_sent', 'counter', 1)
except Exception as e:
metrics.send('rotation_notification_failure', 'counter', 1)
def needs_notification(certificate):
Determine if notifications for a given certificate should
currently be sent
:param certificate:
if not certificate.notify:
if not certificate.notifications:
now = arrow.utcnow()
days = (certificate.not_after - now).days
for notification in certificate.notifications:
interval = get_plugin_option('interval', notification.options)
unit = get_plugin_option('unit', notification.options)
if unit == 'weeks':
interval *= 7
elif unit == 'months':
interval *= 30
elif unit == 'days': # it's nice to be explicit about the base unit
raise Exception("Invalid base unit for expiration interval: {0}".format(unit))
if days == interval:
return certificate