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.. module: lemur.authorities.service
:platform: Unix
:synopsis: This module contains all of the services level functions used to
administer authorities in Lemur
:copyright: (c) 2015 by Netflix Inc., see AUTHORS for more
:license: Apache, see LICENSE for more details.
.. moduleauthor:: Kevin Glisson <kglisson@netflix.com>
from flask import g
from flask import current_app
from lemur import database
from lemur.authorities.models import Authority
from lemur.roles import service as role_service
from lemur.notifications import service as notification_service
from lemur.roles.models import Role
from lemur.certificates.models import Certificate
from lemur.plugins.base import plugins
def update(authority_id, description=None, owner=None, active=None, roles=None):
Update a an authority with new values.
:param authority_id:
:param roles: roles that are allowed to use this authority
:rtype : Authority
authority = get(authority_id)
if roles:
authority = database.update_list(authority, 'roles', Role, roles)
if active:
authority.active = active
authority.description = description
authority.owner = owner
return database.update(authority)
def create(kwargs):
Create a new authority.
:rtype : Authority
issuer = plugins.get(kwargs.get('pluginName'))
kwargs['creator'] = g.current_user.email
cert_body, intermediate, issuer_roles = issuer.create_authority(kwargs)
cert = Certificate(cert_body, chain=intermediate)
cert.owner = kwargs['ownerEmail']
cert.description = "This is the ROOT certificate for the {0} certificate authority".format(kwargs.get('caName'))
cert.user = g.current_user
cert.notifications = notification_service.create_default_expiration_notifications(
# we create and attach any roles that the issuer gives us
role_objs = []
for r in issuer_roles:
role = role_service.create(
description="{0} auto generated role".format(kwargs.get('pluginName')),
# the user creating the authority should be able to administer it
if role.username == 'admin':
authority = Authority(
authority = database.create(authority)
return authority
def get_all():
Get all authorities that are currently in Lemur.
:rtype : List
query = database.session_query(Authority)
return database.find_all(query, Authority, {}).all()
def get(authority_id):
Retrieves an authority given it's ID
:rtype : Authority
:param authority_id:
return database.get(Authority, authority_id)
def get_by_name(authority_name):
Retrieves an authority given it's name.
:param authority_name:
:rtype : Authority
return database.get(Authority, authority_name, field='name')
def get_authority_role(ca_name):
Attempts to get the authority role for a given ca uses current_user
as a basis for accomplishing that.
:param ca_name:
if g.current_user.is_admin:
authority = get_by_name(ca_name)
# TODO we should pick admin ca roles for admin
return authority.roles[0]
for role in g.current_user.roles:
if role.authority:
if role.authority.name == ca_name:
return role
def render(args):
Helper that helps us render the REST Api responses.
:param args:
query = database.session_query(Authority)
sort_by = args.pop('sort_by')
sort_dir = args.pop('sort_dir')
page = args.pop('page')
count = args.pop('count')
filt = args.pop('filter')
if filt:
terms = filt.split(';')
if 'active' in filt: # this is really weird but strcmp seems to not work here??
query = query.filter(Authority.active == terms[1])
query = database.filter(query, Authority, terms)
# we make sure that a user can only use an authority they either own are are a member of - admins can see all
if not g.current_user.is_admin:
authority_ids = []
for role in g.current_user.roles:
if role.authority:
query = query.filter(Authority.id.in_(authority_ids))
query = database.find_all(query, Authority, args)
if sort_by and sort_dir:
query = database.sort(query, Authority, sort_by, sort_dir)
return database.paginate(query, page, count)