
335 lines
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.. module: lemur.certificates.models
:platform: Unix
:copyright: (c) 2015 by Netflix Inc., see AUTHORS for more
:license: Apache, see LICENSE for more details.
.. moduleauthor:: Kevin Glisson <kglisson@netflix.com>
import datetime
from flask import current_app
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy import event, Integer, ForeignKey, String, DateTime, PassiveDefault, func, Column, Text, Boolean
from lemur.utils import Vault
from lemur.database import db
from lemur.plugins.base import plugins
from lemur.domains.models import Domain
from lemur.models import certificate_associations, certificate_source_associations, \
certificate_destination_associations, certificate_notification_associations, \
def create_name(issuer, not_before, not_after, subject, san):
Create a name for our certificate. A naming standard
is based on a series of templates. The name includes
useful information such as Common Name, Validation dates,
and Issuer.
:param san:
:param subject:
:param not_after:
:param issuer:
:param not_before:
:rtype : str
if san:
temp = t.format(
# NOTE we may want to give more control over naming
# aws doesn't allow special chars except '-'
disallowed_chars = ''.join(c for c in map(chr, range(256)) if not c.isalnum())
disallowed_chars = disallowed_chars.replace("-", "")
disallowed_chars = disallowed_chars.replace(".", "")
temp = temp.replace('*', "WILDCARD")
for c in disallowed_chars:
temp = temp.replace(c, "")
# white space is silly too
return temp.replace(" ", "-")
def get_signing_algorithm(cert):
return cert.signature_hash_algorithm.name
def get_cn(cert):
Attempts to get a sane common name from a given certificate.
:param cert:
:return: Common name or None
return cert.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(
def get_domains(cert):
Attempts to get an domains listed in a certificate.
If 'subjectAltName' extension is not available we simply
return the common name.
:param cert:
:return: List of domains
domains = []
ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(x509.OID_SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME)
entries = ext.value.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)
for entry in entries:
except Exception as e:
current_app.logger.warning("Failed to get SubjectAltName: {0}".format(e))
return domains
def get_serial(cert):
Fetch the serial number from the certificate.
:param cert:
:return: serial number
return cert.serial
def is_san(cert):
Determines if a given certificate is a SAN certificate.
SAN certificates are simply certificates that cover multiple domains.
:param cert:
:return: Bool
if len(get_domains(cert)) > 1:
return True
def is_wildcard(cert):
Determines if certificate is a wildcard certificate.
:param cert:
:return: Bool
domains = get_domains(cert)
if len(domains) == 1 and domains[0][0:1] == "*":
return True
if cert.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(x509.OID_COMMON_NAME)[0].value[0:1] == "*":
return True
def get_bitstrength(cert):
Calculates a certificates public key bit length.
:param cert:
:return: Integer
return cert.public_key().key_size
def get_issuer(cert):
Gets a sane issuer from a given certificate.
:param cert:
:return: Issuer
delchars = ''.join(c for c in map(chr, range(256)) if not c.isalnum())
issuer = str(cert.issuer.get_attributes_for_oid(x509.OID_ORGANIZATION_NAME)[0].value)
for c in delchars:
issuer = issuer.replace(c, "")
return issuer
except Exception as e:
current_app.logger.error("Unable to get issuer! {0}".format(e))
def get_not_before(cert):
Gets the naive datetime of the certificates 'not_before' field.
This field denotes the first date in time which the given certificate
is valid.
:param cert:
:return: Datetime
return cert.not_valid_before
def get_not_after(cert):
Gets the naive datetime of the certificates 'not_after' field.
This field denotes the last date in time which the given certificate
is valid.
:param cert:
:return: Datetime
return cert.not_valid_after
def get_name_from_arn(arn):
Extract the certificate name from an arn.
:param arn: IAM SSL arn
:return: name of the certificate as uploaded to AWS
return arn.split("/", 1)[1]
def get_account_number(arn):
Extract the account number from an arn.
:param arn: IAM SSL arn
:return: account number associated with ARN
return arn.split(":")[4]
class Certificate(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'certificates'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
owner = Column(String(128))
body = Column(Text())
private_key = Column(Vault)
status = Column(String(128))
deleted = Column(Boolean, index=True)
name = Column(String(128))
chain = Column(Text())
bits = Column(Integer())
issuer = Column(String(128))
serial = Column(String(128))
cn = Column(String(128))
description = Column(String(1024))
active = Column(Boolean, default=True)
san = Column(String(1024))
not_before = Column(DateTime)
not_after = Column(DateTime)
date_created = Column(DateTime, PassiveDefault(func.now()), nullable=False)
signing_algorithm = Column(String(128))
user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('users.id'))
authority_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('authorities.id'))
notifications = relationship("Notification", secondary=certificate_notification_associations, backref='certificate')
destinations = relationship("Destination", secondary=certificate_destination_associations, backref='certificate')
replaces = relationship("Certificate",
primaryjoin=id == certificate_replacement_associations.c.certificate_id, # noqa
secondaryjoin=id == certificate_replacement_associations.c.replaced_certificate_id, # noqa
sources = relationship("Source", secondary=certificate_source_associations, backref='certificate')
domains = relationship("Domain", secondary=certificate_associations, backref="certificate")
def __init__(self, body, private_key=None, chain=None):
self.body = body
# We encrypt the private_key on creation
self.private_key = private_key
self.chain = chain
cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(str(self.body), default_backend())
self.signing_algorithm = get_signing_algorithm(cert)
self.bits = get_bitstrength(cert)
self.issuer = get_issuer(cert)
self.serial = get_serial(cert)
self.cn = get_cn(cert)
self.san = is_san(cert)
self.not_before = get_not_before(cert)
self.not_after = get_not_after(cert)
self.name = create_name(self.issuer, self.not_before, self.not_after, self.cn, self.san)
for domain in get_domains(cert):
def is_expired(self):
if self.not_after < datetime.datetime.now():
return True
def is_unused(self):
if self.elb_listeners.count() == 0:
return True
def is_revoked(self):
# we might not yet know the condition of the cert
if self.status:
if 'revoked' in self.status:
return True
def get_arn(self, account_number):
Generate a valid AWS IAM arn
:rtype : str
:param account_number:
return "arn:aws:iam::{}:server-certificate/{}".format(account_number, self.name)
@event.listens_for(Certificate.destinations, 'append')
def update_destinations(target, value, initiator):
Attempt to upload the new certificate to the new destination
:param target:
:param value:
:param initiator:
destination_plugin = plugins.get(value.plugin_name)
destination_plugin.upload(target.name, target.body, target.private_key, target.chain, value.options)
@event.listens_for(Certificate.replaces, 'append')
def update_replacement(target, value, initiator):
When a certificate is marked as 'replaced' it is then marked as in-active
:param target:
:param value:
:param initiator:
value.active = False
@event.listens_for(Certificate, 'before_update')
def protect_active(mapper, connection, target):
When a certificate has a replacement do not allow it to be marked as 'active'
:param connection:
:param mapper:
:param target:
if target.active:
if target.replaced:
raise Exception("Cannot mark certificate as active, certificate has been marked as replaced.")