Kush Bavishi 44bc562e8b
Update ultradns.py
Minor logging changes in wait_for_dns_change
2019-07-30 13:08:16 -07:00

324 lines
11 KiB

import time
import requests
import json
from .ultradns_zone import Zone
from .ultradns_record import Record
import dns
import dns.exception
import dns.name
import dns.query
import dns.resolver
from flask import current_app
from lemur.extensions import metrics, sentry
def get_ultradns_token():
# Function to call the UltraDNS Authorization API. Returns the Authorization access_token
# which is valid for 1 hour. Each request calls this function and we generate a new token
# every time.
path = "/v2/authorization/token"
data = {
"grant_type": "password",
"username": current_app.config.get("ACME_ULTRADNS_USERNAME", ""),
"password": current_app.config.get("ACME_ULTRADNS_PASSWORD", ""),
base_uri = current_app.config.get("ACME_ULTRADNS_DOMAIN", "")
resp = requests.post("{0}{1}".format(base_uri, path), data=data, verify=True)
return resp.json()["access_token"]
def _generate_header():
# Function to generate the header for a request. Contains the Authorization access_key
# obtained from the get_ultradns_token() function.
access_token = get_ultradns_token()
return {"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(access_token), "Content-Type": "application/json"}
def _paginate(path, key):
limit = 100
params = {"offset": 0, "limit": 1}
resp = _get(path, params)
for index in range(0, resp["resultInfo"]["totalCount"], limit):
params["offset"] = index
params["limit"] = limit
resp = _get(path, params)
yield resp[key]
def _get(path, params=None):
# Function to execute a GET request on the given URL (base_uri + path) with given params
base_uri = current_app.config.get("ACME_ULTRADNS_DOMAIN", "")
resp = requests.get(
"{0}{1}".format(base_uri, path),
return resp.json()
def _delete(path):
# Function to execute a DELETE request on the given URL
base_uri = current_app.config.get("ACME_ULTRADNS_DOMAIN", "")
resp = requests.delete(
"{0}{1}".format(base_uri, path),
def _post(path, params):
# Executes a POST request on given URL. Body is sent in JSON format
base_uri = current_app.config.get("ACME_ULTRADNS_DOMAIN", "")
resp = requests.post(
"{0}{1}".format(base_uri, path),
def _has_dns_propagated(name, token, domain):
# Check whether the DNS change made by Lemur have propagated to the public DNS or not.
# Invoked by wait_for_dns_change() function
txt_records = []
dns_resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver()
dns_resolver.nameservers = [domain]
dns_response = dns_resolver.query(name, "TXT")
for rdata in dns_response:
for txt_record in rdata.strings:
except dns.exception.DNSException:
metrics.send("has_dns_propagated_fail", "counter", 1)
return False
for txt_record in txt_records:
if txt_record == token:
metrics.send("has_dns_propagated_success", "counter", 1)
return True
return False
def wait_for_dns_change(change_id, account_number=None):
# Waits and checks if the DNS changes have propagated or not.
# First check the domains authoritative server. Once this succeeds,
# we ask a public DNS server (Google <> in our case).
fqdn, token = change_id
number_of_attempts = 20
nameserver = get_authoritative_nameserver(fqdn)
for attempts in range(0, number_of_attempts):
status = _has_dns_propagated(fqdn, token, nameserver)
current_app.logger.debug("Record status on ultraDNS authoritative server for fqdn: {}: {}".format(fqdn, status))
if status:
if status:
for attempts in range(0, number_of_attempts):
status = _has_dns_propagated(fqdn, token, get_public_authoritative_nameserver())
current_app.logger.debug("Record status on Google DNS for fqdn: {}: {}".format(fqdn, status))
if status:
metrics.send("wait_for_dns_change_success", "counter", 1)
if not status:
metrics.send("wait_for_dns_change_fail", "counter", 1)
sentry.captureException(extra={"fqdn": str(fqdn), "txt_record": str(token)})
metric_tags={"fqdn": fqdn, "txt_record": token},
def get_zones(account_number):
# Get zones from the UltraDNS
path = "/v2/zones"
zones = []
for page in _paginate(path, "zones"):
for elem in page:
# UltraDNS zone names end with a "." - Example - lemur.example.com.
# We pick out the names minus the "." at the end while returning the list
zone = Zone(elem)
if zone.authoritative_type == "PRIMARY" and zone.status == "ACTIVE":
return zones
def get_zone_name(domain, account_number):
# Get the matching zone for the given domain
zones = get_zones(account_number)
zone_name = ""
for z in zones:
if domain.endswith(z):
# Find the most specific zone possible for the domain
# Ex: If fqdn is a.b.c.com, there is a zone for c.com,
# and a zone for b.c.com, we want to use b.c.com.
if z.count(".") > zone_name.count("."):
zone_name = z
if not zone_name:
metrics.send("ultradns_no_zone_name", "counter", 1)
raise Exception("No UltraDNS zone found for domain: {}".format(domain))
return zone_name
def create_txt_record(domain, token, account_number):
# Create a TXT record for the given domain.
# The part of the domain that matches with the zone becomes the zone name.
# The remainder becomes the owner name (referred to as node name here)
# Example: Let's say we have a zone named "exmaple.com" in UltraDNS and we
# get a request to create a cert for lemur.example.com
# Domain - _acme-challenge.lemur.example.com
# Matching zone - example.com
# Owner name - _acme-challenge.lemur
zone_name = get_zone_name(domain, account_number)
zone_parts = len(zone_name.split("."))
node_name = ".".join(domain.split(".")[:-zone_parts])
fqdn = "{0}.{1}".format(node_name, zone_name)
path = "/v2/zones/{0}/rrsets/TXT/{1}".format(zone_name, node_name)
params = {
"ttl": 5,
"rdata": [
_post(path, params)
"TXT record created: {0}, token: {1}".format(fqdn, token)
except Exception as e:
"Unable to add record. Domain: {}. Token: {}. "
"Record already exists: {}".format(domain, token, e),
change_id = (fqdn, token)
return change_id
def delete_txt_record(change_id, account_number, domain, token):
# Delete the TXT record that was created in the create_txt_record() function.
# UltraDNS handles records differently compared to Dyn. It creates an RRSet
# which is a set of records of the same type and owner. This means
# that while deleting the record, we cannot delete any individual record from
# the RRSet. Instead, we have to delete the entire RRSet. If multiple certs are
# being created for the same domain at the same time, the challenge TXT records
# that are created will be added under the same RRSet. If the RRSet had more
# than 1 record, then we create a new RRSet on UltraDNS minus the record that
# has to be deleted.
if not domain:
current_app.logger.debug("delete_txt_record: No domain passed")
zone_name = get_zone_name(domain, account_number)
zone_parts = len(zone_name.split("."))
node_name = ".".join(domain.split(".")[:-zone_parts])
path = "/v2/zones/{}/rrsets/16/{}".format(zone_name, node_name)
rrsets = _get(path)
record = Record(rrsets)
except Exception as e:
metrics.send("delete_txt_record_geterror", "counter", 1)
# No Text Records remain or host is not in the zone anymore because all records have been deleted.
# Remove the record from the RRSet locally
except ValueError:
current_app.logger.debug("Token not found")
# Delete the RRSet from UltraDNS
# Check if the RRSet has more records. If yes, add the modified RRSet back to UltraDNS
if len(record.rdata) > 0:
params = {
"ttl": 5,
"rdata": record.rdata,
_post(path, params)
def delete_acme_txt_records(domain):
if not domain:
current_app.logger.debug("delete_acme_txt_records: No domain passed")
acme_challenge_string = "_acme-challenge"
if not domain.startswith(acme_challenge_string):
"delete_acme_txt_records: Domain {} doesn't start with string {}. "
"Cowardly refusing to delete TXT records".format(
domain, acme_challenge_string
zone_name = get_zone_name(domain)
zone_parts = len(zone_name.split("."))
node_name = ".".join(domain.split(".")[:-zone_parts])
path = "/v2/zones/{}/rrsets/16/{}".format(zone_name, node_name)
def get_authoritative_nameserver(domain):
n = dns.name.from_text(domain)
depth = 2
default = dns.resolver.get_default_resolver()
nameserver = default.nameservers[0]
last = False
while not last:
s = n.split(depth)
last = s[0].to_unicode() == u"@"
sub = s[1]
query = dns.message.make_query(sub, dns.rdatatype.NS)
response = dns.query.udp(query, nameserver)
rcode = response.rcode()
if rcode != dns.rcode.NOERROR:
metrics.send("get_authoritative_nameserver_error", "counter", 1)
if rcode == dns.rcode.NXDOMAIN:
raise Exception("%s does not exist." % sub)
raise Exception("Error %s" % dns.rcode.to_text(rcode))
if len(response.authority) > 0:
rrset = response.authority[0]
rrset = response.answer[0]
rr = rrset[0]
if rr.rdtype != dns.rdatatype.SOA:
authority = rr.target
nameserver = default.query(authority).rrset[0].to_text()
depth += 1
return nameserver
def get_public_authoritative_nameserver():
return ""