278 lines
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.. module: lemur.schemas
:platform: unix
:copyright: (c) 2015 by Netflix Inc., see AUTHORS for more
:license: Apache, see LICENSE for more details.
.. moduleauthor:: Kevin Glisson <kglisson@netflix.com>
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from marshmallow import fields, post_load, pre_load, post_dump
from marshmallow.exceptions import ValidationError
from lemur.common import validators
from lemur.common.schema import LemurSchema, LemurInputSchema, LemurOutputSchema
from lemur.common.fields import KeyUsageExtension, ExtendedKeyUsageExtension, BasicConstraintsExtension, SubjectAlternativeNameExtension
from lemur.plugins import plugins
from lemur.plugins.utils import get_plugin_option
from lemur.roles.models import Role
from lemur.users.models import User
from lemur.authorities.models import Authority
from lemur.policies.models import RotationPolicy
from lemur.certificates.models import Certificate
from lemur.destinations.models import Destination
from lemur.notifications.models import Notification
def validate_options(options):
Ensures that the plugin options are valid.
:param options:
interval = get_plugin_option('interval', options)
unit = get_plugin_option('unit', options)
if not interval and not unit:
if unit == 'month':
interval *= 30
elif unit == 'week':
interval *= 7
if interval > 90:
raise ValidationError('Notification cannot be more than 90 days into the future.')
def get_object_attribute(data, many=False):
if many:
ids = [d.get('id') for d in data]
names = [d.get('name') for d in data]
if None in ids:
if None in names:
raise ValidationError('Associated object require a name or id.')
return 'name'
return 'id'
if data.get('id'):
return 'id'
elif data.get('name'):
return 'name'
raise ValidationError('Associated object require a name or id.')
def fetch_objects(model, data, many=False):
attr = get_object_attribute(data, many=many)
if many:
values = [v[attr] for v in data]
items = model.query.filter(getattr(model, attr).in_(values)).all()
found = [getattr(i, attr) for i in items]
diff = set(values).symmetric_difference(set(found))
if diff:
raise ValidationError('Unable to locate {model} with {attr} {diff}'.format(
return items
return model.query.filter(getattr(model, attr) == data[attr]).one()
except NoResultFound:
raise ValidationError('Unable to find {model} with {attr}: {data}'.format(
class AssociatedAuthoritySchema(LemurInputSchema):
id = fields.Int()
name = fields.String()
def get_object(self, data, many=False):
return fetch_objects(Authority, data, many=many)
class AssociatedRoleSchema(LemurInputSchema):
id = fields.Int()
name = fields.String()
def get_object(self, data, many=False):
return fetch_objects(Role, data, many=many)
class AssociatedDestinationSchema(LemurInputSchema):
id = fields.Int()
name = fields.String()
def get_object(self, data, many=False):
return fetch_objects(Destination, data, many=many)
class AssociatedNotificationSchema(LemurInputSchema):
id = fields.Int()
name = fields.String()
def get_object(self, data, many=False):
return fetch_objects(Notification, data, many=many)
class AssociatedCertificateSchema(LemurInputSchema):
id = fields.Int()
name = fields.String()
def get_object(self, data, many=False):
return fetch_objects(Certificate, data, many=many)
class AssociatedUserSchema(LemurInputSchema):
id = fields.Int()
name = fields.String()
def get_object(self, data, many=False):
return fetch_objects(User, data, many=many)
class AssociatedRotationPolicySchema(LemurInputSchema):
id = fields.Int()
name = fields.String()
def get_object(self, data, many=False):
return fetch_objects(RotationPolicy, data, many=many)
class DnsProviderSchema(LemurInputSchema):
id = fields.Integer()
name = fields.String()
class PluginInputSchema(LemurInputSchema):
plugin_options = fields.List(fields.Dict(), validate=validate_options)
slug = fields.String(required=True)
title = fields.String()
description = fields.String()
def get_object(self, data, many=False):
data['plugin_object'] = plugins.get(data['slug'])
# parse any sub-plugins
for option in data.get('plugin_options', []):
if 'plugin' in option.get('type', []):
sub_data, errors = PluginInputSchema().load(option['value'])
option['value'] = sub_data
return data
except Exception as e:
raise ValidationError('Unable to find plugin. Slug: {0} Reason: {1}'.format(data['slug'], e))
class PluginOutputSchema(LemurOutputSchema):
id = fields.Integer()
label = fields.String()
description = fields.String()
active = fields.Boolean()
options = fields.List(fields.Dict(), dump_to='pluginOptions')
slug = fields.String()
title = fields.String()
plugins_output_schema = PluginOutputSchema(many=True)
plugin_output_schema = PluginOutputSchema
class BaseExtensionSchema(LemurSchema):
def preprocess(self, data, many):
return self.under(data, many=many)
def post_process(self, data, many):
if data:
data = self.camel(data, many=many)
return data
class AuthorityKeyIdentifierSchema(BaseExtensionSchema):
use_key_identifier = fields.Boolean()
use_authority_cert = fields.Boolean()
class CertificateInfoAccessSchema(BaseExtensionSchema):
include_aia = fields.Boolean()
def handle_keys(self, data):
return {'includeAIA': data['include_aia']}
class CRLDistributionPointsSchema(BaseExtensionSchema):
include_crl_dp = fields.String()
def handle_keys(self, data):
return {'includeCRLDP': data['include_crl_dp']}
class SubjectKeyIdentifierSchema(BaseExtensionSchema):
include_ski = fields.Boolean()
def handle_keys(self, data):
return {'includeSKI': data['include_ski']}
class CustomOIDSchema(BaseExtensionSchema):
oid = fields.String()
encoding = fields.String(validate=validators.encoding)
value = fields.String()
is_critical = fields.Boolean()
class NamesSchema(BaseExtensionSchema):
names = SubjectAlternativeNameExtension()
class ExtensionSchema(BaseExtensionSchema):
basic_constraints = BasicConstraintsExtension() # some devices balk on default basic constraints
key_usage = KeyUsageExtension()
extended_key_usage = ExtendedKeyUsageExtension()
subject_key_identifier = fields.Nested(SubjectKeyIdentifierSchema)
sub_alt_names = fields.Nested(NamesSchema)
authority_key_identifier = fields.Nested(AuthorityKeyIdentifierSchema)
certificate_info_access = fields.Nested(CertificateInfoAccessSchema)
crl_distribution_points = fields.Nested(CRLDistributionPointsSchema, dump_to='cRL_distribution_points')
# FIXME: Convert custom OIDs to a custom field in fields.py like other Extensions
# FIXME: Remove support in UI for Critical custom extensions https://github.com/Netflix/lemur/issues/665
custom = fields.List(fields.Nested(CustomOIDSchema))
class EndpointNestedOutputSchema(LemurOutputSchema):
__envelope__ = False
id = fields.Integer()
description = fields.String()
name = fields.String()
dnsname = fields.String()
owner = fields.Email()
type = fields.String()
active = fields.Boolean()