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2015-06-22 22:47:27 +02:00
.. module: sync
:platform: Unix
:synopsis: This module contains various certificate syncing operations.
Because of the nature of the SSL environment there are multiple ways
a certificate could be created without Lemur's knowledge. Lemur attempts
to 'sync' with as many different datasources as possible to try and track
any certificate that may be in use.
This include querying AWS for certificates attached to ELBs, querying our own
internal CA for certificates issued. As well as some rudimentary source code
scraping that attempts to find certificates checked into source code.
These operations are typically run on a periodic basis from either the command
line or a cron job.
:copyright: (c) 2015 by Netflix Inc., see AUTHORS for more
:license: Apache, see LICENSE for more details.
.. moduleauthor:: Kevin Glisson <kglisson@netflix.com>
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from flask import current_app
from lemur.users import service as user_service
from lemur.accounts import service as account_service
from lemur.certificates import service as cert_service
from lemur.certificates.models import Certificate, get_name_from_arn
from lemur.common.services.aws.iam import get_all_server_certs
from lemur.common.services.aws.iam import get_cert_from_arn
from lemur.common.services.issuers.manager import get_plugin_by_name
def aws():
Attempts to retrieve all certificates located in known AWS accounts
:raise e:
new = 0
updated = 0
# all certificates 'discovered' by lemur are tracked by the lemur
# user
user = user_service.get_by_email('lemur@nobody')
# we don't need to check regions as IAM is a global service
for account in account_service.get_all():
certificate_bodies = []
cert_arns = get_all_server_certs(account.account_number)
except Exception as e:
current_app.logger.error("Failed to to get Certificates from '{}/{}' reason {}".format(
account.label, account.account_number, e.message)
raise e
current_app.logger.info("found {} certs from '{}/{}' ... ".format(
len(cert_arns), account.account_number, account.label)
for cert in cert_arns:
cert_body = get_cert_from_arn(cert.arn)[0]
existing = cert_service.find_duplicates(cert_body)
if not existing:
**{'owner': 'secops@netflix.com',
'creator': 'Lemur',
'name': get_name_from_arn(cert.arn),
'account': account,
'user': user,
'public_certificate': cert_body
new += 1
elif len(existing) == 1: # we check to make sure we know about the current account for this certificate
for e_account in existing[0].accounts:
if e_account.account_number == account.account_number:
else: # we have a new account
updated += 1
"Multiple certificates with the same body found, unable to correctly determine which entry to update"
# make sure we remove any certs that have been removed from AWS
cert_service.disassociate_aws_account(certificate_bodies, account)
current_app.logger.info("found {} new certificates in aws {}".format(new, account.label))
def cloudca():
Attempts to retrieve all certificates that are stored in CloudCA
user = user_service.get_by_email('lemur@nobody')
# sync all new certificates/authorities not created through lemur
issuer = get_plugin_by_name('cloudca')
authorities = issuer.get_authorities()
total = 0
new = 1
for authority in authorities:
certs = issuer.get_cert(ca_name=authority)
for cert in certs:
total += 1
cert['user'] = user
existing = cert_service.find_duplicates(cert['public_certificate'])
if not existing:
new += 1
except NameError as e:
current_app.logger.error("Cannot import certificate {0}".format(cert))
current_app.logger.debug("Found {0} total certificates in cloudca".format(total))
current_app.logger.debug("Found {0} new certificates in cloudca".format(new))
def source():
Attempts to track certificates that are stored in Source Code
new = 0
keywords = ['"--- Begin Certificate ---"']
endpoint = current_app.config.get('LEMUR_SOURCE_SEARCH')
maxresults = 25000
current_app.logger.info("Searching {0} for new certificates".format(endpoint))
for keyword in keywords:
current_app.logger.info("Looking for keyword: {0}".format(keyword))
url = "{}/source/s?n={}&start=1&sort=relevancy&q={}&project=github%2Cperforce%2Cstash".format(endpoint, maxresults, keyword)
current_app.logger.debug("Request url: {0}".format(url))
r = requests.get(url, timeout=20)
if r.status_code != 200:
current_app.logger.error("Unable to retrieve: {0} Status Code: {1}".format(url, r.status_code))
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
results = soup.find_all(title='Download')
for result in results:
parts = result['href'].split('/')
path = "/".join(parts[:-1])
filename = parts[-1:][0]
r = requests.get("{0}{1}/{2}".format(endpoint, path, filename))
if r.status_code != 200:
current_app.logger.error("Unable to retrieve: {0} Status Code: {1}".format(url, r.status_code))
# validate we have a real certificate
cert = Certificate(r.content)
# do a lookup to see if we know about this certificate
existing = cert_service.find_duplicates(r.content)
if not existing:
new += 1
except Exception as e:
current_app.logger.debug("Could not parse the following 'certificate': {0} Reason: {1}".format(r.content, e))