* Azure worker pools must be in the same region as the cluster itself unfortunately
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Worker Pools
Typhoon AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud allow additional groups of workers to be defined and joined to a cluster. For example, add worker pools of instances with different types, disk sizes, Container Linux channels, or preemptibility modes.
Internal Terraform Modules:
Create a cluster following the AWS tutorial. Define a worker pool using the AWS internal workers
module "tempest-worker-pool" {
source = "git::https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon//aws/container-linux/kubernetes/workers?ref=v1.11.2"
providers = {
aws = "aws.default"
vpc_id = "${module.aws-tempest.vpc_id}"
subnet_ids = "${module.aws-tempest.subnet_ids}"
security_groups = "${module.aws-tempest.worker_security_groups}"
# configuration
name = "tempest-worker-pool"
kubeconfig = "${module.aws-tempest.kubeconfig}"
ssh_authorized_key = "${var.ssh_authorized_key}"
# optional
count = 2
instance_type = "m5.large"
os_image = "coreos-beta"
Apply the change.
terraform apply
Verify an auto-scaling group of workers joins the cluster within a few minutes.
The AWS internal workers
module supports a number of variables.
Name | Description | Example |
name | Unique name (distinct from cluster name) | "tempest-m5s" |
vpc_id | Must be set to vpc_id output by cluster |
"${module.cluster.vpc_id}" |
subnet_ids | Must be set to subnet_ids output by cluster |
"${module.cluster.subnet_ids}" |
security_groups | Must be set to worker_security_groups output by cluster |
"${module.cluster.worker_security_groups}" |
kubeconfig | Must be set to kubeconfig output by cluster |
"${module.cluster.kubeconfig}" |
ssh_authorized_key | SSH public key for user 'core' | "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NZ..." |
Name | Description | Default | Example |
count | Number of instances | 1 | 3 |
instance_type | EC2 instance type | "t2.small" | "t2.medium" |
os_image | AMI channel for a Container Linux derivative | coreos-stable | coreos-stable, coreos-beta, coreos-alpha, flatcar-stable, flatcar-beta, flatcar-alpha |
disk_size | Size of the disk in GB | 40 | 100 |
spot_price | Spot price in USD for workers. Leave as default empty string for regular on-demand instances | "" | "0.10" |
service_cidr | Must match service_cidr of cluster |
"" | "" |
cluster_domain_suffix | Must match cluster_domain_suffix of cluster |
"cluster.local" | "k8s.example.com" |
Check the list of valid instance types or per-region and per-type spot prices.
Create a cluster following the Azure tutorial. Define a worker pool using the Azure internal workers
module "ramius-worker-pool" {
source = "git::https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon//azure/container-linux/kubernetes/workers?ref=v1.11.3"
providers = {
azurerm = "azurerm.default"
# Azure
region = "${module.azure-ramius.region}"
resource_group_name = "${module.azure-ramius.resource_group_name}"
subnet_id = "${module.azure-ramius.subnet_id}"
security_group_id = "${module.azure-ramius.security_group_id}"
backend_address_pool_id = "${module.azure-ramius.backend_address_pool_id}"
# configuration
name = "ramius-low-priority"
kubeconfig = "${module.azure-ramius.kubeconfig}"
ssh_authorized_key = "${var.ssh_authorized_key}"
# optional
count = 2
vm_type = "Standard_F4"
priority = "Low"
Apply the change.
terraform apply
Verify a scale set of workers joins the cluster within a few minutes.
The Azure internal workers
module supports a number of variables.
Name | Description | Example |
name | Unique name (distinct from cluster name) | "ramius-f4" |
region | Must be set to region output by cluster |
"${module.cluster.region}" |
resource_group_name | Must be set to resource_group_name output by cluster |
"${module.cluster.resource_group_name}" |
subnet_id | Must be set to subnet_id output by cluster |
"${module.cluster.subnet_id}" |
security_group_id | Must be set to security_group_id output by cluster |
"${module.cluster.security_group_id}" |
backend_address_pool_id | Must be set to backend_address_pool_id output by cluster |
"${module.cluster.backend_address_pool_id}" |
kubeconfig | Must be set to kubeconfig output by cluster |
"${module.cluster.kubeconfig}" |
ssh_authorized_key | SSH public key for user 'core' | "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NZ..." |
Name | Description | Default | Example |
count | Number of instances | 1 | 3 |
vm_type | Machine type for instances | "Standard_F1" | See below |
os_image | Channel for a Container Linux derivative | coreos-stable | coreos-stable, coreos-beta, coreos-alpha |
priority | Set priority to Low to use reduced cost surplus capacity, with the tradeoff that instances can be deallocated at any time | Regular | Low |
clc_snippets | Container Linux Config snippets | [] | example |
service_cidr | CIDR IPv4 range to assign to Kubernetes services | "" | "" |
cluster_domain_suffix | FQDN suffix for Kubernetes services answered by coredns. | "cluster.local" | "k8s.example.com" |
Check the list of valid machine types and their specs. Use az vm list-skus
to get the identifier.
Google Cloud
Create a cluster following the Google Cloud tutorial. Define a worker pool using the Google Cloud internal workers
module "yavin-worker-pool" {
source = "git::https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon//google-cloud/container-linux/kubernetes/workers?ref=v1.11.2"
providers = {
google = "google.default"
# Google Cloud
region = "europe-west2"
network = "${module.google-cloud-yavin.network_name}"
cluster_name = "yavin"
# configuration
name = "yavin-16x"
kubeconfig = "${module.google-cloud-yavin.kubeconfig}"
ssh_authorized_key = "${var.ssh_authorized_key}"
# optional
count = 2
machine_type = "n1-standard-16"
os_image = "coreos-beta"
preemptible = true
Apply the change.
terraform apply
Verify a managed instance group of workers joins the cluster within a few minutes.
$ kubectl get nodes
yavin-controller-0.c.example-com.internal Ready 6m v1.11.2
yavin-worker-jrbf.c.example-com.internal Ready 5m v1.11.2
yavin-worker-mzdm.c.example-com.internal Ready 5m v1.11.2
yavin-16x-worker-jrbf.c.example-com.internal Ready 3m v1.11.2
yavin-16x-worker-mzdm.c.example-com.internal Ready 3m v1.11.2
The Google Cloud internal workers
module supports a number of variables.
Name | Description | Example |
name | Unique name (distinct from cluster name) | "yavin-16x" |
region | Region for the worker pool instances. May differ from the cluster's region | "europe-west2" |
network | Must be set to network_name output by cluster |
"${module.cluster.network_name}" |
cluster_name | Must be set to cluster_name of cluster |
"yavin" |
kubeconfig | Must be set to kubeconfig output by cluster |
"${module.cluster.kubeconfig}" |
ssh_authorized_key | SSH public key for user 'core' | "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NZ..." |
Check the list of regions docs or with gcloud compute regions list
Name | Description | Default | Example |
count | Number of instances | 1 | 3 |
machine_type | Compute instance machine type | "n1-standard-1" | See below |
os_image | Container Linux image for compute instances | "coreos-stable" | "coreos-alpha", "coreos-beta" |
disk_size | Size of the disk in GB | 40 | 100 |
preemptible | If true, Compute Engine will terminate instances randomly within 24 hours | false | true |
service_cidr | Must match service_cidr of cluster |
"" | "" |
cluster_domain_suffix | Must match cluster_domain_suffix of cluster |
"cluster.local" | "k8s.example.com" |
Check the list of valid machine types.