* Generated Kubelet TLS certificate and key are not longer
used or distributed to machines since Kubelet TLS bootstrap
is used instead. Remove the certificate and key from state
* Enable terraform-provider-ct `strict` mode for parsing
Container Linux Configs and snippets
* Fix Container Linux Config systemd unit syntax `enable`
(old) to `enabled`
* Align with Fedora CoreOS which uses strict mode already
* Build Kubelet container images internally and publish
to Quay and Dockerhub (new) as an alternative in case of
registry outage or breach
* Use our infra to provide single and multi-arch (default)
Kublet images for possible future use
* Docs: Show how to use alternative Kubelet images via
snippets and a systemd dropin (builds on #737)
* Update docs with changes to Kubelet image building
* If you prefer to trust images built by Quay/Dockerhub,
automated image builds are still available with unique
tags (albeit with some limitations):
* Quay automated builds are tagged `build-{short_sha}`
(limit: only amd64)
* Dockerhub automated builts are tagged `build-{tag}`
and `build-master` (limit: only amd64, no shas)
* Kubelet: https://github.com/poseidon/kubelet
* Docs: https://typhoon.psdn.io/topics/security/#container-images
* Registries:
* quay.io/poseidon/kubelet
* docker.io/psdn/kubelet
* Write the systemd kubelet.service to use `KUBELET_IMAGE`
as the Kubelet. This provides a nice way to use systemd
dropins to temporarily override the image (e.g. during a
registry outage)
Note: Only Typhoon Kubelet images and registries are supported.
* Set a consistent MCS level/range for Calico install-cni
* Note: Rebooting a node was a workaround, because Kubelet
relabels /etc/kubernetes(/cni/net.d)
* On SELinux enforcing systems, the Calico CNI install-cni
container ran with default SELinux context and a random MCS
pair. install-cni places CNI configs by first creating a
temporary file and then moving them into place, which means
the file MCS categories depend on the containers SELinux
* calico-node Pod restarts creates a new install-cni container
with a different MCS pair that cannot access the earlier
written file (it places configs every time), causing the
init container to error and calico-node to crash loop
* https://github.com/projectcalico/cni-plugin/issues/874
mv: inter-device move failed: '/calico.conf.tmp' to
'/host/etc/cni/net.d/10-calico.conflist'; unable to remove target:
Permission denied
Failed to mv files. This may be caused by selinux configuration on
host, or something else.
Note, this isn't a host SELinux configuration issue.
* https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootstrap/pull/186
* Enable bootstrap token authentication on kube-apiserver
* Generate the bootstrap.kubernetes.io/token Secret that
may be used as a bootstrap token
* Generate a bootstrap kubeconfig (with a bootstrap token)
to be securely distributed to nodes. Each Kubelet will use
the bootstrap kubeconfig to authenticate to kube-apiserver
as `system:bootstrappers` and send a node-unique CSR for
kube-controller-manager to automatically approve to issue
a Kubelet certificate and kubeconfig (expires in 72 hours)
* Add ClusterRoleBinding for bootstrap token subjects
(`system:bootstrappers`) to have the `system:node-bootstrapper`
* Add ClusterRoleBinding for bootstrap token subjects
(`system:bootstrappers`) to have the csr nodeclient ClusterRole
* Add ClusterRoleBinding for bootstrap token subjects
(`system:bootstrappers`) to have the csr selfnodeclient ClusterRole
* Enable NodeRestriction admission controller to limit the
scope of Node or Pod objects a Kubelet can modify to those of
the node itself
* Ability for a Kubelet to delete its Node object is retained
as preemptible nodes or those in auto-scaling instance groups
need to be able to remove themselves on shutdown. This need
continues to have precedence over any risk of a node deleting
itself maliciously
Security notes:
1. Issued Kubelet certificates authenticate as user `system:node:NAME`
and group `system:nodes` and are limited in their authorization
to perform API operations by Node authorization and NodeRestriction
admission. Previously, a Kubelet's authorization was broader. This
is the primary security motivation.
2. The bootstrap kubeconfig credential has the same sensitivity
as the previous generated TLS client-certificate kubeconfig.
It must be distributed securely to nodes. Its compromise still
allows an attacker to obtain a Kubelet kubeconfig
3. Bootstrapping Kubelet kubeconfig's with a limited lifetime offers
a slight security improvement.
* An attacker who obtains the kubeconfig can likely obtain the
bootstrap kubeconfig as well, to obtain the ability to renew
their access
* A compromised bootstrap kubeconfig could plausibly be handled
by replacing the bootstrap token Secret, distributing the token
to new nodes, and expiration. Whereas a compromised TLS-client
certificate kubeconfig can't be revoked (no CRL). However,
replacing a bootstrap token can be impractical in real cluster
environments, so the limited lifetime is mostly a theoretical
* Cluster CSR objects are visible via kubectl which is nice
4. Bootstrapping node-unique Kubelet kubeconfigs means Kubelet
clients have more identity information, which can improve the
utility of audits and future features
Rel: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/kubelet-tls-bootstrapping/
Rel: https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootstrap/pull/185
* Race: During initial bootstrap, static control plane pods
could hang with Permission denied to bootstrap secrets. A
manual fix involved restarting Kubelet, which relabeled mounts
The race had no effect on subsequent reboots.
* bootstrap.service runs podman with a private unshared mount
of /etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-secrets which uses an SELinux MCS
label with a category pair. However, bootstrap-secrets should
be shared as its mounted by Docker pods kube-apiserver,
kube-scheduler, and kube-controller-manager. Restarting Kubelet
was a manual fix because Kubelet relabels all /etc/kubernetes
* Fix bootstrap Pod to use the shared volume label, which leaves
bootstrap-secrets files with SELinux level s0 without MCS
* Also allow failed bootstrap.service to be re-applied. This was
missing on bare-metal and AWS
* Initial support for Flatcar Linux on Azure used the Flatcar
Linux Azure Marketplace images (e.g. `flatcar-stable`) in
* Flatcar Linux Azure Marketplace images have some unresolved
items https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/issues/703
* Until the Marketplace items are resolved, revert to requiring
Flatcar Linux's images be manually uploaded (like GCP and
* In v1.18.0, kubectl apply would fail to apply manifests if any
single manifest was unable to validate. For example, if a CRD and
CR were defined in the same directory, apply would fail since the
CR would be invalid as the CRD wouldn't exist
* Typhoon temporary workaround was to separate CNI CRD manifests
and explicitly apply them first. No longer needed in v1.18.1+
* Kubernetes v1.18.1 restored the prior behavior where kubectl apply
applies as many valid manifests as it can. In the example above, the
CRD would be applied and the CR could be applied if the kubectl apply
was re-run (allowing for apply loops).
* Upstream fix: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/89864
* No change to Fedora CoreOS modules
* For Container Linx AWS and Azure, change the `os_image` default
from coreos-stable to flatcar-stable
* For Container Linux GCP and DigitalOcean, change `os_image` to
be required since users should upload a Flatcar Linux image and
set the variable
* For Container Linux bare-metal, recommend users change the
`os_channel` to Flatcar Linux. No actual module change.
* Add "lb" outbound rule for worker TCP _and_ UDP traffic
* Fix Azure worker nodes clock synchronization being inactive
due to timeouts reaching the CoreOS / Flatcar NTP pool
* Fix Azure worker nodes not providing outbount UDP connectivity
Azure provides VMs outbound connectivity either by having a public
IP or via an SNAT masquerade feature bundled with their virtual
load balancing abstraction (in contrast with, say, a NAT gateway).
Azure worker nodes have only a private IP, but are associated with
the cluster load balancer's backend pool and ingress frontend IP.
Outbound traffic uses SNAT with this frontend IP. A subtle detail
with Azure SNAT seems to be that since both inbound lb_rule's are
TCP only, outbound UDP traffic isn't SNAT'd (highlights the reasons
Azure shouldn't have conflated inbound load balancing with outbound
SNAT concepts). However, adding a separate outbound rule and
disabling outbound SNAT on our ingress lb_rule's we can tell Azure
to continue load balancing as before, and support outbound SNAT for
worker traffic of both the TCP and UDP protocol.
Fixes clock synchronization timeouts:
systemd-timesyncd[786]: Timed out waiting for reply from (3.flatcar.pool.ntp.org)
Azure controller nodes have their own public IP, so controllers (and
etcd) nodes have not had clock synchronization or outbound UDP issues
* Fix bootstrap error for missing `manifests-networking/crd*yaml`
when `networking = "flannel"`
* Cleanup manifest-networking directory left during bootstrap
* Regressed in v1.18.0 changes for Calico https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/pull/675
* Change kube-proxy, flannel, and calico-node DaemonSet
tolerations to tolerate `node.kubernetes.io/not-ready`
and `node-role.kubernetes.io/master` (i.e. controllers)
explicitly, rather than tolerating all taints
* kube-system DaemonSets will no longer tolerate custom
node taints by default. Instead, custom node taints must
be enumerated to opt-in to scheduling/executing the
kube-system DaemonSets
* Consider setting the daemonset_tolerations variable
of terraform-render-bootstrap at a later date
Background: Tolerating all taints ruled out use-cases
where certain nodes might legitimately need to keep
kube-proxy or CNI networking disabled
Related: https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootstrap/pull/179
* Fix delete-node service that runs on worker (cloud-only)
shutdown to delete a Kubernetes node. Regressed in #669
* Use rkt `--exec` to invoke kubectl binary in the kubelet
* Use podman `--entrypoint` to invoke the kubectl binary in
the kubelet image
* Kubernetes plans to stop releasing the hyperkube container image
* Upstream will continue to publish `kube-apiserver`, `kube-controller-manager`,
`kube-scheduler`, and `kube-proxy` container images to `k8s.gcr.io`
* Upstream will publish Kubelet only as a binary for distros to package,
either as a DEB/RPM on traditional distros or a container image on
container-optimized operating systems
* Typhoon will package the upstream Kubelet (checksummed) and its
dependencies as a container image for use on CoreOS Container Linux,
Flatcar Linux, and Fedora CoreOS
* Update the Typhoon container image security policy to list
`quay.io/poseidon/kubelet`as an official distributed artifact
Hyperkube: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/88676
Kubelet Container Image: https://github.com/poseidon/kubelet
Kubelet Quay Repo: https://quay.io/repository/poseidon/kubelet
* Accept `os_image` "flatcar-stable" and "flatcar-beta" to
use Kinvolk's Flatcar Linux images from the Azure Marketplace
Note: Flatcar Linux Azure Marketplace images require terms be
accepted before use
* Add support for `terraform-provider-azurerm` v2.0+. Require
`terraform-provider-azurerm` v2.0+ and drop v1.x support since
the Azure provider major release is not backwards compatible
* Use Azure's new Linux VM and Linux VM Scale Set resources
* Change controller's Azure disk caching to None
* Associate subnets (in addition to NICs) with security groups
* If set, change `worker_priority` from `Low` to `Spot` (action required)
* https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/azurerm/guides/2.0-upgrade-guide.html
* Quay has historically generated ACI signatures for images to
facilitate rkt's notions of verification (it allowed authors to
actually sign images, though `--trust-keys-from-https` is in use
since etcd and most authors don't sign images). OCI standardization
didn't adopt verification ideas and checking signatures has fallen
out of favor.
* Fix an issue where Quay no longer seems to be generating ACI
signatures for new images (e.g. quay.io/coreos/etcd:v.3.4.4)
* Don't be alarmed by rkt `--insecure-options=image`. It refers
to disabling image signature checking (i.e. docker pull doesn't
check signatures either)
* System containers for Kubelet and bootstrap have transitioned
to the docker:// transport, so there is precedent and this brings
all the system containers on Container Linux controllers into
* Configure kube-proxy --metrics-bind-address= (default to serve metrics on
* Add firewall rules to allow Prometheus (resides on a worker) to
scrape kube-proxy service endpoints on controllers or workers
* Add a clusterIP: None service for kube-proxy endpoint discovery