* Use EC2 resource-based hostnames instead of IP-based hostnames. The Amazon
DNS server can resolve A and AAAA queries to IPv4 and IPv6 node addresses
* For example, nodes used to be named like `ip-10-11-12-13.us-east-1.compute.internal`
but going forward use the instance id `i-0123456789abcdef.us-east-1.compute.internal`
* Tag controller node EBS volumes with a name based on the controller node name
* Drop support for `cluster_domain_suffix` customization and
always use `cluster.local`. Many components in the Kubernetes
ecosystem assume this default suffix and its very rare to be
setting a special value here these days
* Cleanup a few variables that are seldom used
* Add `controller_disk_type`, `controller_disk_size`, and `controller_disk_iops`
* Add `worker_disk_type`, `worker_disk_size`, and `worker_disk_iops` variables
and fix propagation to worker nodes
* Remove `disk_type`, `disk_size`, and `disk_iops` variables
* Add `controller_cpu_credits` and `worker_cpu_credits` variables to set CPU
pricing mode for burstable instance types
* AWS has recently started defaulting launch templates to IMDSv2
being "required". aws_launch_template is supposed to default to
"optional" but it doesn't.
* Requiring IMDSv2 sessions breaks a number of applications which
don't use AWS SDKs and were never meant to be complex applications
(e.g. shell scripts and the like)
* aws provider v5.0+ works alright and should be permitted,
relax the version constraint for the Typhoon AWS kubernetes
module and worker module for Fedora CoreOS and Flatcar Linux
* Kubelet GracefulNodeShutdown works, but only partially handles
gracefully stopping the Kubelet. The most noticeable drawback
is that Completed Pods are left around
* Use a project like poseidon/scuttle or a similar systemd unit
as a snippet to add drain and/or delete behaviors if desired
* This reverts commit 1786e34f33779d93f96b0a4345a7b460e023c892.
* https://www.psdn.io/posts/kubelet-graceful-shutdown/
* https://github.com/poseidon/scuttle
* delete-node.service used to be used to remove nodes from the
cluster on shutdown, but its long since it last worked properly
* If there is still a desire for this concept, it can be added
with a custom snippet and with a better systemd unit
* Disable Kubelet Graceful Node Shutdown on worker nodes (enabled in
Kubernetes v1.25.0 https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/pull/1222)
* Graceful node shutdown shutdown allows 30s for critical pods to
shutdown and 15s for regular pods to shutdown before releasing the
inhibitor lock to allow the host to shutdown
* Unfortunately, both pods and the node are shutdown at the same
time at the end of the 45s period without further configuration
options. As a result, regular pods and the node are shutdown at the
same time. In practice, enabling this feature leaves Error or Completed
pods in kube-apiserver state until manually cleaned up. This feature
is not ready for general use
* Fix issue where Error/Completed pods are accumulating whenever any
node restarts (or auto-updates), visible in kubectl get pods
* This issue wasn't apparent in initial testing and seems to only
affect non-critical pods (due to critical pods being killed earlier)
But its very apparent on our real clusters
Rel: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/110755
* Kubernetes v1.25.0 moved the LocalStorageCapacityIsolationFSQuotaMonitoring
feature from alpha to beta, but it breaks Kubelet updating ConfigMaps in
Pods, as shown by conformance tests
* Kubernetes is rolling LocalStorageCapacityIsolationFSQuotaMonitoring back
to alpha so its not enabled by default, but that will require a release
* Disable the feature gate directly as a workaround for now to make
Kubernetes v1.25.0 usable
FailedMount: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "configmap-volume" : requesting quota on existing directory /var/lib/kubelet/pods/f09fae17-ff16-4a05-aab3-7b897cb5b732/volumes/kubernetes.io~configmap/configmap-volume but different pod 673ad247-abf0-434e-99eb-1c3f57d7fdaa a4568e94-2b2d-438f-a4bd-c9edc814e478
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112076
* https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/107329
* Changes to worker launch configurations start an autoscaling group instance
refresh to replace instances
* Instance refresh creates surge instances, waits for a warm-up period, then
deletes old instances
* Changing worker_type, disk_*, worker_price, worker_target_groups, or Butane
worker_snippets on existing worker nodes will replace instances
* New AMIs or changing `os_stream` will be ignored, to allow Fedora CoreOS or
Flatcar Linux to keep themselves updated
* Previously, new launch configurations were made in the same way, but not
applied to instances unless manually replaced
* Rename launch configuration to use a name_prefix named after the
cluster and worker to improve identifiability
* Shorten AWS autoscaling group name to not include the launch config
id. Years ago this used to be needed to update the ASG but the AWS
provider detects changes to the launch configuration just fine
* Requires poseidon v0.11+ and Flatcar Linux 3185.0.0+ (action required)
* Previously, Flatcar Linux configs have been parsed as Container
Linux Configs to Ignition v2.2.0 specs by poseidon/ct
* Flatcar Linux starting in 3185.0.0 now supports Ignition v3.x specs
(which are rendered from Butane Configs, like Fedora CoreOS)
* poseidon/ct v0.11.0 adds support for the flatcar Butane Config
variant so that Flatcar Linux can use Ignition v3.x
* [Flatcar Support](https://flatcar-linux.org/docs/latest/provisioning/ignition/specification/#ignition-v3)
* [poseidon/ct support](https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-provider-ct/pull/131)