* CoreOS Container Linux was deprecated in v1.18.3 (May 2020)
in favor of Fedora CoreOS and Flatcar Linux. CoreOS Container
Linux references were kept to give folks more time to migrate,
but AMIs have now been deleted. Time is up.
Rel: https://coreos.com/os/eol/
* Set Kubelet cgroup driver to systemd when Flatcar Linux edge
is chosen
Note: Typhoon module status assumes use of the stable variant of
an OS channel/stream. Its possible to use earlier variants and
those are sometimes tested or developed against, but stable is
the recommendation
* Enable terraform-provider-ct `strict` mode for parsing
Container Linux Configs and snippets
* Fix Container Linux Config systemd unit syntax `enable`
(old) to `enabled`
* Align with Fedora CoreOS which uses strict mode already
* Initial support for Flatcar Linux on Azure used the Flatcar
Linux Azure Marketplace images (e.g. `flatcar-stable`) in
* Flatcar Linux Azure Marketplace images have some unresolved
items https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/issues/703
* Until the Marketplace items are resolved, revert to requiring
Flatcar Linux's images be manually uploaded (like GCP and
* Accept `os_image` "flatcar-stable" and "flatcar-beta" to
use Kinvolk's Flatcar Linux images from the Azure Marketplace
Note: Flatcar Linux Azure Marketplace images require terms be
accepted before use
* Add support for `terraform-provider-azurerm` v2.0+. Require
`terraform-provider-azurerm` v2.0+ and drop v1.x support since
the Azure provider major release is not backwards compatible
* Use Azure's new Linux VM and Linux VM Scale Set resources
* Change controller's Azure disk caching to None
* Associate subnets (in addition to NICs) with security groups
* If set, change `worker_priority` from `Low` to `Spot` (action required)
* https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/azurerm/guides/2.0-upgrade-guide.html
* Rename Container Linux Config (CLC) files to *.yaml to align
with Fedora CoreOS Config (FCC) files and for syntax highlighting
* Replace common uses of Terraform `element` (which wraps around)
with `list[index]` syntax to surface index errors
* Azure only allows `eviction_policy` to be set for Low priority VMs.
Supporting Low priority VMs meant when Regular VMs were used, each
`terraform apply` rolled workers, to set eviction_policy to null.
* Terraform v0.12 nullable variables fix the issue and plan does not
produce a diff
* Replace v0.11 bracket type hints with Terraform v0.12 list expressions
* Use expression syntax instead of interpolated strings, where suggested
* Update Azure tutorial and worker pools documentation
* Define Terraform and plugin version requirements in versions.tf
* Require azurerm ~> 1.27 to support Terraform v0.12
* Require ct ~> 0.3.2 to support Terraform v0.12
* This change affects users who use worker pools on AWS, GCP, or
Azure with a Container Linux derivative
* Rename worker pool modules' `count` variable to `worker_count`,
because `count` will be a reserved variable name in Terraform v0.12
* terraform-render-bootkube module deprecated kube_dns_service_ip
output in favor of cluster_dns_service_ip
* Rename k8s_dns_service_ip to cluster_dns_service_ip for
consistency too
* Fix issue where Azure defaults to Deallocate eviction policy,
which required manually restarting deallocated workers
* Require terraform-provider-azurerm v1.19+ to support setting
the eviction_policy