We'll declare a Kubernetes cluster using the Typhoon Terraform module. Then apply the changes to create a VPC, gateway, subnets, security groups, controller instances, worker auto-scaling group, network load balancer, and TLS assets.
Controller hosts are provisioned to run an `etcd-member` peer and a `kubelet` service. Worker hosts run a `kubelet` service. Controller nodes run `kube-apiserver`, `kube-scheduler`, `kube-controller-manager`, and `coredns`, while `kube-proxy` and `calico` (or `flannel`) run on every node. A generated `kubeconfig` provides `kubectl` access to the cluster.
Add the [terraform-provider-ct](https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-provider-ct) plugin binary for your system to `~/.terraform.d/plugins/`, noting the final name.
Read [concepts](/architecture/concepts/) to learn about Terraform, modules, and organizing resources. Change to your infrastructure repository (e.g. `infra`).
Login to your AWS IAM dashboard and find your IAM user. Select "Security Credentials" and create an access key. Save the id and secret to a file that can be referenced in configs.
aws_access_key_id = xxx
aws_secret_access_key = yyy
Configure the AWS provider to use your access key credentials in a `providers.tf` file.
Reference the [variables docs](#variables) or the [variables.tf](https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon/blob/master/aws/container-linux/kubernetes/variables.tf) source.
Initial bootstrapping requires `bootstrap.service` be started on one controller node. Terraform uses `ssh-agent` to automate this step. Add your SSH private key to `ssh-agent`.
[Install kubectl](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/) on your system. Obtain the generated cluster `kubeconfig` from module outputs (e.g. write to a local file).
Clusters create a DNS A record `${cluster_name}.${dns_zone}` to resolve a network load balancer backed by controller instances. This FQDN is used by workers and `kubectl` to access the apiserver(s). In this example, the cluster's apiserver would be accessible at `tempest.aws.example.com`.
If you have an existing domain name with a zone file elsewhere, just delegate a subdomain that can be managed on Route53 (e.g. aws.mydomain.com) and [update nameservers](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/SOA-NSrecords.html).
If your EC2 instance type supports [Jumbo frames](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/network_mtu.html#jumbo_frame_instances) (most do), we recommend you change the `network_mtu` to 8981! You will get better pod-to-pod bandwidth.
Add `worker_price = "0.10"` to use spot instance workers (instead of "on-demand") and set a maximum spot price in USD. Clusters can tolerate spot market interuptions fairly well (reschedules pods, but cannot drain) to save money, with the tradeoff that requests for workers may go unfulfilled.