
Cadoles Kubernetes Operating System

a.k.a. CadolesKube/os

Creating a build server for AlpineLinux

On Alpine server run : at-begining.sh to install necessary tools.

Change to the build user :

su - build

Create signing key:

abuild-keygen -i -a (-i installs them in /etc/apk/keys)

Quick check :

ls -lah /etc/apk/keys/build-xxxxxxxx.rsa.pub

Clone the git repository :

git clone --depth=1 https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports.git

Update :

sudo apk update

Copy script create-iso.sh in /home/build

You must enter a profile name to launch the creation of the iso. The iso is built with Edge sources to have Kubernetes tools. For example ./create-iso.sh myKube. The iso is generated in the ~/iso folder.

Cadoles Kubernetes Operating System a.k.a. CadolesKube/os
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