ajustement onboarding + affiche fiche utilisateur sur clique avatar
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ INSERT IGNORE INTO `niveau01` (`id`, `label`, `siren`) VALUES
(-100, 'DRAAF', '130007107');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `user` (`id`, `niveau01_id`, `username`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `password`, `email`, `avatar`, `role`,`siren`,`authlevel`) VALUES
(-100, -100, 'admin', 'Administrateur', 'draaf', '{SSHA}p8HoeQaUHjlX567Zu5prmDTjQMcKv6zu
(-100, -100, 'admin', 'Administrateur', 'draaf', '{SSHA}wVosXEVYfrthFQKc0AqqOtZZXDWT3re1
', 'admin@ldapbundle.ac-arno.fr', 'admin.jpg', 'ROLE_ADMIN', '130007107', 'simple');
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ class CoreController extends Controller
foreach($fields as $key => $field) {
// Si champs obligatoire
if($field["perm"]==2) {
switch($key) {
case "firstname": if($user->getFirstname()=="") $toprofil=true; break;
case "visible": if($user->getVisible()=="") $toprofil=true; break;
@ -93,12 +94,13 @@ class CoreController extends Controller
case "birthcountry": if($user->getBirthcountry()=="") $toprofil=true; break;
case "birthplace": if($user->getBirthplace()=="") $toprofil=true; break;
if($toprofil) {
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('cadoles_core_profil',array("info"=>"Merci de compléter votre profil")));
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('cadoles_core_user',array("info"=>"Merci de compléter votre profil")));
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class GroupController extends Controller
if($data->getOwner()) {
$userinfo.="<img src='/".$this->container->getParameter('alias')."/uploads/avatar/".$data->getOwner()->getAvatar()."' class='avatar' style='margin:0px 5px 0px 0px;display:inline-block;'>";
$userinfo.="<img style='cursor:pointer' onClick='seeUser(".$data->getOwner()->getId().")' src='/".$this->container->getParameter('alias')."/uploads/avatar/".$data->getOwner()->getAvatar()."' class='avatar' style='margin:0px 5px 0px 0px;display:inline-block;'>";
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ class GroupController extends Controller
$fgmanager="<input type='checkbox' class='switch' onChange='switchManager(".$data->getId().");'>";
// Avatar
$avatar="<img src='/".$this->container->getParameter('alias')."/uploads/avatar/".$data->getAvatar()."' style='width:30px;background-color:#337ab7;margin:auto;display:block;'>";
$avatar="<img onClick='seeUser(".$data->getId().")' src='/".$this->container->getParameter('alias')."/uploads/avatar/".$data->getAvatar()."' style='width:30px;background-color:#337ab7;margin:auto;display:block;cursor:pointer;'>";
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ class GroupController extends Controller
$action.="<a style='cursor:pointer' onClick='delUsers(".$data->getId().")'><i class='fa fa-minus fa-fw'></i></a>";
// Avatar
$avatar="<img src='/".$this->container->getParameter('alias')."/uploads/avatar/".$data->getAvatar()."' style='width:30px;background-color:#337ab7;margin:auto;display:block;'>";
$avatar="<img onClick='seeUser(".$data->getId().")' src='/".$this->container->getParameter('alias')."/uploads/avatar/".$data->getAvatar()."' style='width:30px;background-color:#337ab7;margin:auto;display:block;cursor:pointer'>";
// Flag manager
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ class UserController extends Controller
if($access=="config") array_push($tmp,$action);
array_push($tmp,"<img src='/".$this->container->getParameter('alias')."/uploads/avatar/".$data->getAvatar()."' class='avatar' style='margin:auto;display:block;'>");
array_push($tmp,"<img style='cursor:pointer' onClick='seeUser(".$data->getId().")' src='/".$this->container->getParameter('alias')."/uploads/avatar/".$data->getAvatar()."' class='avatar' style='margin:auto;display:block;'>");
@ -735,7 +735,17 @@ class UserController extends Controller
return $this->updateAction($user->getId(),"user",$request);
public function viewAction($id, Request $request)
return $this->render('CadolesCoreBundle:User:view.html.twig', [
'useheader' => false,
'usemenu' => false,
'usesidebar' => false,
"user" => $user
public function importuserAction(Request $request) {
@ -265,6 +265,10 @@ cadoles_core_user_users:
path: /user/users
defaults: { _controller: CadolesCoreBundle:User:list, access: user }
path: /user/view/{id}
defaults: { _controller: CadolesCoreBundle:User:view }
#== Niveau01 =============================================================================================================
@ -3,24 +3,34 @@
// Instance the tour
function MyTour() {
var template="<div class='popover tour'><div class='arrow'></div><h3 class='popover-title'></h3><div class='popover-content'></div><div class='popover-navigation'><button class='btn btn-sm btn-default' data-role='prev'>« Prec</button><button class='btn btn-sm btn-default' data-role='next'>Suiv »</button><button class='btn btn-sm btn-default' data-role='end'>Fin</button></div></div>";
var tour = new Tour({
name: "tour",
template: template,
steps: [
element: "#logo",
title: "Transnum",
content: "Bienvenue sur le portail TRANSNUM"
element: "#menu-profil",
title: "Votre Profil",
content: "Vous pouvez modifier les informations vous concernant à cet emplacement"
element: "#menu-annuaire",
title: "Annuaire",
content: "Vous pouvez recherche un utilisateur parmis l'annuaire du portail"
element: "#logo",
title: "Transnum",
content: "Bienvenue sur le portail TRANSNUM"
element: "#menu-profil",
title: "Votre Profil",
content: "Vous pouvez modifier les informations vous concernant à cet emplacement"
element: "#menu-annuaire",
title: "Annuaire",
content: "Vous pouvez recherche un utilisateur parmis l'annuaire du portail"
element: $("iframe").first().contents().find(".widget-itemessential").find(".widgetheader"),
title: "Bureau",
content: "Vos items essentiels, vous pouvez via le bouton + ajouter des items à votre bureau",
container: $("iframe").first().contents().find("body")
// Initialize the tour
@ -72,5 +72,5 @@
{% endblock %}
@ -148,5 +148,5 @@
"user": id,
{% endblock %}
@ -91,6 +91,17 @@
{% endif %}
function seeUser(id) {
{% if app.user %}
$("#mymodal").find(".modal-title").html("FICHE UTILISATEUR");
var url="{{ path('cadoles_core_user_view',{id:'xx'}) }}";
{% endif %}
function inIframe () {
try {
return window.self !== window.top;
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
{% set stylewidgetbody = constants.mystylewidgetbody(entity) %}
{% if canupdate or alerts|length>0 %}
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%}" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-alert" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
{% if canupdate %}
<div class="widgetmenu">
<i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw" onClick="delWidget({{ entity.id }})" style="{{ stylewidgetmenu }}"></i>
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
{% set colorbodyfont = "color: #" ~ entity.colorbodyfont %}
{% endif %}
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<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-appexternal" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
{% if canupdate or canadd %}
<div class="widgetmenu">
{% if canupdate %}
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%}" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-blog" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widgetmenu">
{% if canupdate %}
<i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw" onClick="delWidget({{ entity.id }})" style="{{ stylewidgetmenu }}"></i>
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
{% endif %}
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%}" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-bookmark" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
{% if canupdate or canadd %}
<div class="widgetmenu">
{% if canupdate %}
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%}" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-calendar" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widgetmenu">
{% if canupdate %}
<i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw" onClick="delWidget({{ entity.id }})" style="{{ stylewidgetmenu }}"></i>
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
{% endif %}
{% if app.user %}
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%}" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-chat" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
{% if canupdate %}
<div class="widgetmenu">
<i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw" onClick="delWidget({{ entity.id }})" style="{{ stylewidgetmenu }}"></i>
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
{% set colorbodyfont = color['fontcolorhover'] %}
{% endif %}
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%}" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-file" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
{% if canupdate or canadd %}
<div class="widgetmenu">
{% if canupdate %}
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
{% set stylegrid="grid-list" %}
{% endif %}
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%}" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-flux" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
{% if canupdate %}
<div class="widgetmenu">
<i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw" onClick="delWidget({{ entity.id }})" style="{{ stylewidgetmenu }}"></i>
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
{% set colorbodyfont = color['fontcolorhover'] %}
{% endif %}
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%}" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-frame" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
{% if canupdate %}
<div class="widgetmenu">
<i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw" onClick="delWidget({{ entity.id }})" style="{{ stylewidgetmenu }}"></i>
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
{% set colorbodyfont = color['fontcolorhover'] %}
{% endif %}
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%}" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-galery" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
{% if canupdate or canadd %}
<div class="widgetmenu">
{% if canupdate %}
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
{% set canadd = true %}
{% endif %}
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-editor" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-group" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
{% if canupdate %}
<div class="widgetmenu">
{% if canupdate %}
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
{% set stylegrid="grid-list" %}
{% endif %}
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%}" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-groupmessage" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
{% if canupdate %}
<div class="widgetmenu">
<i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw" onClick="delWidget({{ entity.id }})" style="{{ stylewidgetmenu }}"></i>
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
<div class="grid-item-content">
<div class="item-link clearfix">
<div class="grid-item-logo">
<img class="grid-item-img avatar" src="/{{alias}}/uploads/avatar/{{message.user.avatar}}" width="100%">
<img style='cursor:pointer' onClick="seeUser({{message.user.id}})" class="grid-item-img avatar" src="/{{alias}}/uploads/avatar/{{message.user.avatar}}" width="100%">
<a onClick="hideMessage({{message.id}})" style="cursor:pointer;" title="Ne plus afficher"><i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i></a>
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
{% endif %}
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%}" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-info" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
{% if canupdate %}
<div class="widgetmenu">
<i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw" onClick="delWidget({{ entity.id }})" style="{{ stylewidgetmenu }}"></i>
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<div class="widgetheader" style="{{ stylewidgetheader }};">
{% set style = "width: 90px;display: block;margin: auto; padding: 10px 0px 10px 0px; position: inherit;height: auto;" %}
{% if icon %}
<img src="/{{ alias }}{{ icon }}" class="logo" style="{{ style }}" />
<img src="/{{ alias }}{{ icon }}" class="avatar big" style="{{ style }}" />
{% else %}
<img src="/{{ alias }}/uploads/icon/icon_users.png" style="{{ style }}" />
{% endif %}
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
<div class="grid-item grid-small" style="{{ stylewidgetbodyreverse }};">
<div class="grid-item-content">
<div class="grid-item-logo">
<img src="/{{ alias }}/uploads/avatar/{{ member.user.avatar}}" class="grid-item-img avatar" height="110" >
<img onclick="seeUser({{member.user.id}})" src="/{{ alias }}/uploads/avatar/{{ member.user.avatar}}" class="grid-item-img avatar" height="110" style="cursor:pointer;">
<div class="grid-item-title">
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
{% set username = "" %}
{% endif %}
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%}" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-item" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
{% if canupdate or canadd %}
<div class="widgetmenu">
{% if canupdate %}
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
{% set username = "" %}
{% endif %}
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%}" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-itemessential" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
{% if canupdate or canadd %}
<div class="widgetmenu">
{% if canupdate %}
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
{% set username = "" %}
{% endif %}
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%}" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-link" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
{% if canupdate %}
<div class="widgetmenu">
{% if canupdate %}
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
{% set colorbodyfont = color['main'] %}
{% endif %}
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%}" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-separator" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
{% if canupdate %}
<div class="widgetmenu">
<i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw" onClick="delWidget({{ entity.id }})" style="{{ stylewidgetmenu }}"></i>
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
{% set username = "" %}
{% endif %}
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%}" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-slide" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
{% if canupdate or canadd %}
<div class="widgetmenu">
{% if canupdate %}
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
{% set username = "" %}
{% endif %}
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%}" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
<div class="widget {%if entity.border %} widget-bordered {%else%} widget-notbordered {%endif%} widget-url" data-id="{{ entity.id }}" loc="{{ entity.loc }}" style="{{ stylewidget }}" height="{{ entity.height }}px">
{% if canupdate %}
<div class="widgetmenu">
<i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw" onClick="delWidget({{ entity.id }})" style="{{ stylewidgetmenu }}"></i>
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
{% for message in messages %}
<div id='message-{{message.id}}' class='message row'>
<div class='msgavatar'>
<img id='user_avatar_img' src='/{{ alias }}/uploads/avatar/{{message.user.avatar}}' class='avatar'><br>
<img style='cursor:pointer' onclick='seeUser({{message.user.id}})' id='user_avatar_img' src='/{{ alias }}/uploads/avatar/{{message.user.avatar}}' class='avatar'><br>
{% if fgmanager or message.user == app.user %}
<i class='delmessage fa fa-trash fa-fw' data-id='{{message.id}}' style='cursor: pointer;'></i>
{% endif %}
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
if(payload.msg) {
html ="<div id='message-"+payload.msg.id+"' class='message row'>";
html+="<div class='msgavatar'>";
html+="<img id='user_avatar_img' src='/{{ alias }}/uploads/avatar/"+payload.msg.avatar+"' class='avatar'><br>";
html+="<img style='pointer:cursor' onclick='seeUser("+payload.msg.userid+")' id='user_avatar_img' src='/{{ alias }}/uploads/avatar/"+payload.msg.avatar+"' class='avatar'><br>";
if(payload.msg.userid=={{app.user.id}} || '{{ fgmanager }}'=='1') {
html+="<i class='delmessage fa fa-trash fa-fw' data-id='"+payload.msg.id+"' style='cursor: pointer;'></i>";
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
if(!$("#message-"+data.id).length) {
html ="<div id='message-"+data.id+"' class='message row'>";
html+="<div class='msgavatar'>";
html+="<img id='user_avatar_img' src='/{{ alias }}/uploads/avatar/"+data.useravatar+"' class='avatar'><br>";
html+="<img style='cursor:pointer' onclick='seeUser("+data.userid+")' id='user_avatar_img' src='/{{ alias }}/uploads/avatar/"+data.useravatar+"' class='avatar'><br>";
if(data.userid=={{app.user.id}} || '{{ fgmanager }}'=='1') {
html+="<i class='delmessage fa fa-trash fa-fw' data-id='"+data.id+"' style='cursor: pointer;'></i>";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user