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# Werther
Werther is an identity provider for ORY Hydra that is an OAuth2 provider.
**The current version is compatible with ORY Hydra v1.0.0-rc.12 or higher.**
## Build
go install ./...
## Development
Assume that your IP is set as $MY_HOST. The instruction will use 4444 TCP port for OAuth2 Provider Hydra,
3000 TCP port for Login Provider Werther, and 8080 TCP port for a callback. Tokens will be expired in ten minutes.
1. Create a network:
docker network create hydra-net
2. Run ORY Hydra:
docker run --network hydra-net -d --restart always --name hydra \
-p 4444:4444 \
-p 4445:4445 \
-e LOG_LEVEL=debug \
-e TTL_ID_TOKEN=10m \
-e WEBFINGER_OIDC_DISCOVERY_SUPPORTED_CLAIMS=name,family_name,given_name,nickname,email,phone_number \
-e URLS_SELF_ISSUER=http://localhost:4444 \
-e URLS_SELF_PUBLIC=http://localhost:4444 \
-e URLS_LOGIN=http://$MY_HOST:3000/auth/login \
-e URLS_CONSENT=http://$MY_HOST:3000/auth/consent \
-e URLS_LOGOUT=http://$MY_HOST:3000/auth/logout \
-e DSN=memory \
oryd/hydra:v1.0.0-rc.12 serve all --dangerous-force-http
You can learn additional properties with help command:
docker run -it --rm oryd/hydra:v1.0.0-rc.12 serve --help
3. Register a client:
docker run -it --rm --network hydra-net \
-e HYDRA_ADMIN_URL=http://hydra:4445 \
oryd/hydra:$HYDRA_VERSION clients create \
--skip-tls-verify \
--id test-client \
--secret test-secret \
--response-types id_token,token,"id_token token" \
--grant-types implicit \
--scope openid,profile,email \
--callbacks http://$MY_HOST:8080 \
--post-logout-callbacks http://$MY_HOST:8080/post-logout-callback
4. Run Werther:
docker run --network hydra-net -d --restart always --name werther -p 3000:8080 \
-e WERTHER_IDENTP_HYDRA_URL=http://hydra:4445 \
-e WERTHER_LDAP_ENDPOINTS=icdc0.icore.local:389,icdc1.icore.local:389 \
-e WERTHER_LDAP_BASEDN="DC=icore,DC=local" \
-e WERTHER_LDAP_ROLE_BASEDN="OU=AppRoles,OU=Domain Groups,DC=icore,DC=local" \
For all options see option help:
docker run -it --rm hub.das.i-core.ru/p/base-werther -help
5. Start an authentication process in a browser to get an access token:
open http://$MY_HOST:4444/oauth2/auth?client_id=test-client&response_type=token&scope=openid%20profile%20email&state=12345678
6. Start an authentication process in a browser to get an access token and id token:
open http://$MY_HOST:4444/oauth2/auth?client_id=test-client&response_type=id_token%20token&scope=openid%20profile%20email&state=12345678&nonce=87654321
7. Get user info:
http get "http://$MY_HOST:4444/userinfo" "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
For example, you can get the next output:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 218
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2018 17:17:51 GMT
Vary: Origin
"email": "klepa@i-core.ru",
"family_name": "Lepa",
"given_name": "Konstantin",
"http://i-core.ru/claims/roles": {
"HeraldTest1": [
"name": "Konstantin Lepa",
"sub": "CN=Konstantin Lepa,OU=Domain Users,DC=icore,DC=local"
Look for details in [OpenID Connect Core 1.0](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#ClaimsParameter).
8. Re-get a token by httpie:
http --session u1 -F -v get \
"http://$MY_HOST:4444/oauth2/auth?client_id=test-client&response_type=token&scope=openid%20profile&state=12345678&prompt=none" \
9. Delete a user's session from a browser:
open "http://$MY_HOST:4444/oauth2/auth/sessions/login/revoke"
10. Log a user out from a browser:
open http://$MY_HOST:4444/oauth2/sessions/logout?id_token_hint=<id_token>&post_logout_redirect_uri=http://$MY_HOST:8080/post-logout-callback&state=87654321
After a successful logout, a user will be redirected to the page "http://$MY_HOST:8080/post-logout-callback?state=87654321".
11. (Optional) Sniff TCP packets between Hydra and Werther
docker run -it --rm --net=container:hydra nicolaka/netshoot tcpdump -i eth0 -A -nn port 4444