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Werther 1

GoDoc Build Status codecov

Werther is an Identity Provider for ORY Hydra over LDAP. It implements Login And Consent Flow and provides basic UI.



  • Support Active Directory;
  • Mapping LDAP attributes to OpenID Connect claims;
  • Mapping LDAP groups to user roles;
  • OAuth 2.0 scopes;
  • Caching users roles;
  • UI customization.


  • Werther grants all requested permissions to a client without displaying the consent page;
  • Werther confirms a logout request without displaying the logout confirmation page.


ORY Hydra v1.0.0-rc.12 or higher.

Table of Contents


From Docker

docker pull icoreru/werter

From sources

go install ./...


  1. Create a network:

    docker network create hydra-net
  2. Run ORY Hydra:

    docker run --network hydra-net -d --restart always --name hydra                                          \
        -p 4444:4444                                                                                         \
        -p 4445:4445                                                                                         \
        -e URLS_SELF_ISSUER=http://localhost:4444                                                            \
        -e URLS_SELF_PUBLIC=http://localhost:4444                                                            \
        -e URLS_LOGIN=http://localhost:8080/auth/login                                                       \
        -e URLS_CONSENT=http://localhost:8080/auth/consent                                                   \
        -e URLS_LOGOUT=http://localhost:8080/auth/logout                                                     \
        -e WEBFINGER_OIDC_DISCOVERY_SUPPORTED_SCOPES=profile,email,phone                                     \
        -e WEBFINGER_OIDC_DISCOVERY_SUPPORTED_CLAIMS=name,family_name,given_name,nickname,email,phone_number \
        -e DSN=memory                                                                                        \
        oryd/hydra:v1.0.0-rc.12 serve all

    Look for details in ORY Hydra Configuration and ORY Hydra Documentation.

  3. Run Werther:

    docker run --network hydra-net -d --restart always --name werther                    \
          -p 8080:8080                                                                   \
          -e WERTHER_IDENTP_HYDRA_URL=http://hydra:4445                                  \
          -e WERTHER_LDAP_ENDPOINTS=icdc0.example.local:389,icdc1.example.local:389      \
          -e WERTHER_LDAP_BINDDN=<BINDDN>                                                \
          -e WERTHER_LDAP_BINDPW=<BINDDN_PASSWORD>                                       \
          -e WERTHER_LDAP_BASEDN="DC=example,DC=local"                                   \
          -e WERTHER_LDAP_ROLE_BASEDN="OU=AppRoles,OU=Domain Groups,DC=example,DC=local" \


The application is configured via environment variables. Names of the environment variables starts with prefix WERTHER_. See a list of the environment variables using the command:

werther -h

User roles

In LDAP user's roles are groups in which a user is a member.

The environment variable WERTHER_LDAP_ROLE_DN is a DN for searching roles.

For example, create an OU that repserents an application, and then in the created OU create groups that represent application's roles:

|-- OU=Domain Groups
    |-- OU=AppRoles
        |-- OU=App1
            |-- CN=app1_role1 (objectClass="group", description="role1")
            |-- CN=app1_role2 (objectClass="group", description="role2")

Run Werther with the environment variable WERTHER_LDAP_ROLE_DN that equals to OU=AppRoles,OU=Domain Groups,DC=local.

In the above example Werther returns user's roles as a value of the user role's claim https://github.com/i-core/werther/claims/roles.

    "https://github.com/i-core/werther/claims/roles": {
        "App1": ["role1", "role2"],

To customize the roles claim's name you should set a value of the environment variable WERTHER_LDAP_ROLE_CLAIM. For more details about claims naming see OpenID Connect Core 1.0.

NB There are cases when we need to create several roles with the same name in LDAP. For example, when we want to configure multiple applications or several environments for the same application.

|-- OU=Domain Groups
    |-- OU=AppRoles
        |-- OU=Test
            |-- OU=App1
                |-- CN=test_app1_role1 (objectClass="group", description="role1")
                |-- CN=test_app1_role2 (objectClass="group", description="role2")
            |-- OU=App2
                |-- CN=test_app2_role1 (objectClass="group",description-"role1")
                |-- CN=test_app2_role2 (objectClass="group",description-"role2")
        |-- OU=Dev
            |-- OU=App1
                |-- CN=dev_app1_role1 (objectClass="group", description="role1")
                |-- CN=dev_app1_role3 (objectClass="group", description="role3")
            |-- OU=App2
                |-- CN=dev_app2_role1 (objectClass="group",description-"role1")
                |-- CN=dev_app2_role4 (objectClass="group",description-"role4")

Active Directory requires unique CNs in a domain. But in Active Directory creating groups with the same CN in different OUs is difficult. Because of it, Werther uses a LDAP attribute as a role's name instead of CN. A name of a LDAP attribute is specified using the environment variable WERTHER_LDAP_ROLE_ATTR, and has the default value description.

In the above example, Werther returns a response that contains the next roles:

  • when the environment variable WERTHER_LDAP_ROLE_DN equals to OU=Test,OU=AppRoles,OU=Domain Groups,DC=local:
        "https://github.com/i-core/werther/claims/roles": {
            "App1": ["role1", "role2"],
            "App2": ["role1", "role2"]
  • when the environment variable WERTHER_LDAP_ROLE_DN equals to OU=Dev,OU=AppRoles,OU=Domain Groups,DC=local:
        "https://github.com/i-core/werther/claims/roles": {
            "App1": ["role1", "role3"],
            "App2": ["role1", "role4"]

UI customization

Werther uses the Go templates to render UI pages. To customize the UI you should create a directory that contains UI pages' templates. After that you should set the directory path to the environment variable WERTHER_WEB_DIR:

docker run --network hydra-net -d --restart always --name werther                      \
        -p 8080:8080                                                                   \
        -v /opt/werther/web:/path/to/custom-login-page/dir                             \
        -e WERTHER_IDENTP_HYDRA_URL=http://hydra:4445                                  \
        -e WERTHER_LDAP_ENDPOINTS=icdc0.example.local:389,icdc1.example.local:389      \
        -e WERTHER_LDAP_BINDDN=<BINDDN>                                                \
        -e WERTHER_LDAP_BINDPW=<BINDDN_PASSWORD>                                       \
        -e WERTHER_LDAP_BASEDN="DC=example,DC=local"                                   \
        -e WERTHER_LDAP_ROLE_BASEDN="OU=AppRoles,OU=Domain Groups,DC=example,DC=local" \
        -e WERTHER_WEB_DIR=/opt/werther/web

Custom login page

A login page's template should contains blocks title, style, script, content. Each block has access to data that is an object with the next properties:

  • CSRFToken (string) - a CSRF token;
  • Challenge (string) - a login challenge ID;
  • LoginURL (string) - an endpoint that finishes the login process;
  • IsInvalidCredentials (bool) - specifies that a user types an invalid username or password;
  • IsInternalError (bool) specifies that an internal server error happens when finishing the login process.

When a login page's template contains static resources (like styles, scripts, and images) they must be placed in a subdirectory called static.

For a full example of a login page's template see source code.



  1. Werther is named after robot Werther from Guest from the Future.


Thanks for your interest in contributing to this project. Get started with our Contributing Guide.


The code in this project is licensed under MIT license.

Fournisseur d'identité LDAP pour serveur Ory/Hydra (OpenID Connect). Basé sur https://github.com/i-core/werther
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2025-02-17 16:58:42 +01:00
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