2022-05-03 08:54:45 +02:00

288 lines
14 KiB

* Deprecate `FirewallConfig::getListeners()`, use `FirewallConfig::getAuthenticators()` instead
* Deprecate `security.authentication.basic_entry_point` and `security.authentication.retry_entry_point` services, the logic is moved into the
`HttpBasicAuthenticator` and `ChannelListener` respectively
* Deprecate `FirewallConfig::allowsAnonymous()` and the `allows_anonymous` from the data collector data, there will be no anonymous concept as of version 6.
* Deprecate not setting `$authenticatorManagerEnabled` to `true` in `SecurityDataCollector` and `DebugFirewallCommand`
* Deprecate `SecurityFactoryInterface` and `SecurityExtension::addSecurityListenerFactory()` in favor of
`AuthenticatorFactoryInterface` and `SecurityExtension::addAuthenticatorFactory()`
* Add `AuthenticatorFactoryInterface::getPriority()` which replaces `SecurityFactoryInterface::getPosition()`
* Deprecate passing an array of arrays as 1st argument to `MainConfiguration`, pass a sorted flat array of
factories instead.
* Deprecate the `always_authenticate_before_granting` option
* Display the roles of the logged-in user in the Web Debug Toolbar
* Add the `security.access_decision_manager.strategy_service` option
* Deprecate not configuring explicitly a provider for custom_authenticators when there is more than one registered provider
* The authenticator system is no longer experimental
* Login Link functionality is no longer experimental
* Add `required_badges` firewall config option
* [BC break] Add `login_throttling.lock_factory` setting defaulting to `null` (instead of `lock.factory`)
* Add a `login_throttling.interval` (in `security.firewalls`) option to change the default throttling interval.
* Add the `debug:firewall` command.
* Deprecate `UserPasswordEncoderCommand` class and the corresponding `user:encode-password` command,
use `UserPasswordHashCommand` and `user:hash-password` instead
* Deprecate the `security.encoder_factory.generic` service, the `security.encoder_factory` and `Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder\EncoderFactoryInterface` aliases,
use `security.password_hasher_factory` and `Symfony\Component\PasswordHasher\Hasher\PasswordHasherFactoryInterface` instead
* Deprecate the `security.user_password_encoder.generic` service, the `security.password_encoder` and the `Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder\UserPasswordEncoderInterface` aliases,
use `security.user_password_hasher`, `security.password_hasher` and `Symfony\Component\PasswordHasher\Hasher\UserPasswordHasherInterface` instead
* Deprecate the public `security.authorization_checker` and `security.token_storage` services to private
* Not setting the `enable_authenticator_manager` config option to `true` is deprecated
* Deprecate the `security.authentication.provider.*` services, use the new authenticator system instead
* Deprecate the `security.authentication.listener.*` services, use the new authenticator system instead
* Deprecate the Guard component integration, use the new authenticator system instead
* Add `form_login.form_only` option
* Added `FirewallListenerFactoryInterface`, which can be implemented by security factories to add firewall listeners
* Added `SortFirewallListenersPass` to make the execution order of firewall listeners configurable by
leveraging `Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\FirewallListenerInterface`
* Added ability to use comma separated ip address list for `security.access_control`
* [BC break] Removed `EntryPointFactoryInterface`, authenticators must now implement `AuthenticationEntryPointInterface` if
they require autoregistration of a Security entry point.
* Added XSD for configuration
* Added security configuration for priority-based access decision strategy
* Marked the `AnonymousFactory`, `FormLoginFactory`, `FormLoginLdapFactory`, `GuardAuthenticationFactory`, `HttpBasicFactory`, `HttpBasicLdapFactory`, `JsonLoginFactory`, `JsonLoginLdapFactory`, `RememberMeFactory`, `RemoteUserFactory` and `X509Factory` as `@internal`
* Renamed method `AbstractFactory#createEntryPoint()` to `AbstractFactory#createDefaultEntryPoint()`
* The `switch_user.stateless` firewall option has been removed.
* Removed the ability to configure encoders using `argon2i` or `bcrypt` as algorithm, use `auto` instead
* The `simple_form` and `simple_preauth` authentication listeners have been removed,
use Guard instead.
* The `SimpleFormFactory` and `SimplePreAuthenticationFactory` classes have been removed,
use Guard instead.
* Removed `LogoutUrlHelper` and `SecurityHelper` templating helpers, use Twig instead
* Removed the `logout_on_user_change` firewall option
* Removed the `threads` encoder option
* Removed the `security.authentication.trust_resolver.anonymous_class` parameter
* Removed the `security.authentication.trust_resolver.rememberme_class` parameter
* Removed the `security.user.provider.in_memory.user` service.
* Added `anonymous: lazy` mode to firewalls to make them (not) start the session as late as possible
* Added `migrate_from` option to encoders configuration.
* Added new `argon2id` encoder, undeprecated the `bcrypt` and `argon2i` ones (using `auto` is still recommended by default.)
* Deprecated the usage of "query_string" without a "search_dn" and a "search_password" config key in Ldap factories.
* Marked the `SecurityDataCollector` class as `@final`.
* Added new encoder types: `auto` (recommended), `native` and `sodium`
* The normalization of the cookie names configured in the `logout.delete_cookies`
option is deprecated and will be disabled in Symfony 5.0. This affects to cookies
with dashes in their names. For example, starting from Symfony 5.0, the `my-cookie`
name will delete `my-cookie` (with a dash) instead of `my_cookie` (with an underscore).
* Using the `security.authentication.trust_resolver.anonymous_class` and
`security.authentication.trust_resolver.rememberme_class` parameters to define
the token classes is deprecated. To use custom tokens extend the existing
or `Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\RememberMeToken`.
* Added `Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AddExpressionLanguageProvidersPass`
* Added `json_login_ldap` authentication provider to use LDAP authentication with a REST API.
* Made remember-me cookies inherit their default config from `framework.session.cookie_*`
and added an "auto" mode to their "secure" config option to make them secure on HTTPS automatically.
* Deprecated the `simple_form` and `simple_preauth` authentication listeners, use Guard instead.
* Deprecated the `SimpleFormFactory` and `SimplePreAuthenticationFactory` classes, use Guard instead.
* Added `port` in access_control
* Added individual voter decisions to the profiler
* The `switch_user.stateless` firewall option is deprecated, use the `stateless` option instead.
* The `logout_on_user_change` firewall option is deprecated.
* deprecated `SecurityUserValueResolver`, use
`Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Controller\UserValueResolver` instead.
* removed `FirewallContext::getContext()`
* made `FirewallMap::$container` and `::$map` private
* made the first `UserPasswordEncoderCommand::_construct()` argument mandatory
* `UserPasswordEncoderCommand` does not extend `ContainerAwareCommand` anymore
* removed support for voters that don't implement the `VoterInterface`
* removed HTTP digest authentication
* removed command `acl:set` along with `SetAclCommand` class
* removed command `init:acl` along with `InitAclCommand` class
* removed `acl` configuration key and related services, use symfony/acl-bundle instead
* removed auto picking the first registered provider when no configured provider on a firewall and ambiguous
* the firewall option `logout_on_user_change` is now always true, which will trigger a logout if the user changes
between requests
* the `switch_user.stateless` firewall option is `true` for stateless firewalls
* Added new `security.helper` service that is an instance of `Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Security`
and provides shortcuts for common security tasks.
* Tagging voters with the `security.voter` tag without implementing the
`VoterInterface` on the class is now deprecated and will be removed in 4.0.
* [BC BREAK] `FirewallContext::getListeners()` now returns `\Traversable|array`
* added info about called security listeners in profiler
* Added `logout_on_user_change` to the firewall options. This config item will
trigger a logout when the user has changed. Should be set to true to avoid
deprecations in the configuration.
* deprecated HTTP digest authentication
* deprecated command `acl:set` along with `SetAclCommand` class
* deprecated command `init:acl` along with `InitAclCommand` class
* Added support for the new Argon2i password encoder
* added `stateless` option to the `switch_user` listener
* deprecated auto picking the first registered provider when no configured provider on a firewall and ambiguous
* Deprecated instantiating `UserPasswordEncoderCommand` without its constructor
arguments fully provided.
* Deprecated `UserPasswordEncoderCommand::getContainer()` and relying on the
`ContainerAwareCommand` sub class or `ContainerAwareInterface` implementation for this command.
* Deprecated the `FirewallMap::$map` and `$container` properties.
* [BC BREAK] Keys of the `users` node for `in_memory` user provider are no longer normalized.
* deprecated `FirewallContext::getListeners()`
* Added the `SecurityUserValueResolver` to inject the security users in actions via
`Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface` in the method signature.
* Removed the `security.context` service.
* deprecated the `key` setting of `anonymous`, `remember_me` and `http_digest`
in favor of the `secret` setting.
* deprecated the `intention` firewall listener setting in favor of the `csrf_token_id`.
* Added the possibility to override the default success/failure handler
to get the provider key and the options injected
* Deprecated the `security.context` service for the `security.token_storage` and
`security.authorization_checker` services.
* Added 'host' option to firewall configuration
* Added 'csrf_token_generator' and 'csrf_token_id' options to firewall logout
listener configuration to supersede/alias 'csrf_provider' and 'intention'
* Moved 'security.secure_random' service configuration to FrameworkBundle
* allowed for multiple IP address in security access_control rules
* Added PBKDF2 Password encoder
* Added BCrypt password encoder
* [BC BREAK] The custom factories for the firewall configuration are now
registered during the build method of bundles instead of being registered
by the end-user (you need to remove the 'factories' keys in your security
* [BC BREAK] The Firewall listener is now registered after the Router one. This
means that specific Firewall URLs (like /login_check and /logout must now
have proper route defined in your routing configuration)
* [BC BREAK] refactored the user provider configuration. The configuration
changed for the chain provider and the memory provider:
``` yaml
providers: [my_memory_provider, my_doctrine_provider]
toto: { password: foobar, roles: [ROLE_USER] }
foo: { password: bar, roles: [ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN] }
``` yaml
providers: [my_memory_provider, my_doctrine_provider]
toto: { password: foobar, roles: [ROLE_USER] }
foo: { password: bar, roles: [ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN] }
* [BC BREAK] Method `equals` was removed from `UserInterface` to its own new
`EquatableInterface`. The user class can now implement this interface to override
the default implementation of users equality test.
* added a validator for the user password
* added 'erase_credentials' as a configuration key (true by default)
* added new events: `security.authentication.success` and `security.authentication.failure`
fired on authentication success/failure, regardless of authentication method,
events are defined in new event class: `Symfony\Component\Security\Core\AuthenticationEvents`.
* Added optional CSRF protection to LogoutListener:
``` yaml
path: /logout_path
target: /
csrf_parameter: _csrf_token # Optional (defaults to "_csrf_token")
csrf_provider: security.csrf.token_generator # Required to enable protection
intention: logout # Optional (defaults to "logout")
If the LogoutListener has CSRF protection enabled but cannot validate a token,
then a LogoutException will be thrown.
* Added `logout_url` templating helper and Twig extension, which may be used to
generate logout URL's within templates. The security firewall's config key
must be specified. If a firewall's logout listener has CSRF protection
enabled, a token will be automatically added to the generated URL.