Merge branch 'master' into dist/eole/2.8.1/master
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,27 @@ LemonLDAP::NG EOLE integration
## Howto
### Repository configuration
* Add the lemonldap-ng deb respository we need the last version of LemonLDAP.
GenConfig -> Mode Expert -> Dépôts tiers -> Libellé du dépôt
#### LemonLDAP::NG repository (if you use EOLE 2.7.2 this is not needed anymore)
* deb stable main
* deb-src stable main
* Key URL :
#### Cadoles Repository
* deb [ arch=all ] 2.7.2-dev main
* Key URL :
### Install packages
apt update
apt install eole-lemonldap
### Configure LemonLDAP in GenConfig
* Enable lemonldap in "Services" tab
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
<file filelist='lemonldap' name='/etc/lemonldap-ng/lemonldap-ng.ini' mkdir='True' rm='True'/>
<file filelist='lemonldap' name='/var/lib/lemonldap-ng/conf/lmConf-1.json' mkdir='True' rm='True'/>
<file filelist='lemonldap' name='/etc/default/lemonldap-ng-fastcgi-server' mkdir='True' rm='True'/>
@ -15,7 +14,7 @@
<file filelist='lemonldap-apache' name='/etc/lemonldap-ng/handler-apache2.X.conf' mkdir='True' rm='True'/>
<file filelist='lemonldap-apache' name='/etc/lemonldap-ng/portal-apache2.X.conf' mkdir='True' rm='True'/>
<service servicelist="sllemon">lemonldap-ng-fastcgi-server</service>
<service method='apache' servicelist='lemonldap-apache'>manager-apache2</service>
<service method='apache' servicelist='lemonldap-apache'>portal-apache2</service>
@ -28,6 +27,14 @@
<family name='eole-sso'>
<variable name='eolesso_cas_folder' redefine="True" exists='True'>
<variable name='eolesso_port' redefine="True" exists='True'>
<family name='Services'>
<variable name='activerLemon' type='oui/non' description="Activer LemonLDAP::NG">
@ -40,6 +47,10 @@
<variable name='authWebName' type='string' description="Nom DNS du service d'authentification LemonLDAP-NG"/>
<variable name='reloadWebName' type='string' description="Nom DNS du service Reload de LemonLDAP-NG" mode="expert"/>
<variable name='lemon_user_db' type='string' description="Backend pour les comptes utilisateurs" mode="expert">
<variable name='ldapScheme' type='string' description="Protocole LDAP à utiliser" mandatory='True'/>
<variable name='ldapServer' type='string' description="Adresse du Serveur LDAP utilisé par LemonLDAP::NG" mandatory="True"/>
<variable name='ldapServerPort' type='number' description="Port d'écoute du LDAP utilisé par LemonLDAP::NG" mandatory='True'/>
@ -47,11 +58,18 @@
<variable name='ldapBindUserDN' type='string' description="Utilisateur de connection à l'annuaire" mandatory="True"/>
<variable name='ldapBindUserPassword' type='password' description="Mot de passe de l'utilisateur de connection à l'annuaire" mandatory="True"/>
<variable name="samlOrganizationName" type='string' description="Nom de l'organisation SAML" mode='expert'/>
<variable name='lmldapverify' type='oui/non' description="Vérifier les certificats SSL du serveur LDAP">
<variable name="lemonproc" type='number' description="Nombre de processus dédié à Lemon (équivalent au nombre de processeurs)" mandatory="True">
<variable name="lm_loglevel" type='string' description="Verbosité des journaux" mode='expert'>
<variable name="lemonAdmin" type='string' description="LemonLDAP Administrator username" mode='expert'>
@ -77,6 +95,9 @@
<variable name='llResetPassword' type='oui/non' description="Permettre aux utilisateurs de réinitialiser leurs mots de passe">
<variable name='llResetExpiredPassword' type='oui/non' description="Autoriser le renouvellement des mots de passe expirés">
<variable name='llResetUrl' type='string' description="Adresse de l'application pour réinitialiser leurs mots de passe" />
<variable name='llRegisterAccount' type='oui/non' description="Permettre aux utilisateurs de créer un compte">
@ -118,10 +139,17 @@
<check name="valid_enum" target="lemon_user_db">
<check name='valid_enum' target="lm_loglevel">
<check name="valid_enum" target="llRegisterDB">
<group master="casAttribute">
@ -132,6 +160,7 @@
<target type='filelist'>lemonldap-nginx</target>
<target type='filelist'>lemonldap-apache</target>
<target type='servicelist'>lemonldap-apache</target>
<target type='servicelist'>sllemon</target>
<target type='family'>LemonLDAP</target>
<target type='service_accesslist'>saLemon</target>
@ -158,6 +187,7 @@
<condition name='disabled_if_in' source='llResetPassword'>
<target type='variable'>llResetUrl</target>
<target type='variable'>llResetExpiredPassword</target>
<check name='valid_enum' target='llSkin'>
@ -170,7 +200,8 @@
<variable name='activerLemon'>Activer le service LemonLDAP::NG sur ce serveur</variable>
<variable name='managerWebName'>Nom DNS de l'application de gestion de LemonLDAP::NG</variable>
<variable name='authWebName'>Nom DNS de service d'authentification de LemonLDAP::NG</variable>
<variable name='ldapUserBaseDN'>DN de l'utilisateur de connection en lecture à l'annuaire (ex: cn=reader,o=gouv,c=fr)</variable>
<variable name='ldapUserBaseDN'>DN de base de l'emplactement des utilisateurs dans l'annuaire (ex: ou=users,o=gouv,c=fr)</variable>
<variable name='ldapBindUserDN'>DN de l'utilisateur de connection en lecture à l'annuaire (ex: cn=reader,o=gouv,c=fr)</variable>
<variable name='llCheckLogins'>Affiche une case à cocher sur la mire SSO qui permet a l'utilisateur de voir l'historique de connection de son compte avant d'être redirigé vers le service demandé</variable>
<variable name='llCSPTargets'>Liste des domaines à ajouter à la directive form-action.</variable>
@ -6,13 +6,12 @@
<family name='eole sso'>
<variable name='eolesso_adresse' description="Nom de domaine du serveur d'authentification SSO" redefine="True" />
<variable name='eolesso_adresse' description="Nom de domaine du serveur d'authentification SSO" redefine="True" exists='True' />
<fill name='calc_multi_condition' target='activer_sso'>
<param type='eole' name='condition_1'>activerLemon</param>
@ -25,11 +24,8 @@
<target type='variable'>activer_sso</target>
<auto name='calc_multi_condition' target='ldapScheme'>
<param type='eole' name='condition_1'>ldap_tls</param>
<param name='match'>ldaps</param>
<param name='default_mismatch'>ldap</param>
<auto name='calc_val' target='ldapScheme'>
<fill name='calc_val_first_value' target='eolesso_adresse'>
@ -38,29 +34,33 @@
<param type='eole'>nom_domaine_machine</param>
<auto name='calc_val' target='ldap_port'>
<condition name='frozen_if_in' source='activerLemon'>
<target type='variable'>eolesso_adresse</target>
<auto name='calc_val' target='ldapServer'>
<param type='eole'>adresse_ip_ldap</param>
<param type='eole'>ad_address</param>
<auto name='calc_val' target='ldapServerPort'>
<param type='eole'>ldap_port</param>
<param type='number'>636</param>
<auto name='calc_val' target='ldapUserBaseDN'>
<param type='eole'>ldap_base_dn</param>
<auto name='calc_val' target='lemon_user_db'>
<auto name='calc_val' target='ldapBindUserDN'>
<param type='eole'>ldap_reader</param>
<param type='eole'>sasl_ldap_reader</param>
<auto name='calc_val' target='ldapBindUserPassword'>
<param type='eole'>ldap_reader_passfile</param>
<auto name='calc_val' target='casFolder'>
@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
[ "$(CreoleGet activerLemon non)" = 'oui' ] || exit 0
[[ $(CreoleGet activerLemon non) == "non" ]] && exit 0
# Updating Configuration cache
cmd="/usr/share/lemonldap-ng/bin/lemonldap-ng-cli update-cache"
# Updating Configuration cache
/usr/share/lemonldap-ng/bin/lemonldap-ng-cli update-cache 2>&1
@ -29,6 +29,17 @@ ErrorDocument 503 https://%%authWebName/lmerror/503
<VirtualHost %%adresse_ip_eth0:443>
ServerName %%reloadWebName
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile %%server_cert
SSLCertificateKeyFile %%server_key
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca_local.crt
SSLProtocol all -SSLv3 -SSLv2
SSLProxyEngine on
LogLevel %%lm_loglevel
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/handler_error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/handler_access.log common
# Configuration reload mechanism (only 1 per physical server is
# needed): choose your URL to avoid restarting Apache when
# configuration change
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Number of process (default: 7)
NPROC = %%lemonproc
# Unix socket to listen to
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
; 1 - Defined logging level
; Set here one of error, warn, notice, info or debug
logLevel = debug
logLevel = %%lm_loglevel
; Note that this has no effect for Apache2 logging: Apache LogLevel is used
; instead
@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ logLevel = debug
; 2.1 - Using Syslog
; For Syslog logging, you can also overwrite facilities. Default values:
;logger = Lemonldap::NG::Common::Logger::Syslog
;syslogFacility = daemon
;userSyslogFacility = auth
logger = Lemonldap::NG::Common::Logger::Syslog
syslogFacility = daemon
userSyslogFacility = auth
; 2.2 - Using Log4perl
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"authChoiceModules": {},
"authChoiceParam": "lmAuth",
"authentication": "LDAP",
"authentication": "%%lemon_user_db",
"browserIdAuthnLevel": 1,
"captchaStorage": "Apache::Session::File",
"captchaStorageOptions": {
@ -152,10 +152,27 @@
"issuerDBSAMLRule": 1,
"jsRedirect": 0,
"key": "e\"bTCt3*eU9^\\V%b",
%if %%llResetPassword == "oui"
%if %%llResetExpiredPassword == "oui"
%if %%lemon_user_db == "AD"
"ldapPpolicyControl": 0,
"ldapPpolicyControl": 1,
%end if
"ldapAllowResetExpiredPassword": 1,
"ldapPpolicyControl": 0,
"ldapAllowResetExpiredPassword": 0,
%end if
%end if
"ldapChangePasswordAsUser": 1,
"ldapAuthnLevel": 2,
%if %%eole_module == "scribe"
"ldapBase": "cn=Users,dc=%echo ",dc=".join(%%ad_domain.split('.')) + '",'
"ldapBase": "%%ldapUserBaseDN",
"ldapChangePasswordAsUser": 0,
%end if
"ldapSearchDeref": "find",
"ldapExportedVars": {
"cn": "cn",
"mail": "mail",
@ -170,9 +187,15 @@
"ldapPasswordResetAttribute": "pwdReset",
"ldapPasswordResetAttributeValue": "TRUE",
"ldapPort": "%%ldapServerPort",
"ldapPpolicyControl": 0,
"ldapPwdEnc": "utf-8",
"ldapServer": "%%ldapScheme://%%ldapServer",
%if %%ldapScheme == "ldaps"
%if %%lmldapverify == "oui"
"ldapVerify": "required",
"ldapVerify": "none",
%end if
%end if
"ldapSetPassword": 0,
"ldapTimeout": 120,
"ldapUsePasswordResetAttribute": 1,
@ -211,7 +234,11 @@
%end if
%end if
"maintenance": 0,
%if %%eole_module == "scribe"
"managerDn": "cn=%%ldapBindUserDN,cn=Users,dc=%echo ",dc=".join(%%ad_domain.split('.')) + '",'
"managerDn": "%%ldapBindUserDN",
%end if
%if %%is_file(%%ldapBindUserPassword)
"managerPassword": "%%readPass("", %%ldapBindUserPassword)",
@ -244,7 +271,7 @@
"openIdSreg_fullname": "cn",
"openIdSreg_nickname": "uid",
"openIdSreg_timezone": "_timezone",
"passwordDB": "LDAP",
"passwordDB": "%%lemon_user_db",
"persistentStorage": "Apache::Session::File",
"persistentStorageOptions": {
"Directory": "/var/lib/lemonldap-ng/psessions",
@ -364,7 +391,7 @@
"useRedirectOnForbidden": 0,
"useSafeJail": 1,
"userControl": "^[\\w\\.\\-@]+$",
"userDB": "LDAP",
"userDB": "%%lemon_user_db",
"vhostOptions": {
"%%managerWebName": {
"vhostHttps": "1"
@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
<VirtualHost %%adresse_ip_eth0:443>
ServerName %%managerWebName
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/eole.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/eole.key
SSLCertificateFile %%server_cert
SSLCertificateKeyFile %%server_key
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca_local.crt
SSLProtocol all -SSLv3 -SSLv2
SSLProxyEngine on
LogLevel info
LogLevel %%lm_loglevel
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/manager_error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/manager_access.log common
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
log_format lm_combined '$remote_addr - $lmremote_user [$time_local] '
log_format lm_app '$remote_addr - $upstream_http_lm_remote_user [$time_local] '
'"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
'"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"';
'"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" $upstream_http_lm_remote_custom';
@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
<VirtualHost %%adresse_ip_eth0:443>
ServerName %%authWebName
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/eole.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/eole.key
SSLCertificateFile %%server_cert
SSLCertificateKeyFile %%server_key
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca_local.crt
SSLProtocol all -SSLv3 -SSLv2
SSLProxyEngine on
LogLevel info
LogLevel %%lm_loglevel
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/portal_error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/portal_access.log common
Reference in New Issue
Block a user