Add tasks to create only 1 client #11

pcaseiro merged 2 commits from f/create_1_client into master 2023-07-13 10:19:05 +02:00
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Simple task to create 1 client for hydra. Fails if the client already exists.
# Parameter: client_id
- fail: msg='Error, client does not exist. Please define the client first'
when: hydra_clients|selectattr("client_id", "equalto", client_id)|list|length == 0
- name: Create hydra-client
src: hydra-client.json.j2
pcaseiro marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Je ne trouve pas trace de ce fichier "hydra-client.json.j2"

Je ne trouve pas trace de ce fichier "hydra-client.json.j2"
dest: "/etc/hydra/clients.d/{{ item.client_id }}.json"
with_items: "{{ hydra_clients }}"
when: item.client_id == client_id
become: true
- name: Import client
command: podman exec -t cadoles-pod-hydra-v1 /bin/sh -c "hydra clients import /etc/hydra/clients.d/{{ client_id }}.json --endpoint"
become: true