Fonction pour l’envoi de paquets sur pulp (domaine par défaut à modifier)

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Bohard 2022-01-25 15:11:54 +01:00
parent f2602a8d27
commit ce2c30003e
1 changed files with 117 additions and 0 deletions

vars/pulp.groovy Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
def exportPackages(
String credentials,
List packages = [],
String pulpHost = 'pulp.bbohard.lan'
) {
def exportTasks = []
packages.each {
def response = httpRequest authentication: credentials, url: "https://${pulpHost}/pulp/api/v3/content/deb/packages/", httpMode: 'POST', ignoreSslErrors: true, multipartName: "file", timeout: 900, responseHandle: 'NONE', uploadFile: "${it}"
jsonResponse = readJSON text: response.content
exportTasks << jsonResponse['task']
return exportTasks
def getRepositoryHREF(
String credentials,
String repositoryLevel = 'dev',
String pulpHost = 'pulp.bbohard.lan'
) {
def repositoriesMapping = ['dev': 'Cadoles4MSE']
def response = httpRequest authentication: credentials, url: "https://${pulpHost}/pulp/api/v3/repositories/deb/apt/", httpMode: 'GET', ignoreSslErrors: true
def jsonResponse = readJSON text: response.content
def repositories = jsonResponse.results
def repositoryHREF = repositories.find { it -> it['name'] == repositoriesMapping[repositoryLevel] }
return repositoryHREF.pulp_href
def addToRepository(
String credentials,
List packagesHREF,
String repositoryHREF,
String pulpHost = 'pulp.bbohard.lan'
) {
def packagesHREFURL = ["add_content_units": packagesHREF.collect { "https://$pulpHost$it" }]
def postBody = JsonOutput.toJson(packagesHREFURL)
def response = httpRequest authentication: credentials, url: "https://${pulpHost}${repositoryHREF}modify/", httpMode: 'POST', requestBody: postBody, contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', ignoreSslErrors: true, validResponseCodes: "100:599"
def jsonResponse = readJSON text: response.content
return waitForTaskCompletion(credentials, jsonResponse.task)
def publishRepository(
String credentials,
String repositoryHREF,
String pulpHost = 'pulp.bbohard.lan'
) {
def postBody = JsonOutput.toJson(["repository": repositoryHREF, "simple": true])
def response = httpRequest authentication: credentials, url: "https://${pulpHost}/pulp/api/v3/publications/deb/apt/", httpMode: 'POST', requestBody: postBody, contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', ignoreSslErrors: true
def jsonResponse = readJSON text: response.content
return waitForTaskCompletion(credentials, jsonResponse.task)
def distributePublication(
String credentials,
String publicationHREF,
String distributionName,
String basePath,
String pulpHost = 'pulp.bbohard.lan',
String contentGuard = null
) {
def response = httpRequest authentication: credentials, url: "https://${pulpHost}/pulp/api/v3/distributions/deb/apt/", httpMode: 'GET', ignoreSslErrors: true
def jsonResponse = readJSON text: response.content
def httpMode = ''
def url = ''
def distribution = jsonResponse.results.find { it -> == distributionName}
if (distribution) {
httpMode = 'PUT'
url = distribution.pulp_href
} else {
httpMode = 'POST'
url = '/pulp/api/v3/distributions/deb/apt/'
def postBody = JsonOutput.toJson(["publication": publicationHREF, "name": distributionName, "base_path": basePath, "content_guard": contentGuard])
response = httpRequest authentication: credentials, url: "https://${pulpHost}${url}", httpMode: httpMode, requestBody: postBody, contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', ignoreSslErrors: true, validResponseCodes: "100:599"
jsonResponse = readJSON text: response.content
if (distribution) {
waitForTaskCompletion(credentials, jsonResponse.task)
return [url]
} else {
return waitForTaskCompletion(credentials, jsonResponse.task)
def waitForTaskCompletion(
String credentials,
String taskHREF,
String pulpHost = 'pulp.bbohard.lan'
) {
def status = ''
def created_resources = []
while (status != 'completed') {
def response = httpRequest authentication: credentials, url: "https://${pulpHost}${taskHREF}", httpMode: 'GET', ignoreSslErrors: true
def jsonResponse = readJSON text: response.content
status = jsonResponse.state
if (status == 'completed') {
created_resources = jsonResponse.created_resources
return created_resources
def getDistributionURL(
String credentials,
String resourceHREF,
String pulpHost = 'pulp.bbohard.lan'
) {
def response = httpRequest authentication: credentials, url: "https://${pulpHost}${resourceHREF}", httpMode: 'GET', ignoreSslErrors: true
def jsonResponse = readJSON text: response.content
return jsonResponse.base_url