Automatiser la création des ressources en fonction du tag
Some checks failed
Cadoles/Jenkins/pipeline/head There was a failure building this commit

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Bohard 2022-02-10 10:26:05 +01:00
parent ad49ba869f
commit c1cffc4d6f
2 changed files with 66 additions and 42 deletions

Jenkinsfile vendored
View File

@ -103,12 +103,15 @@ pipeline {
// On publie chacun des paquets construits
def repositoriesMapping = ['unstable': 'Cadoles4MSE unstable',
'dev': 'Cadoles4MSE dev',
'staging': 'Cadoles4MSE staging',
'stable': 'Cadoles4MSE stable']
def splittedTag = env.ref.split('/')
def repositoryName = "${splittedTag[2]} ${splittedTag[1]}"
def distributionName = repositoryName
def basePath = repositoryName.replace(' ', '-')
def product = splittedTag[2].split('-')[0]
def contentGuardMapping = ['mse': 'mse_contentguard']
def signingServiceMapping = ['mse': 'sign_deb_release']
def credentials = '212d6dc7-f9a2-4d27-94d8-de7fc6cae0a1'
def repositoryHREF = pulp.getRepositoryHREF(credentials, repositoriesMapping[result.env])
def repositoryHREF = pulp.getRepositoryHREF(credentials, repositoryName)
def exportTasks = pulp.exportPackages(credentials, result.packages)
def pulpPackages = []
exportTasks.each {
@ -118,10 +121,8 @@ pipeline {
pulp.addToRepository(credentials, pulpPackages, repositoryHREF)
def publicationHREF = pulp.publishRepository(credentials, repositoryHREF)
def distributionName = repositoriesMapping[result.env]
def base_path = distributionName.replaceAll(' ', '_')
def distributionHREF = pulp.distributePublication(credentials, publicationHREF[0], distributionName, base_path)
def publicationHREF = pulp.publishRepository(credentials, repositoryHREF, signingServiceMapping.get(product))
def distributionHREF = pulp.distributePublication(credentials, publicationHREF[0], distributionName, base_path, contentGuardMapping.get(product))
def distributionURL = pulp.getDistributionURL(credentials, distributionHREF[0])
// On liste l'ensemble des paquets construits

View File

@ -1,5 +1,38 @@
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
def getResourceHREF(
String credentials,
String resourceEndpoint,
String resourceName
) {
def response = httpRequest authentication: credentials, url: "https://${pulpHost}/pulp/api/v3/${resourceEndpoint}", httpMode: 'GET', ignoreSslErrors: true
def jsonResponse = readJSON text: response.content
def resource = jsonResponse.results.find { it -> == resourceName}
if (resource) {
return resource.pulp_href
return null
def waitForTaskCompletion(
String credentials,
String taskHREF,
String pulpHost = ''
) {
def status = ''
def created_resources = []
while (status != 'completed') {
def response = httpRequest authentication: credentials, url: "https://${pulpHost}${taskHREF}", httpMode: 'GET', ignoreSslErrors: true
def jsonResponse = readJSON text: response.content
status = jsonResponse.state
if (status == 'completed') {
created_resources = jsonResponse.created_resources
return created_resources
def exportPackages(
String credentials,
List packages = [],
@ -31,12 +64,9 @@ def getRepositoryHREF(
String repository = 'Cadoles4MSE unstable',
String pulpHost = ''
) {
def response = httpRequest authentication: credentials, url: "https://${pulpHost}/pulp/api/v3/repositories/deb/apt/", httpMode: 'GET', ignoreSslErrors: true
def jsonResponse = readJSON text: response.content
def repositories = jsonResponse.results
def repositoryHREF = repositories.find { it -> it['name'] == repository }
def repositoryHREF = getResourceHREF(credentials, 'repositories/deb/apt/', repository)
if (repositoryHREF) {
return repositoryHREF.pulp_href
return repositoryHREF
} else {
return createRepository(credentials, repository)
@ -58,9 +88,17 @@ def addToRepository(
def publishRepository(
String credentials,
String repositoryHREF,
String signing_service = null
String pulpHost = ''
) {
def postBody = JsonOutput.toJson(["repository": repositoryHREF, "simple": true])
def postContent = ["repository": repositoryHREF, "simple": true]
if (signing_service) {
def signingServiceHREF = getResourceHREF(credentials, 'signing-services/', signing_service)
if (signingServiceHREF) {
postContent.put("signing-service", "https://${pulpHost}${signingServiceHREF})
def postBody = JsonOutput.toJson(postContent)
def response = httpRequest authentication: credentials, url: "https://${pulpHost}/pulp/api/v3/publications/deb/apt/", httpMode: 'POST', requestBody: postBody, contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', ignoreSslErrors: true
def jsonResponse = readJSON text: response.content
return waitForTaskCompletion(credentials, jsonResponse.task)
@ -71,23 +109,27 @@ def distributePublication(
String publicationHREF,
String distributionName,
String basePath,
String pulpHost = '',
String contentGuard = null
String pulpHost = '',
) {
def response = httpRequest authentication: credentials, url: "https://${pulpHost}/pulp/api/v3/distributions/deb/apt/", httpMode: 'GET', ignoreSslErrors: true
def jsonResponse = readJSON text: response.content
def httpMode = ''
def url = ''
def distribution = jsonResponse.results.find { it -> == distributionName}
if (distribution) {
def distributionHREF = getResourceHREF(credentials, 'distributions/deb/apt/', distributionName)
if (distributionHREF) {
httpMode = 'PUT'
url = distribution.pulp_href
url = distributionHREF
} else {
httpMode = 'POST'
url = '/pulp/api/v3/distributions/deb/apt/'
def postBody = JsonOutput.toJson(["publication": publicationHREF, "name": distributionName, "base_path": basePath, "content_guard": contentGuard])
def bodyContent = ["publication": publicationHREF, "name": distributionName, "base_path": basePath]
if (contentGuard) {
def contentGuardHREF = getResourceHREF(credentials, 'contentguards/core/rbac/', contentGuard)
if (contentGuardHREF) {
bodyContent.put('content_guard', "https://${pulpHost}${contentGuardHREF}")
def postBody = JsonOutput.toJson(bodyContent)
response = httpRequest authentication: credentials, url: "https://${pulpHost}${url}", httpMode: httpMode, requestBody: postBody, contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', ignoreSslErrors: true, validResponseCodes: "100:399"
jsonResponse = readJSON text: response.content
if (distribution) {
@ -98,25 +140,6 @@ def distributePublication(
def waitForTaskCompletion(
String credentials,
String taskHREF,
String pulpHost = ''
) {
def status = ''
def created_resources = []
while (status != 'completed') {
def response = httpRequest authentication: credentials, url: "https://${pulpHost}${taskHREF}", httpMode: 'GET', ignoreSslErrors: true
def jsonResponse = readJSON text: response.content
status = jsonResponse.state
if (status == 'completed') {
created_resources = jsonResponse.created_resources
return created_resources
def getDistributionURL(
String credentials,
String resourceHREF,