The inner storage is now the only possible way to handle attachments and hydrate responses by using ClassMap at the same time. To get the response objects from ClassMap, use SoapResponse->getResponseObject() method
Build SOAP and WSDL based web services. This fork from 2017 is a refactored version that fixes a lot of errors and provides better APi, more robust, stable and modern codebase. See How to use that will help you to understand the magic.
BeSimpleSoap consists of five components ...
Refactored BeSimpleSoapClient is a component that extends the native PHP SoapClient with further features like SwA and WS-Security.
Refactored BeSimpleSoapServer is a component that extends the native PHP SoapServer with further features like SwA and WS-Security.
Refactored BeSimpleSoapCommon component contains functionality shared by both the server and client implementations.
Currently unsupported! For further information see the README.
Currently unsupported! The BeSimpleSoapBundle is a Symfony2 bundle to build WSDL and SOAP based web services. For further information see the the original README. May not work properly since the Symfony libraries were removed.
If you do not yet have composer, install it like this:
curl -s | sudo php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin
Create a composer.json
"require": {
"besimple/soap": "0.2.*@dev"
Now you are ready to install the library:
php /usr/local/bin/composer.phar install
How to use
You can investigate the unit tests in order to get a clue. Forget about associative arrays, multiple extension and silent errors!
// unit tests for soap client
// unit tests for soap server
Small example of soap client call
$soapClientBuilder = new SoapClientBuilder();
$soapClient = $soapClientBuilder->build(
$myRequest = new MyRequest();
$myRequest->attribute = 'string value';
$soapResponse = $soapClient->soapCall('myMethod', [$myRequest]);
var_dump($soapResponse); // Contains Response, Attachments
Something wrong?!
Turn on the tracking and catch SoapFaultWithTracingData
exception to get some sweets :)
try {
$soapResponse = $soapClient->soapCall('GetUKLocationByCounty', [$getUKLocationByCountyRequest]);
} catch (SoapFaultWithTracingData $fault) {
Small example of soap server handling
Starting a SOAP server is a bit more complex. I would suggest you to inspect SoapServer unit tests to get complete image. But don't be scared too much, you just need to create a DummyService that will handle your client SOAP calls.
$dummyService = new DummyService();
$classMap = new ClassMap();
foreach ($dummyService->getClassMap() as $type => $className) {
$classMap->add($type, $className);
$soapServerBuilder = new SoapServerBuilder();
$soapServerOptions = SoapServerOptionsBuilder::createWithDefaults($dummyService);
$soapOptions = SoapOptionsBuilder::createWithClassMap($dummyService->getWsdlPath(), $classMap);
$soapServer = $soapServerBuilder->build($soapServerOptions, $soapOptions);
$request = $soapServer->createRequest(
'<your><soap><request><here /></request></soap></your>'
$response = $soapServer->handleRequest($request);
var_dump($response); // Contains Response, Attachments