
164 lines
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package core
import (
// Core struct contains core specific config value
type Config struct {
SecretKey string `mapstructure:"secret_key"`
UseAllowList bool `mapstructure:"use_allow_list"`
AllowListFile string `mapstructure:"allow_list_file"`
SetUserID bool `mapstructure:"set_user_id"`
Vars map[string]string `mapstructure:"variables"`
Blocklist []string
Tables []Table
RolesQuery string `mapstructure:"roles_query"`
Roles []Role
Inflections map[string]string
// Table struct defines a database table
type Table struct {
Name string
Table string
Blocklist []string
Remotes []Remote
Columns []Column
// Column struct defines a database column
type Column struct {
Name string
Type string
ForeignKey string `mapstructure:"related_to"`
// Remote struct defines a remote API endpoint
type Remote struct {
Name string
ID string
Path string
URL string
Debug bool
PassHeaders []string `mapstructure:"pass_headers"`
SetHeaders []struct {
Name string
Value string
} `mapstructure:"set_headers"`
// Role struct contains role specific access control values for for all database tables
type Role struct {
Name string
Match string
Tables []RoleTable
tm map[string]*RoleTable
// RoleTable struct contains role specific access control values for a database table
type RoleTable struct {
Name string
Query Query
Insert Insert
Update Update
Delete Delete
// Query struct contains access control values for query operations
type Query struct {
Limit int
Filters []string
Columns []string
DisableFunctions bool `mapstructure:"disable_functions"`
Block bool
// Insert struct contains access control values for insert operations
type Insert struct {
Filters []string
Columns []string
Presets map[string]string
Block bool
// Insert struct contains access control values for update operations
type Update struct {
Filters []string
Columns []string
Presets map[string]string
Block bool
// Delete struct contains access control values for delete operations
type Delete struct {
Filters []string
Columns []string
Block bool
// ReadInConfig function reads in the config file for the environment specified in the GO_ENV
// environment variable. This is the best way to create a new Super Graph config.
func ReadInConfig(configFile string) (*Config, error) {
cpath := path.Dir(configFile)
cfile := path.Base(configFile)
vi := newViper(cpath, cfile)
if err := vi.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
return nil, err
inherits := vi.GetString("inherits")
if len(inherits) != 0 {
vi = newViper(cpath, inherits)
if err := vi.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if vi.IsSet("inherits") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("inherited config (%s) cannot itself inherit (%s)",
if err := vi.MergeInConfig(); err != nil {
return nil, err
c := &Config{}
if err := vi.Unmarshal(&c); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode config, %v", err)
if len(c.AllowListFile) == 0 {
c.AllowListFile = path.Join(cpath, "allow.list")
return c, nil
func newViper(configPath, configFile string) *viper.Viper {
vi := viper.New()
vi.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer(".", "_"))
return vi