2020-06-08 19:28:22 -04:00

1317 lines
28 KiB

package psql
import (
const (
closeBlock = 500
type Param struct {
Name string
Type string
IsArray bool
type Metadata struct {
skipped uint32
params []Param
pindex map[string]int
type compilerContext struct {
md Metadata
w io.Writer
s []qcode.Select
type Variables map[string]json.RawMessage
type Config struct {
Schema *DBSchema
Vars map[string]string
type Compiler struct {
schema *DBSchema
vars map[string]string
func NewCompiler(conf Config) *Compiler {
return &Compiler{
schema: conf.Schema,
vars: conf.Vars,
func (co *Compiler) AddRelationship(child, parent string, rel *DBRel) error {
return co.schema.SetRel(child, parent, rel)
func (co *Compiler) IDColumn(table string) (*DBColumn, error) {
ti, err := co.schema.GetTable(table)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ti.PrimaryCol == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no primary key column found")
return ti.PrimaryCol, nil
func (co *Compiler) CompileEx(qc *qcode.QCode, vars Variables) (Metadata, []byte, error) {
w := &bytes.Buffer{}
metad, err := co.Compile(w, qc, vars)
return metad, w.Bytes(), err
func (co *Compiler) Compile(w io.Writer, qc *qcode.QCode, vars Variables) (Metadata, error) {
return co.CompileWithMetadata(w, qc, vars, Metadata{})
func (co *Compiler) CompileWithMetadata(w io.Writer, qc *qcode.QCode, vars Variables, md Metadata) (Metadata, error) {
md.skipped = 0
if qc == nil {
return md, fmt.Errorf("qcode is nil")
switch qc.Type {
case qcode.QTQuery:
return co.compileQueryWithMetadata(w, qc, vars, md)
case qcode.QTInsert,
return co.compileMutation(w, qc, vars)
return Metadata{}, fmt.Errorf("Unknown operation type %d", qc.Type)
func (co *Compiler) compileQueryWithMetadata(
w io.Writer, qc *qcode.QCode, vars Variables, md Metadata) (Metadata, error) {
if len(qc.Selects) == 0 {
return md, errors.New("empty query")
c := &compilerContext{md, w, qc.Selects, co}
st := NewIntStack()
i := 0
io.WriteString(c.w, `SELECT jsonb_build_object(`)
for _, id := range qc.Roots {
if i != 0 {
io.WriteString(c.w, `, `)
root := &qc.Selects[id]
if root.SkipRender || len(root.Cols) == 0 {
squoted(c.w, root.FieldName)
io.WriteString(c.w, `, `)
io.WriteString(c.w, `NULL`)
} else {
st.Push(root.ID + closeBlock)
if st.Len() != 0 {
io.WriteString(c.w, `) as "__root" FROM `)
} else {
io.WriteString(c.w, `) as "__root"`)
return, nil
for {
if st.Len() == 0 {
id := st.Pop()
if id < closeBlock {
sel := &c.s[id]
if len(sel.Cols) == 0 {
ti, err := c.schema.GetTable(sel.Name)
if err != nil {
return, err
if sel.ParentID == -1 {
io.WriteString(c.w, `(`)
} else {
if !ti.IsSingular {
c.renderPluralSelect(sel, ti)
if err := c.renderSelect(sel, ti, vars); err != nil {
return, err
for _, cid := range sel.Children {
if hasBit(, uint32(cid)) {
child := &c.s[cid]
if child.SkipRender {
st.Push(child.ID + closeBlock)
} else {
sel := &c.s[(id - closeBlock)]
ti, err := c.schema.GetTable(sel.Name)
if err != nil {
return, err
io.WriteString(c.w, `)`)
aliasWithID(c.w, "__sr", sel.ID)
io.WriteString(c.w, `)`)
aliasWithID(c.w, "__sj", sel.ID)
if !ti.IsSingular {
io.WriteString(c.w, `)`)
aliasWithID(c.w, "__sj", sel.ID)
if sel.ParentID == -1 {
if st.Len() != 0 {
io.WriteString(c.w, `, `)
} else {
if len(sel.Args) != 0 {
for _, v := range sel.Args {
return, nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderPluralSelect(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) error {
io.WriteString(c.w, `SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg("__sj_`)
int32String(c.w, sel.ID)
io.WriteString(c.w, `"."json"), '[]') as "json"`)
if sel.Paging.Type != qcode.PtOffset {
n := 0
// check if primary key already included in order by
// query argument
for _, ob := range sel.OrderBy {
if ob.Col == ti.PrimaryCol.Key {
n = 1
if n == 1 {
n = len(sel.OrderBy)
} else {
n = len(sel.OrderBy) + 1
io.WriteString(c.w, `, CONCAT_WS(','`)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
io.WriteString(c.w, `, max("__cur_`)
int32String(c.w, int32(i))
io.WriteString(c.w, `")`)
io.WriteString(c.w, `) as "cursor"`)
io.WriteString(c.w, ` FROM (`)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderRootSelect(sel *qcode.Select) error {
io.WriteString(c.w, `'`)
io.WriteString(c.w, sel.FieldName)
io.WriteString(c.w, `', `)
io.WriteString(c.w, `"__sj_`)
int32String(c.w, sel.ID)
io.WriteString(c.w, `"."json"`)
if sel.Paging.Type != qcode.PtOffset {
io.WriteString(c.w, `, '`)
io.WriteString(c.w, sel.FieldName)
io.WriteString(c.w, `_cursor', `)
io.WriteString(c.w, `"__sj_`)
int32String(c.w, sel.ID)
io.WriteString(c.w, `"."cursor"`)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) initSelect(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo, vars Variables) ([]*qcode.Column, error) {
cols := make([]*qcode.Column, 0, len(sel.Cols))
colmap := make(map[string]struct{}, len(sel.Cols))
for i := range sel.Cols {
colmap[sel.Cols[i].Name] = struct{}{}
for i := range sel.OrderBy {
colmap[sel.OrderBy[i].Col] = struct{}{}
if sel.Paging.Type != qcode.PtOffset {
colmap[ti.PrimaryCol.Key] = struct{}{}
addPrimaryKey := true
for _, ob := range sel.OrderBy {
if ob.Col == ti.PrimaryCol.Key {
addPrimaryKey = false
if addPrimaryKey {
ob := &qcode.OrderBy{Col: ti.PrimaryCol.Name, Order: qcode.OrderAsc}
if sel.Paging.Type == qcode.PtBackward {
ob.Order = qcode.OrderDesc
sel.OrderBy = append(sel.OrderBy, ob)
if sel.Paging.Cursor {
for _, id := range sel.Children {
child := &c.s[id]
rel, err := c.schema.GetRel(child.Name, ti.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch rel.Type {
case RelOneToOne, RelOneToMany:
if _, ok := colmap[rel.Right.Col]; !ok {
cols = append(cols, &qcode.Column{Table: ti.Name, Name: rel.Right.Col, FieldName: rel.Right.Col})
colmap[rel.Right.Col] = struct{}{}
case RelOneToManyThrough:
if _, ok := colmap[rel.Left.Col]; !ok {
cols = append(cols, &qcode.Column{Table: ti.Name, Name: rel.Left.Col, FieldName: rel.Left.Col})
colmap[rel.Left.Col] = struct{}{}
case RelEmbedded:
if _, ok := colmap[rel.Left.Col]; !ok {
cols = append(cols, &qcode.Column{Table: ti.Name, Name: rel.Left.Col, FieldName: rel.Left.Col})
colmap[rel.Left.Col] = struct{}{}
case RelRemote:
if _, ok := colmap[rel.Left.Col]; !ok {
cols = append(cols, &qcode.Column{Table: ti.Name, Name: rel.Left.Col, FieldName: rel.Right.Col})
colmap[rel.Left.Col] = struct{}{} |= (1 << uint(id))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown relationship %s", rel)
return cols, nil
// This
// (A, B, C) >= (X, Y, Z)
// Becomes
// (A > X)
// OR ((A = X) AND (B > Y))
// OR ((A = X) AND (B = Y) AND (C > Z))
// OR ((A = X) AND (B = Y) AND (C = Z))
func (c *compilerContext) addSeekPredicate(sel *qcode.Select) error {
var or, and *qcode.Exp
obLen := len(sel.OrderBy)
if obLen > 1 {
or = qcode.NewFilter()
or.Op = qcode.OpOr
for i := 0; i < obLen; i++ {
if i > 0 {
and = qcode.NewFilter()
and.Op = qcode.OpAnd
for n, ob := range sel.OrderBy {
f := qcode.NewFilter()
f.Col = ob.Col
f.Type = qcode.ValRef
f.Table = "__cur"
f.Val = ob.Col
if obLen == 1 {
qcode.AddFilter(sel, f)
return nil
switch {
case i > 0 && n != i:
f.Op = qcode.OpEquals
case ob.Order == qcode.OrderDesc:
f.Op = qcode.OpLesserThan
f.Op = qcode.OpGreaterThan
if and != nil {
and.Children = append(and.Children, f)
} else {
or.Children = append(or.Children, f)
if n == i {
if and != nil {
or.Children = append(or.Children, and)
qcode.AddFilter(sel, or)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderSelect(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo, vars Variables) error {
var rel *DBRel
var err error
if sel.ParentID != -1 {
parent := c.s[sel.ParentID]
rel, err = c.schema.GetRel(ti.Name, parent.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
childCols, err := c.initSelect(sel, ti, vars)
if err != nil {
return err
// io.WriteString(c.w, `SELECT jsonb_build_object(`)
// if err := c.renderColumns(sel, ti, skipped); err != nil {
// return 0, err
// }
io.WriteString(c.w, `SELECT to_jsonb("__sr_`)
int32String(c.w, sel.ID)
io.WriteString(c.w, `".*) `)
if sel.Paging.Type != qcode.PtOffset {
for i := range sel.OrderBy {
io.WriteString(c.w, `- '__cur_`)
int32String(c.w, int32(i))
io.WriteString(c.w, `' `)
io.WriteString(c.w, `AS "json"`)
if sel.Paging.Type != qcode.PtOffset {
for i := range sel.OrderBy {
io.WriteString(c.w, `, "__cur_`)
int32String(c.w, int32(i))
io.WriteString(c.w, `"`)
io.WriteString(c.w, `FROM (SELECT `)
if err := c.renderColumns(sel, ti); err != nil {
return err
if sel.Paging.Type != qcode.PtOffset {
for i, ob := range sel.OrderBy {
io.WriteString(c.w, `, LAST_VALUE(`)
colWithTableID(c.w, ti.Name, sel.ID, ob.Col)
io.WriteString(c.w, `) OVER() AS "__cur_`)
int32String(c.w, int32(i))
io.WriteString(c.w, `"`)
io.WriteString(c.w, ` FROM (`)
// FROM (SELECT .... )
if err = c.renderBaseSelect(sel, ti, rel, childCols); err != nil {
return err
//fmt.Fprintf(w, `) AS "%s_%d"`, c.sel.Name, c.sel.ID)
io.WriteString(c.w, `)`)
aliasWithID(c.w, ti.Name, sel.ID)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderLateralJoin(sel *qcode.Select) error {
io.WriteString(c.w, ` LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (`)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderLateralJoinClose(sel *qcode.Select) error {
// io.WriteString(c.w, `) `)
// aliasWithID(c.w, "__sj", sel.ID)
io.WriteString(c.w, ` ON ('true')`)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderJoin(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) error {
parent := &c.s[sel.ParentID]
return c.renderJoinByName(ti.Name, parent.Name, parent.ID)
func (c *compilerContext) renderJoinByName(table, parent string, id int32) error {
rel, err := c.schema.GetRel(table, parent)
if err != nil {
return err
// This join is only required for one-to-many relations since
// these make use of join tables that need to be pulled in.
if rel.Type != RelOneToManyThrough {
return err
pt, err := c.schema.GetTable(parent)
if err != nil {
return err
//fmt.Fprintf(w, ` LEFT OUTER JOIN "%s" ON (("%s"."%s") = ("%s_%d"."%s"))`,
//rel.Through, rel.Through, rel.ColT, c.parent.Name, c.parent.ID, rel.Left.Col)
io.WriteString(c.w, ` LEFT OUTER JOIN "`)
io.WriteString(c.w, rel.Through)
io.WriteString(c.w, `" ON ((`)
colWithTable(c.w, rel.Through, rel.ColT)
io.WriteString(c.w, `) = (`)
colWithTableID(c.w, pt.Name, id, rel.Left.Col)
io.WriteString(c.w, `))`)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderColumns(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) error {
i := 0
var cn string
for _, col := range sel.Cols {
if n := funcPrefixLen(, col.Name); n != 0 {
if !sel.Functions {
cn = col.Name[n:]
} else {
cn = col.Name
if strings.HasSuffix(cn, "_cursor") {
if len(sel.Allowed) != 0 {
if _, ok := sel.Allowed[cn]; !ok {
if i != 0 {
io.WriteString(c.w, ", ")
colWithTableID(c.w, ti.Name, sel.ID, col.Name)
alias(c.w, col.FieldName)
i += c.renderRemoteRelColumns(sel, ti, i)
return c.renderJoinColumns(sel, ti, i)
func (c *compilerContext) renderRemoteRelColumns(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo, colsRendered int) int {
i := colsRendered
for _, id := range sel.Children {
child := &c.s[id]
rel, err := c.schema.GetRel(child.Name, sel.Name)
if err != nil || rel.Type != RelRemote {
if i != 0 || len(sel.Cols) != 0 {
io.WriteString(c.w, ", ")
colWithTableID(c.w, ti.Name, sel.ID, rel.Left.Col)
alias(c.w, rel.Right.Col)
return i
func (c *compilerContext) renderJoinColumns(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo, colsRendered int) error {
// columns previously rendered
i := colsRendered
for _, id := range sel.Children {
if hasBit(, uint32(id)) {
childSel := &c.s[id]
if i != 0 {
io.WriteString(c.w, ", ")
if childSel.SkipRender {
io.WriteString(c.w, `NULL`)
alias(c.w, childSel.FieldName)
io.WriteString(c.w, `"__sj_`)
int32String(c.w, childSel.ID)
io.WriteString(c.w, `"."json"`)
alias(c.w, childSel.FieldName)
if childSel.Paging.Type != qcode.PtOffset {
io.WriteString(c.w, `, "__sj_`)
int32String(c.w, childSel.ID)
io.WriteString(c.w, `"."cursor" AS "`)
io.WriteString(c.w, childSel.FieldName)
io.WriteString(c.w, `_cursor"`)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderBaseSelect(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo, rel *DBRel,
childCols []*qcode.Column) error {
isRoot := (rel == nil)
isFil := (sel.Where != nil && sel.Where.Op != qcode.OpNop)
hasOrder := len(sel.OrderBy) != 0
if sel.Paging.Cursor {
io.WriteString(c.w, `SELECT `)
if len(sel.DistinctOn) != 0 {
c.renderDistinctOn(sel, ti)
realColsRendered, isAgg, err := c.renderBaseColumns(sel, ti, childCols)
if err != nil {
return err
io.WriteString(c.w, ` FROM `)
c.renderFrom(sel, ti, rel)
if isRoot && isFil {
io.WriteString(c.w, ` WHERE (`)
if err := c.renderWhere(sel, ti); err != nil {
return err
io.WriteString(c.w, `)`)
if !isRoot {
if err := c.renderJoin(sel, ti); err != nil {
return err
io.WriteString(c.w, ` WHERE (`)
if err := c.renderRelationship(sel, ti); err != nil {
return err
if isFil {
io.WriteString(c.w, ` AND `)
if err := c.renderWhere(sel, ti); err != nil {
return err
io.WriteString(c.w, `)`)
if isAgg && len(realColsRendered) != 0 {
io.WriteString(c.w, ` GROUP BY `)
for i, id := range realColsRendered {
//fmt.Fprintf(w, `"%s"."%s"`, c.sel.Name, c.sel.Cols[id].Name)
colWithTable(c.w, ti.Name, sel.Cols[id].Name)
if hasOrder {
if err := c.renderOrderBy(sel, ti); err != nil {
return err
switch {
case ti.IsSingular:
io.WriteString(c.w, ` LIMIT ('1') :: integer`)
case len(sel.Paging.Limit) != 0:
//fmt.Fprintf(w, ` LIMIT ('%s') :: integer`, c.sel.Paging.Limit)
io.WriteString(c.w, ` LIMIT ('`)
io.WriteString(c.w, sel.Paging.Limit)
io.WriteString(c.w, `') :: integer`)
case sel.Paging.NoLimit:
io.WriteString(c.w, ` LIMIT ('20') :: integer`)
if len(sel.Paging.Offset) != 0 {
//fmt.Fprintf(w, ` OFFSET ('%s') :: integer`, c.sel.Paging.Offset)
io.WriteString(c.w, ` OFFSET ('`)
io.WriteString(c.w, sel.Paging.Offset)
io.WriteString(c.w, `') :: integer`)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderFrom(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo, rel *DBRel) error {
if rel != nil && rel.Type == RelEmbedded {
// jsonb_to_recordset('[{"a":1,"b":[1,2,3],"c":"bar"}, {"a":2,"b":[1,2,3],"c":"bar"}]') as x(a int, b text, d text);
io.WriteString(c.w, `"`)
io.WriteString(c.w, rel.Left.Table)
io.WriteString(c.w, `", `)
io.WriteString(c.w, ti.Type)
io.WriteString(c.w, `_to_recordset(`)
colWithTable(c.w, rel.Left.Table, rel.Right.Col)
io.WriteString(c.w, `) AS `)
io.WriteString(c.w, `"`)
io.WriteString(c.w, ti.Name)
io.WriteString(c.w, `"`)
io.WriteString(c.w, `(`)
for i, col := range ti.Columns {
if i != 0 {
io.WriteString(c.w, `, `)
io.WriteString(c.w, col.Name)
io.WriteString(c.w, ` `)
io.WriteString(c.w, col.Type)
io.WriteString(c.w, `)`)
} else {
//fmt.Fprintf(w, ` FROM "%s"`, c.sel.Name)
io.WriteString(c.w, `"`)
io.WriteString(c.w, ti.Name)
io.WriteString(c.w, `"`)
if sel.Paging.Cursor {
io.WriteString(c.w, `, "__cur"`)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderCursorCTE(sel *qcode.Select) error {
io.WriteString(c.w, `WITH "__cur" AS (SELECT `)
for i, ob := range sel.OrderBy {
if i != 0 {
io.WriteString(c.w, `, `)
io.WriteString(c.w, `a[`)
int32String(c.w, int32(i+1))
io.WriteString(c.w, `] as `)
quoted(c.w, ob.Col)
io.WriteString(c.w, ` FROM string_to_array(`), Param{Name: "cursor", Type: "json"})
io.WriteString(c.w, `, ',') as a) `)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderRelationship(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) error {
parent := c.s[sel.ParentID]
pti, err := c.schema.GetTable(parent.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
return c.renderRelationshipByName(ti.Name, pti.Name, parent.ID)
func (c *compilerContext) renderRelationshipByName(table, parent string, id int32) error {
rel, err := c.schema.GetRel(table, parent)
if err != nil {
return err
io.WriteString(c.w, `((`)
switch rel.Type {
case RelOneToOne, RelOneToMany:
//fmt.Fprintf(w, `(("%s"."%s") = ("%s_%d"."%s"))`,
//c.sel.Name, rel.Left.Col, c.parent.Name, c.parent.ID, rel.Right.Col)
switch {
case !rel.Left.Array && rel.Right.Array:
colWithTable(c.w, table, rel.Left.Col)
io.WriteString(c.w, `) = any (`)
colWithTableID(c.w, parent, id, rel.Right.Col)
case rel.Left.Array && !rel.Right.Array:
colWithTableID(c.w, parent, id, rel.Right.Col)
io.WriteString(c.w, `) = any (`)
colWithTable(c.w, table, rel.Left.Col)
colWithTable(c.w, table, rel.Left.Col)
io.WriteString(c.w, `) = (`)
colWithTableID(c.w, parent, id, rel.Right.Col)
case RelOneToManyThrough:
// This requires the through table to be joined onto this select
//fmt.Fprintf(w, `(("%s"."%s") = ("%s"."%s"))`,
//c.sel.Name, rel.Left.Col, rel.Through, rel.Right.Col)
switch {
case !rel.Left.Array && rel.Right.Array:
colWithTable(c.w, table, rel.Left.Col)
io.WriteString(c.w, `) = any (`)
colWithTable(c.w, rel.Through, rel.Right.Col)
case rel.Left.Array && !rel.Right.Array:
colWithTable(c.w, rel.Through, rel.Right.Col)
io.WriteString(c.w, `) = any (`)
colWithTable(c.w, table, rel.Left.Col)
colWithTable(c.w, table, rel.Left.Col)
io.WriteString(c.w, `) = (`)
colWithTable(c.w, rel.Through, rel.Right.Col)
case RelEmbedded:
colWithTable(c.w, rel.Left.Table, rel.Left.Col)
io.WriteString(c.w, `) = (`)
colWithTableID(c.w, parent, id, rel.Left.Col)
io.WriteString(c.w, `))`)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderWhere(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) error {
if sel.Where != nil {
return c.renderExp(sel.Where, ti, false)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderExp(ex *qcode.Exp, ti *DBTableInfo, skipNested bool) error {
st := util.NewStack()
for {
if st.Len() == 0 {
intf := st.Pop()
switch val := intf.(type) {
case int32:
switch val {
case '(':
io.WriteString(c.w, `(`)
case ')':
io.WriteString(c.w, `)`)
case qcode.ExpOp:
switch val {
case qcode.OpAnd:
io.WriteString(c.w, ` AND `)
case qcode.OpOr:
io.WriteString(c.w, ` OR `)
case qcode.OpNot:
io.WriteString(c.w, `NOT `)
case qcode.OpFalse:
io.WriteString(c.w, `false`)
return fmt.Errorf("11: unexpected value %v (%t)", intf, intf)
case *qcode.Exp:
switch val.Op {
case qcode.OpFalse:
case qcode.OpAnd, qcode.OpOr:
for i := len(val.Children) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if i > 0 {
case qcode.OpNot:
if !skipNested && len(val.NestedCols) != 0 {
io.WriteString(c.w, `EXISTS `)
if err := c.renderNestedWhere(val, ti); err != nil {
return err
} else {
//fmt.Fprintf(w, `(("%s"."%s") `, c.sel.Name, val.Col)
if err := c.renderOp(val, ti); err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("12: unexpected value %v (%t)", intf, intf)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderNestedWhere(ex *qcode.Exp, ti *DBTableInfo) error {
for i := 0; i < len(ex.NestedCols)-1; i++ {
cti, err := c.schema.GetTable(ex.NestedCols[i])
if err != nil {
return err
if i != 0 {
io.WriteString(c.w, ` AND `)
io.WriteString(c.w, `(SELECT 1 FROM `)
io.WriteString(c.w, cti.Name)
if err := c.renderJoinByName(cti.Name, ti.Name, -1); err != nil {
return err
io.WriteString(c.w, ` WHERE `)
if err := c.renderRelationshipByName(cti.Name, ti.Name, -1); err != nil {
return err
io.WriteString(c.w, ` AND (`)
if err := c.renderExp(ex, cti, true); err != nil {
return err
io.WriteString(c.w, `)`)
for i := 0; i < len(ex.NestedCols)-1; i++ {
io.WriteString(c.w, `)`)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderOp(ex *qcode.Exp, ti *DBTableInfo) error {
var col *DBColumn
var ok bool
if ex.Op == qcode.OpNop {
return nil
if len(ex.Col) != 0 {
if col, ok = ti.ColMap[ex.Col]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("no column '%s' found ", ex.Col)
io.WriteString(c.w, `((`)
colWithTable(c.w, ti.Name, ex.Col)
io.WriteString(c.w, `) `)
switch ex.Op {
case qcode.OpEquals:
io.WriteString(c.w, `=`)
case qcode.OpNotEquals:
io.WriteString(c.w, `!=`)
case qcode.OpNotDistinct:
io.WriteString(c.w, `IS NOT DISTINCT FROM`)
case qcode.OpDistinct:
io.WriteString(c.w, `IS DISTINCT FROM`)
case qcode.OpGreaterOrEquals:
io.WriteString(c.w, `>=`)
case qcode.OpLesserOrEquals:
io.WriteString(c.w, `<=`)
case qcode.OpGreaterThan:
io.WriteString(c.w, `>`)
case qcode.OpLesserThan:
io.WriteString(c.w, `<`)
case qcode.OpIn:
io.WriteString(c.w, `= ANY`)
case qcode.OpNotIn:
io.WriteString(c.w, `!= ANY`)
case qcode.OpLike:
io.WriteString(c.w, `LIKE`)
case qcode.OpNotLike:
io.WriteString(c.w, `NOT LIKE`)
case qcode.OpILike:
io.WriteString(c.w, `ILIKE`)
case qcode.OpNotILike:
io.WriteString(c.w, `NOT ILIKE`)
case qcode.OpSimilar:
io.WriteString(c.w, `SIMILAR TO`)
case qcode.OpNotSimilar:
io.WriteString(c.w, `NOT SIMILAR TO`)
case qcode.OpContains:
io.WriteString(c.w, `@>`)
case qcode.OpContainedIn:
io.WriteString(c.w, `<@`)
case qcode.OpHasKey:
io.WriteString(c.w, `?`)
case qcode.OpHasKeyAny:
io.WriteString(c.w, `?|`)
case qcode.OpHasKeyAll:
io.WriteString(c.w, `?&`)
case qcode.OpIsNull:
if strings.EqualFold(ex.Val, "true") {
io.WriteString(c.w, `IS NULL)`)
} else {
io.WriteString(c.w, `IS NOT NULL)`)
return nil
case qcode.OpEqID:
if ti.PrimaryCol == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no primary key column defined for %s", ti.Name)
col = ti.PrimaryCol
//fmt.Fprintf(w, `(("%s") =`, c.ti.PrimaryCol)
io.WriteString(c.w, `((`)
colWithTable(c.w, ti.Name, ti.PrimaryCol.Name)
//io.WriteString(c.w, ti.PrimaryCol)
io.WriteString(c.w, `) =`)
case qcode.OpTsQuery:
if ti.PrimaryCol == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no tsv column defined for %s", ti.Name)
//fmt.Fprintf(w, `(("%s") @@ websearch_to_tsquery('%s'))`, c.ti.TSVCol, val.Val)
io.WriteString(c.w, `((`)
colWithTable(c.w, ti.Name, ti.TSVCol.Name)
if c.schema.ver >= 110000 {
io.WriteString(c.w, `) @@ websearch_to_tsquery(`)
} else {
io.WriteString(c.w, `) @@ to_tsquery(`)
}, Param{Name: ex.Val, Type: "string"})
io.WriteString(c.w, `))`)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("[Where] unexpected op code %d", ex.Op)
switch {
case ex.Type == qcode.ValList:
case col == nil:
return errors.New("no column found for expression value")
c.renderVal(ex, c.vars, col)
io.WriteString(c.w, `)`)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderOrderBy(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) error {
io.WriteString(c.w, ` ORDER BY `)
for i := range sel.OrderBy {
if i != 0 {
io.WriteString(c.w, `, `)
ob := sel.OrderBy[i]
colWithTable(c.w, ti.Name, ob.Col)
switch ob.Order {
case qcode.OrderAsc:
io.WriteString(c.w, ` ASC`)
case qcode.OrderDesc:
io.WriteString(c.w, ` DESC`)
case qcode.OrderAscNullsFirst:
io.WriteString(c.w, ` ASC NULLS FIRST`)
case qcode.OrderDescNullsFirst:
io.WriteString(c.w, ` DESC NULLLS FIRST`)
case qcode.OrderAscNullsLast:
io.WriteString(c.w, ` ASC NULLS LAST`)
case qcode.OrderDescNullsLast:
io.WriteString(c.w, ` DESC NULLS LAST`)
return fmt.Errorf("13: unexpected value %v", ob.Order)
return nil
func (c *compilerContext) renderDistinctOn(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) {
io.WriteString(c.w, `DISTINCT ON (`)
for i := range sel.DistinctOn {
if i != 0 {
io.WriteString(c.w, `, `)
colWithTable(c.w, ti.Name, sel.DistinctOn[i])
io.WriteString(c.w, `) `)
func (c *compilerContext) renderList(ex *qcode.Exp) {
io.WriteString(c.w, ` (`)
for i := range ex.ListVal {
if i != 0 {
io.WriteString(c.w, `, `)
switch ex.ListType {
case qcode.ValBool, qcode.ValInt, qcode.ValFloat:
io.WriteString(c.w, ex.ListVal[i])
case qcode.ValStr:
io.WriteString(c.w, `'`)
io.WriteString(c.w, ex.ListVal[i])
io.WriteString(c.w, `'`)
io.WriteString(c.w, `)`)
func (c *compilerContext) renderVal(ex *qcode.Exp, vars map[string]string, col *DBColumn) {
io.WriteString(c.w, ` `)
switch ex.Type {
case qcode.ValVar:
val, ok := vars[ex.Val]
switch {
case ok && strings.HasPrefix(val, "sql:"):
io.WriteString(c.w, `(`), val[4:])
io.WriteString(c.w, `)`)
case ok:
squoted(c.w, val)
case ex.Op == qcode.OpIn || ex.Op == qcode.OpNotIn:
io.WriteString(c.w, `(ARRAY(SELECT json_array_elements_text(`), Param{Name: ex.Val, Type: col.Type, IsArray: true})
io.WriteString(c.w, `))`)
io.WriteString(c.w, ` :: `)
io.WriteString(c.w, col.Type)
io.WriteString(c.w, `[])`)
default:, Param{Name: ex.Val, Type: col.Type, IsArray: false})
case qcode.ValRef:
colWithTable(c.w, ex.Table, ex.Col)
squoted(c.w, ex.Val)
io.WriteString(c.w, ` :: `)
io.WriteString(c.w, col.Type)
func funcPrefixLen(fm map[string]*DBFunction, fn string) int {
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "avg_"):
return 4
case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "count_"):
return 6
case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "max_"):
return 4
case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "min_"):
return 4
case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "sum_"):
return 4
case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "stddev_"):
return 7
case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "stddev_pop_"):
return 11
case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "stddev_samp_"):
return 12
case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "variance_"):
return 9
case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "var_pop_"):
return 8
case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "var_samp_"):
return 9
fnLen := len(fn)
for k := range fm {
kLen := len(k)
if kLen < fnLen && k[0] == fn[0] && strings.HasPrefix(fn, k) && fn[kLen] == '_' {
return kLen + 1
return 0
func hasBit(n uint32, pos uint32) bool {
val := n & (1 << pos)
return (val > 0)
func alias(w io.Writer, alias string) {
io.WriteString(w, ` AS "`)
io.WriteString(w, alias)
io.WriteString(w, `"`)
func aliasWithID(w io.Writer, alias string, id int32) {
io.WriteString(w, ` AS "`)
io.WriteString(w, alias)
io.WriteString(w, `_`)
int32String(w, id)
io.WriteString(w, `"`)
func colWithTable(w io.Writer, table, col string) {
io.WriteString(w, `"`)
io.WriteString(w, table)
io.WriteString(w, `"."`)
io.WriteString(w, col)
io.WriteString(w, `"`)
func colWithTableID(w io.Writer, table string, id int32, col string) {
io.WriteString(w, `"`)
io.WriteString(w, table)
if id >= 0 {
io.WriteString(w, `_`)
int32String(w, id)
io.WriteString(w, `"."`)
io.WriteString(w, col)
io.WriteString(w, `"`)
func quoted(w io.Writer, identifier string) {
io.WriteString(w, `"`)
io.WriteString(w, identifier)
io.WriteString(w, `"`)
func squoted(w io.Writer, identifier string) {
io.WriteString(w, `'`)
io.WriteString(w, identifier)
io.WriteString(w, `'`)
func int32String(w io.Writer, val int32) {
io.WriteString(w, strconv.FormatInt(int64(val), 10))