2020-04-10 02:27:43 -04:00

1178 lines
21 KiB

package qcode
import (
type QType int
type Action int
const (
maxSelectors = 30
const (
QTQuery QType = iota + 1
type QCode struct {
Type QType
ActionVar string
Selects []Select
Roots []int32
rootsA [5]int32
type Select struct {
ID int32
ParentID int32
Args map[string]*Node
Name string
FieldName string
Cols []Column
Where *Exp
OrderBy []*OrderBy
DistinctOn []string
Paging Paging
Children []int32
Functions bool
Allowed map[string]struct{}
PresetMap map[string]string
PresetList []string
SkipRender bool
type Column struct {
Table string
Name string
FieldName string
type Exp struct {
Op ExpOp
Col string
NestedCols []string
Type ValType
Table string
Val string
ListType ValType
ListVal []string
Children []*Exp
childrenA [5]*Exp
doFree bool
var zeroExp = Exp{doFree: true}
func (ex *Exp) Reset() {
*ex = zeroExp
type OrderBy struct {
Col string
Order Order
type PagingType int
const (
PtOffset PagingType = iota
type Paging struct {
Type PagingType
Limit string
Offset string
Cursor bool
NoLimit bool
type ExpOp int
const (
OpNop ExpOp = iota
type ValType int
const (
ValStr ValType = iota + 1
type AggregrateOp int
const (
AgCount AggregrateOp = iota + 1
type Order int
const (
OrderAsc Order = iota + 1
type Compiler struct {
tr map[string]map[string]*trval
bl map[string]struct{}
var expPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} { return &Exp{doFree: true} },
func NewCompiler(c Config) (*Compiler, error) {
co := &Compiler{}
co.tr = make(map[string]map[string]*trval)
co.bl = make(map[string]struct{}, len(c.Blocklist))
for i := range c.Blocklist {
co.bl[strings.ToLower(c.Blocklist[i])] = struct{}{}
seedExp := [100]Exp{}
for i := range seedExp {
seedExp[i].doFree = true
return co, nil
func NewFilter() *Exp {
ex := expPool.Get().(*Exp)
return ex
func (com *Compiler) AddRole(role, table string, trc TRConfig) error {
var err error
trv := &trval{}
// query config
trv.query.fil, trv.query.filNU, err = compileFilter(trc.Query.Filters)
if err != nil {
return err
if trc.Query.Limit > 0 {
trv.query.limit = strconv.Itoa(trc.Query.Limit)
trv.query.cols = listToMap(trc.Query.Columns)
trv.query.disable.funcs = trc.Query.DisableFunctions
// insert config
trv.insert.fil, trv.insert.filNU, err = compileFilter(trc.Insert.Filters)
if err != nil {
return err
trv.insert.cols = listToMap(trc.Insert.Columns)
trv.insert.psmap = parsePresets(trc.Insert.Presets)
trv.insert.pslist = mapToList(trv.insert.psmap)
// update config
trv.update.fil, trv.update.filNU, err = compileFilter(trc.Update.Filters)
if err != nil {
return err
trv.update.cols = listToMap(trc.Update.Columns)
trv.update.psmap = parsePresets(trc.Update.Presets)
trv.update.pslist = mapToList(trv.update.psmap)
// delete config
trv.delete.fil, trv.delete.filNU, err = compileFilter(trc.Delete.Filters)
if err != nil {
return err
trv.delete.cols = listToMap(trc.Delete.Columns)
singular := flect.Singularize(table)
plural := flect.Pluralize(table)
if _, ok := com.tr[role]; !ok {
com.tr[role] = make(map[string]*trval)
com.tr[role][singular] = trv
com.tr[role][plural] = trv
return nil
func (com *Compiler) Compile(query []byte, role string) (*QCode, error) {
var err error
qc := QCode{Type: QTQuery}
qc.Roots = qc.rootsA[:0]
op, err := Parse(query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = com.compileQuery(&qc, op, role); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &qc, nil
func (com *Compiler) compileQuery(qc *QCode, op *Operation, role string) error {
id := int32(0)
if len(op.Fields) == 0 {
return errors.New("invalid graphql no query found")
if op.Type == opMutate {
if err := com.setMutationType(qc, op.Fields[0].Args); err != nil {
return err
selects := make([]Select, 0, 5)
st := NewStack()
action := qc.Type
if len(op.Fields) == 0 {
return errors.New("empty query")
for i := range op.Fields {
if op.Fields[i].ParentID == -1 {
val := op.Fields[i].ID | (-1 << 16)
for {
if st.Len() == 0 {
if id >= maxSelectors {
return fmt.Errorf("selector limit reached (%d)", maxSelectors)
val := st.Pop()
fid := val & 0xFFFF
parentID := (val >> 16) & 0xFFFF
field := &op.Fields[fid]
if _, ok := com.bl[field.Name]; ok {
if field.ParentID == -1 {
parentID = -1
trv := com.getRole(role, field.Name)
selects = append(selects, Select{
ID: id,
ParentID: parentID,
Name: field.Name,
Children: make([]int32, 0, 5),
Allowed: trv.allowedColumns(action),
Functions: true,
s := &selects[(len(selects) - 1)]
switch action {
case QTQuery:
s.Functions = !trv.query.disable.funcs
s.Paging.Limit = trv.query.limit
case QTInsert:
s.PresetMap = trv.insert.psmap
s.PresetList = trv.insert.pslist
case QTUpdate:
s.PresetMap = trv.update.psmap
s.PresetList = trv.update.pslist
if len(field.Alias) != 0 {
s.FieldName = field.Alias
} else {
s.FieldName = s.Name
err := com.compileArgs(qc, s, field.Args, role)
if err != nil {
return err
// Order is important AddFilters must come after compileArgs
com.AddFilters(qc, s, role)
if s.ParentID == -1 {
qc.Roots = append(qc.Roots, s.ID)
} else {
p := &selects[s.ParentID]
p.Children = append(p.Children, s.ID)
s.Cols = make([]Column, 0, len(field.Children))
action = QTQuery
for _, cid := range field.Children {
f := op.Fields[cid]
if _, ok := com.bl[f.Name]; ok {
if len(f.Children) != 0 {
val := f.ID | (s.ID << 16)
col := Column{Name: f.Name}
if len(f.Alias) != 0 {
col.FieldName = f.Alias
} else {
col.FieldName = f.Name
s.Cols = append(s.Cols, col)
if id == 0 {
return errors.New("invalid query")
qc.Selects = selects[:id]
return nil
func (com *Compiler) AddFilters(qc *QCode, sel *Select, role string) {
var fil *Exp
var nu bool
if trv, ok := com.tr[role][sel.Name]; ok {
fil, nu = trv.filter(qc.Type)
} else if role == "anon" {
// Tables not defined under the anon role will not be rendered
sel.SkipRender = true
if fil == nil {
if nu && role == "anon" {
sel.SkipRender = true
switch fil.Op {
case OpNop:
case OpFalse:
sel.Where = fil
AddFilter(sel, fil)
func (com *Compiler) compileArgs(qc *QCode, sel *Select, args []Arg, role string) error {
var err error
// don't free this arg either previously done or will be free'd
// in the future like in psql
var df bool
for i := range args {
arg := &args[i]
switch arg.Name {
case "id":
err, df = com.compileArgID(sel, arg)
case "search":
err, df = com.compileArgSearch(sel, arg)
case "where":
err, df = com.compileArgWhere(sel, arg, role)
case "orderby", "order_by", "order":
err, df = com.compileArgOrderBy(sel, arg)
case "distinct_on", "distinct":
err, df = com.compileArgDistinctOn(sel, arg)
case "limit":
err, df = com.compileArgLimit(sel, arg)
case "offset":
err, df = com.compileArgOffset(sel, arg)
case "first":
err, df = com.compileArgFirstLast(sel, arg, PtForward)
case "last":
err, df = com.compileArgFirstLast(sel, arg, PtBackward)
case "after":
err, df = com.compileArgAfterBefore(sel, arg, PtForward)
case "before":
err, df = com.compileArgAfterBefore(sel, arg, PtBackward)
if !df {
FreeNode(arg.Val, 5)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (com *Compiler) setMutationType(qc *QCode, args []Arg) error {
setActionVar := func(arg *Arg) error {
if arg.Val.Type != NodeVar {
return argErr(arg.Name, "variable")
qc.ActionVar = arg.Val.Val
return nil
for i := range args {
arg := &args[i]
switch arg.Name {
case "insert":
qc.Type = QTInsert
return setActionVar(arg)
case "update":
qc.Type = QTUpdate
return setActionVar(arg)
case "upsert":
qc.Type = QTUpsert
return setActionVar(arg)
case "delete":
qc.Type = QTDelete
if arg.Val.Type != NodeBool {
return argErr(arg.Name, "boolen")
if arg.Val.Val == "false" {
qc.Type = QTQuery
return nil
return nil
func (com *Compiler) compileArgObj(st *util.Stack, arg *Arg) (*Exp, bool, error) {
if arg.Val.Type != NodeObj {
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("expecting an object")
return com.compileArgNode(st, arg.Val, true)
func (com *Compiler) compileArgNode(st *util.Stack, node *Node, usePool bool) (*Exp, bool, error) {
var root *Exp
var needsUser bool
if node == nil || len(node.Children) == 0 {
return nil, false, errors.New("invalid argument value")
pushChild(st, nil, node)
for {
if st.Len() == 0 {
intf := st.Pop()
node, ok := intf.(*Node)
if !ok || node == nil {
return nil, needsUser, fmt.Errorf("16: unexpected value %v (%t)", intf, intf)
// Objects inside a list
if len(node.Name) == 0 {
pushChildren(st, node.exp, node)
} else {
if _, ok := com.bl[node.Name]; ok {
ex, err := newExp(st, node, usePool)
if err != nil {
return nil, needsUser, err
if ex == nil {
if ex.Type == ValVar && ex.Val == "user_id" {
needsUser = true
if node.exp == nil {
root = ex
} else {
node.exp.Children = append(node.exp.Children, ex)
if usePool {
for {
if st.Len() == 0 {
intf := st.Pop()
node, ok := intf.(*Node)
if !ok || node == nil {
for i := range node.Children {
FreeNode(node, 1)
return root, needsUser, nil
func (com *Compiler) compileArgID(sel *Select, arg *Arg) (error, bool) {
if sel.ID != 0 {
return nil, false
if sel.Where != nil && sel.Where.Op == OpEqID {
return nil, false
if arg.Val.Type != NodeVar {
return argErr("id", "variable"), false
ex := expPool.Get().(*Exp)
ex.Op = OpEqID
ex.Type = ValVar
ex.Val = arg.Val.Val
sel.Where = ex
return nil, false
func (com *Compiler) compileArgSearch(sel *Select, arg *Arg) (error, bool) {
if arg.Val.Type != NodeVar {
return argErr("search", "variable"), false
ex := expPool.Get().(*Exp)
ex.Op = OpTsQuery
ex.Type = ValVar
ex.Val = arg.Val.Val
if sel.Args == nil {
sel.Args = make(map[string]*Node)
sel.Args[arg.Name] = arg.Val
AddFilter(sel, ex)
return nil, true
func (com *Compiler) compileArgWhere(sel *Select, arg *Arg, role string) (error, bool) {
st := util.NewStack()
var err error
ex, nu, err := com.compileArgObj(st, arg)
if err != nil {
return err, false
if nu && role == "anon" {
sel.SkipRender = true
AddFilter(sel, ex)
return nil, true
func (com *Compiler) compileArgOrderBy(sel *Select, arg *Arg) (error, bool) {
if arg.Val.Type != NodeObj {
return fmt.Errorf("expecting an object"), false
st := util.NewStack()
for i := range arg.Val.Children {
for {
if st.Len() == 0 {
intf := st.Pop()
node, ok := intf.(*Node)
if !ok || node == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("17: unexpected value %v (%t)", intf, intf), false
if _, ok := com.bl[node.Name]; ok {
FreeNode(node, 2)
if node.Type != NodeStr && node.Type != NodeVar {
return fmt.Errorf("expecting a string or variable"), false
ob := &OrderBy{}
switch node.Val {
case "asc":
ob.Order = OrderAsc
case "desc":
ob.Order = OrderDesc
case "asc_nulls_first":
ob.Order = OrderAscNullsFirst
case "desc_nulls_first":
ob.Order = OrderDescNullsFirst
case "asc_nulls_last":
ob.Order = OrderAscNullsLast
case "desc_nulls_last":
ob.Order = OrderDescNullsLast
return fmt.Errorf("valid values include asc, desc, asc_nulls_first and desc_nulls_first"), false
setOrderByColName(ob, node)
sel.OrderBy = append(sel.OrderBy, ob)
FreeNode(node, 3)
return nil, false
func (com *Compiler) compileArgDistinctOn(sel *Select, arg *Arg) (error, bool) {
node := arg.Val
if _, ok := com.bl[node.Name]; ok {
return nil, false
if node.Type != NodeList && node.Type != NodeStr {
return fmt.Errorf("expecting a list of strings or just a string"), false
if node.Type == NodeStr {
sel.DistinctOn = append(sel.DistinctOn, node.Val)
for i := range node.Children {
sel.DistinctOn = append(sel.DistinctOn, node.Children[i].Val)
FreeNode(node.Children[i], 5)
return nil, false
func (com *Compiler) compileArgLimit(sel *Select, arg *Arg) (error, bool) {
node := arg.Val
if node.Type != NodeInt {
return argErr("limit", "number"), false
sel.Paging.Limit = node.Val
return nil, false
func (com *Compiler) compileArgOffset(sel *Select, arg *Arg) (error, bool) {
node := arg.Val
if node.Type != NodeVar {
return argErr("offset", "variable"), false
sel.Paging.Offset = node.Val
return nil, false
func (com *Compiler) compileArgFirstLast(sel *Select, arg *Arg, pt PagingType) (error, bool) {
node := arg.Val
if node.Type != NodeInt {
return argErr(arg.Name, "number"), false
sel.Paging.Type = pt
sel.Paging.Limit = node.Val
return nil, false
func (com *Compiler) compileArgAfterBefore(sel *Select, arg *Arg, pt PagingType) (error, bool) {
node := arg.Val
if node.Type != NodeVar || node.Val != "cursor" {
return fmt.Errorf("value for argument '%s' must be a variable named $cursor", arg.Name), false
sel.Paging.Type = pt
sel.Paging.Cursor = true
return nil, false
var zeroTrv = &trval{}
func (com *Compiler) getRole(role, field string) *trval {
if trv, ok := com.tr[role][field]; ok {
return trv
} else {
return zeroTrv
func AddFilter(sel *Select, fil *Exp) {
if sel.Where != nil {
ow := sel.Where
if sel.Where.Op != OpAnd || !sel.Where.doFree {
sel.Where = expPool.Get().(*Exp)
sel.Where.Op = OpAnd
sel.Where.Children = sel.Where.childrenA[:2]
sel.Where.Children[0] = fil
sel.Where.Children[1] = ow
} else {
sel.Where.Children = append(sel.Where.Children, fil)
} else {
sel.Where = fil
func newExp(st *util.Stack, node *Node, usePool bool) (*Exp, error) {
name := node.Name
if name[0] == '_' {
name = name[1:]
var ex *Exp
if usePool {
ex = expPool.Get().(*Exp)
} else {
ex = &Exp{doFree: false}
ex.Children = ex.childrenA[:0]
switch name {
case "and":
if len(node.Children) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("missing expression after 'AND' operator")
ex.Op = OpAnd
pushChildren(st, ex, node)
case "or":
if len(node.Children) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("missing expression after 'OR' operator")
ex.Op = OpOr
pushChildren(st, ex, node)
case "not":
if len(node.Children) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("missing expression after 'NOT' operator")
ex.Op = OpNot
pushChild(st, ex, node)
case "eq", "equals":
ex.Op = OpEquals
ex.Val = node.Val
case "neq", "not_equals":
ex.Op = OpNotEquals
ex.Val = node.Val
case "gt", "greater_than":
ex.Op = OpGreaterThan
ex.Val = node.Val
case "lt", "lesser_than":
ex.Op = OpLesserThan
ex.Val = node.Val
case "gte", "greater_or_equals":
ex.Op = OpGreaterOrEquals
ex.Val = node.Val
case "lte", "lesser_or_equals":
ex.Op = OpLesserOrEquals
ex.Val = node.Val
case "in":
ex.Op = OpIn
setListVal(ex, node)
case "nin", "not_in":
ex.Op = OpNotIn
setListVal(ex, node)
case "like":
ex.Op = OpLike
ex.Val = node.Val
case "nlike", "not_like":
ex.Op = OpNotLike
ex.Val = node.Val
case "ilike":
ex.Op = OpILike
ex.Val = node.Val
case "nilike", "not_ilike":
ex.Op = OpILike
ex.Val = node.Val
case "similar":
ex.Op = OpSimilar
ex.Val = node.Val
case "nsimilar", "not_similar":
ex.Op = OpNotSimilar
ex.Val = node.Val
case "contains":
ex.Op = OpContains
ex.Val = node.Val
case "contained_in":
ex.Op = OpContainedIn
ex.Val = node.Val
case "has_key":
ex.Op = OpHasKey
ex.Val = node.Val
case "has_key_any":
ex.Op = OpHasKeyAny
ex.Val = node.Val
case "has_key_all":
ex.Op = OpHasKeyAll
ex.Val = node.Val
case "is_null":
ex.Op = OpIsNull
ex.Val = node.Val
case "null_eq", "ndis", "not_distinct":
ex.Op = OpNotDistinct
ex.Val = node.Val
case "null_neq", "dis", "distinct":
ex.Op = OpDistinct
ex.Val = node.Val
pushChildren(st, node.exp, node)
return nil, nil // skip node
if ex.Op != OpAnd && ex.Op != OpOr && ex.Op != OpNot {
switch node.Type {
case NodeStr:
ex.Type = ValStr
case NodeInt:
ex.Type = ValInt
case NodeBool:
ex.Type = ValBool
case NodeFloat:
ex.Type = ValFloat
case NodeList:
ex.Type = ValList
case NodeVar:
ex.Type = ValVar
return nil, fmt.Errorf("[Where] valid values include string, int, float, boolean and list: %s", node.Type)
setWhereColName(ex, node)
return ex, nil
func setListVal(ex *Exp, node *Node) {
if len(node.Children) != 0 {
switch node.Children[0].Type {
case NodeStr:
ex.ListType = ValStr
case NodeInt:
ex.ListType = ValInt
case NodeBool:
ex.ListType = ValBool
case NodeFloat:
ex.ListType = ValFloat
for i := range node.Children {
ex.ListVal = append(ex.ListVal, node.Children[i].Val)
func setWhereColName(ex *Exp, node *Node) {
var list []string
for n := node.Parent; n != nil; n = n.Parent {
if n.Type != NodeObj {
if len(n.Name) != 0 {
k := n.Name
if k == "and" || k == "or" || k == "not" ||
k == "_and" || k == "_or" || k == "_not" {
list = append([]string{k}, list...)
listlen := len(list)
if listlen == 1 {
ex.Col = list[0]
} else if listlen > 1 {
ex.Col = list[listlen-1]
ex.NestedCols = list[:listlen]
func setOrderByColName(ob *OrderBy, node *Node) {
var list []string
for n := node; n != nil; n = n.Parent {
if len(n.Name) != 0 {
list = append([]string{n.Name}, list...)
if len(list) != 0 {
ob.Col = buildPath(list)
func pushChildren(st *util.Stack, exp *Exp, node *Node) {
for i := range node.Children {
node.Children[i].exp = exp
func pushChild(st *util.Stack, exp *Exp, node *Node) {
node.Children[0].exp = exp
func compileFilter(filter []string) (*Exp, bool, error) {
var fl *Exp
var needsUser bool
com := &Compiler{}
st := util.NewStack()
if len(filter) == 0 {
return &Exp{Op: OpNop, doFree: false}, false, nil
for i := range filter {
if filter[i] == "false" {
return &Exp{Op: OpFalse, doFree: false}, false, nil
node, err := ParseArgValue(filter[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
f, nu, err := com.compileArgNode(st, node, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if nu {
needsUser = true
// TODO: Invalid table names in nested where causes fail silently
// returning a nil 'f' this needs to be fixed
// TODO: Invalid where clauses such as missing op (eg. eq) also fail silently
if fl == nil {
fl = f
} else {
fl = &Exp{Op: OpAnd, Children: []*Exp{fl, f}, doFree: false}
return fl, needsUser, nil
func buildPath(a []string) string {
switch len(a) {
case 0:
return ""
case 1:
return a[0]
n := len(a) - 1
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
n += len(a[i])
var b strings.Builder
for _, s := range a[1:] {
return b.String()
func (t ExpOp) String() string {
var v string
switch t {
case OpNop:
v = "op-nop"
case OpAnd:
v = "op-and"
case OpOr:
v = "op-or"
case OpNot:
v = "op-not"
case OpEquals:
v = "op-equals"
case OpNotEquals:
v = "op-not-equals"
case OpGreaterOrEquals:
v = "op-greater-or-equals"
case OpLesserOrEquals:
v = "op-lesser-or-equals"
case OpGreaterThan:
v = "op-greater-than"
case OpLesserThan:
v = "op-lesser-than"
case OpIn:
v = "op-in"
case OpNotIn:
v = "op-not-in"
case OpLike:
v = "op-like"
case OpNotLike:
v = "op-not-like"
case OpILike:
v = "op-i-like"
case OpNotILike:
v = "op-not-i-like"
case OpSimilar:
v = "op-similar"
case OpNotSimilar:
v = "op-not-similar"
case OpContains:
v = "op-contains"
case OpContainedIn:
v = "op-contained-in"
case OpHasKey:
v = "op-has-key"
case OpHasKeyAny:
v = "op-has-key-any"
case OpHasKeyAll:
v = "op-has-key-all"
case OpIsNull:
v = "op-is-null"
case OpEqID:
v = "op-eq-id"
case OpTsQuery:
v = "op-ts-query"
return fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", v)
func FreeExp(ex *Exp) {
if ex.doFree {
func argErr(name, ty string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("value for argument '%s' must be a %s", name, ty)