108 lines
3.2 KiB
108 lines
3.2 KiB
BUILD ?= $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
BUILD_DATE ?= $(shell git log -1 --format=%ci)
BUILD_BRANCH ?= $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
BUILD_VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --always --tags)
GOPATH ?= $(shell go env GOPATH)
ifndef GOPATH
override GOPATH = $(HOME)/go
export GO111MODULE := on
# Build-time Go variables
version = github.com/dosco/super-graph/internal/serv.version
gitBranch = github.com/dosco/super-graph/internal/serv.gitBranch
lastCommitSHA = github.com/dosco/super-graph/internal/serv.lastCommitSHA
lastCommitTime = github.com/dosco/super-graph/internal/serv.lastCommitTime
BUILD_FLAGS ?= -ldflags '-s -w -X ${lastCommitSHA}=${BUILD} -X "${lastCommitTime}=${BUILD_DATE}" -X "${version}=${BUILD_VERSION}" -X ${gitBranch}=${BUILD_BRANCH}'
.PHONY: all build gen clean test run lint changlog release version help $(PLATFORMS)
@go test -v -short -race ./...
BIN_DIR := $(GOPATH)/bin
GORICE := $(BIN_DIR)/rice
GOLANGCILINT := $(BIN_DIR)/golangci-lint
GITCHGLOG := $(BIN_DIR)/git-chglog
WEB_BUILD_DIR := ./internal/serv/web/build/manifest.json
@GO111MODULE=off go get -u github.com/GeertJohan/go.rice/rice
@echo "First install Yarn and create a build of the web UI then re-run make install"
@echo "Run this command: yarn --cwd internal/serv/web/ build"
@exit 1
@GO111MODULE=off go get -u github.com/git-chglog/git-chglog/cmd/git-chglog
changelog: $(GITCHGLOG)
@git-chglog $(ARGS)
@GO111MODULE=off curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh| sh -s -- -b $(GOPATH)/bin v1.25.1
@golangci-lint run ./... --skip-dirs-use-default
BINARY := super-graph
LDFLAGS := -s -w
PLATFORMS := windows linux darwin
os = $(word 1, $@)
@mkdir -p release
@GOOS=$(os) GOARCH=amd64 go build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o release/$(BINARY)-$(BUILD_VERSION)-$(os)-amd64 main.go
release: windows linux darwin
all: lint test $(BINARY)
build: $(BINARY)
@go generate ./...
$(BINARY): clean
@go build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o $(BINARY) main.go
@rm -f $(BINARY)
run: clean
@go run $(BUILD_FLAGS) main.go $(ARGS)
install: clean build
@echo "Commit Hash: `git rev-parse HEAD`"
@echo "Old Hash: `shasum $(GOPATH)/bin/$(BINARY) 2>/dev/null | cut -c -32`"
@mv $(BINARY) $(GOPATH)/bin/$(BINARY)
@echo "New Hash:" `shasum $(GOPATH)/bin/$(BINARY) 2>/dev/null | cut -c -32`
uninstall: clean
@go clean -i -x
@echo Super Graph ${BUILD_VERSION}
@echo Build: ${BUILD}
@echo Build date: ${BUILD_DATE}
@echo Branch: ${BUILD_BRANCH}
@echo Go version: $(shell go version)
@echo Build commands:
@echo " make build - Build supergraph binary"
@echo " make install - Install supergraph binary"
@echo " make uninstall - Uninstall supergraph binary"
@echo " make [platform] - Build for platform [linux|darwin|windows]"
@echo " make release - Build all platforms"
@echo " make run - Run supergraph (eg. make run ARGS=\"help\")"
@echo " make test - Run all tests"
@echo " make changelog - Generate changelog (eg. make changelog ARGS=\"help\")"
@echo " make help - This help"