package psql import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "testing" ) func simpleInsert(t *testing.T) { gql := `mutation { user(insert: $data) { id } }` sql := `WITH "users" AS (WITH "input" AS (SELECT {{data}}::json AS j) INSERT INTO users (full_name, email) SELECT full_name, email FROM input i, json_populate_record(NULL::users, i.j) t RETURNING *) SELECT json_object_agg('user', sel_json_0) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "sel_0" FROM (SELECT "user_0"."id" AS "id") AS "sel_0")) AS "sel_json_0" FROM (SELECT "user"."id" FROM "users" AS "user" WHERE ((("user"."id") = {{user_id}})) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "user_0" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "done_1337";` vars := map[string]json.RawMessage{ "data": json.RawMessage(`{"email": "", "full_name": "Flo Barton"}`), } resSQL, err := compileGQLToPSQL(gql, vars) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(">", string(resSQL)) if string(resSQL) != sql { t.Fatal(errNotExpected) } } func singleInsert(t *testing.T) { gql := `mutation { product(id: 15, insert: $insert) { id name } }` sql := `WITH product AS (WITH input AS (SELECT {{insert}}::json AS j) INSERT INTO product (name, description) SELECT name, description FROM input i, json_populate_record(NULL::product, i.j) t RETURNING *) SELECT json_object_agg('product', product) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "sel_0" FROM (SELECT "product_0"."id" AS "id", "product_0"."name" AS "name") AS "sel_0")) AS "product" FROM (SELECT "product"."id", "product"."name" FROM "products" AS "product" WHERE ((("product"."price") > 0) AND (("product"."price") < 8) AND (("id") = 15)) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "product_0" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "done_1337";` vars := map[string]json.RawMessage{ "insert": json.RawMessage(` { "name": "my_name", "woo": { "hoo": "goo" }, "description": "my_desc" }`), } resSQL, err := compileGQLToPSQL(gql, vars) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if string(resSQL) != sql { t.Fatal(errNotExpected) } } func bulkInsert(t *testing.T) { gql := `mutation { product(id: 15, insert: $insert) { id name } }` sql := `WITH product AS (WITH input AS (SELECT {{insert}}::json AS j) INSERT INTO product (name, description) SELECT name, description FROM input i, json_populate_recordset(NULL::product, i.j) t RETURNING *) SELECT json_object_agg('product', product) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "sel_0" FROM (SELECT "product_0"."id" AS "id", "product_0"."name" AS "name") AS "sel_0")) AS "product" FROM (SELECT "product"."id", "product"."name" FROM "products" AS "product" WHERE ((("product"."price") > 0) AND (("product"."price") < 8) AND (("id") = 15)) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "product_0" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "done_1337";` vars := map[string]json.RawMessage{ "insert": json.RawMessage(` [{ "name": "my_name", "woo": { "hoo": "goo" }, "description": "my_desc" }]`), } resSQL, err := compileGQLToPSQL(gql, vars) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if string(resSQL) != sql { t.Fatal(errNotExpected) } } func singleUpdate(t *testing.T) { gql := `mutation { product(id: 15, update: $update, where: { id: { eq: 1 } }) { id name } }` sql := `WITH product AS (WITH input AS (SELECT {{update}}::json AS j) UPDATE product SET (name, description) = (SELECT name, description FROM input i, json_populate_record(NULL::product, i.j) t) WHERE (("product"."price") > 0) AND (("product"."price") < 8) AND (("product"."id") = 1) AND (("id") = 15) RETURNING *) SELECT json_object_agg('product', product) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "sel_0" FROM (SELECT "product_0"."id" AS "id", "product_0"."name" AS "name") AS "sel_0")) AS "product" FROM (SELECT "product"."id", "product"."name" FROM "products" AS "product" WHERE ((("product"."price") > 0) AND (("product"."price") < 8) AND (("product"."id") = 1) AND (("id") = 15)) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "product_0" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "done_1337";` vars := map[string]json.RawMessage{ "update": json.RawMessage(` { "name": "my_name", "woo": { "hoo": "goo" }, "description": "my_desc" }`), } resSQL, err := compileGQLToPSQL(gql, vars) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if string(resSQL) != sql { t.Fatal(errNotExpected) } } func delete(t *testing.T) { gql := `mutation { product(delete: true, where: { id: { eq: 1 } }) { id name } }` sql := `DELETE FROM product WHERE (("product"."price") > 0) AND (("product"."price") < 8) AND (("product"."id") = 1) RETURNING *) SELECT json_object_agg('product', product) FROM (SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "sel_0" FROM (SELECT "product_0"."id" AS "id", "product_0"."name" AS "name") AS "sel_0")) AS "product" FROM (SELECT "product"."id", "product"."name" FROM "products" AS "product" WHERE ((("product"."price") > 0) AND (("product"."price") < 8) AND (("product"."id") = 1)) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "product_0" LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "done_1337";` vars := map[string]json.RawMessage{ "update": json.RawMessage(` { "name": "my_name", "woo": { "hoo": "goo" }, "description": "my_desc" }`), } resSQL, err := compileGQLToPSQL(gql, vars) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if string(resSQL) != sql { t.Fatal(errNotExpected) } } func TestCompileInsert(t *testing.T) { t.Run("simpleInsert", simpleInsert) t.Run("singleInsert", singleInsert) t.Run("bulkInsert", bulkInsert) t.Run("singleUpdate", singleUpdate) t.Run("delete", delete) }