# Inherit config from this other config file # so I only need to overwrite some values inherit: dev app_name: "{{app_name}} Production" host_port: web_ui: false # debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic, disable log_level: "info" # Disable this in development to get a list of # queries used. When enabled super graph # will only allow queries from this list # List saved to ./config/allow.list use_allow_list: true # Throw a 401 on auth failure for queries that need auth # valid values: always, per_query, never auth_fail_block: always # Latency tracing for database queries and remote joins # the resulting latency information is returned with the # response enable_tracing: true # File that points to the database seeding script # seed_file: seed.js # Path pointing to where the migrations can be found # migrations_path: migrations # Postgres related environment Variables # SG_DATABASE_HOST # SG_DATABASE_PORT # SG_DATABASE_USER # SG_DATABASE_PASSWORD # Auth related environment Variables # SG_AUTH_RAILS_COOKIE_SECRET_KEY_BASE # SG_AUTH_RAILS_REDIS_URL # SG_AUTH_RAILS_REDIS_PASSWORD # SG_AUTH_JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE # inflections: # person: people # sheep: sheep auth: # Can be 'rails' or 'jwt' type: rails cookie: _{{app_name_slug}}_session rails: # Rails version this is used for reading the # various cookies formats. version: 5.2 # Found in 'Rails.application.config.secret_key_base' secret_key_base: 0a248500a64c01184edb4d7ad3a805488f8097ac761b76aaa6c17c01dcb7af03a2f18ba61b2868134b9c7b79a122bc0dadff4367414a2d173297bfea92be5566 # Remote cookie store. (memcache or redis) # url: redis:// # password: test # max_idle: 80, # max_active: 12000, # In most cases you don't need these # salt: "encrypted cookie" # sign_salt: "signed encrypted cookie" # auth_salt: "authenticated encrypted cookie" # jwt: # provider: auth0 # secret: abc335bfcfdb04e50db5bb0a4d67ab9 # public_key_file: /secrets/public_key.pem # public_key_type: ecdsa #rsa database: type: postgres host: db port: 5432 dbname: {{app_name_slug}}_development user: postgres password: '' #pool_size: 10 #max_retries: 0 #log_level: "debug"