package psql_test import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "testing" ) func withComplexArgs(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { proDUcts( # returns only 30 items limit: 30, # starts from item 10, commented out for now # offset: 10, # orders the response items by highest price order_by: { price: desc }, # no duplicate prices returned distinct: [ price ] # only items with an id >= 20 and < 28 are returned where: { id: { and: { greater_or_equals: 20, lt: 28 } } }) { id NAME price } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "user") } func withWhereIn(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { products(where: { id: { in: $list } }) { id } }` vars := map[string]json.RawMessage{ "list": json.RawMessage(`[1,2,3]`), } compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, vars, "user") } func withWhereAndList(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { products( where: { and: [ { not: { id: { is_null: true } } }, { price: { gt: 10 } }, ] } ) { id name price } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "user") } func withWhereIsNull(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { products( where: { and: { not: { id: { is_null: true } }, price: { gt: 10 } }}) { id name price } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "user") } func withWhereMultiOr(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { products( where: { or: { not: { id: { is_null: true } }, price: { gt: 10 }, price: { lt: 20 } } } ) { id name price } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "user") } func fetchByID(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { product(id: $id) { id name } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "user") } func searchQuery(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { products(search: $query) { id name search_rank search_headline_description } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "admin") } func oneToMany(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { users { email products { name price } } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "user") } func oneToManyReverse(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { products { name price users { email } } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "user") } func oneToManyArray(t *testing.T) { gql := ` query { product { name price tags { id name } } tags { name product { name } } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "admin") } func manyToMany(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { products { name customers { email full_name } } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "user") } func manyToManyReverse(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { customers { email full_name products { name } } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "user") } func aggFunction(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { products { name count_price } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "user") } func aggFunctionBlockedByCol(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { products { name count_price } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "anon") } func aggFunctionDisabled(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { products { name count_price } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "anon1") } func aggFunctionWithFilter(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { products(where: { id: { gt: 10 } }) { id max_price } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "user") } func syntheticTables(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { me { email } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "user") } func queryWithVariables(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { product(id: $PRODUCT_ID, where: { price: { eq: $PRODUCT_PRICE } }) { id name } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "user") } func withWhereOnRelations(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { users(where: { not: { products: { price: { gt: 3 } } } }) { id email } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "user") } func multiRoot(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { product { id name customer { email } customers { email } } user { id email } customer { id } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "user") } func withFragment1(t *testing.T) { gql := ` fragment userFields1 on user { id email } query { users { ...userFields2 created_at ...userFields1 } } fragment userFields2 on user { first_name last_name }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "anon") } func withFragment2(t *testing.T) { gql := ` query { users { ...userFields2 created_at ...userFields1 } } fragment userFields1 on user { id email } fragment userFields2 on user { first_name last_name }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "anon") } func withFragment3(t *testing.T) { gql := ` fragment userFields1 on user { id email } fragment userFields2 on user { first_name last_name } query { users { ...userFields2 created_at ...userFields1 } } ` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "anon") } func withInlineFragment(t *testing.T) { gql := ` query { users { ... on users { id email } created_at ... on user { first_name last_name } } } ` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "anon") } func withCursor(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { Products( first: 20 after: $cursor order_by: { price: desc }) { Name } }` vars := map[string]json.RawMessage{ "cursor": json.RawMessage(`"0,1"`), } compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, vars, "admin") } func jsonColumnAsTable(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { products { id name tag_count { count tags { name } } } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "admin") } func nullForAuthRequiredInAnon(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { products { id name user(where: { id: { eq: $user_id } }) { id email } } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "anon") } func blockedQuery(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { user(id: $id, where: { id: { gt: 3 } }) { id full_name email } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "bad_dude") } func blockedFunctions(t *testing.T) { gql := `query { users { count_id email } }` compileGQLToPSQL(t, gql, nil, "bad_dude") } func TestCompileQuery(t *testing.T) { t.Run("withComplexArgs", withComplexArgs) t.Run("withWhereIn", withWhereIn) t.Run("withWhereAndList", withWhereAndList) t.Run("withWhereIsNull", withWhereIsNull) t.Run("withWhereMultiOr", withWhereMultiOr) t.Run("fetchByID", fetchByID) t.Run("searchQuery", searchQuery) t.Run("oneToMany", oneToMany) t.Run("oneToManyReverse", oneToManyReverse) t.Run("oneToManyArray", oneToManyArray) t.Run("manyToMany", manyToMany) t.Run("manyToManyReverse", manyToManyReverse) t.Run("aggFunction", aggFunction) t.Run("aggFunctionBlockedByCol", aggFunctionBlockedByCol) t.Run("aggFunctionDisabled", aggFunctionDisabled) t.Run("aggFunctionWithFilter", aggFunctionWithFilter) t.Run("syntheticTables", syntheticTables) t.Run("queryWithVariables", queryWithVariables) t.Run("withWhereOnRelations", withWhereOnRelations) t.Run("multiRoot", multiRoot) t.Run("withFragment1", withFragment1) t.Run("withFragment2", withFragment2) t.Run("withFragment3", withFragment3) t.Run("withInlineFragment", withInlineFragment) t.Run("jsonColumnAsTable", jsonColumnAsTable) t.Run("withCursor", withCursor) t.Run("nullForAuthRequiredInAnon", nullForAuthRequiredInAnon) t.Run("blockedQuery", blockedQuery) t.Run("blockedFunctions", blockedFunctions) } var benchGQL = []byte(`query { proDUcts( # returns only 30 items limit: 30, # starts from item 10, commented out for now # offset: 10, # orders the response items by highest price order_by: { price: desc }, # only items with an id >= 30 and < 30 are returned where: { id: { and: { greater_or_equals: 20, lt: 28 } } }) { id NAME price user { full_name picture : avatar } } }`) func BenchmarkCompile(b *testing.B) { w := &bytes.Buffer{} b.ResetTimer() b.ReportAllocs() for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ { w.Reset() qc, err := qcompile.Compile(benchGQL, "user") if err != nil { b.Fatal(err) } _, err = pcompile.Compile(w, qc, nil) if err != nil { b.Fatal(err) } } } func BenchmarkCompileParallel(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) { w := &bytes.Buffer{} for pb.Next() { w.Reset() qc, err := qcompile.Compile(benchGQL, "user") if err != nil { b.Fatal(err) } _, err = pcompile.Compile(w, qc, nil) if err != nil { b.Fatal(err) } } }) }