//nolint:errcheck package psql import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "strings" "github.com/dosco/super-graph/qcode" "github.com/dosco/super-graph/util" ) const ( empty = "" closeBlock = 500 ) type Variables map[string]json.RawMessage type Config struct { Schema *DBSchema Vars map[string]string } type Compiler struct { schema *DBSchema vars map[string]string } func NewCompiler(conf Config) *Compiler { return &Compiler{conf.Schema, conf.Vars} } func (c *Compiler) AddRelationship(child, parent string, rel *DBRel) error { return c.schema.SetRel(child, parent, rel) } func (c *Compiler) IDColumn(table string) (string, error) { t, err := c.schema.GetTable(table) if err != nil { return empty, err } return t.PrimaryCol, nil } type compilerContext struct { w io.Writer s []qcode.Select *Compiler } func (co *Compiler) CompileEx(qc *qcode.QCode, vars Variables) (uint32, []byte, error) { w := &bytes.Buffer{} skipped, err := co.Compile(qc, w, vars) return skipped, w.Bytes(), err } func (co *Compiler) Compile(qc *qcode.QCode, w io.Writer, vars Variables) (uint32, error) { switch qc.Type { case qcode.QTQuery: return co.compileQuery(qc, w) case qcode.QTInsert, qcode.QTUpdate, qcode.QTDelete, qcode.QTUpsert: return co.compileMutation(qc, w, vars) } return 0, fmt.Errorf("Unknown operation type %d", qc.Type) } func (co *Compiler) compileQuery(qc *qcode.QCode, w io.Writer) (uint32, error) { if len(qc.Selects) == 0 { return 0, errors.New("empty query") } c := &compilerContext{w, qc.Selects, co} multiRoot := (len(qc.Roots) > 1) st := NewStack() if multiRoot { io.WriteString(c.w, `SELECT row_to_json("json_root") FROM (SELECT `) for i, id := range qc.Roots { root := qc.Selects[id] st.Push(root.ID + closeBlock) st.Push(root.ID) if i != 0 { io.WriteString(c.w, `, `) } io.WriteString(c.w, `"sel_`) int2string(c.w, root.ID) io.WriteString(c.w, `"."json_`) int2string(c.w, root.ID) io.WriteString(c.w, `"`) alias(c.w, root.FieldName) } io.WriteString(c.w, ` FROM `) } else { root := qc.Selects[0] io.WriteString(c.w, `SELECT json_object_agg(`) io.WriteString(c.w, `'`) io.WriteString(c.w, root.FieldName) io.WriteString(c.w, `', `) io.WriteString(c.w, `json_`) int2string(c.w, root.ID) st.Push(root.ID + closeBlock) st.Push(root.ID) io.WriteString(c.w, `) FROM `) } var ignored uint32 for { if st.Len() == 0 { break } id := st.Pop() if id < closeBlock { sel := &c.s[id] if sel.ParentID == -1 { io.WriteString(c.w, `(`) } ti, err := c.schema.GetTable(sel.Name) if err != nil { return 0, err } if sel.ParentID != -1 { if err = c.renderLateralJoin(sel); err != nil { return 0, err } } skipped, err := c.renderSelect(sel, ti) if err != nil { return 0, err } ignored |= skipped for _, cid := range sel.Children { if hasBit(skipped, uint32(cid)) { continue } child := &c.s[cid] st.Push(child.ID + closeBlock) st.Push(child.ID) } } else { sel := &c.s[(id - closeBlock)] ti, err := c.schema.GetTable(sel.Name) if err != nil { return 0, err } err = c.renderSelectClose(sel, ti) if err != nil { return 0, err } if sel.ParentID != -1 { if err = c.renderLateralJoinClose(sel); err != nil { return 0, err } } else { io.WriteString(c.w, `)`) aliasWithID(c.w, `sel`, sel.ID) if st.Len() != 0 { io.WriteString(c.w, `, `) } } if len(sel.Args) != 0 { for _, v := range sel.Args { qcode.FreeNode(v) } } } } if multiRoot { io.WriteString(c.w, `) AS "json_root"`) } return ignored, nil } func (c *compilerContext) processChildren(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) (uint32, []*qcode.Column) { var skipped uint32 cols := make([]*qcode.Column, 0, len(sel.Cols)) colmap := make(map[string]struct{}, len(sel.Cols)) for i := range sel.Cols { colmap[sel.Cols[i].Name] = struct{}{} } for _, id := range sel.Children { child := &c.s[id] rel, err := c.schema.GetRel(child.Name, ti.Name) if err != nil { skipped |= (1 << uint(id)) continue } switch rel.Type { case RelOneToMany: fallthrough case RelBelongTo: if _, ok := colmap[rel.Col2]; !ok { cols = append(cols, &qcode.Column{Table: ti.Name, Name: rel.Col2, FieldName: rel.Col2}) } case RelOneToManyThrough: if _, ok := colmap[rel.Col1]; !ok { cols = append(cols, &qcode.Column{Table: ti.Name, Name: rel.Col1, FieldName: rel.Col1}) } case RelRemote: if _, ok := colmap[rel.Col1]; !ok { cols = append(cols, &qcode.Column{Table: ti.Name, Name: rel.Col1, FieldName: rel.Col2}) } skipped |= (1 << uint(id)) default: skipped |= (1 << uint(id)) } } return skipped, cols } func (c *compilerContext) renderSelect(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) (uint32, error) { skipped, childCols := c.processChildren(sel, ti) hasOrder := len(sel.OrderBy) != 0 // SELECT if !ti.Singular { //fmt.Fprintf(w, `SELECT coalesce(json_agg("%s"`, c.sel.Name) io.WriteString(c.w, `SELECT coalesce(json_agg("`) io.WriteString(c.w, "json_") int2string(c.w, sel.ID) io.WriteString(c.w, `"`) if hasOrder { err := c.renderOrderBy(sel, ti) if err != nil { return skipped, err } } //fmt.Fprintf(w, `), '[]') AS "%s" FROM (`, c.sel.Name) io.WriteString(c.w, `), '[]')`) aliasWithID(c.w, "json", sel.ID) io.WriteString(c.w, ` FROM (`) } // ROW-TO-JSON io.WriteString(c.w, `SELECT `) if len(sel.DistinctOn) != 0 { c.renderDistinctOn(sel, ti) } io.WriteString(c.w, `row_to_json((`) //fmt.Fprintf(w, `SELECT "%d" FROM (SELECT `, c.sel.ID) io.WriteString(c.w, `SELECT "json_row_`) int2string(c.w, sel.ID) io.WriteString(c.w, `" FROM (SELECT `) // Combined column names c.renderColumns(sel, ti) c.renderRemoteRelColumns(sel, ti) err := c.renderJoinedColumns(sel, ti, skipped) if err != nil { return skipped, err } //fmt.Fprintf(w, `) AS "%d"`, c.sel.ID) io.WriteString(c.w, `)`) aliasWithID(c.w, "json_row", sel.ID) //fmt.Fprintf(w, `)) AS "%s"`, c.sel.Name) io.WriteString(c.w, `))`) aliasWithID(c.w, "json", sel.ID) // END-ROW-TO-JSON if hasOrder { c.renderOrderByColumns(sel, ti) } // END-SELECT // FROM (SELECT .... ) err = c.renderBaseSelect(sel, ti, childCols, skipped) if err != nil { return skipped, err } // END-FROM return skipped, nil } func (c *compilerContext) renderSelectClose(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) error { hasOrder := len(sel.OrderBy) != 0 if hasOrder { err := c.renderOrderBy(sel, ti) if err != nil { return err } } switch { case ti.Singular: io.WriteString(c.w, ` LIMIT ('1') :: integer`) case len(sel.Paging.Limit) != 0: //fmt.Fprintf(w, ` LIMIT ('%s') :: integer`, c.sel.Paging.Limit) io.WriteString(c.w, ` LIMIT ('`) io.WriteString(c.w, sel.Paging.Limit) io.WriteString(c.w, `') :: integer`) case sel.Paging.NoLimit: break default: io.WriteString(c.w, ` LIMIT ('20') :: integer`) } if len(sel.Paging.Offset) != 0 { //fmt.Fprintf(w, ` OFFSET ('%s') :: integer`, c.sel.Paging.Offset) io.WriteString(c.w, `OFFSET ('`) io.WriteString(c.w, sel.Paging.Offset) io.WriteString(c.w, `') :: integer`) } if !ti.Singular { //fmt.Fprintf(w, `) AS "json_agg_%d"`, c.sel.ID) io.WriteString(c.w, `)`) aliasWithID(c.w, "json_agg", sel.ID) } return nil } func (c *compilerContext) renderLateralJoin(sel *qcode.Select) error { io.WriteString(c.w, ` LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (`) return nil } func (c *compilerContext) renderLateralJoinClose(sel *qcode.Select) error { //fmt.Fprintf(w, `) AS "%s_%d_join" ON ('true')`, c.sel.Name, c.sel.ID) io.WriteString(c.w, `)`) aliasWithIDSuffix(c.w, sel.Name, sel.ID, "_join") io.WriteString(c.w, ` ON ('true')`) return nil } func (c *compilerContext) renderJoin(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) error { parent := &c.s[sel.ParentID] return c.renderJoinByName(ti.Name, parent.Name, parent.ID) } func (c *compilerContext) renderJoinByName(table, parent string, id int32) error { rel, err := c.schema.GetRel(table, parent) if err != nil { return err } // This join is only required for one-to-many relations since // these make use of join tables that need to be pulled in. if rel.Type != RelOneToManyThrough { return err } pt, err := c.schema.GetTable(parent) if err != nil { return err } //fmt.Fprintf(w, ` LEFT OUTER JOIN "%s" ON (("%s"."%s") = ("%s_%d"."%s"))`, //rel.Through, rel.Through, rel.ColT, c.parent.Name, c.parent.ID, rel.Col1) io.WriteString(c.w, ` LEFT OUTER JOIN "`) io.WriteString(c.w, rel.Through) io.WriteString(c.w, `" ON ((`) colWithTable(c.w, rel.Through, rel.ColT) io.WriteString(c.w, `) = (`) if id != -1 { colWithTableID(c.w, pt.Name, id, rel.Col1) } else { colWithTable(c.w, pt.Name, rel.Col1) } io.WriteString(c.w, `))`) return nil } func (c *compilerContext) renderColumns(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) { i := 0 for _, col := range sel.Cols { n := funcPrefixLen(col.Name) if n != 0 { if !sel.Functions { continue } if len(sel.Allowed) != 0 { if _, ok := sel.Allowed[col.Name[n:]]; !ok { continue } } } else { if len(sel.Allowed) != 0 { if _, ok := sel.Allowed[col.Name]; !ok { continue } } } if i != 0 { io.WriteString(c.w, ", ") } //fmt.Fprintf(w, `"%s_%d"."%s" AS "%s"`, //c.sel.Name, c.sel.ID, col.Name, col.FieldName) colWithTableIDAlias(c.w, ti.Name, sel.ID, col.Name, col.FieldName) i++ } } func (c *compilerContext) renderRemoteRelColumns(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) { i := 0 for _, id := range sel.Children { child := &c.s[id] rel, err := c.schema.GetRel(child.Name, sel.Name) if err != nil || rel.Type != RelRemote { continue } if i != 0 || len(sel.Cols) != 0 { io.WriteString(c.w, ", ") } //fmt.Fprintf(w, `"%s_%d"."%s" AS "%s"`, //c.sel.Name, c.sel.ID, rel.Col1, rel.Col2) colWithTableID(c.w, ti.Name, sel.ID, rel.Col1) alias(c.w, rel.Col2) i++ } } func (c *compilerContext) renderJoinedColumns(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo, skipped uint32) error { colsRendered := len(sel.Cols) != 0 for _, id := range sel.Children { skipThis := hasBit(skipped, uint32(id)) if colsRendered && !skipThis { io.WriteString(c.w, ", ") } if skipThis { continue } childSel := &c.s[id] //fmt.Fprintf(w, `"%s_%d_join"."%s" AS "%s"`, //s.Name, s.ID, s.Name, s.FieldName) //if cti.Singular { io.WriteString(c.w, `"`) io.WriteString(c.w, childSel.Name) io.WriteString(c.w, `_`) int2string(c.w, childSel.ID) io.WriteString(c.w, `_join"."json_`) int2string(c.w, childSel.ID) io.WriteString(c.w, `" AS "`) io.WriteString(c.w, childSel.FieldName) io.WriteString(c.w, `"`) } return nil } func (c *compilerContext) renderBaseSelect(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo, childCols []*qcode.Column, skipped uint32) error { var groupBy []int isRoot := sel.ParentID == -1 isFil := (sel.Where != nil && sel.Where.Op != qcode.OpNop) isSearch := sel.Args["search"] != nil isAgg := false io.WriteString(c.w, ` FROM (SELECT `) i := 0 for n, col := range sel.Cols { cn := col.Name _, isRealCol := ti.Columns[cn] if !isRealCol { if isSearch { switch { case cn == "search_rank": if len(sel.Allowed) != 0 { if _, ok := sel.Allowed[cn]; !ok { continue } } cn = ti.TSVCol arg := sel.Args["search"] if i != 0 { io.WriteString(c.w, `, `) } //fmt.Fprintf(w, `ts_rank("%s"."%s", websearch_to_tsquery('%s')) AS %s`, //c.sel.Name, cn, arg.Val, col.Name) io.WriteString(c.w, `ts_rank(`) colWithTable(c.w, ti.Name, cn) if c.schema.ver >= 110000 { io.WriteString(c.w, `, websearch_to_tsquery('`) } else { io.WriteString(c.w, `, to_tsquery('`) } io.WriteString(c.w, arg.Val) io.WriteString(c.w, `'))`) alias(c.w, col.Name) i++ case strings.HasPrefix(cn, "search_headline_"): cn1 := cn[16:] if len(sel.Allowed) != 0 { if _, ok := sel.Allowed[cn1]; !ok { continue } } arg := sel.Args["search"] if i != 0 { io.WriteString(c.w, `, `) } //fmt.Fprintf(w, `ts_headline("%s"."%s", websearch_to_tsquery('%s')) AS %s`, //c.sel.Name, cn, arg.Val, col.Name) io.WriteString(c.w, `ts_headline(`) colWithTable(c.w, ti.Name, cn1) if c.schema.ver >= 110000 { io.WriteString(c.w, `, websearch_to_tsquery('`) } else { io.WriteString(c.w, `, to_tsquery('`) } io.WriteString(c.w, arg.Val) io.WriteString(c.w, `'))`) alias(c.w, col.Name) i++ } } else { pl := funcPrefixLen(cn) if pl == 0 { if i != 0 { io.WriteString(c.w, `, `) } //fmt.Fprintf(w, `'%s not defined' AS %s`, cn, col.Name) io.WriteString(c.w, `'`) io.WriteString(c.w, cn) io.WriteString(c.w, ` not defined'`) alias(c.w, col.Name) i++ } else if sel.Functions { cn1 := cn[pl:] if len(sel.Allowed) != 0 { if _, ok := sel.Allowed[cn1]; !ok { continue } } if i != 0 { io.WriteString(c.w, `, `) } fn := cn[0 : pl-1] isAgg = true //fmt.Fprintf(w, `%s("%s"."%s") AS %s`, fn, c.sel.Name, cn, col.Name) io.WriteString(c.w, fn) io.WriteString(c.w, `(`) colWithTable(c.w, ti.Name, cn1) io.WriteString(c.w, `)`) alias(c.w, col.Name) i++ } } } else { groupBy = append(groupBy, n) //fmt.Fprintf(w, `"%s"."%s"`, c.sel.Name, cn) if i != 0 { io.WriteString(c.w, `, `) } colWithTable(c.w, ti.Name, cn) i++ } } for _, col := range childCols { if i != 0 { io.WriteString(c.w, `, `) } //fmt.Fprintf(w, `"%s"."%s"`, col.Table, col.Name) colWithTable(c.w, col.Table, col.Name) i++ } io.WriteString(c.w, ` FROM `) //fmt.Fprintf(w, ` FROM "%s"`, c.sel.Name) io.WriteString(c.w, `"`) io.WriteString(c.w, ti.Name) io.WriteString(c.w, `"`) // if tn, ok := c.tmap[sel.Name]; ok { // //fmt.Fprintf(w, ` FROM "%s" AS "%s"`, tn, c.sel.Name) // tableWithAlias(c.w, ti.Name, sel.Name) // } else { // //fmt.Fprintf(w, ` FROM "%s"`, c.sel.Name) // io.WriteString(c.w, `"`) // io.WriteString(c.w, sel.Name) // io.WriteString(c.w, `"`) // } if isRoot && isFil { io.WriteString(c.w, ` WHERE (`) if err := c.renderWhere(sel, ti); err != nil { return err } io.WriteString(c.w, `)`) } if !isRoot { if err := c.renderJoin(sel, ti); err != nil { return err } io.WriteString(c.w, ` WHERE (`) if err := c.renderRelationship(sel, ti); err != nil { return err } if isFil { io.WriteString(c.w, ` AND `) if err := c.renderWhere(sel, ti); err != nil { return err } } io.WriteString(c.w, `)`) } if isAgg { if len(groupBy) != 0 { io.WriteString(c.w, ` GROUP BY `) for i, id := range groupBy { if i != 0 { io.WriteString(c.w, `, `) } //fmt.Fprintf(w, `"%s"."%s"`, c.sel.Name, c.sel.Cols[id].Name) colWithTable(c.w, ti.Name, sel.Cols[id].Name) } } } switch { case ti.Singular: io.WriteString(c.w, ` LIMIT ('1') :: integer`) case len(sel.Paging.Limit) != 0: //fmt.Fprintf(w, ` LIMIT ('%s') :: integer`, c.sel.Paging.Limit) io.WriteString(c.w, ` LIMIT ('`) io.WriteString(c.w, sel.Paging.Limit) io.WriteString(c.w, `') :: integer`) case sel.Paging.NoLimit: break default: io.WriteString(c.w, ` LIMIT ('20') :: integer`) } if len(sel.Paging.Offset) != 0 { //fmt.Fprintf(w, ` OFFSET ('%s') :: integer`, c.sel.Paging.Offset) io.WriteString(c.w, ` OFFSET ('`) io.WriteString(c.w, sel.Paging.Offset) io.WriteString(c.w, `') :: integer`) } //fmt.Fprintf(w, `) AS "%s_%d"`, c.sel.Name, c.sel.ID) io.WriteString(c.w, `)`) aliasWithID(c.w, ti.Name, sel.ID) return nil } func (c *compilerContext) renderOrderByColumns(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) { colsRendered := len(sel.Cols) != 0 for i := range sel.OrderBy { if colsRendered { //io.WriteString(w, ", ") io.WriteString(c.w, `, `) } col := sel.OrderBy[i].Col //fmt.Fprintf(w, `"%s_%d"."%s" AS "%s_%d_%s_ob"`, //c.sel.Name, c.sel.ID, c, //c.sel.Name, c.sel.ID, c) colWithTableID(c.w, ti.Name, sel.ID, col) io.WriteString(c.w, ` AS `) tableIDColSuffix(c.w, sel.Name, sel.ID, col, "_ob") } } func (c *compilerContext) renderRelationship(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) error { parent := c.s[sel.ParentID] return c.renderRelationshipByName(ti.Name, parent.Name, parent.ID) } func (c *compilerContext) renderRelationshipByName(table, parent string, id int32) error { rel, err := c.schema.GetRel(table, parent) if err != nil { return err } switch rel.Type { case RelBelongTo: //fmt.Fprintf(w, `(("%s"."%s") = ("%s_%d"."%s"))`, //c.sel.Name, rel.Col1, c.parent.Name, c.parent.ID, rel.Col2) io.WriteString(c.w, `((`) colWithTable(c.w, table, rel.Col1) io.WriteString(c.w, `) = (`) if id != -1 { colWithTableID(c.w, parent, id, rel.Col2) } else { colWithTable(c.w, parent, rel.Col2) } io.WriteString(c.w, `))`) case RelOneToMany: //fmt.Fprintf(w, `(("%s"."%s") = ("%s_%d"."%s"))`, //c.sel.Name, rel.Col1, c.parent.Name, c.parent.ID, rel.Col2) io.WriteString(c.w, `((`) colWithTable(c.w, table, rel.Col1) io.WriteString(c.w, `) = (`) if id != -1 { colWithTableID(c.w, parent, id, rel.Col2) } else { colWithTable(c.w, parent, rel.Col2) } io.WriteString(c.w, `))`) case RelOneToManyThrough: // This requires the through table to be joined onto this select //fmt.Fprintf(w, `(("%s"."%s") = ("%s"."%s"))`, //c.sel.Name, rel.Col1, rel.Through, rel.Col2) io.WriteString(c.w, `((`) colWithTable(c.w, table, rel.Col1) io.WriteString(c.w, `) = (`) colWithTable(c.w, rel.Through, rel.Col2) io.WriteString(c.w, `))`) } return nil } func (c *compilerContext) renderWhere(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) error { st := util.NewStack() if sel.Where != nil { st.Push(sel.Where) } for { if st.Len() == 0 { break } intf := st.Pop() switch val := intf.(type) { case qcode.ExpOp: switch val { case qcode.OpAnd: io.WriteString(c.w, ` AND `) case qcode.OpOr: io.WriteString(c.w, ` OR `) case qcode.OpNot: io.WriteString(c.w, `NOT `) case qcode.OpFalse: io.WriteString(c.w, `false`) default: return fmt.Errorf("11: unexpected value %v (%t)", intf, intf) } case *qcode.Exp: switch val.Op { case qcode.OpFalse: st.Push(val.Op) qcode.FreeExp(val) case qcode.OpAnd, qcode.OpOr: for i := len(val.Children) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { st.Push(val.Children[i]) if i > 0 { st.Push(val.Op) } } qcode.FreeExp(val) case qcode.OpNot: st.Push(val.Children[0]) st.Push(qcode.OpNot) qcode.FreeExp(val) default: if len(val.NestedCols) != 0 { io.WriteString(c.w, `EXISTS `) if err := c.renderNestedWhere(val, sel, ti); err != nil { return err } } else { //fmt.Fprintf(w, `(("%s"."%s") `, c.sel.Name, val.Col) if err := c.renderOp(val, sel, ti); err != nil { return err } qcode.FreeExp(val) } } default: return fmt.Errorf("12: unexpected value %v (%t)", intf, intf) } } return nil } func (c *compilerContext) renderNestedWhere(ex *qcode.Exp, sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) error { for i := 0; i < len(ex.NestedCols)-1; i++ { cti, err := c.schema.GetTable(ex.NestedCols[i]) if err != nil { return err } if i != 0 { io.WriteString(c.w, ` AND `) } io.WriteString(c.w, `(SELECT 1 FROM `) io.WriteString(c.w, cti.Name) if err := c.renderJoinByName(cti.Name, ti.Name, -1); err != nil { return err } io.WriteString(c.w, ` WHERE `) if err := c.renderRelationshipByName(cti.Name, ti.Name, -1); err != nil { return err } } for i := 0; i < len(ex.NestedCols)-1; i++ { io.WriteString(c.w, `)`) } return nil } func (c *compilerContext) renderOp(ex *qcode.Exp, sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) error { var col *DBColumn var ok bool if ex.Op == qcode.OpNop { return nil } if len(ex.Col) != 0 { if col, ok = ti.Columns[ex.Col]; !ok { return fmt.Errorf("no column '%s' found ", ex.Col) } io.WriteString(c.w, `((`) colWithTable(c.w, ti.Name, ex.Col) io.WriteString(c.w, `) `) } switch ex.Op { case qcode.OpEquals: io.WriteString(c.w, `=`) case qcode.OpNotEquals: io.WriteString(c.w, `!=`) case qcode.OpGreaterOrEquals: io.WriteString(c.w, `>=`) case qcode.OpLesserOrEquals: io.WriteString(c.w, `<=`) case qcode.OpGreaterThan: io.WriteString(c.w, `>`) case qcode.OpLesserThan: io.WriteString(c.w, `<`) case qcode.OpIn: io.WriteString(c.w, `IN`) case qcode.OpNotIn: io.WriteString(c.w, `NOT IN`) case qcode.OpLike: io.WriteString(c.w, `LIKE`) case qcode.OpNotLike: io.WriteString(c.w, `NOT LIKE`) case qcode.OpILike: io.WriteString(c.w, `ILIKE`) case qcode.OpNotILike: io.WriteString(c.w, `NOT ILIKE`) case qcode.OpSimilar: io.WriteString(c.w, `SIMILAR TO`) case qcode.OpNotSimilar: io.WriteString(c.w, `NOT SIMILAR TO`) case qcode.OpContains: io.WriteString(c.w, `@>`) case qcode.OpContainedIn: io.WriteString(c.w, `<@`) case qcode.OpHasKey: io.WriteString(c.w, `?`) case qcode.OpHasKeyAny: io.WriteString(c.w, `?|`) case qcode.OpHasKeyAll: io.WriteString(c.w, `?&`) case qcode.OpIsNull: if strings.EqualFold(ex.Val, "true") { io.WriteString(c.w, `IS NULL)`) } else { io.WriteString(c.w, `IS NOT NULL)`) } return nil case qcode.OpEqID: if len(ti.PrimaryCol) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("no primary key column defined for %s", ti.Name) } if col, ok = ti.Columns[ti.PrimaryCol]; !ok { return fmt.Errorf("no primary key column '%s' found ", ti.PrimaryCol) } //fmt.Fprintf(w, `(("%s") =`, c.ti.PrimaryCol) io.WriteString(c.w, `((`) colWithTable(c.w, ti.Name, ti.PrimaryCol) //io.WriteString(c.w, ti.PrimaryCol) io.WriteString(c.w, `) =`) case qcode.OpTsQuery: if len(ti.TSVCol) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("no tsv column defined for %s", ti.Name) } if _, ok = ti.Columns[ti.TSVCol]; !ok { return fmt.Errorf("no tsv column '%s' found ", ti.TSVCol) } //fmt.Fprintf(w, `(("%s") @@ websearch_to_tsquery('%s'))`, c.ti.TSVCol, val.Val) io.WriteString(c.w, `((`) colWithTable(c.w, ti.Name, ti.TSVCol) if c.schema.ver >= 110000 { io.WriteString(c.w, `) @@ websearch_to_tsquery('`) } else { io.WriteString(c.w, `) @@ to_tsquery('`) } io.WriteString(c.w, ex.Val) io.WriteString(c.w, `'))`) return nil default: return fmt.Errorf("[Where] unexpected op code %d", ex.Op) } if ex.Type == qcode.ValList { c.renderList(ex) } else { c.renderVal(ex, c.vars, col) } io.WriteString(c.w, `)`) return nil } func (c *compilerContext) renderOrderBy(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) error { io.WriteString(c.w, ` ORDER BY `) for i := range sel.OrderBy { if i != 0 { io.WriteString(c.w, `, `) } ob := sel.OrderBy[i] switch ob.Order { case qcode.OrderAsc: //fmt.Fprintf(w, `"%s_%d.ob.%s" ASC`, sel.Name, sel.ID, ob.Col) tableIDColSuffix(c.w, ti.Name, sel.ID, ob.Col, "_ob") io.WriteString(c.w, ` ASC`) case qcode.OrderDesc: //fmt.Fprintf(w, `"%s_%d.ob.%s" DESC`, sel.Name, sel.ID, ob.Col) tableIDColSuffix(c.w, ti.Name, sel.ID, ob.Col, "_ob") io.WriteString(c.w, ` DESC`) case qcode.OrderAscNullsFirst: //fmt.Fprintf(w, `"%s_%d.ob.%s" ASC NULLS FIRST`, sel.Name, sel.ID, ob.Col) tableIDColSuffix(c.w, ti.Name, sel.ID, ob.Col, "_ob") io.WriteString(c.w, ` ASC NULLS FIRST`) case qcode.OrderDescNullsFirst: //fmt.Fprintf(w, `%s_%d.ob.%s DESC NULLS FIRST`, sel.Name, sel.ID, ob.Col) tableIDColSuffix(c.w, ti.Name, sel.ID, ob.Col, "_ob") io.WriteString(c.w, ` DESC NULLLS FIRST`) case qcode.OrderAscNullsLast: //fmt.Fprintf(w, `"%s_%d.ob.%s ASC NULLS LAST`, sel.Name, sel.ID, ob.Col) tableIDColSuffix(c.w, ti.Name, sel.ID, ob.Col, "_ob") io.WriteString(c.w, ` ASC NULLS LAST`) case qcode.OrderDescNullsLast: //fmt.Fprintf(w, `%s_%d.ob.%s DESC NULLS LAST`, sel.Name, sel.ID, ob.Col) tableIDColSuffix(c.w, ti.Name, sel.ID, ob.Col, "_ob") io.WriteString(c.w, ` DESC NULLS LAST`) default: return fmt.Errorf("13: unexpected value %v", ob.Order) } } return nil } func (c *compilerContext) renderDistinctOn(sel *qcode.Select, ti *DBTableInfo) { io.WriteString(c.w, `DISTINCT ON (`) for i := range sel.DistinctOn { if i != 0 { io.WriteString(c.w, `, `) } //fmt.Fprintf(w, `"%s_%d.ob.%s"`, c.sel.Name, c.sel.ID, c.sel.DistinctOn[i]) tableIDColSuffix(c.w, ti.Name, sel.ID, sel.DistinctOn[i], "_ob") } io.WriteString(c.w, `) `) } func (c *compilerContext) renderList(ex *qcode.Exp) { io.WriteString(c.w, ` (`) for i := range ex.ListVal { if i != 0 { io.WriteString(c.w, `, `) } switch ex.ListType { case qcode.ValBool, qcode.ValInt, qcode.ValFloat: io.WriteString(c.w, ex.ListVal[i]) case qcode.ValStr: io.WriteString(c.w, `'`) io.WriteString(c.w, ex.ListVal[i]) io.WriteString(c.w, `'`) } } io.WriteString(c.w, `)`) } func (c *compilerContext) renderVal(ex *qcode.Exp, vars map[string]string, col *DBColumn) { io.WriteString(c.w, ` `) switch ex.Type { case qcode.ValBool, qcode.ValInt, qcode.ValFloat: if len(ex.Val) != 0 { io.WriteString(c.w, ex.Val) } else { io.WriteString(c.w, `''`) } case qcode.ValStr: io.WriteString(c.w, `'`) io.WriteString(c.w, ex.Val) io.WriteString(c.w, `'`) case qcode.ValVar: io.WriteString(c.w, `'`) if val, ok := vars[ex.Val]; ok { io.WriteString(c.w, val) } else { //fmt.Fprintf(w, `'{{%s}}'`, ex.Val) io.WriteString(c.w, `{{`) io.WriteString(c.w, ex.Val) io.WriteString(c.w, `}}`) } io.WriteString(c.w, `' :: `) io.WriteString(c.w, col.Type) } //io.WriteString(c.w, `)`) } func funcPrefixLen(fn string) int { switch { case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "avg_"): return 4 case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "count_"): return 6 case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "max_"): return 4 case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "min_"): return 4 case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "sum_"): return 4 case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "stddev_"): return 7 case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "stddev_pop_"): return 11 case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "stddev_samp_"): return 12 case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "variance_"): return 9 case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "var_pop_"): return 8 case strings.HasPrefix(fn, "var_samp_"): return 9 } return 0 } func hasBit(n uint32, pos uint32) bool { val := n & (1 << pos) return (val > 0) } func alias(w io.Writer, alias string) { io.WriteString(w, ` AS "`) io.WriteString(w, alias) io.WriteString(w, `"`) } func aliasWithID(w io.Writer, alias string, id int32) { io.WriteString(w, ` AS "`) io.WriteString(w, alias) io.WriteString(w, `_`) int2string(w, id) io.WriteString(w, `"`) } func aliasWithIDSuffix(w io.Writer, alias string, id int32, suffix string) { io.WriteString(w, ` AS "`) io.WriteString(w, alias) io.WriteString(w, `_`) int2string(w, id) io.WriteString(w, suffix) io.WriteString(w, `"`) } func colWithTable(w io.Writer, table, col string) { io.WriteString(w, `"`) io.WriteString(w, table) io.WriteString(w, `"."`) io.WriteString(w, col) io.WriteString(w, `"`) } func colWithTableID(w io.Writer, table string, id int32, col string) { io.WriteString(w, `"`) io.WriteString(w, table) io.WriteString(w, `_`) int2string(w, id) io.WriteString(w, `"."`) io.WriteString(w, col) io.WriteString(w, `"`) } func colWithTableIDAlias(w io.Writer, table string, id int32, col, alias string) { io.WriteString(w, `"`) io.WriteString(w, table) io.WriteString(w, `_`) int2string(w, id) io.WriteString(w, `"."`) io.WriteString(w, col) io.WriteString(w, `" AS "`) io.WriteString(w, alias) io.WriteString(w, `"`) } func tableIDColSuffix(w io.Writer, table string, id int32, col, suffix string) { io.WriteString(w, `"`) io.WriteString(w, table) io.WriteString(w, `_`) int2string(w, id) io.WriteString(w, `_`) io.WriteString(w, col) io.WriteString(w, suffix) io.WriteString(w, `"`) } const charset = "0123456789" func int2string(w io.Writer, val int32) { if val < 10 { w.Write([]byte{charset[val]}) return } temp := int32(0) val2 := val for val2 > 0 { temp *= 10 temp += val2 % 10 val2 = int32(float64(val2 / 10)) } val3 := temp for val3 > 0 { d := val3 % 10 val3 /= 10 w.Write([]byte{charset[d]}) } }