input FloatExpression { contained_in:String! contains:[Float!]! eq:Float! equals:Float! greater_or_equals:Float! greater_than:Float! gt:Float! gte:Float! has_key:Float! has_key_all:[Float!]! has_key_any:[Float!]! ilike:String! in:[Float!]! is_null:Boolean! lesser_or_equals:Float! lesser_than:Float! like:String! lt:Float! lte:Float! neq:Float! nilike:String! nin:[Float!]! nlike:String! not_equals:Float! not_ilike:String! not_in:[Float!]! not_like:String! not_similar:String! nsimilar:String! similar:String! } input IntExpression { contained_in:String! contains:[Int!]! eq:Int! equals:Int! greater_or_equals:Int! greater_than:Int! gt:Int! gte:Int! has_key:Int! has_key_all:[Int!]! has_key_any:[Int!]! ilike:String! in:[Int!]! is_null:Boolean! lesser_or_equals:Int! lesser_than:Int! like:String! lt:Int! lte:Int! neq:Int! nilike:String! nin:[Int!]! nlike:String! not_equals:Int! not_ilike:String! not_in:[Int!]! not_like:String! not_similar:String! nsimilar:String! similar:String! } type Mutation { line_item( "To sort or ordering results just use the order_by argument. This can be combined with where, search, etc to build complex queries to fit you needs." order_by:line_itemOrderBy!, where:line_itemExpression!, limit:Int!, offset:Int!, first:Int!, last:Int!, before:String, after:String, "Finds the record by the primary key" id:Int!, insert:line_itemInput, update:line_itemInput, upsert:line_itemInput ):line_itemOutput line_items( "To sort or ordering results just use the order_by argument. This can be combined with where, search, etc to build complex queries to fit you needs." order_by:line_itemOrderBy!, where:line_itemExpression!, limit:Int!, offset:Int!, first:Int!, last:Int!, before:String, after:String, "Finds the record by the primary key" id:Int!, insert:line_itemInput, update:line_itemInput, upsert:line_itemInput, inserts:[line_itemInput!]!, updates:[line_itemInput!]!, upserts:[line_itemInput!]! ):line_itemOutput product( "To sort or ordering results just use the order_by argument. This can be combined with where, search, etc to build complex queries to fit you needs." order_by:productOrderBy!, where:productExpression!, limit:Int!, offset:Int!, first:Int!, last:Int!, before:String, after:String, "Finds the record by the primary key" id:Int!, insert:productInput, update:productInput, upsert:productInput ):productOutput products( "To sort or ordering results just use the order_by argument. This can be combined with where, search, etc to build complex queries to fit you needs." order_by:productOrderBy!, where:productExpression!, limit:Int!, offset:Int!, first:Int!, last:Int!, before:String, after:String, "Finds the record by the primary key" id:Int!, insert:productInput, update:productInput, upsert:productInput, inserts:[productInput!]!, updates:[productInput!]!, upserts:[productInput!]! ):productOutput user( "To sort or ordering results just use the order_by argument. This can be combined with where, search, etc to build complex queries to fit you needs." order_by:userOrderBy!, where:userExpression!, limit:Int!, offset:Int!, first:Int!, last:Int!, before:String, after:String, "Finds the record by the primary key" id:Int!, insert:userInput, update:userInput, upsert:userInput ):userOutput users( "To sort or ordering results just use the order_by argument. This can be combined with where, search, etc to build complex queries to fit you needs." order_by:userOrderBy!, where:userExpression!, limit:Int!, offset:Int!, first:Int!, last:Int!, before:String, after:String, "Finds the record by the primary key" id:Int!, insert:userInput, update:userInput, upsert:userInput, inserts:[userInput!]!, updates:[userInput!]!, upserts:[userInput!]! ):userOutput } enum OrderDirection { asc desc } type Query { line_item( "To sort or ordering results just use the order_by argument. This can be combined with where, search, etc to build complex queries to fit you needs." order_by:line_itemOrderBy!, where:line_itemExpression!, limit:Int!, offset:Int!, first:Int!, last:Int!, before:String, after:String, "Finds the record by the primary key" id:Int! ):line_itemOutput line_items( "To sort or ordering results just use the order_by argument. This can be combined with where, search, etc to build complex queries to fit you needs." order_by:line_itemOrderBy!, where:line_itemExpression!, limit:Int!, offset:Int!, first:Int!, last:Int!, before:String, after:String, "Finds the record by the primary key" id:Int! ):[line_itemOutput!]! product( "To sort or ordering results just use the order_by argument. This can be combined with where, search, etc to build complex queries to fit you needs." order_by:productOrderBy!, where:productExpression!, limit:Int!, offset:Int!, first:Int!, last:Int!, before:String, after:String, "Finds the record by the primary key" id:Int! ):productOutput products( "To sort or ordering results just use the order_by argument. This can be combined with where, search, etc to build complex queries to fit you needs." order_by:productOrderBy!, where:productExpression!, limit:Int!, offset:Int!, first:Int!, last:Int!, before:String, after:String, "Finds the record by the primary key" id:Int! ):[productOutput!]! user( "To sort or ordering results just use the order_by argument. This can be combined with where, search, etc to build complex queries to fit you needs." order_by:userOrderBy!, where:userExpression!, limit:Int!, offset:Int!, first:Int!, last:Int!, before:String, after:String, "Finds the record by the primary key" id:Int! ):userOutput users( "To sort or ordering results just use the order_by argument. This can be combined with where, search, etc to build complex queries to fit you needs." order_by:userOrderBy!, where:userExpression!, limit:Int!, offset:Int!, first:Int!, last:Int!, before:String, after:String, "Finds the record by the primary key" id:Int! ):[userOutput!]! } input StringExpression { contained_in:String! contains:[String!]! eq:String! equals:String! greater_or_equals:String! greater_than:String! gt:String! gte:String! has_key:String! has_key_all:[String!]! has_key_any:[String!]! ilike:String! in:[String!]! is_null:Boolean! lesser_or_equals:String! lesser_than:String! like:String! lt:String! lte:String! neq:String! nilike:String! nin:[String!]! nlike:String! not_equals:String! not_ilike:String! not_in:[String!]! not_like:String! not_similar:String! nsimilar:String! similar:String! } input line_itemExpression { and:line_itemExpression! id:IntExpression! not:line_itemExpression! or:line_itemExpression! price:FloatExpression! product:IntExpression! quantity:IntExpression! } input line_itemInput { id:Int! price:Float product:Int quantity:Int } input line_itemOrderBy { id:OrderDirection! price:OrderDirection! product:OrderDirection! quantity:OrderDirection! } type line_itemOutput { avg_id:Int! avg_price:Float avg_product:Int avg_quantity:Int count_id:Int! count_price:Float count_product:Int count_quantity:Int id:Int! max_id:Int! max_price:Float max_product:Int max_quantity:Int min_id:Int! min_price:Float min_product:Int min_quantity:Int price:Float product:Int quantity:Int stddev_id:Int! stddev_pop_id:Int! stddev_pop_price:Float stddev_pop_product:Int stddev_pop_quantity:Int stddev_price:Float stddev_product:Int stddev_quantity:Int stddev_samp_id:Int! stddev_samp_price:Float stddev_samp_product:Int stddev_samp_quantity:Int var_pop_id:Int! var_pop_price:Float var_pop_product:Int var_pop_quantity:Int var_samp_id:Int! var_samp_price:Float var_samp_product:Int var_samp_quantity:Int variance_id:Int! variance_price:Float variance_product:Int variance_quantity:Int } input productExpression { and:productExpression! id:IntExpression! name:StringExpression! not:productExpression! or:productExpression! weight:FloatExpression! } input productInput { id:Int! name:String weight:Float } input productOrderBy { id:OrderDirection! name:OrderDirection! weight:OrderDirection! } type productOutput { avg_id:Int! avg_weight:Float count_id:Int! count_weight:Float id:Int! max_id:Int! max_weight:Float min_id:Int! min_weight:Float name:String stddev_id:Int! stddev_pop_id:Int! stddev_pop_weight:Float stddev_samp_id:Int! stddev_samp_weight:Float stddev_weight:Float var_pop_id:Int! var_pop_weight:Float var_samp_id:Int! var_samp_weight:Float variance_id:Int! variance_weight:Float weight:Float } input userExpression { and:userExpression! full_name:StringExpression! id:IntExpression! not:userExpression! or:userExpression! } input userInput { full_name:String id:Int! } input userOrderBy { full_name:OrderDirection! id:OrderDirection! } type userOutput { avg_id:Int! count_id:Int! full_name:String id:Int! max_id:Int! min_id:Int! stddev_id:Int! stddev_pop_id:Int! stddev_samp_id:Int! var_pop_id:Int! var_samp_id:Int! variance_id:Int! } schema { mutation: Mutation query: Query }