package serv import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) //go:generate rice embed-go const ( serverName = "Super Graph" authFailBlockAlways = iota + 1 authFailBlockPerQuery authFailBlockNever ) var ( logger *zerolog.Logger conf *config confPath string db *pgxpool.Pool qcompile *qcode.Compiler pcompile *psql.Compiler authFailBlock int rootCmd *cobra.Command servCmd *cobra.Command seedCmd *cobra.Command migrateCmd *cobra.Command statusCmd *cobra.Command newMigrationCmd *cobra.Command initCmd *cobra.Command ) func Init() { rootCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "super-graph", Short: "An instant high-performance GraphQL API. No code needed.", //Run: cmdServ, } seedCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "seed", Short: "Run the seed script to seed the database", Run: cmdSeed, } servCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "serv", Short: "Run the super-graph service", Run: cmdServ, } migrateCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "migrate", Short: "Migrate the database", Long: `Migrate the database to destination migration version. Destination migration version can be one of the following value types: An integer: Migrate to a specific migration. e.g. tern migrate -d 42 "+" and an integer: Migrate forward N steps. e.g. tern migrate -d +3 "-" and an integer: Migrate backward N steps. e.g. tern migrate -d -2 "-+" and an integer: Redo previous N steps (migrate backward N steps then forward N steps). e.g. tern migrate -d -+1 The word "last": Migrate to the most recent migration. This is the default value, so it is never needed to specify directly. e.g. tern migrate e.g. tern migrate -d last `, Run: cmdMigrate, } statusCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "status", Short: "Print current migration status", Run: cmdStatus, } newMigrationCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "new NAME", Short: "Generate a new migration", Long: "Generate a new migration with the next sequence number and provided name", Run: cmdNewMigration, } initCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "init APP-NAME", Short: "Initialize a new application", Long: "Generate all the required files to start on a new Super Graph app", Run: cmdInit, } logger = initLog() rootCmd.Flags().StringVar(&confPath, "path", "./config", "path to config files") //cmdMigrate.Flags().StringVarP(&cliOptions.destinationVersion, // "destination", "d", "last", "destination migration version") rootCmd.AddCommand(initCmd) rootCmd.AddCommand(servCmd) rootCmd.AddCommand(seedCmd) rootCmd.AddCommand(migrateCmd) rootCmd.AddCommand(statusCmd) rootCmd.AddCommand(newMigrationCmd) if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil { logger.Fatal().Err(err).Send() } } func initLog() *zerolog.Logger { logger := zerolog.New(zerolog.ConsoleWriter{Out: os.Stderr}). With(). Timestamp(). Caller(). Logger() return &logger } func initConf() (*config, error) { vi := viper.New() vi.SetEnvPrefix("SG") vi.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer(".", "_")) vi.AutomaticEnv() vi.AddConfigPath(confPath) vi.AddConfigPath("./config") vi.SetConfigName(getConfigName()) vi.SetDefault("host_port", "") vi.SetDefault("web_ui", false) vi.SetDefault("enable_tracing", false) vi.SetDefault("auth_fail_block", "always") vi.SetDefault("seed_file", "seed.js") vi.SetDefault("database.type", "postgres") vi.SetDefault("", "localhost") vi.SetDefault("database.port", 5432) vi.SetDefault("database.user", "postgres") vi.SetDefault("database.schema", "public") vi.SetDefault("env", "development") vi.BindEnv("env", "GO_ENV") vi.BindEnv("HOST", "HOST") vi.BindEnv("PORT", "PORT") vi.SetDefault("auth.rails.max_idle", 80) vi.SetDefault("auth.rails.max_active", 12000) if err := vi.ReadInConfig(); err != nil { return nil, err } c := &config{} if err := vi.Unmarshal(c); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to decode config, %v", err) } for k, v := range c.Inflections { flect.AddPlural(k, v) } for i := range c.DB.Tables { t := c.DB.Tables[i] t.Name = flect.Pluralize(strings.ToLower(t.Name)) } authFailBlock = getAuthFailBlock(c) logLevel, err := zerolog.ParseLevel(c.LogLevel) if err != nil { logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("error setting log_level") } zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(logLevel) //fmt.Printf("%#v", c) return c, nil } func initDB(c *config) (*pgx.Conn, error) { config, _ := pgx.ParseConfig("") config.Host = c.DB.Host config.Port = c.DB.Port config.Database = c.DB.DBName config.User = c.DB.User config.Password = c.DB.Password config.RuntimeParams = map[string]string{ "application_name": c.AppName, "search_path": c.DB.Schema, } switch c.LogLevel { case "debug": config.LogLevel = pgx.LogLevelDebug case "info": config.LogLevel = pgx.LogLevelInfo case "warn": config.LogLevel = pgx.LogLevelWarn case "error": config.LogLevel = pgx.LogLevelError default: config.LogLevel = pgx.LogLevelNone } config.Logger = zerologadapter.NewLogger(*logger) db, err := pgx.ConnectConfig(context.Background(), config) if err != nil { return nil, err } return db, nil } func initDBPool(c *config) (*pgxpool.Pool, error) { config, _ := pgxpool.ParseConfig("") config.ConnConfig.Host = c.DB.Host config.ConnConfig.Port = c.DB.Port config.ConnConfig.Database = c.DB.DBName config.ConnConfig.User = c.DB.User config.ConnConfig.Password = c.DB.Password config.ConnConfig.RuntimeParams = map[string]string{ "application_name": c.AppName, "search_path": c.DB.Schema, } switch c.LogLevel { case "debug": config.ConnConfig.LogLevel = pgx.LogLevelDebug case "info": config.ConnConfig.LogLevel = pgx.LogLevelInfo case "warn": config.ConnConfig.LogLevel = pgx.LogLevelWarn case "error": config.ConnConfig.LogLevel = pgx.LogLevelError default: config.ConnConfig.LogLevel = pgx.LogLevelNone } config.ConnConfig.Logger = zerologadapter.NewLogger(*logger) // if c.DB.MaxRetries != 0 { // opt.MaxRetries = c.DB.MaxRetries // } if c.DB.PoolSize != 0 { config.MaxConns = conf.DB.PoolSize } db, err := pgxpool.ConnectConfig(context.Background(), config) if err != nil { return nil, err } return db, nil } func initCompiler() { var err error qcompile, pcompile, err = initCompilers(conf) if err != nil { logger.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("failed to initialize compilers") } if err := initResolvers(); err != nil { logger.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("failed to initialized resolvers") } }