Why GraphQL GraphQL is the future of APIs Tags: GraphQL, API, GoLang, Postgres Vikram Rangnekar https://twitter.com/@dosco * Trends, Why APIs are Important - An API first world - Rise of API only startups - Rise of integrations - Rise of fullstack developers - Rise of Single-Page-Apps * Web Development Today A big part of web development is building CRUD APIs to read update and delete things from a database. Get all products that belong to user 5 .link http://your-startup.com/apis/v1/users/5/products Another way to do this .link http://your-startup.com/apis/v1/products?user_id=5 Maybe you just need only cheaper products .link http://your-startup.com/apis/v1/products?user_id=5&price_under=12 * So what's the problem here? - Too many decisions no real standards - Harder to be consistant - Rinse and repeat for every new API - Too much data over the wire - Boring, we rather work on more interesting things - Slows down dev. cycles * GraphQL query { user(id: 5) { products { id name photo : image customers { name email } } } } * Perceived bad parts of GraphQL - Perceived as new and shiny - Not cache friendly (Not true) - Only best data fetching - New frameworks to learn - Is it just an API gateway? - Write more code * Super Graph - An instant GraphQL API for Postgres - GraphQL without writing any code - Automatically learns your database - Full text search, Aggregations, etc - Supports Rails cookies and JWT tokens - Join with remote REST APIs - Highly optimized and fast Postgres SQL queries - High performance GO codebase - Tiny docker image and low memory requirements * Let's talk about Postgres DB - Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability - Full support for JSON - Full-text search - Graph DB (WITH RESURSIVE clause) - Timeseries DB (WINDOW functions) - GIS Location DB (PostGIS) - Custom Columns (Bloomfilter, etc) - Nearest Neighbour Searches (GIST Index) - Row level security - Versioning support All your micro-services in one * Super Graph gives Fullstack Devs superpowers .iframe https://giphy.com/gifs/3o6ZsYzuLyRfSGX4f6/html5 500 900