package core import ( "strings" "" "" "" "" ) var typeMap map[string]string = map[string]string{ "smallint": "Int", "integer": "Int", "bigint": "Int", "smallserial": "Int", "serial": "Int", "bigserial": "Int", "decimal": "Float", "numeric": "Float", "real": "Float", "double precision": "Float", "money": "Float", "boolean": "Boolean", } func (sg *SuperGraph) initGraphQLEgine() error { engine := graphql.New() engineSchema := engine.Schema dbSchema := sg.schema if err := engineSchema.Parse(`enum OrderDirection { asc desc }`); err != nil { return err } gqltype := func(col psql.DBColumn) schema.Type { typeName := typeMap[strings.ToLower(col.Type)] if typeName == "" { typeName = "String" } var t schema.Type = &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName} if col.NotNull { t = &schema.NonNull{OfType: t} } return t } query := &schema.Object{ Name: "Query", Fields: schema.FieldList{}, } mutation := &schema.Object{ Name: "Mutation", Fields: schema.FieldList{}, } engineSchema.Types[query.Name] = query engineSchema.Types[mutation.Name] = mutation engineSchema.EntryPoints[schema.Query] = query engineSchema.EntryPoints[schema.Mutation] = mutation //validGraphQLIdentifierRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*$`) scalarExpressionTypesNeeded := map[string]bool{} tableNames := dbSchema.GetTableNames() funcs := dbSchema.GetFunctions() for _, table := range tableNames { ti, err := dbSchema.GetTable(table) if err != nil { return err } if !ti.IsSingular { continue } singularName := ti.Singular // if !validGraphQLIdentifierRegex.MatchString(singularName) { // return errors.New("table name is not a valid GraphQL identifier: " + singularName) // } pluralName := ti.Plural // if !validGraphQLIdentifierRegex.MatchString(pluralName) { // return errors.New("table name is not a valid GraphQL identifier: " + pluralName) // } outputType := &schema.Object{ Name: singularName + "Output", Fields: schema.FieldList{}, } engineSchema.Types[outputType.Name] = outputType inputType := &schema.InputObject{ Name: singularName + "Input", Fields: schema.InputValueList{}, } engineSchema.Types[inputType.Name] = inputType orderByType := &schema.InputObject{ Name: singularName + "OrderBy", Fields: schema.InputValueList{}, } engineSchema.Types[orderByType.Name] = orderByType expressionTypeName := singularName + "Expression" expressionType := &schema.InputObject{ Name: expressionTypeName, Fields: schema.InputValueList{ &schema.InputValue{ Name: "and", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: expressionTypeName}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "or", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: expressionTypeName}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "not", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: expressionTypeName}}, }, }, } engineSchema.Types[expressionType.Name] = expressionType for _, col := range ti.Columns { colName := col.Name // if !validGraphQLIdentifierRegex.MatchString(colName) { // return errors.New("column name is not a valid GraphQL identifier: " + colName) // } colType := gqltype(col) nullableColType := "" if x, ok := colType.(*schema.NonNull); ok { nullableColType = x.OfType.(*schema.TypeName).Name } else { nullableColType = colType.(*schema.TypeName).Name } outputType.Fields = append(outputType.Fields, &schema.Field{ Name: colName, Type: colType, }) for _, f := range funcs { if col.Type != f.Params[0].Type { continue } outputType.Fields = append(outputType.Fields, &schema.Field{ Name: f.Name + "_" + colName, Type: colType, }) } // If it's a numeric type... if nullableColType == "Float" || nullableColType == "Int" { outputType.Fields = append(outputType.Fields, &schema.Field{ Name: "avg_" + colName, Type: colType, }) outputType.Fields = append(outputType.Fields, &schema.Field{ Name: "count_" + colName, Type: colType, }) outputType.Fields = append(outputType.Fields, &schema.Field{ Name: "max_" + colName, Type: colType, }) outputType.Fields = append(outputType.Fields, &schema.Field{ Name: "min_" + colName, Type: colType, }) outputType.Fields = append(outputType.Fields, &schema.Field{ Name: "stddev_" + colName, Type: colType, }) outputType.Fields = append(outputType.Fields, &schema.Field{ Name: "stddev_pop_" + colName, Type: colType, }) outputType.Fields = append(outputType.Fields, &schema.Field{ Name: "stddev_samp_" + colName, Type: colType, }) outputType.Fields = append(outputType.Fields, &schema.Field{ Name: "variance_" + colName, Type: colType, }) outputType.Fields = append(outputType.Fields, &schema.Field{ Name: "var_pop_" + colName, Type: colType, }) outputType.Fields = append(outputType.Fields, &schema.Field{ Name: "var_samp_" + colName, Type: colType, }) } inputType.Fields = append(inputType.Fields, &schema.InputValue{ Name: colName, Type: colType, }) orderByType.Fields = append(orderByType.Fields, &schema.InputValue{ Name: colName, Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: "OrderDirection"}}, }) scalarExpressionTypesNeeded[nullableColType] = true expressionType.Fields = append(expressionType.Fields, &schema.InputValue{ Name: colName, Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: nullableColType + "Expression"}}, }) } outputTypeName := &schema.TypeName{Name: outputType.Name} inputTypeName := &schema.TypeName{Name: inputType.Name} pluralOutputTypeName := &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.List{OfType: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: outputType.Name}}}} pluralInputTypeName := &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.List{OfType: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: inputType.Name}}}} args := schema.InputValueList{ &schema.InputValue{ Desc: schema.Description{Text: "To sort or ordering results just use the order_by argument. This can be combined with where, search, etc to build complex queries to fit you needs."}, Name: "order_by", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: orderByType.Name}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Desc: schema.Description{Text: ""}, Name: "where", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: expressionType.Name}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Desc: schema.Description{Text: ""}, Name: "limit", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: "Int"}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Desc: schema.Description{Text: ""}, Name: "offset", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: "Int"}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Desc: schema.Description{Text: ""}, Name: "first", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: "Int"}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Desc: schema.Description{Text: ""}, Name: "last", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: "Int"}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Desc: schema.Description{Text: ""}, Name: "before", Type: &schema.TypeName{Name: "String"}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Desc: schema.Description{Text: ""}, Name: "after", Type: &schema.TypeName{Name: "String"}, }, } if ti.PrimaryCol != nil { t := gqltype(*ti.PrimaryCol) if _, ok := t.(*schema.NonNull); !ok { t = &schema.NonNull{OfType: t} } args = append(args, &schema.InputValue{ Desc: schema.Description{Text: "Finds the record by the primary key"}, Name: "id", Type: t, }) } if ti.TSVCol != nil { args = append(args, &schema.InputValue{ Desc: schema.Description{Text: "Performs full text search using a TSV index"}, Name: "search", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: "String"}}, }) } query.Fields = append(query.Fields, &schema.Field{ Desc: schema.Description{Text: ""}, Name: singularName, Type: outputTypeName, Args: args, }) query.Fields = append(query.Fields, &schema.Field{ Desc: schema.Description{Text: ""}, Name: pluralName, Type: pluralOutputTypeName, Args: args, }) mutationArgs := append(args, schema.InputValueList{ &schema.InputValue{ Desc: schema.Description{Text: ""}, Name: "insert", Type: inputTypeName, }, &schema.InputValue{ Desc: schema.Description{Text: ""}, Name: "update", Type: inputTypeName, }, &schema.InputValue{ Desc: schema.Description{Text: ""}, Name: "upsert", Type: inputTypeName, }, }...) mutation.Fields = append(mutation.Fields, &schema.Field{ Name: singularName, Args: mutationArgs, Type: outputType, }) mutation.Fields = append(mutation.Fields, &schema.Field{ Name: pluralName, Args: append(mutationArgs, schema.InputValueList{ &schema.InputValue{ Desc: schema.Description{Text: ""}, Name: "inserts", Type: pluralInputTypeName, }, &schema.InputValue{ Desc: schema.Description{Text: ""}, Name: "updates", Type: pluralInputTypeName, }, &schema.InputValue{ Desc: schema.Description{Text: ""}, Name: "upserts", Type: pluralInputTypeName, }, }...), Type: outputType, }) } for typeName := range scalarExpressionTypesNeeded { expressionType := &schema.InputObject{ Name: typeName + "Expression", Fields: schema.InputValueList{ &schema.InputValue{ Name: "eq", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "equals", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "neq", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "not_equals", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "gt", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "greater_than", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "lt", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "lesser_than", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "gte", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "greater_or_equals", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "lte", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "lesser_or_equals", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "in", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.List{OfType: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "nin", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.List{OfType: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "not_in", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.List{OfType: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "like", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: "String"}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "nlike", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: "String"}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "not_like", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: "String"}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "ilike", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: "String"}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "nilike", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: "String"}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "not_ilike", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: "String"}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "similar", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: "String"}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "nsimilar", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: "String"}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "not_similar", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: "String"}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "has_key", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "has_key_any", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.List{OfType: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "has_key_all", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.List{OfType: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "contains", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.List{OfType: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: typeName}}}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "contained_in", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: "String"}}, }, &schema.InputValue{ Name: "is_null", Type: &schema.NonNull{OfType: &schema.TypeName{Name: "Boolean"}}, }, }, } engineSchema.Types[expressionType.Name] = expressionType } if err := engineSchema.ResolveTypes(); err != nil { return err } engine.Resolver = resolvers.Func(func(request *resolvers.ResolveRequest, next resolvers.Resolution) resolvers.Resolution { resolver := resolvers.MetadataResolver.Resolve(request, next) if resolver != nil { return resolver } resolver = resolvers.MethodResolver.Resolve(request, next) // needed by the MetadataResolver if resolver != nil { return resolver } return nil }) = engine return nil }